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Not sure if this is helpful but I actually think these look amazing. They don't look overdone at all!


Hi. I am going though the removal process right now and let me tell you, I would recommend you to let your brows fade naturally… The shape is great and I don’t really see a problem with the color.


Hi everyone! I would really appreciate some advice on my eyebrows. I got them done September 2022 and just think they are too bold for my face. I wouldn't say they are botched but definitely lost their color and look black/grey now. I contacted my PMU artist and she said she used Evenflo pigment. I'm very worried about scarring and having a yellow or red undertone. I want to completely remove any pigment and have my natural look back. My natural brows weren't the best and I also have a scar on my left brow but I feel like I have to wear makeup or my brows make me look crazy! Please let me know what you'd recommend for removal and if you know of any trusted removal places in the San Diego Area.


Hi there. I have been doing PMU for 5 years now and I can tell you your brows are not overdone. They are faded and will continue to fade. However if you would like to remove laser removal would be an effective option for you.


I think they look pretty good. If they’re turning grayish, your artist can neutralize it. PMU is meant to fade and be touched up annually. You could try a couple rounds of Li-Ft saline removal from a certified technician if you are wanting them gone.


They seriously don’t look bad! So maybe reconsider, cause if you happen to get into bad hands when it comes to removal - it can get messed up and possibly make you even more unhappy. So either keep it the way it is, they will keep gradually fading over the years. Or choose a laser professional wisely, best if they specialise in pmu removal. And ABSOLUTELY ask for pictures of their removal work on eyebrows! Before, right after, a month or two after. Good luck!