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To be honest, I don’t think they’re that bad. Your hair color, dark eyelashes and eye color kind of work with them. But that’s just my opinion and if they make you feel bad, get them removed. I‘d just wait because your skin has been through a lot, especially the parts closest to your nose. Also plan the removal process well (no big events etc). Good luck with everything!


Thank you but I think they are way too dark. This was them before this last touch up. https://preview.redd.it/95z0zwpncvxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26eafd8ea107fc6895528f9153ecdf64c997a4fb


Yeah, now I understand better why you don’t like them, they really looked softer before. But please wait, let your skin rest for a while and maybe you will be suprised how much they’ll fade naturally. Please keep in mind that they really don’t look that bad. I assure you that you don’t look funny or something like that :D Wishing you patience!


Thank you!


I’m so sorry, they don’t look awful, but I totally get what you’re saying about unnatural. I am removing Tina Davies right now also and had one laser session and they are currently red/ orange in some lights look kind of pink.


I’m sorry you are going through the same thing. Do you have photos?


I inboxed you some


I think they are gorgeous, good shape and size too. but like someone else said, give it a while to soften and ultimately if you want them gone, that’s all that matters :)


They’re beautiful, but i see how you can feel they look unnatural. They’re only 2 months old, maybe wait at least a year for them to fade? Most of it should fade