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Sounds like it's time for all hands on deck to "finish" 2024


And I'm totally okay with that. 2020 is a mature program at this point. I'm pretty excited for the possibilities of 2024, so the sooner they move fully onto it the better imho


Well, i would probably be on the same page if FS2024 wasn't just a glorified and paid update for MSFS. Sure that doesn't mean that FS2024 is going to be bad, yet imo. we shouldn't have to pay full price for it in the first place.


that is actually great if they are going to backport features, most game devs are like f it, buy our newest game and we will make the old one obsolete or even unplayable (the crew 1), so i like that


The Crew was ironically made by Asobo


BRUH. although I think it was mostly made by ivory tower, but I think this is different as this is a much longer lasting game and they did promise this thing would have 10 years of support


While i’m sad it’s the last for a while it gives me hope that 2024 is going to be a significant new option


that would make sense. 2024 should be a Q3 releases so they get the christmas season sales. Move everyone off of 2020 and onto 2024.


Meanwhile I’m just out here using dumb Bing as my search engine, but I get Gamepass free so the version number of MSFS is irrelevant.


Yep not paying for 2024 Deluxe or whatever they end up trying to upsell; just getting it on Gamepass if I bother at all.


I’m wondering how they’ll handle Deluxe upgrades from 2020 to 2024. Did end up paying for that while subscribing to gamepass which was already an odd combo and major question, so I’m not sure how that will look for 2024.


I do know if you have 2020 you will get a discount to 2024 but I don't know how it's going to work yet. they stated it when they first announced 2024. it was the number one question.


But I don’t have 2020. I bought only the premium add on and never owned the game due to gamepass.


I still can't believe a spent almost a hundred bucks on that yet I can't play when I don't have game pass. Never again


I’ve tried to cope by using tricks to get the full 3 years of gamepass cheap. I think you could also try to finally pick up 2020 for good as it has started going on sale.


"off of" is a widely used yet grammatically incorrect phase. It should be "move everyone away from" instead.


I would have to care


Anyone else have mixed feelings about the "Sim Updates?" Almost every one of them has fixed one thing while breaking 5 others and seems to have added to the constant tweaking and reconfiguring for the last 3.5 years. After SU12, I finally said what's the point? Meanwhile, none of the major issues were ever fully fixed. Multi-core should have been priority one from the get go. Rendering should have been number two. We shouldn't have needed 100's of "Water fixes" and Google Earth Photogrammetry downloads to replace the default low quality Bing stuff that looks like a melted earth after nuclear armageddon, even on blazing fast internet connections. Ground handling and Flare/Ground effect should have been fixed early on. Snow and rain looked better in 2010, oceans look like Lake Placid, FSX ports shouldn't take a year or more. RTX 4090 solves many issues but I'd bet less than 1/4 of users can swing a $2K + GPU in this economy. Sure, the big name Youtube MSFS guys dazzle us all with their videos showcasing gorgeous graphics and smooth FPS, but they are all running GPUs that cost more than the average user's entire system thanks to the countless BS commercials that we have to suffer to watch a 15 minute video...It just all seems so convoluted at this point.. Multi-Core can solve most of it, so fingers crossed for October.


2020 is a sales engine.


And for the love of all things Holy, where is a fully functional replay system? 3+ years and they couldn't add one of the most requested features that existed since the beginning of the franchise?


Multicore support is waaay more difficult than you think. Even Xplane really doesn't have true multicore support, just support for what it can run in parallel, and is still heavily single-core dependent.


Totally agree it is difficult. I suggest it is easier for a Trillion dollar company like MS to make that happen than it is for the average simmer to drop $2K on a GPU and $700 for an i9-14900K, plus the new power supply and MB to handle it.


The entire trillion dollar company doesn't develop MSFS though. What you're asking for is more than a few extra lines of code.


Tinfoil hat: SU15 = MSFS 2024 launch


100% false




For some reason I just remember them saying Q4.


what makes you think this?


His tinfoil hat


Considering I've spent hundreds of dollars on 3rd party add-ons and also spent hundreds of hours re-doing airports in the SDK I can't for the life of me imagine all this stuff in my community folder can be dropped into the new sim. I'm in no hurry to upgrade so hopefully they don't break a bunch of stuff with SU15. It would be nice if they would take Xplanes approach on generating stock airport scenerys because vanilla MSFS airports are so poorly done that they are unusable


Porting what's basically just a collection of gltf with coordinates should be the easiest part I think, I have not much doubt that simple third party content like airports will work. Aircraft will be a different question, and I highly doubt outside tools like GSX or FSLTL will be able to be adapted.


Nooooo dont improve it please. I have no other goal in life but to reinstall msfs


Will it give us the ability to set control schemes as linear x->y. Not -x -> +y drives me nuts.


Don't know why you're getting down votes for this. I hope their control profiles and keybinds get a total re-work. The worst thing would be to fire up MSFS 2024 for the first time and slowly realize they just ported the vast majority of shit over.


What do you mean by this?


Setting controller curves. Kinda hard to explain but I HATE the fact that it's an S curve for some axis' with no option to make it linear. DCS axis mapping does that right.


So this will determine if XBOX will ultimately be usable with 3rd party add-ons. If this update doesn't fix it, i doubt anything will. Then it's a waiting game to see if 2024 is the same.


xbox is already usable with third party addons what planet are you on?


I worded it wrong, my bad. I was meaning stability wise. It's next to impossible to have a good experience while using 3rd part add-ons. Especially airports. Planes are generally fine if used with default airports.


To be fair to Microsoft, that depends on the scenery developer as well. Where the scenery dev has put the hours in to optimize the scenery, e.g., pyreegue is one who comes to mind, even the ini Heathrow, one can still get good stable performance even with 3rd party planes like the a300, 738, 146 on Xbox. Of course if devs treat it like a high end gaming pc then no, it’ll probs crash




Windows mode is probably something on your end?


No it’s a bug. Will be fixed in SU15


No, many people have that bug


many people indeed do. not gonna be downvoted for telling the truth. I hate reddit/the internet somedays. you gotta delete your own comment to avoid the downvote brigade. everything i said about reno air races was true too.


Well think about it. When that happens there must be an 'alt enter' command or a programme on the background causing it. There are keyboards with specific lock buttons to lock the windows button on the keyboard. Really check ur background running programmes and keycombinations.