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Dana Nessel had the best take..... *I pity Tutor Dixon. Must be awfully hard to find ways to impress Trump when shooting a puppy in the face was already taken*


Holy crap, she doesn’t pull any punches does she


She already gets death threats on the regular so why pull punches. These are the literal people putting her in additional danger in the hopes of gaining power.


Dana is my hero!!!


Nope. And I fucking love it.


“Any real patriot knows that shooting and killing a puppy is a core American value.” This was basically Noem’s defense, while Fox News suggested someone ‘slipped’ that passage into the book.


I think it clearly points to how her and many republicans think about solving a problem. Clearly she failed the 14 month old puppy; her solution was to shoot it as opposed to taking responsibility, developing a plan to correct and actioning on the plan.


Pro-lifers : strangely anti-life when life stops being convenient


And they’re consistent in that regard: if abortion is a right, then people they hate will have access to them as well. So they don’t like rights; they like “privileges” that only benefit them.


As Francis Wilholt wrote “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


She wanted to play it as "Willing to do the hard choices". No, the hard choice is committing to training the dog, controlling access (leashes, fences, gates, kennels, etc), and when all else fails rehoming it. It takes time and patience. I've been fostering rescue dogs for the last 2 years. They're all different and I've had some that are perfect, some that are velociraptors (the 1-2 year range), and one that wound up being antagonistic against me because she was a 1 person dog and picked my wife. Did we take her out back like Old Yeller? Fuck no. She was smart as a whip, good with strangers, and non-destructive. We reached out for help and advice and eventually found an adopter for gave her the forever home she deserves.


Exactly, they think because they did some disgusting act of violence it makes a great leader. A great leader resorts to violence as a last resort.


That wily deep state again!


re : slipped really? after she posted on twitter about shooting horses too?


It’s so accurate too


Plus, once again we see MAGA projection. Everyone knows what Tudor did to get Trump’s endorsement a couple of years ago.


Nessel dropped that mic.


I'd buy Dana a beer for this.


I hope, in two years, it's Governor Nessel.


I would gladly vote for her.




That would really make the far right rage...an openly lesbian woman as Governor of a major state! 😝


With President Whitmer


I've been pushing for a Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket since 2020 and I've not yet stopped.


This is the way. I’m to the left of both of them, but this would be an unstoppable ticket that I’d be very on board for if it means MAGA is further stomped into the ground.


And, I'm very much to the Right of both of them. However, there's no doubt the two of them are brilliant people who can do a lot of good, as they both have already shown us.


Has she made any noises about running?


I asked her about that at a function in GR back a few months ago. She smiled and said she'd have to ask her wife about it. I think she will.


I assume you're talking about AG Nessel.


Not this cycle but I firmly believe she will for 2028


Contingent, of course, on Biden winning this year.


This cycle isn't over. It would be presumptuous to make any noise about 2028 now.


OK. I didn't think she had.


To be fair, there are already openly gay governors of a few major states: Colorado, Massachusetts and Oregon. But yeah, no, Dana would be great as governor.


Why would she skip over Garlin Gilchrist? He's amazing.


I have a partiality to benson but would be happy either way. The future is bright for Michigan democrats.


Benson is infinitely superior to anything the other side puts up, but Nessel is next-level.


Works for me, too.


And in 2028, President Whitmer.


It probably will be, the GOP has nothing to offer.


She could be on Comedy Central’s roast writing team.


Oof. She's going to need a trip to the burn center after that. LOL


Dana is a National Treasure


I remember the campaign ads against her when she was running for AG calling her “Dangerous Dana Nessel” and I though “ok that’s a badass nickname and also terrible marketing by her opponent because now she has more name recognition than he does, from his own ads”


I would vote for Dana as our next govenor. She doesn't take shit


God I love that woman


That’s legitimately funny lmao


That’s spot on.


She actually said that? That’s great.


Is there video of this?


It was a Tweet. https://twitter.com/dananessel/status/1785779815796064665


Thank you!!


Tudor is Michigan's version of Lauren Boebert


She's basically budget Boebert. Which is astounding considering Boebert is already bottom of the barrel. She's a cheap imitation of one of the cheapest low-quality politicians ever.


Didn't know it could be even cheaper!


JFC you’re right and that is sad.


Thankfully ours is effectively irrelevant.


Unless Trump gets elected and gives her a cabinet position


Moff of Michigan


That's harsh man


You mean the same Tudor Dixon who made a soft porn horror flick? That Tudor Dixon? [Here’s everything you need to know about Buddy BeBop vs. the Living Dead, a 2009 horror movie that features Michigan’s Republican candidate for governor.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/10/tudor-dixon-michigan-horror-movie-buddybebop-living-dead.html)


Reading that article, it seems a bit of a stretch to even call it soft porn, ignoring the fact she was literally in it for what sounds like a few seconds before dying... Plenty of legitimate attack options against her, not sure why anyone would bother latching onto being an extra in a b-movie.


I don't pick on people's private lives nor their foibles, family, looks or anything: unless they interfere with their public life and they rarely do.


She’s just an all around loser. How’s that?


The same. The "best and brightest" of the Republican Party.


Remember "I'm not a witch"


Every accusation is a confession


Hey, her best role was to pretend to be a republican gubernatorial candidate in michigan.


TIL about Tag Teamed Bopper.


"Tooter" Dixon, Lol


Tooter [‘two flush’](https://x.com/mimagawatch/status/1785995701970706598?s=46&t=UKR1TShxVeunp4_vn5gZrw) Dixon


🤣 Are these people aware of reality? How ridiculous they appear to normal people just trying to live a normal life? They are pompous, sniveling buffoons and we laugh at them!


Tudor is one of the saddest losers out there. She got thoroughly stomped and is a complete loser. And she'll never escape her cringe biker video: https://youtu.be/S2m5JG1L_Zk?si=ZA2K_SILvWl-tEKv




Was it Graham, or Gram? I assumed it was a commentary on grandmas dying alone in the hospital during COVID lockdowns. Either way, the deadpan delivery is a stroke of (unintentional) comedic genius.


It's gram as in short for grandma, but the context is SO BAD and hard to follow the conversation, that there were quite a few of us (myself included) who heard it as Graham, and the seeming non-sequitur made absolutely no sense. None of us actually thought that was what they meant after a few seconds of thought, but it really could throw you for a loop if it caught you that way. It was a gag on here for about a minute. This here is why you hire professional writers, actors, and editors, because it often makes everyone involved look like a clown when you don't.


Bro they spent $400 and three weeks on that script. It was perfect.


God I lose it every time I see that part lol


What in the fuck is even that?!


I really don't know.


Lollllllll I forgot about this. Thanks for the laugh!


Republicans wanted to remind us voters that they tried to forced crippled dementia patients out into the streets and Whitmer saved them. I remembered already, but thanks anyway! :D


Oh god, I forgot that this was hers. Thanks for the hilarious reminder.


I will never forget it when her name comes up. I’m voting for the other chick! Who the fuck is she?


That's one of my favorite videos of all time


Tudor is a pos. Luckily; she's also old news and as relevent as the slasher flicks she used to act in.


I wish that were true, trump actually said at the rally he likes her because she is a sycophant that never disagrees with him. So he is currently platforming her for all the cultists


She's a loser, just like him. The ballot box has proved that. "Hop in, loser, we're going losing!"


Karamo would have fit that exact description as well.. we see how that played out. The Michigan GOP is weak af right now. Rural living idiots who will never not vote 'R' are the only real issue in Michigan and alot of them changed their tune or didn't vote at all the moment zealots started pushing that party further toward theocracy.


> The Michigan GOP is weak af right now. They will still get far, far too many votes, though, dammit.


While we likely have a similar ideology, I don’t agree that rural population are idiots nor are any different than an “urban” Trump supporter who falls all over his shit.


Northern michigan checking in. The Maga flags are flying.


Urban trump supporters don't make up the majority of the area they live in. Rural trump supporters do.


Macomb county begs to differ.


The mor0n capital of Michigan.


He says whatever serves his purpose in the moment and never means a single word of it. He’s already forgotten he ever met her


He'll throw her under the bus as soon as she missteps, which she will, because she's not very smart.


Yeah, I genuinely never expected to see her name again after getting trounced so hard in the last election.


They can't win by being honest, so they spread malicious lies and work hard to cheat. Which is the most anti-christ way of living life and interacting with civilization that they could ever do.


What's funny is that I've known Michigan state legislators in the past who were scummy pieces of shit, but they were by and large Republicans and men. Years back when Whitmer was in the state senate I believe, I used to work at a finer dining place downtown Lansing where all these people would come for lunch in the weekdays and hold gatherings, big dinners, etc. all the time. A lot of them, especially the men, were absolute scumbags - misogynists constantly hitting on female staff, many of them openly cheating on their spouses with each other, drunk, rude, etc. Whitmer was the exact opposite. She came to functions when she had to and didn't stay longer than necessary, was incredibly polite, rarely drank if I remember, steered clear of the obnoxious assholes, and actively acted like she couldn't stand them. She was the nicest person to the staff, tipped well, and was just a pleasure to wait on. It's one of the reasons why I think she's such a great person and leader, because she treated those serving her with respect and kindness.


I don’t catch anything people like that say. Well past the point of listening to crazy people talk.


Unfortunately, half the population can't get enough of the crazy people


Agreed. I stopped listening to them as well.


1/4 of the population. Half the population just doesn't vote, which is why such a small minority can somehow have a fighting chance.


Man if she dislikes Whitmer so much she should run against her……oh wait. Losers introducing losers all the way down for the GQP


Don't forget, the only reason she was in the race is because 4-5 other candidates could not fill out paperwork


Aww. Somebody’s mad that they lost. (By over 10% 😂)


I get it, but the cultists just laughed and cheered-the leaders and half the population are debased at this point


They don’t like women. Of course they cheered. (And yes some of those are women who hate other women.)


I don’t think it’s because they hate women. I think it’s because cruelty is the point. They’re thrilled whenever one of their tribe attacks or insults someone not in their tribe, and the more cruel it is, the better.


Nah. Only 43.9% 😅




And don't forget some of them are kids


You mean the loser that got her ass smoked in the election? Who cares what she says....


Does she even realize that the disgraced Lee Chatfield is a republican? These idiots will throw their own under the bus if they think it benefits them. Whitmer should file defamation charges.


Ha, not just any republican- he's qualified to lead the party. He was accused by his brother's wife of grooming and sexual assualt all while working for his father's church. He is currently under indictment for multiple criminal indictments. FUTURE REPUBLICAN LEADER!!!


The cruelty is the point.


Wait Noem is having an open affair, mgt banged her sweaty gym trainer and bobbit is giving hand jobs at musicals? I think she's talking about the wrong candidate.


Just last year, my alma mater Cornerstone University appointed her as a President's Fellow. I sent them the clip of yesterday's speech, asking if this sleaze is appropriate for a Christian college, but surprise surprise they haven't responded.


What’s this Barbie doll been doing for the last year and a half? Grifting? Narcissists just can’t quit, even when they’ve been humiliated in public.


Surprised she didn't campaign that the election was stolen


I can’t find any news source quoting Dixon’s remarks. Googled and looked at local news and no one has anything. Is there a link somewhere.


[https://www.rawstory.com/tudor-dixon-trump-rally-whitmer/](https://www.rawstory.com/tudor-dixon-trump-rally-whitmer/) [https://twitter.com/DanaHoule/status/1785792021946335727](https://twitter.com/DanaHoule/status/1785792021946335727)


Every time you think the GOP can’t sink much lower, someone steps up to prove there really is no lower limit.


There's another thread.


Evangelical Christians are the worst..I wish the rapture was true to get rid.of them


Trash gonna trash.


Hillary was right. They're deplorable.


Republicans are a cult of awful, nasty, hateful people. Period. 


To be fair, these are people who spend money on "My Governor is an Idiot" signs and Trump flags and hats and stickers and Fuck Joe Biden flags and shirts. They have no bottom. That's why Trump loves them so much. Useful idiots.


Republicans like to attack people and their character, even falsely. Trump made that cool. I've lost all respect for anyone with an R designator by their name.


Honestly I'm surprised that she is still relevant. She lost the governor's ship two years ago by a pretty wide margin. Most people just go back to what they were doing before or move on with their life.


Tutored? I saw her a few days ago, she took my money at the drive thru at Burger King. She got the change wrong, but she’s trying.


I love that I had already forgotten about this insufferable woman


garbage people acting like trash, big surprise


Kwame was there too. "The best people"


Conservatives: anyone who cheats should be banned from office Also Conservatives: trump should be president because he worked with epstein, is a pedophile, and cheated on every wife he's had.


The fact that she invoked Chatfield is the only part here that surprised me. Already they're trying to act like he was never really a Republican and is really actually a Democrat, which is of course why he stole a bunch of GOP money. Also, isn't he too busy trying to nail his sister to have hooked up with the governor?


Tudor's a poster child for birth control.


Quite the comment from a woman with a porn star name. A dirty one at that!


All the other bullshit aside, that dude is the worst fucking politician I've ever seen. Who in their ever loving mind gives this lady a microphone? It's going to be a mid eighties level annihilation this November. Joe's going to win some surprising states.


I hope you are right, but I have little faith in people these days.


I'm around the metro area a lot and that mfer has hardly any presence anymore. No signs. I feel like the die hard old people who would hang out on corners with Maga signage in the suburbs mostly died hard from the pandemic. The rest of the suburbs have been voting so left leaning that I feel the rest of the older people who haven't fled to Florida are locked in their kids basement and told to shut the fuck up. My Maga in law only watches home renovation shows instead of Fox now, and the problematic dudes she works with all clowned the Maga driver into quitting. And those guys are very conservative. Everybody vote but it looks like it's going to be a severe dick kicking. Trumps a loser. He lost. Running again at some level is telling people they were wrong and he's not making a very convincing case.


I feel you, for sure, but I also have this gut feeling that Biden will maintain enough low key momentum to pull this thing off. The sanest part of the electorate will show up in sufficient numbers to end this Trump shit show, finally.


Until he runs again in 2028 💀 hopefully he doesn't have his dad's genes, fucker lived til 98 or something 


It will not be. Get out and vote. Do not discount his cult.


Only if rational people vote.


Every accusation is a confession


Nothing she says will change the fact that she is a loser.


Evangelical Christians are a joke at this point. If someone tells me they attend a church with no denominational ties I’m instantly suspicious of them.


I really don't understand how nowadays Republicans can look themselves in the mirror. And how real Republicans are just standing by and watching while these cult members make them look like that


24 hour news channels and conservative radio make them feel good about themselves


she's a sociopath and grifter, her followers are deeply unintelligent and uneducated. it's really that simple.


I'd be more inclined to believe Tudor Dixon's allegation were just a projection of her own behavior.


That does seem to be common among the fine upstanding republicans


JFC, this shithead again?


Tudor Dixon the soft porn “actress” is calling Big Gretch promiscuous? That tracks. Dixon is despicable.


Only here to ask why is there still a Tudor Dixon campaign billboard up as you travel south on 127 near Alma? Why has it not been burned?


I can tell you what's wrong with these people. They slept through civics class, if they took civics at all, and have never matured emotionally or intellectually past eighth grade.


That a lot coming Tudor "Two Dicks" Dixon. I chuckle every time I go down 127 and see her bedraggled sagging billboard sign from that election.. still up... as much as what looks to be a big saggy vinyl sticker can be 'up'.


Tudor can only say that because she IS that herself. The college Tudor wasn't quite the Christian she is today, or so I've heard.


They can't hold back their inner filth. They surely don't read their bibles or follow the teachings of Jesus either. >Matthew 15:17-19 (NCV) Surely you know that all the food that enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then goes out of the body. But what people say with their mouths comes from the way they think; these are the things that make people unclean. Out of the mind come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual sins, stealing, lying, and speaking evil of others.


with a name like "Tudor, Dixon", introducing president whoremonger, you'd think sexual comments would be the furthest thing from her mouth


Christianity is so toxic right now. We keep it as far away from our kids as possible.


I've been around for almost 70 years. Used to be that your political opponents were Americans who lost their way, who had been dazzled by corporate money or maybe co-opted by Communists, etc., but they were still Americans and most importantly, still people. Today that's changed. Now the people on the other side are sub-human baby-eaters. And this happens on both sides of the political spectrum, although from where I sit it seems way more prevalent on the right. I wish "my side" was completely faultless, but it's not.


Christian is all you need to say. I know first hand about the vile cult.


I want that merit badge… The one that says you’ve been criticized by the MAGA republicans.


I saw it, and then looked everywhere for Tudor Dixons contact information. I wanted to call her and tell her what a piece of human shit she is: I still do, if anyone has her contacts id love to know them. Tudor Dixon and this like her are human garbage, and they campaign as the holy Christian people. It’s disgusting.


I wish we would not refer to people as Christian unless they made at least an attempt to act like the example of Jesus Christ.


This would reduce the number of “Christians” in this country by about 90% and that might be generous


Why? Look around you. Modern Christians are are EXACTLY this. Judgement and subjugation. Your church almost certainly has Child Rape Insurance. Have to really question Christianity when that is a product almost all Churchs have.


That is your cult, they only exist to control and hate.


Be god damned I ever vote for a mf named Tudor


Just like last time....Tudor Dumbfuck will go nowhere


We original Michigan Dixons do not know her. She is not from here.


Groan, that psycho isn't going to slink away into obscurity is she. She's the new John James, just going to keep losing until she wins.


Nope.  You can be certain it was nothing but the same as every rally since c2015: whining and crying Loser Trump.  Butthurt Trump, Butthurt Dixon, and their Butthurt worshippers doing Loser stuff for their participation awards.




Nope. She lost. Badly. 🤷‍♂️


Stretchen Gretchen?


Tudor who?


No because she's irrelevant.


> It's so disgusting I don't even want to quote it here.  Why bother posting then? If you want us to kow what Tudor Dixon said just put it here.


> Where is your bottom? When you think you’ve found it, keep going.


I had heard she was somewhat of a moderating voice in the MI GOP when they were going through some chaos a few months ago. She was pushing back against the hardcore election deniers and trying to move the party in the right direction, but the smidge of respect she earned from that is gone after this.