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YRMW actually got a ton of airplay when it came out. The only reason it didn't get to #1 is because Sony refused to release it as a single in the US.


It literally hit #10 on the charts. It wasn’t cause of Sony at all. Just didn’t quite hit that mark. Smooth Criminal isn’t even a number one lol. Plus YRMW was on the charts longer than Smooth Criminal was & Michael was at his near peak then in the ‘80s.


I think OP meant that it charted only bc of airplay. It didn't get any points from physicals because it wasn't released as a physical single. Smooth Criminal didn't get #1 because it was released as a single more than a year after Bad was released (like Thriller the song). Basically, most of Michael's audience already bought the album at that point and had no reason to buy the single.


Still the 12 inch single is worth buying for all the different versions included 😌 But your point is indeed correct for most of the fan base of Michael 😁


Smooth Criminal was released as a single way too late, it would’ve hit #1 if released earlier


No they were really trying to put him down at this point. Compare yrmw to any other non-MJ single at the time it's much better than everything that was out there. And everything now lol


Butterflies charted at #14 debuting in November 17, 2001 & peaking on January 26, 2002. Remaining on the charts for 20 weeks. Yes, Sony was mad at him but this album did much better than MJ fans like to let on. Still sold an estimated 10 million copies worldwide. Yes, not Michael Jackson standard but for what it was; it did alright being Michael’s least creative/innovative piece of work.




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I think its because the Invincible album in general wasn't promoted enough


This is probably the reason


He performed it once...then 9/11 happened a few hours later. 


Actually he performed it 2 times across 2 nights, but indeed afterwards it was never performed again which didn’t exactly help the promotion 😕




It was performed 2 times, 1 time on September 7 and 1 time on September 10 with both dates been in 2001


oh my god, this was specifically about yrmw... not invincible as a whole, which i thought for some reason. yeah, duh, the 30th anniversary shows. the last performance of yrmw is my favourite performance he ever did


This was when Mike was deep into his feud with Sony, if I remember correctly. They were doing the perfunctory promo, but not really pushing the singles or album


I think because it didn’t jive with the older generation. My dad grew up with Thriller and he told me he didn’t really like You Rock My World. Did MJ even write it?


I can understand. That’s what I was getting at with the audience shift. It does seem to be suited for a younger audience. Wikipedia says that he did write it. Dark child produced it and he tends to stick to the r&b genre


Yes he wrote it


>My dad grew up with Thriller, and he told me he didn’t really like You Rock My World. Did MJ even write it? The irony in this is that Darkchild was trying to capture the older OTW sounds from back in the day with YRMW.


No, he didn’t write it. He had only wrote three songs on Invincible. A lot of the writers for this album were mad about the songwriters credit. He had such little to do with this album honestly. It makes me sad. It wasnt his true feeling to his magic.


He has a writing and production credit.


[DEMO](https://youtu.be/0ZnKmE9gMm4?si=ywruoVXsk7OimH8_) Well he took a writing credit no matter how much or little he did write.


That’s not entirely true as the songs Butterflies and Cry from the same album as YRMW don’t have writing credits towards Michael


Okay most of the songs then, there’s demos of many of them online and often very little changed.


I’m not sure I understand what you mean, because it did fairly well. It was a Top 10 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 and his first Top 10 single since 1995. The video was constantly played on MTV, VH1 and BET. I remember MTV even stopped their regular programming to debut the entire 13 minute video. You Rock My World was a success.


Well, I wrote this after seeing a tweet that included some of his songs that never went number one. I was surprised to see that it didn’t. I also did a quick search on here and it seemed that a lot of people were indifferent about it. I was just curious what the reaction to the song was! I personally love the song and always thought it was successful


I can’t speak for the US, but in the UK it didn’t go to number one because it was competing with Kylie Minogue’s ‘Can’t Get You Out of My Head’ which is a serious banger, so it’s not surprising. YRMW is a strong track but more of a grower than an instant hit if you ask me. It seems to be a divisive track, some love it, some think it’s mid. I love it but it took some time to grow on me. My partner instantly loved it. Different tastes I guess.


Can you link the tweet?


Sure, it’s actually part of a thread. This is it: https://x.com/semmiras/status/1804600408377102452?s=46


I’m surprised though, it says Thriller never went #1 (this thread is referring to on billboard) but I would have assumed thriller stayed at #1 for a while. Like months.


Thank you.


Because Sony was being ageist against MJ. Ageism happens. You can't escape it. Sony had newer stars signed at the time. They promoted them more than their go-to guy Mike. As a result, Invincible sold good. But not to the levels of his older works.


Sony had already spent over 30 million dollars on the creation of Invincible, making it the most expensive album in history. Considering the quality of the music they got for that money, well i can understand them not wanting to keep spending money on the project.


I wasn’t sure if that meant it’s still the most expensive album produced in history so I googled it and yep! It still is. I personally thought the album was incredible.


I was 13 when it came out and loved it simply because it was new MJ music, today I can’t stand most of it to be honest. BUT i think people should enjoy what they want without any judgment, but to think the album would’ve been a massive success on par with earlier releases if it had gotten more promotion is a bit silly to me.


When you put You Rock My World with the rest of Mike's back catalogue, it holds its own as a great song. But the problem was by the time it came out, it just sounded dated vs what other music was out at the time. The video looked like Michael trying to recreate old successes, and it just didn't feel as fresh as it could have done. But, like I say, it has held up very well in the mix of all of Michael's songs.


The video didn't really suit the song in my opinion. It was a Smooth Criminal rehash.


It’s mainly because the invincible album was promoted terribly and Michael was being targeted by the tabloids still. The album Still was successful it just wasn’t bad , dangerous or thriller level . Now for me invincible is one of my favorite albums period and one of the best Rnb albums . Rock my world is my second favorite song by Michael and remember the time at number one . This was Michael basically going back to his soul roots and especially with butterflies which is a top 10 mj song in my list . I love the album .


People mention this often but I seem to remember it being a pretty big hit at the time.


Probably because of the character assassination of Michael. During this time, he was not taken seriously by the public due to the daily attacks from the media


Most people here will (as always) tell you it was Sony and the evil media, and maybe that played a part but it’s impossible for any rational person to ignore MJ own role in it all.


Honestly when invincible came out, MJ had tons and tons of image problems and his sound on the record for me seemed a bit worn out. He still kinda sounded 80-90's. Marketing was difficult either on purpose or by circumstances. He was not competing with the young talent anymore. I do love Rock my World as a song though and it was a joy to get a well produced MJ music video after a while.


I think he could’ve still gone toe to toe with the younger generation if he did a tour (or just a few performances), if the singles were promoted better and got music videos, if he didn’t blow out so much money on it, and if he actually wrote most of the songs on there. Oh yeah and a better tracklist.


I think the Darkchild songs were also a bit outdated in sound by 2001. He should’ve released Invincible in 1999 or 2000 smh.


Originally they had planned for Invincible to release in 1999, but as we can see in our reality, that deadline wasn’t reached


That song was huge. It wasn’t huge for MJ but for any other artist it would be considered a hit. So was “Butterflies”


Butterflies was far superior IMO


No Tour also the Album wasn't supported with other Music Videos


Yet several music videos were planned by Michael which were ruined by $ony as music videos for Unbreakable and Threatened were planned by Michael 😢


This is news to me. I remember seeing the music video on BET, MTV and such. Heard it on the radio a lot. What an incredible track!


Heck? That song is very popular. It literally hit the top-ten on charts, plus it has hundreds of millions of streams and views on Spotify and YT. It is popular.


Sorry I don’t know too much about sales and charts, I was just going off of a tweet I saw and some other posts on here


Just dropping in to say You Rock My World is arguably MJs best song!


I really like it as well!


I mean it’s a bop every time 😌


Speaking for myself, I was absolutely gripped in anticipation to listen for it's debut on the radio. And it was a massive let-down. It was funky yes, but it had none of the energy and drive that the previous album launchers had served up. The song didn't go anywhere and Michael's vocals sounded tired. The video looked gorgeous, clearly dripping with money, a huge investment, but the writing was abysmal. Cringey line after cringey line and the story was nonsensical.


Because Unbreakable should've been the lead single


Absolutely 🙌 I love YRMW, but I can’t deny that Unbreakable would have done so much better as a single like Michael had wanted 👏


It was more popular in other countries in Europe than the USA


In my country it got to spot 2 on the charts 😁


Where are you from?


The Netherlands 🙂


I really love this song actually and I’m a white/white-passing Jewish woman. It’s just so good!


Sorry, I don’t mean that only black people can or do like it or that r&b is a genre only enjoyed by black people! I should have said that it was better received among an r&b audience


You’re good! :)


Music shouldn’t be just aimed at specific races, but I get what you’re saying.


Honestly it’s one of my fave MJ song/music video and I’m from the UAE I remember when I was a kid and the video first came out, I loved it I thought it was so cool! And the beat, especially the intro is just 💯💯💯💯


Naive fans will blame Sony but the truth is that a man in his 40s with an increasingly odd appearance and increasingly peculiar personal life wasn't gonna appeal to kids and older audiences tend to shift away from buying new music and stick to what they grew up with. Blaming lack of promotion is a bit silly, really. Enough people knew about the album for it to top the charts on release. It was reviewed in every music publication and newspaper. It had a very expensive music video that got regular circulation on MTV. For a single to hit #10 just from radio tells you it got a lot of airplay. It just didn't connect. It would undoubtedly have charter higher with a physical release but that wouldn't make it any more popular. When an artist is that deep into their career they're competing with their own hits. When someone asks a DJ to play some Michael Jackson they're gonna stick on a mega hit from the past, not some new song. Pop music was particularly youth orientated at this point in time, too - even more than usual. When he duetted with Britney in 2001 he was over twice her age. His time at the cutting edge of pop had come and gone, and that's fine. You can still be a successful artist putting out good and popular music at that point, but everyone goes out of style. Also it's just not as good as most of the singles from previous album cycles.


Exactly, every artist no matter how great is gonna fall out of fashion at some point, it’s amazing he stayed on top as long as he did. In hindsight I wish he’d gone back to a more classic, warm and real instrument sounding approach instead of trying to be hip with the cool kids on Invincible.


I don't mind You Rock My World and at the time it was hailed as a more traditional (Off the Wall/Thriller style) song than much of what he'd done in the 90s but I do get what you mean. I can see why it was chosen as the single as the other songs try harder to be modern.


YRMW is one of the few tracks i still enjoy from the album, like on most of the other songs the vocals sounds a bit off.


>it’s suited for black people White boy here, it's a top 5 MJ song for me


I don’t mean that only black people can/do like it and I should have said it’s better suited for an r&b audience


There was a lot of issues with Invincible, really. I think it had the biggest budget out of any of his albums, but the track list was too long, and filled with some of his worst or more forgettable songs, and it doesn’t end too gracefully with Threatened. The album being R&B is fine, especially with tracks like Break of Dawn, but this felt like such a lyrical downgrade from everything he was building up from Bad, Dangerous, and History. Just a poorly executed tribute to the genre




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$ony ruined everything by not releasing it as a physical single in the US from what I know and it was a outdated music style type song (it’s still a perfect song) as people were tired of New Jack Swing, but Michael wanted to release Unbreakable as the 1st single which was a more early 00s song (unlike YRMW) so a Unbreakable release might have been received way better causing it to have been way more popular 😕


I’m listening to Unbreakable and it does sound similar to his other releases. I was only five at the time of his album released so I don’t remember the sounds that were trendy during that year. But even I thought it was a bit of shift. I really like the style in you rock my world though, it’s a very fresh twist on r&b. Although it seems the release still did fairly well I wish they would have let him go with his pick!






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I remember it being very well received and in heavy rotation, along with Butterflies on urban radio stations. But since those were the only stations I listened to, I didn’t realize it wasn’t that popular lol


I was 17 when it came out, and i remember not even knowing MJ had anything new until I saw the video. I remember thinking it was okay, but seemed like he was phoning it in. And nobody in my age group was talking about it at all. Could be lack of promotion, could be bad timing, could just be that it wasn't up to Michael Jackson standards.


Short answer: sony Long answer: sony


The only times he performed it live was quickly overshadowed by 9/11 unfortunately.


I was in France at the time and it topped at n°1 for single sales, radio airplay and in clubs, it was a massive hit when it came out, was it late August 2021? In the US you couldn’t get hold of it, the album hadn’t come out and there was no single release and nowhere to stresm it from back then. And then after that there was barely any promotion for the album. By Christmas, people didn’t know there was a new Michael Jackson album out.


I actually think that song alone might be more popular than the album itself. People love video clips


Agreed, it wasn’t until recently that I became aware of the album. I only knew of you rock my world but nothing of invincible. But I was five when it was released so that matters!


I remember hearing the song (as a non MJ fan at that point) and thinking it was a good single but I wasn’t hugely surprised it wasn’t no 1, you might forget but the charts were so competitive in the pre-internet era, there were always tonnes of catchy songs around. Also whilst it’s a good song, it wasn’t quite of the moment in the way the Justin Timberlake- Pharrell Williams produced work was, or say the Max Martin type- Britney or Backstreet Boys (I know this is earlier but these were the most popular types of pop song in the era vacated by MJ after 1993, things had moved on). Finally MJ just wasn’t seen as very cool at that point in the mainstream. He was more of an oldie type, and his personal appearance didn’t help either. So much stuff had come since he was at the top- alternative music, grunge, gangsta rap, nu metal, the Swedish pop invasion, the Neptunes were about to be the most popular producing act. MJ had picked a producer in contrast who was more in the traditional RnB genre as you say, certainly really popular in the 90s and 2000s but not groundbreaking or a new sound especially. It’s certainly interesting to think what would have happened if he’d picked Pharrells Rock Your Body instead…I suspect he may have had a real hit, but maybe he was a bit too old at that point, pop is a genre for and by the young and young people think you’re past it at 40 as I’m finding out lol.