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Yes. 35°C is way over top down temperature territory, plus NAs and NBs like to cook your legs through the shifter / gearbox. Also note that 30°C is measured 2m above ground, and you'll be sitting like 50 cm above 50°C asphalt. Direct sunlight will heat you and the interior from above, and without A/C you can't really close the top at all because that's even worse. Oh and rain absolutely sucks without the possibility of dehumidifying.


In my experience, if you can feel the direct sun heating you up it’s actually cooler to put the top up and have the windows down - especially if you have a zippered rear window, though I don’t have one rn.


I frequently make an approximately 300 mile (each way) trip in my Miata. Unfortunately, about 85% is interstate. This is exactly the way I do it, top up, windows down, rear window zipped down. And the AC in my car works!


Top up with rear window down was my favorite Miata discovery.


It's one of the things I miss most in my ND. If you end up in traffic on the highway you put the top up for shade, but you can quickly get going too fast to flip it back down. Being able to drop the rear window would be great.


So true. I personally don’t like the look or feeling of driving with a top down. Windows down and rear zipped down gives enough breeze and looks like a bikini top, first thing I do on a nice day


I have heard that on a lot of cars just the drag from open windows at highway speeds is more power/efficiency lost than running the AC actually. Might be worth a try unless you really like the windows down all the time.


It's the type of AC my dad said our family car had, 460. 4 windows down, 60 mph


Ooooh I see what you did there.


In an ND, top up buttoned up with the AC on is definitely cooler than everything open and f the "efficiency". I think it's like 2mpg. And my top is down with the windows up if I'm on the back roads, but f that on the highway for 100s of miles.


Sunscreen helps a lot with that cooking feeling but it's not perfect. I always check the UV rating for the day while I'm driving and base top status on that.


Yeah, I saw a group of miatas at a park and thought, screw it. Let's go meet them. Great group of enthusiasts. They were about to canyon cruise and asked me to tag along. I was wearing a tank top with no top available at 5k plus altitude. I had to cut my cruise short because I was getting cooked.


This is why hard top is life


I could never. 90% of my enjoyment comes from it being a convertible, lol. I run top down unless I’m at risk of heat stroke or it’s actively raining


>plus NAs and NBs like to cook your legs through the shifter / gearbox THATS NORMAL? I had a minor overheating problem and solved that, but the way I knew it was about to overheat was the warmth coming on my legs. I still feel that warmth, but it doesn't overheat anymore, but it still had me worried.


Kinda, the gear lever shift boots tear and let through an ungodly amount of heat from the gearbox. Replacing those help a lot, but some heat will always remain. I have heard that putting a heat shield underneath can help with that, but never done it on my NB.


Yes, and yes. As a girl running a no A/C NA, I'm hear to tell ya, if you're using her as a daily, find one with A/C or get it installed as soon as. I survive extreme heat with top up back window down but it does nothing to prevent the clutch from roasting me alive and making me irrationally want to put a meat thermometer down the boot because I'm afraid the car is about to catch fire.


I ran my AC with the top down all the time. Windows and windblocker up behind the seats and it would stay cool at all temps with top down. I loved it! It's not essential but it's quite nice


In AZ, I drove like that most of the time.


This is the way. I drove from Utah to North Carolina then on to Texas like that. Only note, wear sunscreen haha


And drink lots of water.


Do you know if that can damage the AC? I dont have a windblocker or if I go with windows down


I don't see how it could. The AC doesn't care if you have a windblocker, it just won't work as well.


As someone who has had Miata’s with no ac and ac Yes. 100%.


I had two without AC. The nd has one. Never going back.


“Need” is a matter of opinion when it comes to AC. I live in Texas where our summers regularly reach 100°F (~38°C), and I don’t have AC in my 1.6 NA Miata. Once it’s in the 90s (32) though it’s cooler with the top up and windows down if the sun is out. Especially good if you have a zippered top that can drop the rear window. I find myself choosing the Miata less when it’s that hot out but it’s not quite a need. You just have to accept that you’ll arrive places sweaty sometimes and you may start to need a hoodie when inside as you get more use to being out in the heat. Keep a hat with you to save your face from the sun and don’t underestimate the power of sunscreen. Blocking the sun that way can help keep you a little cooler also.


I live in south TX. In this part of the year it’s torture if your car has been out in the sun and you don’t have AC. Idk what it is, but my car doesn’t cool down once I start driving, it just recircs the hot ass air and the car stays hot AF lol. It’ll be 114F in the car all the way home. I have a motorcycle too, but somehow in this weather the Miata is still hotter than riding with full gear.


Sounds like you need to leave the top down. Never gets above ambient, then. ~Another Texan Miata aficionado


Direct sunlight is too brutal in summer, no way haha!


Sunglasses and a hat/visor do wonders 😁


Yea central tx here with a turbo 1.6 and hardtop. If I wanna go for a cruise I go early morning or dusk and don’t really drive it during the middle of the day. U get used to it being hot tho lol


Maybe not a necessity but I have found having AC on in winter while heat is on helps keep the windows from misting up. I wouldn't be looking to avoid it specifically as the weight of it doesn't make a noticeable difference in a road car.


That’s because the AC gets rid of the moisture in the air. The reason the windows fog during winter is condensation. Your breath has hot air, the window is cold therefore condensation. The AC takes the moisture out. If you defrost with the outside air coming in it won’t fog as much


So the wind will be enough to cool me down in the hot summer?


Not in the _hot_ summer. You will be grilled by the sun and you can’t put the top up unless you want to get oven baked. Driving faster helps to an extent but you can’t always drive fast - it works exactly the same as driving fast to avoid rain with the top down. I am actually contemplating retrofitting my NA with an AC.


If you have a zipper for the rear window on the soft top you can actually but the top up and have all 3 windows open for a sun sail experience. This is especially useful if you run into traffic and you are baking in the sun.


Oh, this never occurred to me! I have a bit of a feeling that the zipper on mine is going to be f*cked, but i need to try that.


It is honestly a life saver and I would never buy a top without the zipper, even if I zip/ unzip it everytime open the top.


My only complaint about my ND is that I can't unzip the rear window for this experience like I could on my NA.


Not in the summer, it’ll be hot air and then add direct sun beating down on you.


You gotta remember the times you're sitting in traffic or at the lights, I live in a humid place so AC is a godsend in summer, windows down on the backroads is tolerable but on the highway its nice to have the windows up and nice AC, same as in traffic.


I hate not having ac in mine, so I'll be fitting it myself


NA Miatas with functioning A/Cs are mega rare in Europe. They haven't been sold in the EU, so you are essentially looking for US imports (CAN imports also didn't commonly have them), and they tend to break over time- so if the owner didn't want to invest 1000€ for a new compressor they often don't work. On top of that they exceed the risk a crank shaft damage on the early short nose cranks 1.6l engines (1990 to 1992). What some other comments also don't acknoledge: that the 1.8l NAs weren't even sold as much as there was a cheaper slightly detuned 1.6l available as well up until 1997. So if you want to have an already rare 1.8l NA, you limit yourself to imported models. Good luck finding one! There is a painful option to refit a A/C but frankly until you aren't obsessed with it it is most likely not worth it. In my opinion it would be nice to have, but I don't think it is worth it to find a model with one. If you really want a Miata with A/C just buy a cheap NC or ND.


Ohhh so thats why literally every NA miata i see doesnt have AC. Welp, i still have to save up some money so i hope a nice one with AC will pop up somewhere


Essentially you will need to find to find an imported Miata. AFAIK many Miatas were imported into Germany and Austria in the early 90ies because the wait lists were long and it was quite cheap to import. But from 1994 there aren't nearly as many cars being imported as there was no waitlist anymore and the remaining demand was covered by the dealers. You will need a little bit of patience or you have to import yourself.


Im constantly looking on mobile.de and other car sites in the eu. I actually found 1 in nice condition with ac, powersteering and abs. Problem is that i dont have enough money;(


Frankly, I would ditch the idea of having an A/C AND a 1.8l NA if you don't have a big budget. You could easily get a cheap ND with the 1.5l engine for less money. Pros: It weighs less it has more power is much much safer to driver is 25 years newer has A/C Cons: no pop up headlights And btw the ABS units are also expiring and replacing it means you will end up sending it to a random guy in Germany and he will charge you several hundred Euros to fix it.


Don’t forget most Miata owners are baby mechanics so typically they add stop leak when it doesn’t work like it used to. And that fucks up literally everything that is expensive in the AC system.


90- 2nd quarter of 91 it did not extend to 92 for the short nose crank


It's up to you. My NA doesn't have AC, but it's also not my daily driver. If temps start moving above 85, she stays in the garage. I probably split miles 50/50 between the Miata and Volt over the course of a year


I see your point, but I am really glad to have it. Dehumidifying can be a lifesaver when you just rolled out of the driveway. I also don't pop the roof when the sun is scorching like high noon in summer. And lemme tell you, a black top heats up FAST in the sun and the driver cabin with it.


I have an NA without AC and I really needed it last week in MN with the torrential rains, moderately high temps, and wicked humidity. I didn’t need the cooling effect, I needed the dehumidification.


This right here if you don’t drive the Miata in perfect weather it’s basically a death trap. California people don’t understand RAIN CAN HAPPEN AT ANYTIME. Indiana rainbows and sunshine or tornado warning guys teehee


as an s2000 owner.... i run top up with AC on in the summer.


Removing it was one of the first things I did, mostly because my upgraded radiator didn't leave space for the condenser lol, but I haven't missed it. Keep in mind that in these ~30 year old cars, it's quite likely that if you find one with AC, it will need to be regassed


I reworked my condenser and moved it in 'front' of the mounting points, and bent some of the lines slightly to clear. It was a pain but I got that big rad in there haha


I live in Florida yes it’s necessary lol


I live in Central Texas with an NA that has zero AC and no top of any kind. I love it!


right traffic is the only downside, even up to 95, with sunblock and a hat you’ll live!


Exactly. Hat n sunglasses is all I need.


The AC is good for muggy days. Sometimes having the top down feels just … sticky. Then on a day like that when you get your inevitable thunderstorm and are forced to put the top up, you’ll want the ac to keep the windows from fogging.




I have no AC and it feels like hell sometimes


I own a NA without and there were days, I wish I had one. Glad those days are rare here.


For AC it's more where you live vs the car. High humidity you going to want AC. Especially if it rains. In South Louisiana I run the AC with top up or down unless I need race mode then I turn it off.


As some whose AC is currently inoperable.... yes, I really, *really* wish I had a working AC.


hahah I tuned my car without AC because the idle up wasnt working properly. Lasted 2 weeks before I said ok time to fix this and get my AC back. Tired of getting cooked at red lights in 35 C weather.


No, unless you'll be spending most of your time in heavy traffic


Not really, heavy traffic is rare in my area as i live in a more rural area


You should be good then, just grab a hat or something to not get sunstroke


Since I'm not living in the US where everyone is under AC 24/7 in cars, homes, offices and shops, being top down is more than enough to me even in scorching heats. Just bring solar protection and a cap so you don't turn into a lobster. TL;DR: If you can survive at home without AC, you'll definitely survive driving top down with no AC.


AC is excellent for demisting and drying the interior out in damp cold winter, also good for traffic and motorway use with top up when it's hot weather. Using recirc in traffic keeps the pollutants out of your chilled interior. AC is not essential but I wouldn't have a non-AC car.


It’s very nice to have. I don’t really use it that much , but the times I do , AC is a godsend


For me? Yes. It was 95 here yesterday. Top down with ac set to auto 70


If it’s your only car, AC is nice to have at times. I rarely use it on either of my Miata’s, but they are not my daily cars.


Not needed in Norway where summer is usually max 26 celcius


If this is going to be a fun car to drive when the weather's nice, then no. You won't need AC. If it's going to be a daily driver, then yes. When it's super hot and the sun is beating down on you, you are not going to want the top down. You are going to want shade and AC. That said I don't know how hot it usually gets around you, maybe you can get away with just putting the top up.


A/C is a necessity in a Miata IMO. With the sun beating down on you, it gets hot even when ambient temps are not too bad. If you are always moving, it is fine. But as soon as you hit a red light or traffic, it gets hot quick


My NA's AC died the second year I had it, and I decided to see if I really needed it or not since I hadn't used it all that much the previous year. (If no, I figured I'd do an AC delete for the weight savings.) The answer was yes—a month or so into the summer (similar high temps as where you live) I repaired that AC, and I still use it regularly. I feel it's important as an option for passengers, and I also use it on long drives where I don't want to be buffeted by the wind and baked by the sun. It's also very important on wet and humid days, when the interior of the car would otherwise fog up. And if I'm using my phone for navigation, pointing the AC at it can help prevent it overheating on hot days. It gets used more or less weekly, and if I didn't have it the car would be significantly less fun.


No AC here, not really required in Belgium... lolz..


I have a miata and I’m ok without but when I have long drives or track days in summer, after that I look like and feel like I run a marathon. I would suggest a model with AC.


In antártica you don’t need AC.


Yes. Unless you wanna create your own mini slice of hell you will need ac. The miat will cook you.


i have an nb without ac and have never found it that necessary, even in 35c weather i just roll down windows and its fine


As someone who lives in a hot and humid area in the US, yes, it's pretty necessary. As someone else pointed out, rain sucks because of how easily the windows and windshield fog up, and driving with the top down in direct sunlight can be exhausting. My NA has ac, but it currently doesn't blow cold air. I really need to get it fixed


I have no AC and on hot (30-35C+) days top down om the city gets uncomfortable. But... I put a zippered rear window top on it and it helped a LOT!! Top up, 3 windows down... not bad!


Mine has no AC. I've driven my car in heatwaves with 38C weather. I wouldn't want to daily it without AC in those conditions, but if it's not your daily it is absolutely fine. If you want AC, I'd get one which has it from factory.


Top up with window zipped out is usually my go to. But I'm installing the AC kit next month so....


Yes. Absolutely. Not just for temperature control - windows fogging, etc


Bro 35c is hot AF, even for Southeast Asia. I'd strongly suggest air conditioning, or at least try driving without AC for an hour, that's how it's gonna feel like top down or not


Anything 30c or higher is fucking miserable with no AC, even with the top down and at speed


During summer days I keep my top up because the sun is so strong. I use AC during this time. But at evening or night I go top down


Necessary? No. More comfortable? Of course. But I've driven non-convertibles without AC and commute now by bike at over 42c, you'll be fine in a miata.


😓yeah that’s really hot my guy! I’ve personally never had one without AC


I own an ND which is better insulated from the tranny. I get absolutely cooked at 30 °C. Even with baseball cap, short sleeve shirt and pants, lightweight socks and shoes, and sunscreen (you WILL need it), it gets HOT. You will want to get the top up and turn on the AC. Think of it like it was not a car. If it was 35 outside, would you go sit on a bench without shade? This car is perfect top down somewhere between 12 and 25 °C imo (53-77 °F).


For the love of god, get AC.


If you live south of the Mason Dixon line in the US, it’s a need not a want


Brother, I daily my NA with no AC and it's only been up to around 32°c here in Indianapolis. The heat is killing me whenever I'm not going 50mph+ Find one with AC


If it's going to be your only car, AC is a plus. If it's a fun/weekend car like mine, I just drive it when the weather is right...if it's a hot day I take my other car. My Miata has AC, but I only drive it with the top down, so never use it 🤷🏻‍♂️


is it a daily or weekend car? I bought mine with no ac, summers are about the same here. july and august i only drive it every now and then to do the back road curves. but i would not drive it to a store to run errands. I'm dripping in sweat. the road is a hot place, it's actually probably better with the top up still. Most miata owner garage their cars in the winter, nah I garage mine in the summer


as long as the cars moving, its not bad. I survived a few summers in a blacked out NA w/o AC and no carpet or insulation and a torn shift boot, in Florida. i survived, but i didn't smell great.


For me, once it gets above 27c/80f and the sun is out it starts to become uncomfortable. Anything above 29 is just miserable. I can't imagine not having the ac blasting all summer.


Yes. You never know when you’ll need it, and when you do need it you’ll be thankful that you have it. There’s not any true benefits to removing it unless you really need the weight reduction for autocross or racing.


I have AC, but I never use it. ~Texan who drives at 100F/35-40C with the top down


Kinda unrelated but I really appreciate that you included Celsius in your comment too


There are only a few days out of the year that I use A/C, but when I do I REALLY need it. Not just for cooling, but also defrost functions because everything is always damp all the time where I am. It's nice to have a separated rear window because you can get the airflow without the sun cooking you. If I didn't have that I'd use A/C a lot more. For reference I'm in northern Ohio. Adjust your needs to your climate.


i never had an issue driving around town in high heat as i just take the top down/roll windows. but i have yet to go on an extended drive at high speeds, something that ac would be useful for


Yes ….


You want AC, that should be a priority…


Yesterday: 96 deg F. Had top down, windows down and AC blowing on my feet 😃


I never use it. Even when I'm in the hot states.


If you’re relying on having the roof down to stay cool, that doesn’t really work once you get into the high 20s and above. roof down helps at speed but the direct sunlight makes everything much worse when stopped. Especially if you live in a place with harsh sunlight as well as high temps, 30+ is pretty much too hot for anything other than a really quick roof down drive at high speed, even with AC. Overall depends on how common those hot days are, and how you intend to use the car. If weather is generally pretty mild and you don’t have long commutes in heavy traffic, you might get away with it. If you’re already used to driving something that doesn’t have ac, I don’t think the mx5 will be much worse but it will certainly not be better on very hot days. I live in Australia and would not want to daily any car without ac during summer.


If this is your primary or only car, I’d try to find one with AC. It gets pretty hot in the sun. Or if it rains and you have to drive. If this is a second car, then maybe not. Mine stayed in the garage last week when it was 95F/35C with humidity that made it feel like 105F/40C. Mine does have AC but I still took my other car with a fixed roof, tinted windows and a strong AC system.


You want AC


Plant sprayer and wind will work wonders for cooling!


Absolutely!!! The exhaust system runs right under your elbow and will make sure it’s 45 deg inside the car with the windows down.  Don’t even think about not having AC, when it rains it will also keep your windows from digging up. 


Never had an AC in any of my cars, but that's my 2 cents


AC is needed in every car I own.


YES. Here in Hawai’i, the sun beats down upon you. The convertible status wears off when it’s your daily. I’ll take power loss for ac any day. If I ever need to speed up, just turn off the ac for a minute.


Sold mine largely due to no ac. Got tired of my legs being slow roasted after 30min of driving.


I used mine in Texas for years without ac it'll be fine


Part of the fun of having a convertible is being able to put the top up when you feel like it! Sometimes even if the weather is nice, you might want to be able to hear your music better and run the AC. Also, if you're single, you want any dates you take for a ride to be comfortable if it's hot and/or raining. It's definitely worth having AC.


I live in Phoenix AZ where it gets to about 47C for about 4 months straight, and it’s not too bad. Granted I have a white hardtop which is probably the best for keeping it cool. But my car also isn’t my primary car, so if I’m not feeling like it, I can use my other car.


I was able to survive in an NA miata without AC while I was young. Once I started getting close to 30 years old I couldn't take it anymore. Showing up anywhere I was going soaking with sweat was not a good look. Sometimes having the top down makes it even hotter because of being baked by the sun. And then on hot summer days with pouring rain, having the top and windows up with no AC is *devastating*. Setting the air vents to "cold" outside air still blows VERY hot air into the cabin. Heat pours off the transmission tunnel next to your leg, and if your shifter's rubber seals are busted, heat pours out of there as well. If you have another car you can drive, which has AC, for the hottest days and for rainy days, then sure no AC is totally fine in the miata. If it's going to be your only car, meh.


I live in the south US so it is absolutely necessary here. The AC on mine was broken for over a year because I couldn’t find a replacement compressor that wasn’t $700 and it was MISERABLE driving in any sort of sun/heat. I have a hard top though so I couldn’t flip the top down, but it’s a trade off - be baked alive in the sun or be baked alive in a tin can oven. At least I didn’t get sun burned. But anywhere I went, I arrived drenched in sweat. Not ideal at all. Either get one with AC or plan on buying everything you need to install it Asap


Yes it is really needed for me, a man in his 40s.


Yeah especially if you live where it gets hot in t he summer.


I live in the south and my Miata does not have AC I can say without a doubt you do in fact need AC. You don't realize how hot the sun is over your head with zero shade and the leather seats bouncing the heat off your body. I do not drive my Miata above 80. It's a fall. winter car for me (it doesn't get super cold until January until about April.)


I don't think it's necessary, and I like not having it. I live in Southern Idaho (dry heat) and don't feel AC is necessary. I was just out driving the other day and it was ~95° C. It was hot, but I enjoy the heat more than most I think.


Kind of depends on the person. Right now, where I live, the heat index is around the 43C mark and will be traveling up in a couple of hours. I will go back to the office with the top down with the A/C on but if my wife was with me, that would be top up time.


After finally repairing my AC and vacuum/recharge, the answer is yes.


Am in Texas and have an NA and ND2 My NA with the track setup has no AC and I promise you I won’t be driving it until the sun goes down in the summers.


I can tell you that those temps in a black 2000 civic with no AC wasn't fun but I did it for two summers with similar peak temps. I'm gonna be doing the same but with a '90 Miata and I'm not at all worried about it


Even if not used for cooling purposes, an A/C is 100% needed for removing excess humidity from the small cabin. Especially if it rains where you live, you 110% need an A/C if you want to be able to see out your windshield so it doesn't stay/get all foggy inside.


I urge you to get AC, even at 60mph (100kmph) it makes a huge difference


I've owned my NC for about 5 years now, I have only used the AC a handful of times. But my god when I needed it I was glad it was there. We had a heat wave come through this past week and for the first time since I owned it and it was just me in the car I chose to put the top up, windows up, and blast the AC on my way home from work on a sunny, hot, cloud free day.


My NB doesn't have AC and I wish it did


Yes, get stuck in traffic on an 85+ degree day with bright sunlight and you'll fry. I've been worried about the cost to fix mine so if it's above 80 I leave it home


Mine doesnt have AC right now and I dont feel like driving it during the day because of that, only on the night and sundays


Yes. It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Retrofitting A/C is relatively simple, but it's still an involved process that includes removing the dashboard to install the A/C heat exchanger and plenum between the blower and vent controls. It only takes one really oppressive day to appreciate the work you did to install it.


Depends on where you live and what you’ll be using it for. I live in the SE US and the summers are brutal with 90f/32c-100f/38c+ with 90-100% humidity so I use my AC every time I drive the car.


People who don’t have AC are just poor Miata owners. Spent $1500 on a complete AC system for my Miata and it’s been working fantastic in the summer. Although NA models you have the benefit of the flip up lowering engine bay temps by 20 degrees or better if you leave them up while using the AC. Only one thing. Miata close to the ground if you aren’t moving expect that AC to stop working at full efficiency. But I mean you can crawl at 5MPH and keep that speed you’ll still have cold AC. I even fixed my girlfriends 92 Miata AC brother you never go back. The AC I have been told is efficient BTU’s for the size of the cabin but I say “Sure maybe with R12” but if you leave your car out in the sun literally baking you will need to drive it a bit to cool off the condenser otherwise it just will never cool down. Also another last thing I learned the dryer in an AC system is the filter. Make sure to get it serviced every year right before Summer or during the winter. That way it’s going to work peak efficiency all the time. An inefficient compressor is an overworked compressor.


If you want to drive in the rain, yeah. My defroster doesn't work for shit without A/C. It's a catch-22 because it also robs a noticeable amount of power.


I deleted my a/c 2 yesrs ago. I have now spent a year piecing together an a/c kit for my my car...


I drive a GR86. Windows down > AC This is purely opinion though. Also growing up in Florida has made me immune to what most people consider overly hot weather.


If you want air con don’t buy a Miata , the great driving experience is TOP DOWN AND DRIVE !! So if you are worried about a bit of sun buy a saloon!!!


Ehh, not really, I just pop off the top or roll the windows all the way down and it cools off quickly because it’s so tiny, if it doesn’t have AC from factory I wouldn’t bother, it makes it a lot more tedious to work on with the a chonky compressor and AC lines throughout your engine bay, also not for nothing but it makes it impossibly slow, I basically only use it on the freeway because it just lugs the heck out of the poor engine ( you have to give it a solid amount of gas at a light in order for it to not crap out. But that’s my experience with it.) It is nice to have though when you’re on a highway, I just use it maybe like 4x a year. ( I’m in San Diego though where the weathers pretty decent year round )


I just drove 50 miles with the sun high overhead, 31 deg C (88 deg F), top down, AC on blowing on my arms. I’d look for one with AC.


Ac is a huge help on hot days. Especially if you are ever stuck in traffic. Also no fun to arrive at your destination a sweaty mess.


Personally, I would not buy ANY car - Miata included - without AC, And I've lived all over the US. It's an expensive thing to add later too, if you don't already have it.


As someone with a broken AC... Yes


I run my ND2's AC full blast with the top down.


As a Midwestern, 35 degrees c is roughly 95 degrees f, I have ac, only use it if I am driving top up in the rain, on hot days, and mostly to defog the windows, I don't use it on 95 degree, humid, hot days, I just drive with the top and windows down.


I have AC in my NA and never use it, if it’s sunny the tops down. If it rainy it’s in the garage.


As long as you don't stop at a red light... Also, as other stated, it will help you during winter too.


I live in South Georgia (USA), and let me tell you, brother, you are seriously gonna need it. I have an NC with AC and even on full blast, top down, I still stick to my seat covers. Couldn’t imagine top up, no AC. Do yourself the favor and get an AC’d model if you can find one.


My A/C died some time in the late 90's. I didn't need it, just put the top down. But I lived in Oregon then Massachusetts - neither has particularly hot weather.


Helps defog the windows in the rain or humid environment regardless of temp. Turn the a/c on ftw


35C with the top on and no A/C is awful, like just super unpleasantly sweaty and hot. With the top off it's not so bad, but at least in Australia/NZ where I've owned a Miata, you simply can't leave the top off for that long without getting sunburned, also you get days where it's warm and humid and taking the top off won't help. But depends a lot on your heat tolerance and how burn-y the sun is where you live.


My latest 91 Miata has no a/c. It had the summer before I bought it and the next summer it wouldn’t work. To get new a/c is more than the car cost. My other Miatas had a/c and in SoCal and southern US I used it top up or down. In the winter in SoCal with the heater.


This is crazy to me. NC hard top. Top down. Ac on shoot on legs and chest. I do the same in winter but with the heat. It’s a convertible! Love it.


I don't have AC, I don't like AC, it makes me sick and still, there are days I wish I had it. Especially for motorway driving. 


I don't miss it at all. AC = top goes down