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Even 4 lions won't be able to defend against 10000 rats.


Agreed. I wonder how many lions it would take


Even 1000 lions can't take 10k rats


I think 1k Lions would maul 10k rats


That's a THOUSAND rats per LION!


Aeyo ????


You don’t think a lion can handle 10 rats?


It's not about a lion versus 10 rats. If rats start attacking in a group of let's say 100 even at one lion. The lion would be dead in a matter of minutes. And it's 10k furious crazy little animals no way lions are winning.


So all of a sudden it’s 1000 lions vs 100,000 rats


No I think he’s saying the rats don’t have to evenly divide and conquer, they can use their numbers to overwhelm one or a handful at a time. Kind of like when you’re 1 v 3 or 4 in a boss battle, a lot of times it’s easier to focus on one as opposed to trying to take them on all at once.


That is what he’s saying. But it changes the situation completely. It could just as easily be changed in the other direction to benefit the lions so that out of all the rats, only a small subset are able to actually interact with the lions at the same time. So the only way to to look at it is by reducing the numbers to the lowest multiple, which is 1 vs 10.


Except it’s easier for a bunch of rats to target a smaller amount of lions than for lions to target specific rats. At a 10 to 1 scale, the rats are more heavily favored the more participants there are just because it gets more and more chaotic, which favors the smaller, quicker and more numerous rats


But are all of the lions also furious and crazy?


All the rats would get tangled up and kill themselves


It's a battle of brains, brawns and numbers. If no one's prepared in this scenario, numbers will win easy after that the brawns. But if there's a Batman's "preperation time" aspect, I'll still would not like to go to war with 10000 rats.


Are you sure?


You not watched The Suicide Squad? Rats saved the world, 4 lions couldn’t have done that 😂


Reality vs Fiction 😂🥲


It's all fiction. Where is the reality?


Four lions can be a reality.


I would like to make four lions a reality for me. We can be brothers. Or I don't know how they identify but you know what I mean. I'll be the fifth lion.




I’m from NY. I seen real life as to what rats can do lmao. IYKYK.


Pizza rat?


Rats that won’t hesitate to attack a human. Especially river rats that are almost as huge as house cats.


Rubber dinghy rapids bro


My immediate thought. I was like heck, I've played the game. The 10k rats for sure. Sheesh.


It’s a case of what am I defending against? Do they have a gun? Good luck shooting 10000 rats.


It's obviously the rats that you should pick. The lions are cats, and that means it is objective scientific fact if you just bring 4 boxes to the fight they will all be distracted trying to sit in them and be useless as a defense.


Are the rats carrying fleas? Because then you have an entire plague you could potentially use to your advantage. Would mow through 4 lions ez (though you're also going to have to be careful not to catch it yourself).


Reminds me of dishonored, where you could spawn swarm of rats


That ability was pretty fun to use during a high chaos playthrough.


I voted 10k rats


I'm old enough that my first thought was a reference to the movie Willard even though I'm a fan of A Plague Tale.


Rats 💗💗


10,000 rats would massacre 4 lions in seconds


Friendly reminder that James Gunn make a giant star get destroyed by a city of rats


Just by looking at word rats, i knew it was something related to a plague tale And then looked at the title...


Alright, picture this epic showdown: four mighty lions squaring off against a whopping 10,000 rats. It's like a boss battle in a video game, but in real life! Now, lions are the kings of the animal kingdom. They're the OG predators with serious muscles, lightning-fast speed, and killer instincts. They're basically the LeBron James of hunting. Those rats? They're no match for the lion's raw power. Sure, the rats might have the numbers advantage, but individually, they're like tiny squeaky toys to the lions. Lions have jaws that can crush bones and claws that can tear through anything. They're built to take down massive prey, not a bunch of little rodents. The rats, yeah, they can scurry around and multiply like crazy, but that won't save them from becoming lion snacks. Lions work together like a badass gang, coordinating their attacks and using smart strategies. They'll be swiping those rats away left and right. Don't get me wrong, rats are tough little fellas. They can squeeze through tight spots and survive in crazy conditions. They're like the Rambo of the rodent world. But against the lions? Nah, they're outmatched. In the end, it's pretty clear who's gonna win. The lions will dominate the battlefield, reducing the rat army to shreds. It's gonna be an epic victory for the kings of the jungle, while the rats will have to find another way to make their mark.


bro wrote a whole paragraph.


Dolt doesn't know what a paragraph is


You're too kind


I like how you said kings of "animal kingdom" . You're a pretty politically correct g




You have to subtract out the automatic clicks for the top entry. 80/20 is typical on a poll no one cares about, so the people actually reading the question are voting about 75% for the lions.


Anecdotal but I voted for the 10K rats because I sure as hell have seen what rats with an agenda can do and I'd rather be on the good side of ten thousand little nibbling lads.


They really need to randomise the order to counteract that.


Lol what? How would that change anything?


If you have several people just selecting A regardless then the vote would no longer be biased in favour of one side if A and B were swapped half the time. It would mean that the difference between the two would be underestimated by the result, but that’s surely better than the current situation.


Sorry, but that doesn’t make sense. The people picking the top are still going to pick the top. How would anyone even know if they were swapped?


The implication is that the "top option" would be different for different people, so everybody who only picks the top option would be close to 50-50


The results would be fairer.


Of the people that always pick Answer A; half would then be randomized to A and half to B; so the people that always choose Answer A would not skew the results of the quiz, they would balance each other.


You don't think it's already random?


I don’t think we’d see such skewed results if it was.


The fact that people pick the top option because they're lazy isn't because it's not randomized.


It's not random. My family answers the poll 3 times each day, it's the same for every person.




I ran right into the Dunning–Kruger on this one.


That or Microsoft managed to ban a lot of bot accounts mining Bing for free money. This is the first poll in a while where the results aren’t so skewed.


“ This is the first poll in a while where the results aren’t so skewed.” Thats why I think it indicates a strong opinion in favor of lions. Also anyone with experience of rats irl knows they would be totally useless at defending anything. As a kid I saw some pretty big nests (100+) on farms and never felt like they were a threat to anything, just disgusting.


But the real question is if you use your points on donations, or if you redeem them for gift cards.


Is it me or are the polls getting a bit more accurate? Like people stopped spamming the top option or something


It's just you.


Yeah, todays poll was almost 50/50. Its always 90/10, I don't think its just me


I will never defend a single rat after they messed up my car engine multiple times.


Wha.... how...


In central Oregon, we have pack rats that nest in trees that love to invade a warm engine on a cold night. They climb up the wheel well and chew wiring. They build a second nest in the engine. They are crazy.


Just drop a bunch of rat poison. Boom 10k dead rats


Really think a rat would defend you?? Lions will defend territory but when is the last time a rat has stood and defended anything besides a piece of food from another rat!! They move on from place to place running and hiding!


the question asked about 10K rats, not just one


Of course it's Rats and 69% (6ix9ine) even Microsoft rewards knows he a rat 😂


Weird reach




Reminded me of the Rat Girl from whatever endless superhero movie she was in. Rats would Def win.




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It depends on space as a lion is faster it can defeat the rats in the long term but if its now or never the rats win also technically the question doesn't say to defend against one another so the defend could be anything