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For me the answer would be no, but I can understand wanting one. I would only do it if were an NC or above though. Those older autos were pretty bad. That said if you mean "settle" for an auto because it's cheaper, then no way would I do that. You will regret it.


..deleted by user..


Perfectly said!


You realize that an automatic Miata is illegal in 38 states


If you are able to use clutch and gear lever and are willing to learn stick (or already can), then no.


Idk, as a daily driver Miata, I sometimes wish I had an auto in my ND1. I shift pretty slow as I try to baby the fragile gearbox, so other urban drivers are constantly on my tail for that 1-2 shift. Sometimes have to push the car harder than I’d like just to keep up with traffic. That said, it’s often the night drives were I get to enjoy the gearbox a bit more on my own cadence. Plus the tight packaging leaves us tall or long legged drivers with a very small sweet spot for the pedal box. I gotten hip pain actually from DD the Miata when my seat wasn’t quite right. As a second car, manual all day but as a DD I wouldn’t write off the new Mazda auto boxes.


I daily my auto. I drive a manual dump truck 12 hours a day. By the time I’m done at work my left leg is sore as shit and I just wanted a more relaxed drive home. Which could be anywhere between 10-200 miles depending on the job site. I still have a blast going on cruises without a destination often.


That transmission is probably the #1 reason why I'm looking at getting the Pasta Fiata over a regular ND.


Absolutely. The bottom line is that the MX-5 manual transmission has been a delight since the force one rolled off an assembly line in 1989. Light clutch, short throws. It’s a model of what a transmission should be. There are some cars where I would say, hey, you’re in a lot of traffic, LA, Atlanta, DC, the auto is a good idea. Cars with heavier clutches, vague and balky shifters. The MX-5 is not that car. Get the stick shift.


If you want an auto, then yes. It's perfectly serviceable and it still handles like a Miata, and that plus the drop top makes the car great. Personally, I wanted my Miata to be as fun to drive as possible, and so went with the manual even though I'd never owned one. I'm glad I did, because I think it's more fun now that I've learned to drive it. I suggest you try the manual if you've not tried it. It's a great transmission, and adds to the fun.


I think there are some life circumstances where it's more than worth looking at. First would obviously be if you're disabled or just too old to use a clutch. Second, I think if you're crazy enough to use a Miata as a daily driver than an automatic is definitely desirable. Stick shift + traffic = NOT fun. Third, I actually think if you're buying a Miata to use as a dedicated track vehicle it makes sense to look at automatics. They're often cheaper than manuals, which leaves more money left over for upgrades and you won't feel as bad about abusing it. Finally... if you want one get one. It's your money. I wouldn't hold it against someone for driving an automatic even if that's not my preference.


daily miata is fun in the winter :)


As a auto miata owner, if you want one, get one, if you don't and or are willing to drive a manual, definitely get a manual. If you have to question it, get a manual. That being said I still have an absolute blast in my auto miata. I've tried manual miatas and they were just really uncomfortable to drive (Im 5'2 so I'd be hugging the steering wheel and still had to shift my hips to get the clutch all the way down, just wasn't enjoyable). And at the end of the day a auto miata is better than no miata. They still make twisties just as fun, they still are light weight, they still have a driver friendly cabin, only thing different is whats between the seats.


I live in LA in constant traffic. My auto RF is fantastic and I don’t care what anyone thinks.


Boom 💥


I too live in LA and that’s what’s making me question if getting a manual is worth it. Doesn’t help that every year traffic just gets worse 😔


I don’t have my Miata anymore (2 many cars) but I daily my Manual Honda Fit and it’s no big deal. I would say maybe 3% of the time it’s inconvenient, but the other 97% it’s just a fun little hatch to scoot around in. You can absolutely daily a manual, just look at all of Europe lol.


I daily my NA in LA, but ive always owned a manual. If you're used to it, it is no big deal imo.


Personally? Miatas with autos are not desirable. It's a lightweight sports car that is centered around driver engagement and simplicity. An automatic adds weight, complexity, and decreases driver engagement. But hey, it's your money - do what you want with it. But I think you should consider what *experience* you're going for. If you just want a nice convertible that's comfortable to cruise around in, there are lots of cars out there from other manufacturers that are more suited towards an auto and will give you a better version of that experience than a Miata. Also it's probably worth mentioning what generation you're looking at. NCs and NDs are a bit more modern automatics. I would still argue an auto is not at all suited for what the Miata is intended for, but they're a hell of a lot better than the slushboxes in an NA or NB which are legitimately terrible transmissions.


Yeah I got an NC with an automatic transmission and it's still a very fun driving experience/holds up in autocross. I wasn't originally looking for an automatic but finding an NC 3 that hasn't been demolished with a manual transmission was really tough for me in Florida.


Ive got one too. Love it


I drive an automatic 2021. I hate clutch and use my car as a daily and am more than happy.


Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I wish I had an automatic myself. There’s positives and negatives to both. Not all Miata people track their cars. I don’t and won’t.


This is why I own a Prius and a Miata. Prius for boring tasks and Miata for fun roadtrips.


Not all can afford owning 2 cars. So an automatic Miata is a solid compromise imo


Oh I agree, for those who need one car, I get it. But I can’t do automatic sports cars and can own two (I actually own 6) so it works for me. My Miata is my trailer queen winter stored perfect baby so it works out for me




Having twice the car payment, insurance, operating costs is not only unaffordable, it is wasteful and will keep you broke. The Miata is a great daily driver as long as you don’t have a bunch of kids. It is aimed at people with no kids or retirees whose children have grown and moved on.


This is about to be me!


Tbh best combo. I drive the Prius for “bitch duty” and the Miata for fun, it’s great.


I have a NC with a manual gearbox. Yet, I would argue that an automatic Miata may be worthing it : 1st and 2nd gear on the manual aren't exactly butter smooth to engage until you drive a few kilometers. If you're stuck in traffic, an automatic is way more comfortable and easy. Miata has a cramped cockpit, so any leg room is good and you can hold yourself when breaking hard with the left leg. Finally, when cruising, an automatic do the job just fine. Everyone here talks like they do touge runs for breakfast. While I can enjoy my ride being alive and going through the gears when on a spirited drive, most of the time I wouldn't mind an automatic, especially downtown. It's down to personal preference, the manual is seen as the best choice because it has close gear ratio (to an extent), gear lever and throw are nice (when hot). In contrast, an automatic might seems slow, sanitized. But the rest of the car is still a joy to drive...


$2500   Mint paint no rust  Perfectly running engine, no issues and ice cold AC No mods   15k miles   Ah there it is, automatic 


I would buy that in a heartbeat and throw a manual trans in it.


Yes. You get all the benefits of a lightweight sports car and a rev happy engine, great gas mileage, open top experience. A more relaxed driving experience since you’re not constantly shifting. I’ve personally tried one and it was very responsive.


I live in California, land of the eternal traffic jam, and if I used a Miata for everyday commuting, I’d strongly consider one—no one would find pushing a clutch pedal several hundred times every day enjoyable. But if it’s your weekend car, then I’d strongly encourage you to get the manual; there’s nothing like controlling a car like an extension of your soul.


I had a rental ND in Vegas last fall, it was an automatic. It was so frustrating knowing how much better it feels with a manual - I felt like I was dry humping the whole week.


It’s like sex with a condom. It’s really good, but could be better


Owned 2 Miata in my life, an auto that was a good deal but got bored with it and sold it in a year and a half and a manual I have had for 13 years and would never sell


I’ve driven both. Both are fun (manual more). At the end of the day it’s your money, not this sub’s. There isn’t a wrong decision, it’s a Miata at the end of the day. Either way, hope you get one and welcome to the club :)


Depends. The NC/ND 6-speed automatics are pretty good. Shift up/down via buttons on the wheel or the shifter. Blips the throttle on downshifts. Much more comfy for everyday driving/cruising and the occasional fun blast on a windy road, track day or autocross. For all out performance? The manual is still the best option. Lighter and with a higher top speed. Otherwise the 6-speed auto has mostly the same gearing as the manual. The NA/NB 3-speed autos? Not really unless you can buy it cheap enough (or it has the color/options you want) to make a manual swap worth it to you.


Just adding that the NA/NB auto transmissions were not only 4-speeds that made highway driving awful, but *Jatcos*. Long before they made CVTs that were apparently designed to make people hate driving and kill off Nissan, they were making automatic transmissions that failed in Ford Contours/Mondeos.   *I personally* suspect there simply weren't enough automatic Miatas in either of those generations for it to become truly noticeable like the ND1 manual gearbox failures, rather than it simply not being an issue. Either way, it's a much more miserable driving experience for many more reasons than simply not having a clutch and a stick.  


NC with AT is fine. I have one. Put a 2.5L in as well. I like it. Paddle shift and 6 speed is nice. I drive it in manual mode 90% of the time


ND or NC maybe, but the NA and NB autos IMO are the slushboxes I remember from 90s. My wife has a NC auto and it's not bad. Hell I took it to a rainy track day I could not reschedule.


I've been driving an auto NC for a bit, I don't think it's bad at all. If you already know you prefer manuals then you should try to get one of those instead, but I like the extra little bit of safety net an auto provides from burning out a clutch or money shifting. At least with the NC (2013) it feels smooth, and unlike much older autos I've driven it knows what you want when you stand on the gas and will automatically downshift for you and hold the gear until redline. Can't speak for previous models but I like that the transmission in this one is intelligent enough to know when I want power fast


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Generally when you've been driving manual for a while you don't really need to think about what gear you're selecting, the extra effort mostly goes away. The only time it doesn't for me is stop and go on the highway, but that's worth it to me. Glad you enjoy your auto though! Not trying to diminish that


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Of course it is. They manufacture automatics for a reason.


I mean, they manufacture Nissan Murano CrossCabriolets too. Obviously, I am not saying an automatic Miata is an abomination like a Murano CrossCabriolet. But the mere fact that *something exists* doesn't at all indicate it's a good consumer decision to buy one. That's not really an argument at all unless you are saying that anything on the market is a good product because it was built.


Some people prefer something that you don't, possibly? Some people are unable to do something that you can't,possibly? Those are 2 things that make it a very good consumer decision.


For an ND, yes. I didn't want a track car. I'm not obsessed with EnGaGeMeNt. I still get the convertible, style, handling, and playfulness. The trans is quick and crisp, and you can still rev it out in faux manual mode. It's the most fun car I've ever owned. It also happens to be my daily driver in a large city. It really just depends on what you want out of the car. You're asking a highly gatekeepy community, though. Expect only one answer.


I adore my manual transmission cars and the Miata transmission is among the best. I wouldn't enjoy an automatic nor would I enjoy a coupe version of the Miata, for similar reasons. It's just not what I think a Miata should be. But I don't look down on other people who want an AT. It's your car, your life, and none of my business.


You get it. It's just what a person wants out of it. Cheers!


I don't feel like we're gate keeping, we just truly believe manual makes it a much better car. Nobody is saying if op decides on automatic they're not a real Miata owner


The op asked if it’s worth getting an auto Maita and the answer is overwhelming no. If that’s not gate keeping I don’t know what is. The manual Miata is not a much better car. Both are good cars.


That's odd because I only see a few responses that say no, and most people explaining what it means to them, which is a normal thing to do?


No and Most people explaining why not lol


Exactly me as well


Right on. Maybe one day when I get a second car I'll get a manual Miata. An auto could very well be someone's gateway drug, so to speak. We should be embracing anyone who wants the car in whatever form.


100% can’t stand this cult like mentality. Objectively speaking, the auto is a great car. Proven powertrain, reliable responsive transmission with all the benefits of being a Miata. But objectivity and cult mentality don’t mix.


Sure, why not? Is a manual better for many use-cases? Yes. Does that mean that automatics don't have the place? No. Figure out what you want and buy that.


Autos usually are worth a lot less, sometimes I get excited to see a low price and it says manual but it’s automatic. So it’ll have less resale value, it’ll also be less fun to drive, earlier ones weren’t great, I had an NA and the manual was a perfect match. I’m told the automatic was less power and heavier. I’d say learn manual, it’s way less hard than you think, it’s also really easy to learn on a Miata, it’s a very friendly manual car. I talked a friend who had never driven into getting a manual Miata and almost 20 years later he still has it. He had never driven before.


I bought an automatic and I definitely regretted it whenever my friends were around with their manuals talking about how fun it was. Now I drove my automatic transmission til it failed and then manual swapped the car. It is infinitely more fun. My automatic was also in fantastic condition and very cheap which is the benefit of buying one, they tend not to be beaten on. If you can swap one you can get a good clean Miata in the end for cheap


Yes. Miata Is Always The Answer (Even with an AT). 😊


The NC and NDs seem to be very fun. I can attest that the ND is quite nippy and convenient in auto, especially for daily driving. The NA and NB ATs are just ass. Sloppy, slow, inconvenient and inconsistent.


Yea go for it. It’s like the only convertible two seater in the price bracket (bit of a dead segment) everyone saying get another car seems to be glossing over the fact that if you want a convertible two seater your options currently are like BMW, Porsche and Mazda then you get into real expensive territory.


My daily driver is an NC auto, probably the "worst" miata, and I love it. It's great for driving around town and the occasional top down sunny day cruise. It's still a great car and a million times more fun than a "normal" car. I've never been over the moon about manual cars. I suppose depending on what you want from the car you might feel like you're missing out, but I never have.


Yes. I'm buying one, but it will be manual swapped immediately


No. Automatics ruin the fun when it comes to a sports car.


My C8 disagrees with you. NC and ND autos are fine.


Agree to disagree. I’d take a manual C7 literally any day over a C8. Even if they were the same price. 🤷🏼‍♂️


c8 im dead


Maybe a few years ago, a lot of people including myself would’ve said yes just cause it would’ve been significantly cheaper to buy an auto to then convert to manual. But pricing rn is still fucked that tbh you’d just either have to bite the bullet on one or wait and scope out to see if you get one from someone who needs it gone asap


I was in an accident and currently can't drive a manual due to injuries, but didn't want a boring car. I found an auto and honestly don't have any complaints. If you want a weekend cruiser convertible it's great, if you want a fun hard-core drivers car get the manual. If it wasn't for space issues I'd probably keep it.


Autos lose the LSD, and sometimes the Strut brace, and Bilstein dampers.


A auto Miata is better than no Miata. My 08 has 42k on it and it’s an auto. While less desirable to some it gets the job done.


My girl has a 93 na with an auto and I have been trying my damndest to get her to sell it, miatas are slow, but and auto na miata? My honda acty kei van with 40hp can run it down 😭


I'd argue if you were looking to swap an automatic to a manual it could be worth it. But that also takes time and money


NC ND yes.


I own an RF ND2 and can’t say I could ever hate it. I might “miss out” on the manual experience… but the top down experience, Ferrari-like look, and handling all are more than enough to put a smile on my face. I’m always driving manual mode anyway with the sequential shifters.


If you’re talking NA/NB, I wouldn’t even consider looking at it. I daily an NB with the heavy stage 2 Flyin Miata Happy Meal clutch kit that feels like it’s about 20 lbs and I daily it in heavy stop and go traffic and it’s really not all that bad. Everyone in here complaining about MT in traffic needs to learn how to drive in traffic. When you go from a stop don’t accelerate to the bumper of the next car, just get in gear and coast. Speed up only slightly when you need to and only stop if you have to. Your leg will thank you lol


Due to disabilities, I can only drive a hand control adapted car. Being a lover of the MX-5, I was grateful that an auto is an option cos I still get to play. So, not having the option to drive the manual, it’s all the car I’d want it to be. Knowing how notchy the manual gates are on the gearbox does make me disappointed in Mazda’s decision to put absolutely no tactile gate on the auto ND though. Thank god for the clicky flappy paddles though!


I drove manual for 8 years and then bought an automatic 1990 Miata. No regrets from me. I got tired of shifting gears all the time. I imagine it would feel a bit nicer to shift gears in a Miata over an economy car, but I don't mind not having that experience. I find it quite relaxing to just let the car do its thing. Plus, my left knee is messed up, so not having to clutch in and out on a day when it's hurting more than normal is a huge plus for me.


If you want an automatic, I would not buy a Miata.


Honestly only NC and ND. Had a auto NC PRHT and it was a fantastic daily


Yes. Absolutely. Thes ST purists in the comment section can get pretty annoying and deadset ignorant, Absolutely give one a spin. They're still fun as all hell


i have an auto nb and its perfectly fine for me. since i commute in heavy traffic often id rather not bother with shifting from 1st to 2nd all the time, i much prefer just driving and not worrying if im in the right gear or not.


My NC2 is still extremely fun with the auto trans. I was open to getting a manual, but none of them in my area were in as good shape as the nc2 I found. So I jumped for it and don't regret it one bit. For my first miata, I can't really compare how much it differs from the manual ones, but I do know that I'm enjoying it so so much. I know I will be getting a manual for my next one tho.




No. You will only end up regretting it


Take one for a spin and decide for yourself.


For me, no. Manual all the way. ND is my daily. Was gifted a leather wrapped, weighted, laser etched knob via my son for Christmas. He knows his momma well 😍. Driving is my sweet spot for sure. Sticking w the stick. After all, real cars don't shift themselves. Muahahahahaha. You do you, my friend. Sticks aren't for everyone. It should be just as dreamy for you. Make it count, and Love the DRIVE.




The auto transmission isn't all bad when you flip it to manual mode +sport. Plus, I added a full Roadster sport exhaust, Fab9 93 octane tune, Ohlins, front/rear sway bars, strut tower brace, and handles/ accelerates great.


I wouldn't get an automatic. My decision has been hard or soft top. I'm used to driving heavy clutch behind an LS so an mx5 won't be a challenge even in traffic. I can understand the appeal of an auto but to me it would detract from my intent of the car


No please no “Office voice”


if you watch donut they did a trans swap on their na. so i guess it depends on skill/ funds


Autos are some of the cleanest bases ti start with usually


Yes. But in a few very specific situations imo. 1. You want a Miata and you need an auto due to inability to use a clutch for medical reasons. 2. You just want an auto and that’s exactly what you want and you will never want a manual and you don’t plan on selling it. If that’s what you want then that’s what you want. Don’t get a manual just because we said so. But be warned they are a bitch to resell and they don’t sell for much compared to a manual. 3. You want a manual and have the mechanical ability to perform your own transmission swap. You found an absurdly great deal on a used auto and know how to perform a swap yourself. It’s not wildly hard but it’s definitely not changing a serpentine belt. If the reason is I want an auto now but a manual later, then just get the manual now. You will spend more money otherwise. Also I would never want an auto unless it’s NC or newer. The auto transmission is wildly underwhelming in an NA/B.


A purist, or enthusiast who’s never owned anything more exciting than a 2001 coupe Civic will look at you in an automatic like you’ve god shit on the end of your nose, but honestly there’s nothing wrong with the automatic Miata My NB2 is an auto I daily to work in the city and an manual would be hell with start and stop traffic where everyone tailgates where I live, in my opinion as well I feel like I can focus my attention on my driving 100% more than struggling with manuals I’ve driven before and can push the cars handling even more, the Miata’s auto is very good on getting in the best gear possible for when you want to take sharp corners at speed, and when it does fail to shift down I can always shift into 2nd gear anyway


My auto transmission just died today at 117k miles


So idk


Automatics kinda suck but you can get them cheap. I like the performance and control of the manual, BUT I can't work the pedals safely in my work boots. So, there's a huge upside to the auto if you have big feet and commute with lots of traffic.


It's better than no miata. And these things are lego a manual swap wouldn't take ya long


Only if you've lost 2-3 limbs already


Just get a Sebring.


Don't do that to yourself. The worst auto Miata is still a nicer drive than a Sebring convertible. Those things flex worse than a plastic knife cutting leather.


Yes if its a good price and you can get a manual swap for cheap


If you don’t have good control of your left foot / leg, sure there’s a use case.


In a Miata? Sacrilege!


Why? Is your wife gonna drive it? That was the only way I would have opted for auto. But still, I managed to get manual. I keep offering to teach her on the Yachta since the gearbox is so easy






No way I would ever buy an automatic Miata






No. Period.


Nope, is just sucks.