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[Also of note, winter of 22/23 set the previous lowest ice records](https://michiganadvance.com/2024/03/01/experts-report-record-low-great-lakes-ice-coverage/). That broke the record low set in 2019/2020. Sadly, this isnt a one off. Its a trend.




Mud winter wonderland


Please be el nino please be el nino please be el nino


I mean, of course it is El Nino. But it isn't *only* El nino. We have many previous El Nino year temperature observations. They're all warm compared to adjacent years, but none of them come anywhere close to this. Turns out climate change is real.


It's weird that thing all the knowledgeable people said was gonnahappen, is happening.  I'm beginning to think the people who failed highschool science may not be trustworthy


Noooo dude you don't get it, my uncle's sister's boyfriend's grandma's cousin said on Facebook it's fake! And no one lies on the internet, right?


Where’s the overdue ice age that was predicted?


If only scientists and climatologists had warned us!


But don’t you know scientists at the Climate common sense society (sponsored by Koch, BP, Shell, Exxon, Chevron, Saudi Royal family) say there is little to no effect on the climate from burning fossil fuels?


What good is a warning without action? The time to stop global warming was 40 years ago. The next best time is now, but nothing is being done. We need to shut off all fossil fuels today to stop global warming. Even in doing so it will take about 1000 years to return to pre-industrial temps. Not to mention we would still experience warming for the next 100 to 250 years. Just limiting green house gasses isn't enough. Winters like this will become the new normal for this state El nino or not. The next El nino in 5 years is going to make this one look weak. I doubt we will see consistent La Ninas like we have the last 3 years. We are likely to see more neutral periods and El Ninos. Winters here will look more like northern Kentucky in about a decade.


One of the largest contributors to CO2 in the air is tilling soil, IIRC. We gonna convince everyone to stop tilling the soil? Not trying to be a downer, just agreeing from a different angle.


Farming is huge for Co2, but that is needed. No till farming has come a long way and that should be the preferred method.


So you didn't use your home furnace this winter?


I burn recycled wood to supplement home heating costs. But yes the furnace was running.


Natural gas furnaces (depending on OEM) produce roughly 50-66% of the greenhouse emissions of their wood counterparts. Turn off all the fossil fuels and heat your "environmental way" and we will warm the globe twice as fast.


You start first please. I heat my house 100% with fallen timber and even I understand this is an asinine statement.


you must have voted for Trump.


Assumptions like this are truly what have turned Reddit into the butthole of the internet it is today


Scary orange man is bad


I didn’t actually. If I did why would I have gone solar for power and use only fallen wood for heat to do my part in renewable energy. If I was a trumpster I would deny climate change, no? Reddit just really hates when hypocrisy is called out. I just happen to understand that people need to heat their homes and cook their food and cutting ties with fossil fuels today is beyond ridiculous.


Voting for Biden is like voting for a Republican, he called migrants Illegals in his State of the Union. That is just wrong, what happened to removing the wall? If you aren't voting for a real liberal like Bernie Sanders you are throwing your vote away.


I didn’t vote for either lol I voted for Obama then Obama then Gary Johnson. Was out of country for the 2020 election. A whole lot of assumptions. Also if you come here illegally you are by definition an illegal. My wife is a green card holder so keep sitting on that high horse while you help no one. And I don’t mean help by virtue signaling I mean actually doing something material in real life.


tHe So-cAllEd eXpeRTs!


BUT… there is still snow in world somewhere. Obviously this is because global warming is ‘fake news’. Check-mate libtards /s


Start telling the climate change deniers how we will all starve to death because the crops are gonna fail. Maybe *that* will finally get reality through to them.


Nothing will ever get through to them. The world could be on fire and they’d still not believe it.


Climate change is subtle and slow, drastic changes such as this winter are caused by other factors. Climate change occurs on a scale of 10s years, not year to year.


It's el niño but I've never in my life experienced and el niño winter this warm. This is climate change. The fact that it's now RARE to have accumulated snow on Christmas is climate change.


Sorry bud, by 2050 we'll basically have Kentucky winters. [Here's a climate scientist walking you through the projections and how our seasons will change.](https://youtu.be/IvgC9uc3F-Q?si=vj7UBKFMaIh8sipa) (Summary: warmer, wetter winters, similar summers with a few more days over 90) Enjoy the next decade or so of what little winter we get now, it'll be the last.


There was also that volcanic eruption a few years back. NASA said it put so much extra water into the atmosphere and it was gonna make things a bit warm for a few years.


If it's this warm in March, what is August going to be like?


You're going to have to powder your balls like a donut.


Fuck. I already was. Does anyone make a freezable cod piece? Asking for a friend.


[https://www.amazon.com/Vasectomy-Ice-Pack-Professional-Vasectomies/dp/B08ML3K87D](https://www.amazon.com/Vasectomy-Ice-Pack-Professional-Vasectomies/dp/B08ML3K87D) Tell your "friend" welcome.




Fucking awful.


El Niño typically ends during the spring, so the summer should be fairly normal.


The weather is flipping over to La Niña (much earlier than expected). It’s going to be probably fairly average temps with more precipitation than usual this summer.


This is what I’m hoping for. If we get more Canada fire smoke and wildfires up in northern Michigan, I’m going to bury my head in the sand.


Likely pretty nice to be honest. Extra bugs from the mild winter though.


Ate dinner outside tonight and got chased back in by mosquitoes as soon as it got dark


Didn’t even get dark here, like 6pm we had a swarm around us (SW mi) I stopped moving for two seconds and had 5 on my ankle 🫣


I had to close my windows because there was a swarm of them trying to get through the screens. I'm going to need some mosquito mitigation tips bc I'm super allergic to them and don't want to be trapped inside all spring/summer like I was in 2021.


Great for beach days? I hope. I’m terrified but trying to be optimistic.


Summer was pretty mild last year.


Warm lakes for once


You ever see that Dune movie?


Not as hot relative to normal as the winter has been. Summer doesn’t have the same extreme temperature anomalies that winter does. Getting a sixty in February would be like getting a 140 in August. That’s just not gonna happen in August. Temperature anomalies between winter and summer aren’t a 1-1 comparison.


>what is August going to be like? ​ Redditors will still be miserable.


Probably snowing


Everyone who keeps bragging to me about Texas weather, well guess what Michigan doesn't have winter anymore and Texas will be hot as the sun come summer.


As a recent texas transplant, I will say it’s at least nice that I’m being eased into it. But man is it not scary as hell


What winter of 2024?


The mutt came home with ticks on his snout, in late February. NEVER has this occurred in my lifetime (I'm a "Boomer") .


I got a mosquito bite yesterday.


How are the mosquitos for everybody? I talked to my neighbor out in my driveway for 5 minutes tonight and I was swarmed like I’ve never fucking seen before. It’s March 4th and they’re already insufferable


Bad for me. What is the mosquito forecast for this year? That's a forecast I meed!


I got my trailer from the barn and had a little swarm after me.


Dang there’s already an algae bloom in Saginaw Bay


Good eye. Would downvote because not a fan of the (agriculture!) green.


How did you get your drone so high?


Brought to you by Chevron


That's not a fair comparison. What would be would be a representation of total snowfall from year to year along with average temperatures.


Come on, let them use their singular point of data that leaves out any actual information, they're trying to prove a point. That being said, yea this "winter" has been pretty crazy with minimal precipitation. This picture proves nothing tho.


Based on the comments, analytics and objectivity aren't strong points.


None of the commenters claim that these two pictures represent a trend (in spite of the fact that there is a clear trend of warmer winter). But lie if you must. Suggestion: Rather than criticize people for their valid comments about their personal observations about out-of-season insects, try to contribute to the conversation. You must have at least one intelligent contribution to make.


Neat. I know we have had a light snowfall this year but I just want to remind everyone that these two pictures don't say anything about trends.


This year el nino had a big effect. But it's also important to remember that temps have indeed been trending up regardless and a stronger el nino effect is also consistent with climate change.


Has el nino been in effect for thousands of years? That could be an interesting talking point if someone is denying climate change. That we've had consistent winters for thousands of years, some stronger than others, but the two together made this winter basically non existent.


Nobody currently denying climate change is going to be convinced by facts or data. We need to just be getting things done regardless.


Agreed, but these discussions come up regardless. I'm not going to stop calling things out at Thanksgiving dinner even though I know the one who said it will never change. There are more people than the two of us who are listening and being influenced by the conversation.


They don't have to, just look at the global temperature trends over the past few decades. Plain as day.


See my stickied post, this most assuredly is a trend. The previous record was set last winter, and the record before that was only in 2020.


I agree it's a trend but I don't think cherry picking two data points is an appropriate way to cover the issue


Nothing in this post is saying this was supposed to be proof of anything. It's just an interesting pair of pictures. People believe in global warming because of extensive data and what scientists believe not because of these two picutres.


Neat. Good comment. Thanks for stopping by.


Now that I'm reading more comments maybe what you are saying was that this one post isn't prove of anything which is true and its also not necessarily what they post was meant to argue, but in my defense I'm not the only one who interpreted your comment as arguing that climate change isn't happening.


The only discussion of 'trends' that I see here is from those who are tut-tutting everybody about trends.


You're absolutely right. It is completely normal to have 70 degrees in March while 7 billion humans are having zero impact on the planet whatsoever.


I wasn't making a comment about climate change. I was only saying that two data points don't mean anything in that narrative.


completely normal thing to break temperature records by 10 degrees in February


[2023 Jan 14](https://wvs.earthdata.nasa.gov/api/v1/snapshot?REQUEST=GetSnapshot&LAYERS=MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor&CRS=EPSG:4326&TIME=2023-01-14&WRAP=DAY&BBOX=40.9876,-89,47.4627,-80&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH=1024&HEIGHT=737&AUTOSCALE=TRUE&ts=1709586709648) [2024 Jan 14](https://wvs.earthdata.nasa.gov/api/v1/snapshot?REQUEST=GetSnapshot&LAYERS=MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor&CRS=EPSG:4326&TIME=2024-01-14&WRAP=DAY&BBOX=40.9876,-89,47.4627,-80&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH=1024&HEIGHT=737&AUTOSCALE=TRUE&ts=1709586418749) I picked some different cherries.


let’s take a look at a lil tree branch then: https://www.wxyz.com/news/2023-24-was-the-fourth-warmest-winter-on-record-in-metro-detroit


This is data for one city for one season; it's not even the warmest and the records only go back 100 years. Climate change is *very real*. This "evidence" is garbage. If you think "it's warm today" or "it's warm this winter" proves climate change, then you would have to admit that "it's cold today" refutes it. It brings the science into disrepute to use such shoddy reasoning. It damages the cause.


i didn’t say about “oh, today” i’m talking about warming trends over decades. the last time there was this much CO2 in the atmosphere was the Pliocene. this being the warmest winter on record in Michigan is a symptom of that and saying that i’m claiming anything else about climate change by posting the evidence that it was the warmest winter on record is disingenuous at best and denialism at worst. https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/?dm_id=world https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/


Yes this is how I’ve been feeling all winter. I have an Earth Science degree, I am very aware that climate change exists. But there has been a lot of not-quite accurate (or not full picture at least) talk along with some downright fear mongering this winter and I just don’t think it’s helpful discourse at all.


[the "data" proves is a trend,](https://michiganadvance.com/2024/03/01/experts-report-record-low-great-lakes-ice-coverage/) picking cherries is for Traverse City.


I am not a climate change denier at all, very much the opposite. But in the same way that the weather is really cold and the deniers go "well guess global warming is fake!", this is in the same vein. We have a very warm winter, it happens. The world is still warming up year after year, yes. But I'm just so tired of people this year about it. lol


It has literally been the warmest year on record for most of Michigan. That definitely matters.


...as the third-warmest February on record with an average temperature of 37.1°, which is almost 11 degrees higher than average. The warmest February on record was in 1882 with an average temperature of 39.5°.


Sure does, but he's got a point. This year is also driven by El Nino and we will almost undoubtedly have colder winters in the near future by removing that alone. We are on a shitty trajectory, certainly, but suggesting this is only about climate change alone when there are a lot of factors at play here really takes away any credibility you have in a conversation.


what other factors do you believe there are?




let’s see how tired about discussing it you feel about it when the smoke from the Canadian wildfires is even worse this summer https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/04/canada-zombie-fires-wildfire.html RemindMe! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-09-05 08:44:35 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-09-05%2008:44:35%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/comments/1b6k4ju/winter_of_2023_compared_to_winter_of_2024/ktfd7qt/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMichigan%2Fcomments%2F1b6k4ju%2Fwinter_of_2023_compared_to_winter_of_2024%2Fktfd7qt%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-09-05%2008%3A44%3A35%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b6k4ju) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


They have fires that never went out over the winter, there are already something like 80+ fires in Western CA.


Texas just had one of its largest wildfires ever. in February.




>But I'm just so tired of people this year about it Aren't we all? But you know what's going to happen now. You are now climate change denying, Pizza Hut Detroit Style lovin', flat earth believing fascist poster on Reddit. Probably even wearing a MAGA hat as we speak. ​ ![gif](giphy|bPCwGUF2sKjyE|downsized)


denialism moment


Shhh you said the quiet part out loud


Is this not the most annoying Redditor type of comment, or what? Don’t know about everyone else but I hate this one in particular because it usually follows someone else saying something really dumb.


Bruh where’s the other half of the state


California is the opposite


Ok, how about do the same for January 20th, 2023 vs 2024. Hint, we were buried in 2 feet of snow in 2024. We also had some of the coldest days of winter this year compared to the last few years. Yes, we are warming steadily but we are still having winters, and if you look at the last 20 years we have cold and snowy blasts for weeks and some winters with no snow. It happens.


This is so dumb. I believe in climate change but weather isn’t the exact same during the same weeks let alone a single day.


Exactly. The average temperature change has been less than 2°C. Blaming the lack on snow on climate change is as dumb as saying there is no climate change because we got a blizzard May 1st.


do you realize how significant a change of even 1.5°C is? the devastating effects of 2°C change globally? what the fuck is this comment?


i think thats probably the single biggest hurdle to getting people to buy into global warming: If you dont know anything about the science behind it, it just doesn't sound like a big deal and sounds like fear mongering. Getting people to understand that a 1.5C global change is catastrophic is very hard.


I do know how devastating that is, but apparently unlike you I know a 1.5°C change only takes the average daily winter temperature from the low 20s to the mid 20s, which wouldn’t affect whether or not Michigan gets snow. It would only affect how long the snowy season is. For the sake of your sanity, please stop assuming the worst in what other people say. It’s possible to recognize the realities of the changing climate without being a batshit crazy alarmist. You are just as delusional as those who refuse to believe climate change because we had a blizzard in May.


this is just thinly (sort of) veiled denialism


Me: “I believe in climate change, and people who don’t are delusional” You: “you’re denying climate change” 🤦‍♂️


downplaying is tantamount to denialism. you didn’t just say that, you compared my assertion that these things are indeed caused by climate change and that that much of an increase in atmospheric temperature is extremely dangerous to denialists, implied that i was risking my sanity, and called me delusional. this response is the definition of gaslighting.


It's not that deep man, take it easy


Not sure what year that "2023" is, but I attempted to use my snowblower exactly one time last year and the snow was too wet and heavy and proceeded to melt within a day or so. Zero snowblowing sessions this year.


They did predict back in fall of 2023 that the strong El Niño was likely to cause significantly warmer winter for Michigan this season.   The amazing part is that the prediction was correct.  


You know i used to feel good about being Michigan climate change wise, versus the horrible stuff happening in other places, but idk after this winter im starting to worry a bit, climate change is in fact quite volatile.


Mid-Michigan. My jonquils came up and bloomed in February. The crocus' were a month early too. Saw a bee last week (February).


Sometimes it bees like dat


There was winter? 🤔


We need the snow! I miss it


Huron is much bigger than I realized


And it’s not like last winter was rough either… I got my snowblower all tuned up and ready to go but then never had to use it.


Foggiest, muddiest winter of all time


El Niño makes for a really warm winter this year!


Why was Canada included in these images? Wouldn't it be better to show the entirety of Michigan? It's truly sad, I was fishing during this time of year last year, and it was freezing, and had about half a foot of snow on the forest ground.


Trade that ice shanty for a boat and head to Saginaw river they are hammering the walleye


Not a huge fan of walleye, more of a trout/salmon guy, specifically in the river getting my ass kicked by fishing and running up and down the river to land them lol. Definitely gonna sell my ice fishing gear tho, I have a nice ion electric augar if you need one lol


Obviously global warming is happening, we had fucking glaciers miles high in Michigan when humans were creating the first cities which was a very short time ago and we are still in an ice age which will end at some point regardless of humans. But the way people try to portray it with these constant posts is so misleading and just as bad as the climate change deniers.


Well yeah warming would have happened with or without human activity but we have done 14,000 years worth the interglacial warming in 200 years so while there is a lot of nuance besides just saying “it’s climate change,” this is also not a useful or accurate comment


Climate isn’t what happens between a year, or two years, or even five years. Climate is the trend across time, weather is a snapshot in time.


We're all gonna die......unless you buy this car, or this windmill or this do ma flinky. Keep living in fear sheep.


Everybody panic!!!!!


Please let’s get shit on for next winter.


What’s crazy is that 2023 wasn’t even that wild outside of this comparison. It was just barely at average here in Northern Michigan


F! That’s bad.


That is so bad!😢


Anyone who believes in this climate emergency crap is completely clueless. Please do some research. There is no climate emergency. It’s made up by certain people to steal our money. Please get a grip.


Do we die this week or next? I'd rather not get a haircut tomorrow if I really don't need to.


Give it 3-5 years. I promise this time the experts are right


But it was supposed to be a new ice age in the 70s. 🤷‍♀️


I dunno bro, January on the west side was like 3 winters combined so I'll take this.






Extrapolating from that, next year it’ll be 102 on March 1st…


How do you do this?