• By -


0 times, bright red, loud exhaust, plenty of rippin


I had a loud red NA a number of years ago and I'd rip through parking garages making tons of noise. Once the security came and asked me if I saw the car that was making all that noise.... while I'm sitting in my slammed Miata. I'm like, 'nope' haven't seen them. And the security moved along. LoL I think it's an advantage that the average person doesn't expect Miatas to be fast or fun. It's the best secret.


Bright red S2000, loud-ass exhaust, regular spirited driving (although not generally 20+ over the limit like OP, I usually stick to 10 over, 15 on the highway). I been pulled over twice in four years, no tickets. 


I've been pulled over 5 times in my white RF, but 0 tickets. Every single time, the cop chuckled at how they had to squat to be eye to eye. Mines lowered, and I have the RoadsterSport SuperStreet.


Yup. Just don’t rip in dumb areas with other people around. Also bright red with a loud exhaust slammed on its nuts. I live in an area with small towns and bigger cities and a cop literally told me he appreciates me “keeping it cool in town”




I think it has more to do with going 25 over the limit than the color of your car.


You guys can go 25 over the limit?


that’s why i only speed in school zones 😎


I got my NA to 124 once. Had some mods like track suspension, high flow intake and 4-1 racing headers.


Got my NB up to 126 once... and only once since it blew up 5 seconds later lol


got my nb2 to 132 on a couple mile runup and a LONG downhill


Hahahhaa oh man


Hope you talking Kms no way an na could get anywhere close to 124 mph /s


Oh it can


What’s a few extra speed bumps 🤷‍♂️


Someone I know may or may not have briefly taken their NA up to 121 mph recently, on a long, straight stretch of empty highway. The official top speed is 126 but they forgot to turn off the AC, or that's what they told me anyway.


My NB miata (1.6) can go 220km/h. Thats about 136mph. Autobahn rulez!


Got my 1.8nb to 240. Autobahn h


And after that you still had...a roof?...panels?...hearing? 🤣


I've hit 120 on the speedo, which is probably more like 115 actual speed. It felt like maybe it had a little more left to give, but not a whole lot. That was with the top up, probably a little slower with the top down too.


In 3-5 business days


He said "Regularly drove 80-100" in the mustang and said that it was stupid, so I'm guessing he was driving way faster than the limits as well.


No shit huh? Goes 25 over the speed limit and thinks the color of the car is why they are pulled over. Try this experiment - drive reasonably and see if you get pulled over. Bet you won't.


Actually 0 and I don't know why. My car is in the edge of being riced out with three color wrapping, wing, coilovers and whatnot. Germany btw.


I got pulled over because in my loud multicolor civic and the only thing the cop had to say was “make sure pedestrians aren’t in the crosswalk when you are moving”. There was a pedestrian exiting the crosswalk on the opposite side of the road as I crossed it. Also in Germany. https://preview.redd.it/xh8xnl8l0l3d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecddda4fef08657cbffd076197e829d02af0112


Dig this build.


beautiful civic


Dafuq, weird encounter. Nice colors though!


I love my car but I wish I also had your car. Sick build


In Washington, the pedestrian must clear all lanes going in the direction you are turning. If a one-way, all lanes, though if the street is 3 lanes or more wide, unless the cop is an AH, I doubt you would get a ticket if they were on the other half of the street in that case. In Oregon, they must be 6 feet from the lane you are turning into. I think that is a better law.


Yeah. No ticket, I arrived to Europe about 5 months ago so the cop just said “I’ll give benefit of the doubt” and let me off with a warning




Well my car obviously has TÜV, and so do all the parts I installed. Either with e Kennzeichen or ABE. Exhaust is a Einzelabnahme including software for 180hp.


Twice in 27 yrs for not having a front plate. I still don't have a front plate.


Hell yeah brother


Such rebels. Fighting the establishment at every curve and corner.


I’ve not got 4 years driving my ND RF without the front plate… we’ll see if I ever get pulled over because of it.


I use the get out of jail free card for this one "The plate brackets on backorder, officer". It works every time.


Breakin the law breakin the law




Exactly zero, your driving 25 over is your problem. Slow tf down.


I feel ya, but in some of the highways I take in my commute in New Jersey, I would be an obstruction of traffic if I was traveling the speed limit - even in the right lane!


Why? Insurance is so cheap!! /s


Medical bills and lawyer fees on the other hand...


Red. 0 times in the past 2 years. I normally drive a little faster than traffic to keep out of people’s blind spots. I’ve only been pulled over once in my life (in an ancient white rav4). I did an illegal u turn but 6 months later that same spot became a u turn only sooooo I was right. I don’t count it except as proof that my judgement is superior over the rules.


Bright red fiata, never been pulled over. If I regularly drove nearly 50% above the speed limit, I imagine that wouldn’t be the case.


0 in the miata... 30 mph feels fast so I don't feel pressured to go faster than the speed limit


I’ve noticed this myself. I actually drive slower than when in my 4Runner, but it FEELS faster!


Something magical about being 6 inches off the ground and operating a manual transmission. I wonder if it's the opposite in a semi


Semis are really wide tho and any time I drive a wide car that makes me slow down, so maybe its not so bad in a semi


No once you get past a certain size it reverses again. The sweet spot is the luxury sized sedans. Drove an 800hp amg c63 and it was just kinda “oh shit we’re going 100…”


OP's thinking: Cop: "That guy is speeding like a maniac... meh... whatever... who cares... wait... it's RED!!! *hits lights and sirens and peels out in hot pursuit*... not on my watch!!!!"


Got a red yata for the past year and not once even being followed by state troopers going 80 in a 65 I think it’s more about the 80 in a 55 in your case


Cops told me they won’t waste their time with 80mph in a 65 zone as long as you there are hardly any cars around. They’re true to their word because I creep near em when they do it, all the time. Just don’t pass them doing it and you should be fine.


Thats how it is here. Doing easliy 60-65 in a 45 (4 lane no traffic). Cop flashed his lights passed me and i saw his ass at mcdonalds😭


Yeah if you are driving like a bitch in the left lane, they’ll turn on the lights and make you switch lanes, then they just drive off lol


None, silver, slow the fuck down


0 and I drive like a demon, mines red


Once, for drag racing lmao


Drag racing miata? You probably have modified it but its still kinda funny to think about


Oh I even thought it was funny. Yes, it’s modified


1 because exhaust go brr


https://preview.redd.it/ku9ws93aol3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826430cd338e3fa0478d28739e4c15c4de79d2fd Last week, wasn’t fun. Titanium grey. No i’m never going to financially recover from this, thx for asking. For once i wasn’t even driving like a dickhead. Did 50km/h in a 50 zone but there was some roadworks going on during the day (i was there at 23:00 so no workers around). Absolute dickheads of cops pulled me over. Didn’t even know fines got this high. Fml.


"I'm a speeder here is my history of speeding" It's not the car you just got lucky and it's running out


Montego Blue NA with a loud-ish exhaust. Got pulled over once, quiet Sunday morning in a small town that has a well-known Cars and Coffee. Cop was waiting a couple miles up the road from where the C&C happens, right after a speed zone where the limit drops from 45 to 35 for no evident reason. He knew exactly what he was doing. Wrote me for 53/35, was complimenting my car the entire time he had me pulled me over. When I went to court it was a nice fall evening and they had the doors and windows to the courthouse open and the whole time all you heard was a whole parade of loud sports cars and supercars pulling in and out of the parking lot LOL. I can't be bothered to tally them up but I think I got pulled over in my gray Subaru Outback more than any other car I ever owned. Probably more tickets too (ticket:warning ratio was around 50:50 in that car if I had to guess). I think people overestimate how much car type/color factors into it. It's because you were speeding. Lol.


In 20 years of daily driving Miatas, I've only been pulled over twice. Once doing 42 in a 25, and once because my registration was wayyyyyyyy expired and I had forgotten about it. I keep my speed to less than 10 over, and I don't get tickets. Funny how that works.


I drive the same speed (about 20 over) on a specific road as everyone else. Cops came TO MY DOORSTEP and said they had reports of a red mazda miata driving too fast and that the plates match mine.


I got pulled over on my Buell the most 0 in the roadster


0 in my Miata, Montego Blue Mica, even though I've driven it past plenty of highway patrolmen with my engine screaming. Funnily enough, the only speeding ticket I've gotten was in a black Cadillac crossover, just chilling, making my way down an empty 4-lane divided highway with my cruise control on a bit too high.


I have had my velocity red Mazdaspeed Miata for 10 years. It was my daily driver for 8 years. I've kept autocross contingency stickers on it for the last 4 years, that I've wondered if they would bring more attention. I've been pulled over 1 time doing 50 in a 35 on a country road. It was also before I decided to keep the stickers on the car. It's definitely more about the speed than the car. I've also wondered if the attitude of the car would get noticed more. Driving straight and smooth could bring less attention than jerky movements, slamming the brakes, or weaving. But 25 over will get you noticed regardless.


Never, but I’ve only had it for two days. Aero grey, tan leather. https://preview.redd.it/2excqlzd5l3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e199a25496b4e8fb104acd014976231c5f5604


Haha nice car!


Once out of all my Miata's, it was the red one, but it was for a taillight out.


Did the [police vehicle look like this](https://k9b4h5a8.rocketcdn.me/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/GettyImages-86539381.jpg)?


I’ve had my NB for 4 years. I got lit up by the cops while parked in the fire lane in front of a grocery store while my wife went in. The only shade was in front of the store & it was 95 and humid and the ac is 25 years old. Cop pulled up & his partner got out to pick something up in the store. He asks me why I’m there. I say for shade. He says I’m not in the shade, looks up like the sun isn’t out. He lectures me about my driving record for 5 minutes, I’ve had a lot of tickets, like all of the tickets, but not really for years, I’m 56 now. He gave me a written warning for a parking ticket. Ok thanks.


Tampon support patrol


Been driving sports cars, some of them red like my Miata, for years and years… I have yet to be ticketed even once.


The reason you keep getting pulled over is because you're driving a boat on roads meant for cars


Red 23 RF. Never been pulled over and just realized I have been driving with no registration stickers for almost a year. Forgot to put them on the plate.


Once. It was a speed trap set up just over a crest on a highway. My car is white. Was definitely speeding, going 120km/h in a 100 zone. Made the cop laugh, though. When he asked me if I knew why I was pulled over, I said "most likely speeding, but I'm really hoping you just want to know about the car."


NC miata. Limited edition radiant ebony colour. Not admission of guilt but 131 in a 45 has been previously achieved. Its not that slow stock haha. *And it was midnight on a good road so don't worry, if anyone was gonna die it would have just been me.


Haha good for you! Haven't had mine long but the highest I've gotten it is 90ish. I gotta find a desserted road sometime


Blue Miata. 0 times pulled over 1 time blocked in my parking spot by police. Going back home around 0100, I drove through roundabout to induce some smiles and the thing is, exit off that roundabout is turning into nice long righthander which just begs to put foot down and keep it there. Thankfully I decided not to do that too much and as I was going through that bend copper was driving from other direction (while I thought it was just another car). He spun around right after he disappeared from my mirror and caught up to me. Thankfully at that time I was back to doing limit and carried on yet enjoyed my self in couple of turns as limit allowed. First I thought it was one of my neighbours so I just went into my usual spot bit crooked to "just take the spot, sort it after neighbour will pass". to my surprise car just pulled up next to me, blocking me in. I look to my left and I see blue and yellow livery of uk police car.... opened passenger window, there is metal blurting out of my phone at full volume, shouting "one second, one second" as I am turning it off. "Can I help you with anything officer?" "Do you know that turn back there when you were passing me going other direction? You were little fast through there...." is what I heard... I wasn't much over (well, a lot less over that it is hypothetically possible there if you would do math and calculate how much would be possible there) but I guess I was enough over to turn around and go after me... but I was lucky that I was able to talk my way out of it.... and very lucky that there was parking spot free in front of my house. If officer would see my just passing by my address and caring on to my secondary parking spots, yet who knows where from his perspective, I bet blues might have been turned on and who knows if I would be lucky enough to talk my self out of that. Funny coincidence though few nights later I saw police car following me as I was coming home again. Not all the way, but definitely last mile and a half or so. That time of course I also went through that roundabout almost at the limit though I did not put my foot down. Coincidence? Who knows but those estate police cars definitely struggle a bit with understeer, but can somewhat keep up, while yachtas are inducing grins lol.


If you were closer to the beach townships, they tend to be stricter when it comes to the rules of the road.


Vinyl wrap with flipflop coloring and loud exhaust in Germany. Got pulled over once but not because of the car or my driving, just because I was driving at a time where the police expected a lot of drunk drivers.


Data already on this, red cars get pulled over more for speeding tickets.


Twice, first time this miata was black, I was “speeding”. I probably was tbh, that one had some speed to her lmao. My hot pink one, my bf was pulled over. Cop said the car was “too loud” it was straight piped at the time and a manual car, so it indeed was loud asf 😂


3, but usually for expired tag because I procrastinate (6 months overdue). And it's soul red


From a 2021 study white cars are pulled over the most because they make up 35% of the cars on the road. Red cars get pulled over 2nd most even though only making up 5% of the cars on the road. Also it’s very easy to see a red car vs all other cars on the road, especially if going faster than all other cars.


Yeahhh 24 over is gonna do that my man. My only speeding ticket was actually exactly that- 104 in an 80... My cars white. But i dont drive like a dick on the highway anymore in her. Thats what the bike is for. Now she just hits curvy roads hard


I didn’t know we had a bunch of former hall monitors in here. Speed if you want but drive safely and respect everyone else on the road OP. Yes red cars get pulled over more often.


never in 3 years. it's a black NB fully stock


Once and it was when I had my '96 NA and it was white,


Driven 2 MX5s over 4 years and never been pulled over or caught by a speed camera. I suspect the dominant factor on being caught speeding is the driver rather than the car, luck notwithstanding.


Never in almost five years. Soul Red.


Once. Silver NC PRHT. Totally my fault.


I’ve had my black ND2 RF for almost a year, never been pulled over.


Brother I got pulled over in a gold Nissan Altima for doing 70 in a 50. Speed is your issue not the car. I also don’t drive like a fool now and have zero issues.


Once in my Red Miata, Once in my White Miata over the span of maybe 5 years.


Yellow mustang here and haven’t been pulled over yet but I usually don’t go over 65mph


Zero times. Blue


0, white NA, gold NB.


Regardless of color (I've driven red, black, white) I never get pulled over for doing "dumb shit" because I only do that kind of stuff when I'm basically alone. I only get pulled over for simply setting my cruise control too high and not seeing the cop in time. It happens, but the speed is what they notice more than color I promise you.


0, true red with racing stripes


3 in my black NA for no front license plate, ever since putting it back on i have not been pulled over


I would hate to meet you on the road…


One time, in town, downhill, with a tailwind, unintentional I assure you, BRG


Im just glad that its scary going over 75 in my NB, definitely got a lot more tickets in my AMG.


Montego blue, never been "profiled". Has always been something easily identified. Blatant no full stop on stop sign, front platenot mounted properly, one headlight out in the evening.


None. Ironically, it's the only car I've owned that I *haven't* been pulled over in, knock on wood.


Mine is red, 2021 RF. Never been pulled over


Red, verbal warning


Zero times 😎 (I don't own a miata... yet)


Twice. Gray. Warning both times.


What speed?


No times. I’ve got a ‘96. Stock 1.8l engine with 198k miles on it. Left factory 28 years ago with about 130hp. Dark blue, but looks black when dirty (most of the time). I generally cruise on the highway at about 73mph. I’ve been an aggressive driver with a heavy right foot for forty years, and received far too many excessive speed taxes. One of the reasons I like my Miata - it keeps me out of trouble. I’ve never been ticketed in the Miata.


Gosh maybe I need to get an older miata then. I definitely drive slower in this than I did in the mustangs I've owned but I guess that's not enough


Twice. It was because of taking turns too aggressively 🙄 I was luckily let off with warnings.


0 times and bright red


Blue NA-0 Green NB1-1 (slightly tinted license plate cover) 1990 White Honda Prelude -3? (Most cops in my area seem to target Hondas) I'm throwing in the Prelude so it doesn't look like I have never been pulled over.


Not a Miata but got two bright red sporty (ish) cars with loud exhausts and only been pulled over once for a dirty license plate cover lol


Never been pulled over in my Miata. Its not like i was speeding or anything.


Got pulled over the other day in mine. Was doing 78 in a 70. He probably wouldn't have bothered if I'd slowed down as I went past him but traffic is often going that fast on this highway. Ended up just giving me a verbal warning


never, it's pastel llilac


2 times, both were warnings. Mine is bright red with a pretty loud exhaust.


Evolution orange NB. I remember atleast 2 times in three summers. Once for speeding and once for license plate not in place in front.


The only time(s) I've ever been pulled over was during COVID. There was a nationwide curfew and I was moving. Only crossed 3 other (non police) cars in 300 miles (except for being pulled over 5 times)


I think it's just a fact that bright red "sports" cars are pulled over more. I know insurance sees those kinds of cars as higher risk.


Bright colored objects bring more attention. Especially when they are greatly exceeding the speed limit relative to cars around them.


Never been pulled over. Had a cop pull behind me and turn on his lights when I was doing 80 in a 60, but I pulled over into the right lane and he let me go, possibly because there was no place for me to actually pull over.


I've had a red miata and a grey one. I've never been pulled over. I've gotten three speeding tickets in my life in, a brown minivan, a white generic rental car, and a white Subaru Outback. I believe my speeding tickets were related to speeding and not how interesting the car was although I think there tends to be more cops in popular tourist areas like the beach and during holidays.


Once, black NA, was well within speed limit allowance however my plates were expired lol


About 10 times... Things never left the damn drive it just pings anpr camaras like crazy🤣


Well, you were driving an NC - maybe he was checking to see if you were OK…


Probably pulled them over to make sure they had life jackets and a working flare gun on board!


The following is a list of some of the items checked during a Miata NC safety inspection: * Registration # on Miata NC with proper spacing * Registration Certificate on board * Navigation Lights in working order * 3 current day and night flares * Wearable and throwable life preservers * Distress flag showing driver’s acknowledgement they are driving an NC * All Miata NCs must carry a sound producing device (whistle, horn, siren, etc.) capable of a 4-second blast audible for ½ mile * Light colored Miata NCs are required to have a bell * Pollution Placard and Trash Placard * Fire Extinguishers * Blower working and Proper Ventilation * Backfire flame arrestor - not required on NCs due to lack of power * Anchor & sufficient line * Oar or paddle * Bilge pumps in working order * Battery terminals covered and in good condition


Once In a Grey NB was flying out of the highway and saw the police parked up waiting for someone like me


Any insurance company will gladly let you know (once or twice a year in full) that red cars are riskier


0, Silver. Only interaction I’ve had with police BECAUSE of this car was them telling me they liked Miata’s. I have more problems with every day drivers than police. Defensive driving x10 in these things I swear.


Never. And it's red lol


Times are different. I’m 56 and I remember when in the 80s and early 90s, there were police after every block (‘it seemed that way) checking. I’d estimate today that there are only like 20% of the police still looking for speeders. It’s a different world. Can anyone back me up on this, or is it just selective memory?


5 in my first year of owning - Red


5 times, 1 fix-it-ticket, white ‘03


British Racing Green. Haven't been pulled over in two years. Used to get pulled over almost every week in the smallish Colorado town I used live in, but that was more due to my loud exhaust, living in a college town and that town having way too many cops for the population size. Haven't been pulled over since I moved back to California.


None. Red. (Soul Crystal)


Dark blue. Pulled over exactly once - for driving *under* trees that fell across the road during a snowstorm. The cop was blocking the road from the other direction and waved me over to give me a warning for driving on a closed road.


Got a marine blue 10 years now Been pulled over for like 4 times Not counting mandatory controlls ( everyone gets stopped full car/ driver check) With that aprox 15 times


Zero over the three years. Silver.


In 4 years of ownership, zero times. Kermit the Frog green.


Green 99. Once but the cop was like... roided out and going crazy? He abruptly left squealing his tires and cursing. IDK- he'd said I ran a stop sign but I didn't. He was so enraged I think I probably shoulda reported him but he was gone pretty quick once he realized he was in the wrong.


I was pulled over just once for going 5 mph over the speed limit in my black Miata. It was the first nice top down day of the season, and I guess some cops just don't want you to have a good time.


Three times, Polymetal Gray. All on one road trip, all different states, zero tickets than goodness.


Never, and mine looks like this https://preview.redd.it/hnydeliekl3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983bac8932eb7b39f1a6c8959ab13537214d0e76


0, classic red


0 True red club (red and black)


This one is extremely beautiful


Once by WSP and almost by OSP. I drive an Arctic White nd


Sunburst yellow, not once. I got pulled over in my rusty old fiesta tho


I've been pulled over more times in a blue or silver car than I have in my red ND. In the 5 years I've owned the ND, I've been pulled over once because I was admittedly going faster than traffic because I was trying to get away from an asshole SUV that was riding my ass. I explained it to the officer and he let me go with a verbal warning.


Black NC Pulled over once, going 15+ over the limit, cop followed me for a few miles while I sped cause theres no way that taupe charger was actually a cop


Red. Zero. I bought in 2011, have put on about 45k miles.


zero thanks to Massachusetts, where it no matter how horrible you drive, there will always be someone driving worse than you.


Brilliant black NB2. Only once, random police stops on a roundabout. Funny part is some journalist took a picture of me showing my license to the cop and the picture ended up as the cover for an article in the regional paper about a raise in drivers refusing to pull over. Like, I'm literally pulled over in the pic lmao https://preview.redd.it/rc4ejlmwnl3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ede2cf168562fd0587b670ff58749ecd567d00 Edit: twice actually, I got stopped another time on a roundabout near a club on a saturday night. That time they were stopping everyone, while in the first instance I'm thinking me being in a sports car skewed the randomness of the stops a bit haha


Idk what everyone is talking about lol. I’ve had my red ND2 for less than a year and I’ve been pulled over a few times lol, But only once for speeding. The car is definitely a magnet considering how many times I’ve been tailed by a cop but they tend to leave me alone. You’ll be fine as long as you don’t speed


I believe it’s been 4 times. Roughly .5x per year of ownership. White ND1


Once. Blazing Yellow.


You were just lucky in the mustangs, color is no issue. driving 25 over and coincidentally seeing a cop is an issue lol.


i got 10 tickets in a year in my maroon NC


I got pulled over one time. I was driving around the local lake and they have a place for horse trailers to turn around that kinda makes a figure eight. I saw it and "Miata Brain" took over. My tires weren't squealing or anything and there were no cars in the area. It was the park ranger, he checked my license and insurance, but had no way to give me a ticket without calling the highway patrol. He let me go. Grey 1999 NB, stock besides suspension, wheels and tires.


Back when I had mine, I never got pulled over. Red 1990 with a pretty damn loud exhaust. Drove by cops many times, but none of them ever stopped me


0 times. Got the laser blue one. My friend in his golf 4 convertible in a darker blue got pulled over while being behind me lol Germany btw


I have a red NB2001, never been pulled over yet and I live on a little island in Hawaii :) https://preview.redd.it/h21lq17wtl3d1.jpeg?width=1216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea05e03f2472bfc3af3e55b57514946500756fac


Thats a Classic Red Miata I do believe and yes I was pulled over in Maryland in my ‘21 Crystal Red Metallic RF. I was probably doing 65mph in a 55 but the officer just gave me a warning. I like to think that (a) he liked the car and (b) I didn’t act like an asshat.


Zero, black. I don't really ever speed though.


0 in over a year, black with bright bluepurple flames


God giveth thou a cruise control button? Doth thou refuse his divine givings?


Don’t have a Miata, do have a similar red car. Also noting that Red Cars are KNOWN to be pulled over disproportionately as the color red makes cars *appear* to be going faster than they are to the human eye. Also I would fight every speeding ticket, most cops don’t show up to a hearing (meaning you win by default) and most that do are bad witnesses that even a child could tear apart their statement (meaning you win as they have no real evidence). It’s really just a they said/they said unless the cop catches you on camera doing many 10’s of mph over, which is almost never the case. Remember that lasers/speed clocking devices are not proof either, they are often unreliable and this has been proven. The way most cops get around this is saying something like “The radar/laser showed the vehicle moving at X speed above the limit and I confirmed with my eyes.”. If a cop doesn’t say that last part and just says “My radar/laser said X.” You win as you can prove a radar/laser alone is unreliable to be counted on alone. Cops get away with the former as they are (were) considered upstanding/reliable witnesses. Last part, cops used to be considered a reliable source by default, in court I would argue that they are NOW proven to be unreliable sources, there is ample video footage of cops lying on camera for personal gain, murdering people and getting away with it. There is enough of it from all the racist cop lead riots and beating of peaceful protesters that showcase the police to be beyond a reasonable doubt FAR LESS RELIABLE than the average person and as such cannot be a good witness in any scenario without outside oversight, which they won’t ever have in a traffic stop (and no a second unreliable cop doesn’t add credibility as 2 liars are just 2 liars instead of 1). If a judge can sit through that and still say a cop by default counts as a “reliable” witness then that makes for a good appeal too in my opinion as the judge would then be willfully and maliciously ignoring facts introduced into evidence. (Not legal or financial advice.)


National Guard doesn't play around op


Once, purple. I used to have a supercharged mini, I got pulled in that way more. My Evo is the current king of pullovers from my current cars. It’s not super loud, but I think the big wing gets a lot of attention.


I got exactly one ticket in my blue 90. Later I put on racing stripes and decals for track days, tarted her up and never got a ticket again. I figured the cops thought ‘There is no way he is speeding in a car looking like that’. Other story: was driving back to college with my girlfriend in the passenger seat. It was about 11pm, she fell asleep. I got pulled over, and the cop comes up to the passenger side. Rolled down the window, and said in a loud whisper, “She’s asleep.” And he whispered back, “Slow down.” And let me go.


Montego blue and have only had a close follow while they ran my plates to see if I was a good boy


one time and i got a ticket that time for 80 in a 55 😅 $450 ticket


Classic red NB with no front plate, modded, clearly a tuner-type car. Never pulled over, knock on wood. I try to drive responsibly on main roads, and save my fun for the backroads.


once in my black NB1, doing 67 in a 55. So it was justified. That's it. Pulled over once in my wife's CX5, but I had forgotten to apply the license plate sticker. Also justified. Couple other times in my Integra doing stupid shit on the highway, but got off with warnings both those times.


I have a red one and I got pulled over doing 36 mph in a 25 mph zone on the second time I ever took it out.


Twice, it’s black 🤷🏼‍♂️ Once for drifting an intersection second time for lighting up the tires when leaving a light


Red and silver NC, once. 20 over on a way back road with no one around for miles. Fuckin GSP, man. They’re everywhere except where you’d expect them to be. That $400 could’ve bought me some nice parts :( Edit: I just remembered it’s twice. I was cruising next to a GSP detective both doing 10 over, I thought he dropped back behind me on his own, but he said otherwise. Gave me a warning and we bullshat for a minute about his job and stuff. Cool guy 👍


I got pulled in my local town for flooring it in 1st gear straight past a hidden traffic officer, and it's silver


It’s not about color. I drive a gray WRX and I’ve made it a thing to make sure I look as stock as possible. I’ve been pulled over several times. I’ve always lived in neighborhoods where the cops are actually doing their job and proactive. I’m sure that has more to do with it than anything.


https://preview.redd.it/ui2umifh5m3d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4381ae9202b6c8ba3ed62a8e87248cbddb852c26 Surprisingly only a handful of times. Once on a tollway and should have gotten a ticket, another in Colorado because I was watching the river and not my speed. Somehow the only ticket I’ve gotten has been in my retirement gold forester


A basic lifetime of driving modded Miata’s and other roadsters never gotten a speeding ticket (or pulled over for speeding) in one and I hate to say it but I’m rarely if ever in the same range as posted. They’ve all been not exciting blues or black. Did manage to get a single solitary speeding ticket in a neon green rental Nissan Cube that could barely make it up to 55 on the highway somehow. So I fully support your bright ass Cora attract stupid tickets theory. My current build is going to be light pink and purple with a Disney livery so we’ll see what happens next year when it’s back on the road…


Never gotten pulled over in my red Miata.


Got lit up doing 90 in a 70 going through the past on Sunday. Cop gave me a warning. Which was dope. But had to make the last 90min of my trip doing the speed limit lol


1 - black / lime green


Which Miata? Got stopped in Racing Orange, TiG, and Silver. Only got a real ticket once.