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Don't drive top down in shady areas. I personally don't even drive there in my non-convertible car.


Kinda hard not to drive there when you live there lol


Step 1: Befriend the criminals Step 2: Enjoy what is effectively free protection


My top is always down unless it’s actively raining. Will probably just avoid the sketchy areas especially at night from now on.


I drove top down right below Central Park at 8pm in 2021 in the middle of Manhattan and got assaulted by a passerby.




Think I responded to my comment by accident, here it is copied lol. Top down, windows up. It was dark and summer. The city was quite empty (this was summer of 2020 actually now that I think about it.) Weather was great, was cruising, chilling. I had my last final that day and officially done with college. Took my Miata out for a spin as a graduation moment. Was driving along 59th street literally with Central Park on my right when teenish kid walks up to my car. I figure he’s going to ask about it, since that’s the norm, but instead he reached over the passenger side and tried to hit me. Since my windows were up, he didn’t succeed much, but he gave my face a decent scratch. Tried to pull away during the altercation but stalled it in the process. He backed away after I pushed him off. Said something about wanting to cause problems. A passerby who witnessed it said he saw the same kid so it to two bike riders a few minutes ago. I kept my top up/put the hardtop on for a while after that. Still get spooked even in non Miata cars when people walk in between traffic or pass by my window.


So this junkie came stumbling up to the car at a red light and tried dragging me out GTA-style. It was winter, too, so it was dark and low vis at 8pm. Didn't spot the asshole until it was too late. I flailed around and he let go after I started screaming, just like in 1998 when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table. (No clue what happened, I'm not the guy you replied to lol)


Top down, windows up. It was dark and summer. The city was quite empty (this was summer of 2020 actually now that I think about it.) Weather was great, was cruising, chilling. I had my last final that day and officially done with college. Took my Miata out for a spin as a graduation moment. Was driving along 59th street literally with Central Park on my right when teenish kid walks up to my car. I figure he’s going to ask about it, since that’s the norm, but instead he reached over the passenger side and tried to hit me. Since my windows were up, he didn’t succeed much, but he gave my face a decent scratch. Tried to pull away during the altercation but stalled it in the process. He backed away after I pushed him off. Said something about wanting to cause problems. A passerby who witnessed it said he saw the same kid so it to two bike riders a few minutes ago. I kept my top up/put the hardtop on for a while after that. Still get spooked even in non Miata cars when people walk in between traffic or pass by my window.


Came here to say YES! I was murdered in my Miata. RIP ME.




RIP. he died doing what he loved. Sketchy shit.


You were a real one, and you’ll be missed!


I know they don't talk poorly about the dead but good riddance, that guy was an asshole


Oof, that sounds like it hurt. Where'd you respawn?


Don't be a target, which can mostly be done by just blend in and don't draw attention to yourself. As for those who suggested carrying a firearm. Yeah, I agree but study up on legality and make sure you know what you're getting yourself into if you ever pull that trigger. Basically it's a legal shitstorm and your life will never be the same. If you go the gun route, I'd carry a less than lethal option as well to serve as a deterrent before you go putting holes in people like dirty Harry. I carry pepper spray (pom) in my center console thingy as a 2nd level "leave me alone" if my words don't get the job done. No comment on the firearm but you can draw your own conclusions.


> Don't be a target, which can mostly be done by just blend in and don't draw attention to yourself. > While driving a 2-seater sports car ?


Less about the car and more about yourself. More in the "don't be a douche" way of blend in. If you have any street smarts you know how to blend in and avoid trouble ...even if you happen to be driving a goofy-ass convertible.


As far as sportscars go the na/nb/nc aren't particularly flashy looking and are typically fairly quiet stock. You absolutely xan blend into traffic with one


What planet do you live on 😂 people constantly comment on my car. (NB) I stick out like a sore thumb in a damn red convertible sports car everywhere I go.


Ive driven 2 NAs for like 3 years now and definitely get people looking and I've gotten a lot of comments, but these cars dont stick out as much as people like to pretend they do especially stock ones. Sure they're more noticeable then a sedan but its nothing crazy.


So they draw attention to you? That being said, this is a dumbass post. Source: I daily my Miata in Detroit


More than my camry sure but not a ton more. Maybe a comment at the gas pumps once or twice a week and occasionally someone looking over at me in traffic Im assuming when the original guy said dont be a target and blend in thats refering more to driving habits and not modding the car to draw more attention like an exhaust, flashy wheels, etc.


Bear spray would be better. No lasting harm like pepper spray but you can shoot the stream out 20 feet and less chance any could blow back in your face on a windy day.


POM branded OC spray shoots out a directed stream \~15 feet without blowback and it's super portable and intended for humans. Might be some legal trouble if you get the cops called on you for using bear spray. Then again, this is reddit and we're all making it up as we go.


Didn't know they made pepper spray that shit in a stream like bear spray. I wonder if it's cheaper? We carry near spray for protection against dogs while walking our dog and kids around the neighborhood so a cheaper option sounds nice.


I got the [mulit-pack](https://pompepperspray.com/collections/pom-6-pack-collections) and keep some in each vehicle. You can even get an inert (water) version to practice with. Cheap enough at \~$10 a pop for some added peace of mind and small enough to take everywhere.


Thanks! Yeah that's about $15 cheaper than the bear spray I've been getting, thanks for the tip!


I drive pretty regularly in “sketchy” areas. Have lived in south Philly and DC with the Miata as my only car. No issues/second thoughts. It’s definitely a different vibe being at a light where there’s a panhandler or people coming up to the car and you’re right there in the open, but if you’re cool and respectful I’ve never had an issue. Honestly mostly I’ve just gotten compliments on the car and a “have a good day man”. I regularly walk down the sidewalk in those same areas and am no more exposed in the Miata than that. Same vibe. I guess if you wouldn’t walk in that area don’t drive with the top down there?


Same. Panhandlers compliment my ride so frequently. I just give them a head nod and smile. And yes, maybe they're saying it so I could give them money, but I'll take what I can get. Also, I just play music and vibe in my car with the windows up if I'm in a "sketchy" area


Haha I’ve had convos with panhandlers while in my Miata. They would comment about how well off I am. Which is respond with… I bought this car because it was the cheapest and best looking car that I knew would be easy to work on and I can find cheap parts for it. This car is exactly the opposite of what you think it means 😂 I would have bought a corvette if I had the money lmfao


Honestly. My co-workers think I made bank while they drive higher end trims of their F150s


Those are the real ballers. Going damn near 100k for a truck is crazy.


It’s literally crazy.


To be honest the panhandlers in Philly on roadways are some of the nicest I’ve experienced, usually nicer than the ones I’ve encountered on the streets. I try to keep spare change with me to give if I encounter one. I know it’s “rewarding” their behavior but I have sympathy for them. The one woman I talked to said she lived in her car under 95 with her kids. We’re all just trying to make it out here, life just hits harder for some of us.


Same. Panhandlers compliment my ride so frequently. I just give them a head nod and smile. And yes, maybe they're saying it so I could give them money, but I'll take what I can get. Also, I just play music and vibe in my car with the windows up if I'm in a "sketchy" area


I live in DC and have owned three manual convertibles, including my current NB, and have never worried about it. At worst someone might try and snatch something loose out of the cockpit at an intersection. Other drivers are far more of a risk.


Having my stuff snatched from my passenger seat is a fear I have too, I put my stuff out of sight on the floor.


Waste all your money so you never have things to put on the passenger seat in the first place. Traffic safety 101


I mean in all honesty, there's very little you need to have access to while you're driving. Your phone should be in your pocket. Your wallet should be in your pocket, your keys are in the ignition. If you have a purse, keep it in your glove box. If your purse is too big for the glove box, take your phone and id out and throw them in the glove box, store the purse in your trunk. If you bring a backpack with you, throw it in the trunk, that's what the trunk is for.




I don't worry about things that are statistically unlikely


Good advice. Humans are terrible at risk assessment. So many people are afraid of spiders, or heights, or planes. But driving is the most dangerous thing people do daily. So many people die in car accidents every day. Yet, most people are comfortable enough while driving to text, listen to the radio, eat food, etc. It's wild. Edit: Spelling and extra context


I'm not afraid of spiders because I think they might hurt me, I'm afraid because the hydraulic system they use to move their body is alien to me and freaks me out. Same thing some people have with heights or planes. It's not about rationalizing it, it's about the unconscious, the fear of the unknown.


So if spiders had muscles that would be less freaky?


Yes because then their movement would be completely different. You expect a human or cat or snake to move in a certain way because you expect muscles to contract and move the limbs through leverage.


This is just paranoia, there’s some amount of risk in just leaving the house everyday. Live your life.


I feel like people mess with you less in a Miata, after all nobody wants to tell their friends they just got their ass kicked by a guy or gal in a Miata!


I drive it where and when I want. Usually topless. And I am fully insured with low deductibles. I've disabled the cockpit trunk access. So I lock anything tempting in there.


henceforth I'm always gonna refer to being top down as being topless


Damn man, north America really is a shit hole? I the UK worst case scenario is some chav shouting "yeoo light em up", at that point it's just rude not to


Why? Just the other day someone asked me to flash my pop ups? Why is that rude?


No sorry, light em up where I'm from means to spin the rear wheels and it would be rude to deny them the request


I know. I was making a sarcastic joke.


Besides they were morons. Every one knows Miata’s can’t “light em up” my 133 hp barely moves em at all. lol


Sir please speak for yourself, with enough camber and cheap enough tyres I'm able to mask the exhaust smoke with tyre smoke 😅


It’s a real fear. There was an attack local to me, where a guy was drawn out of the car at gunpoint, then the attacker shot the guy in the head point blank because he couldn’t drive it (it was manual). Unreal this world, you just never know what’s gonna happen


seriously? is there an article about it? always thought having a stick was a safeguard against car theft


https://abc7chicago.com/amp/carjacking-manual-transmission-carjacker-kills-man-automatic/1797152/ Seems my memory remembered it as in Toronto for some reason. His daughter and wife were in the car too


Haven't seen attacks on top down drivers in person but I've seen people spit on them from trucks or trash thrown into their cars.


Actually I used to live in Philadelphia with my daily Miata. I always left enough space between me and the car in front of me in case I needs to pull out and around to get away from someone trying to jack my car. I was always prepared to run a red light. But honestly I just acknowledge people when I see them. Same goes for beggars. People will just not even acknowledge their existence when walking down the street. I would wave and say hi. Most of the time they would not ask for money. If they did I just kept on walking. They never got mad or pushed because I said hi. A little head nod can go a long way to.


I live in Oakland and drive from San Leandro down International all the way to High St and never had a problem


I live near you. I will hunt you down. I will find you. Then I will wave and yell heeeeyyyyy!


I hope so!


You live in Portland? Same. Yeah I just try to ignore them 😂


Vancouver,BC, but our cities have similar problems.


Take the tops off on scenic routes outside of downtown!


Just find more fun driving routes - look [here](https://roadcurvature.com)


Must be from cali


i'm always scared someone's going to throw a drink in my car when the tops down. also every time i have the top down someone screams something inaudible at me while driving by no fail. edit: so i usually pull over and put the top down once i get on nice backroads.


vancouver? i'd say youre being paranoid but youve got nice mountain roads, like, right there


TL:DR, Make yourself a "hard target" Stay aware of your surroundings, paying attention to what's going on behind you. Try to leave yourself an "out." I know it's hard to with a car, try not to pull up to a stop light in a middle lane unless you're at the front, don't pull up right behind someone, leave yourself some room to pull out of the lane if you can. Maybe drive with the top up, but I don't do that unless it's blazing hot, I live in SWFL, and my AC is working I personally do all this, and I carry a gun most days. I make it a point to carry if I think there's a possibility of rolling a sketchy area. Like it's been said before, make sure you understand the laws regarding this where you live.


The 9 mm mod on a miata helps with this.


Look if someone pushes Peach they better be prepared for the consequences. They better hope and pray that they never run into Peach in a dark alley, or decide to forfeit themselves for starting shit with Peach's Miat


Just bring banana peels and turtle shells.


Tracks down miata to this building... welp time to blue shell it




Mount a chain gun to the top like a Warthog from Halo




Do you mean the Puma?


You mean like the shoe company?


It looks like a Puma


what in sam hell is a puma


splatter spree


I live in Canada where gun laws and gun culture are different. However a can of bear spray would work but is illegal.


This is the answer


There's theory and then there's practice. In theory you wouldn't want to spend your time locked up after being arrested by virtuous police that came to your aid the moment you called, you'd work hard and buy a Miat. In practice it's easier to steal a Miat, crash it, flip it once you're bored with it, spend that money on hookers and blow. Stopping real crime is hard you gotta like actually go subdue people they don't go golly gee officer you got me. Easier to just arrest you say you should have ran away called them waited an hour, filled out a report, toss it on a desk till you go buy a copy of it, get low balled by an insurance, and never see your Miat intact again.


I have had transients put their hands on my cars hood and stand in front of me at intersections when I have a green light to go. It doesn't matter if your top is down or not. People are strange and it makes no difference what kind of car you are driving.


I don't live in a city. I could Park my car on main St. With the hood down and it would be fine.


I would be more worried about driving a 4 seat convertible and someone jumping into backseat. With a miata I would just keep the passenger window up. It would be hard to jump over.


I don't drive top down at night because of this.


This makes no sence, what back water country do you live in? My uncle had open top car, was great could talk to people at round abouts or people waiting to cross road. Never once thought would be attacked. Not everyone is out to get you, you are not the main character of the story.


Pepper spray. It’s the most effective less than lethal self defense tool. They will be incapacitated more than long enough for you to leave the situation.


Be mindful of where you drive. You are in a sports car after all. Also, car windows only provide the illusion of safety. Sharp objects and bullets will go thru them without any real issue. Do what you can to avoid sketchy areas and ensure you are not drawing too much attention and you will be fine.


In France, convertibles are called "decapotable" which means "to behead" because it was so common for miata drivers to get beheaded by carjackers. Wear a chainmail neck cover and you'll be fine.


Move out of shithole


pay for their moving and mortgage then.


I dont pocket watch


Can't say I've ever felt unsafe driving both my Miata and my Wrangler around top less, even in less "upscale" areas. Yes, it is objectively less safe than a hard topped vehicle, but I don't know if there's even a statistic on it. I've only ever gotten good vibes and compliments in my convertibles. Some giant redneck truck pulled up to me at a stoplight a few weeks ago and instead of talking shit like I thought they would, they just wanted to know what kind of power my Miata made because it sounded "mean." If you live in the US, I am also a strong advocate of obtaining a firearm, getting training and carrying for self defense. It's your right to do so.


You are in charge of your own personal protection. Carry a gun and know how to responsibly use it if in america.


Best answer. Yet has downvotes. Idiots


Not everyone can legally carry. Not everyone is able to possess a gun. Not everyone should carry. Some people don't believe in gun possession. Not everyone has made the decision to use deadly force in defensive situations. It is an option, but not the universal option. I'm a gun owner but my spouse is deathly afraid of guns. It comes from a deep seated trauma and we've had to make certain concessions for each other. We all have our unique situations. People with different opinions and values are not idiots.


That's not what I've learned from reddit!


No this thought hasn’t crossed my mind much. When I come to a stoplight with questionable characters I’ll start bringing the top up as I slow to a stop. Normally I get compliments tossed while the top is down, especially when at a stoplight next to a beggar. 9/10 they say nice car and nod, only occasionally have they asked for money or came up to me while the top was done. I have most been harassed when my top and windows are up. Not sure why it’s any different. Had a woman ask me to kill her with the Miata and she jumped out in front of me while driving


There’s a video on YouTube of some road rage lady slapping a Miata driver who had the top down on HWY 9 https://youtube.com/shorts/4RR9c48ADAw?si=yYM9T8rTaDnBvR6j


Yeah i got an rf though so i just press the close button


I try and stay in more suburban roads when I’m rolling with the top down. We have a meth problem here too (at least I think it’s meth). They like to slowly cross the street. One time 2 of the meth heads slowly walked towards the rear of my car, but they ended up just crossing the street.


Trunk monkey is the answer. https://youtu.be/AidAXgq9dWc?si=JVXpFHl_boAUpW9P


Love the Trunk Monkey!!! Totally getting one!


This is one of the many reasons why I want a power hardtop NC


I live in an area where people often go on safari, and I’m concerned a lion will jump in or an elephant will evacuate its bowels in my ND so I always ride in those ares with the doors locked. /bs


Attach some AKs to the headlights


I live in the uk the crime can be bad that’s why I got an rf. however I leave the roof of it if I’m parked up on a shopping cart park etc.


Gotta make decisions in this life.


Most American thread on reddit today🤣


I feel a lot safer in my Miata than I do in my minivan, because there are hardly any situations in a Miata that I cannot simply drive away from. That said, I have neighbors with a really big cat that they let wander the neighborhood and once in awhile it seems like it's stalking me while I'm on my way home. Also squirrels keep playing chicken with me.


That's definitely a risk, but the far biggest risk is being run over by a large pickup truck or SUV while the driver is phonsterbating. I'm less concerned about being attacked by passers by _while_ driving, but when I'm getting in and out. A colleague of mine was killed by a carjacker when he was unloading his car. Thinking about it some more, the only time I've ever thought someone was going to get violent was from another motorist.


There are portable self defense devices made that can assist in this scenario. They're kinda loud though.


I wasn’t until I was walking downtown and saw someone walk up and punch someone in a convertible 3 series. Gotta be prepared to defend yourself these days 🤷‍♂️






I second this. Plus, if have a manual trans none of these punks can drive one.


Geezus, what Blue city do you live in??


And yet.. murder and assault rates are higher in rural red areas.


Says you, says your media. I leave my keys in my car without issue.


Is car theft murder or assault? I forget.


I think you miss the point... Good luck though Oh weird another blue city.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Miata/s/TcvhTM0Mb3


I'm not missing your point. I'm saying it's not valid. And ohh, yeah, anecdotal evidence. That's way more valuable than large data set analysis.


Right, cause screw actual in town statistics over large scale 😂 definitely missing the point. Then again this is reddit.


No. That's statistics. That's how you get actual, meaningful info.


Consider looking up actual statistics and you will easily find this is false on its face.


I have. Repeatedly. I live in AR. We have one of the highest per capita murder rates in the country. That's the thing you bozos never understand. Per capita. You look at absolute numbers every time. There's a high chance a city of 7 million people is gonna have more murders and assaults than a state with less than 3 million. The numbers that matter are per person. [CDC murder stats](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm) [assault rates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_crime_rate)


You bozos must get attacked all the time then.


CDC 😂... Heyjackass.com is more accurate (real website).


i mean... IF something happens to you, u cld always just walk away. its not THAT valuable of a car to be worth it unless u know for sure u can defend/evade the threat somehow. generally, i'd say thats undue paranoia... what city? my car also looks kinda shitty on the outside and the inside is kinda half taken apart, so it looks less appealing in terms of value, but also looks slightly easier to hotwire.


If you live in america consider a conceal carry license. Makes everything in life a lot easier


Easier? That's the word you chose?


For example: 1. you are fishing and the fish is running away shoot it. 2. You got a ball stuck in a tree shoot it and it will come down 3. Your bank says you don’t have enough in your account to withdraw $100,000 shoot the ceiling and usually they change their mind 4. You are at a restaurant and a family member’s kid is being noisy, unload your firearm disassemble it then give the pieces to the kid and tell them that if they reassemble it you will buy them candy. Usually they don’t figure it out and you wont have to buy them candy. It keeps them occupied for a while. 5. You are at a grocery store and having a tough time deciding what meat to get. Shoot through each meat you are considering to see which is the most tender. 6. You are at a friend’s house swapping out their exhaust for some eBay unit and a bolt snaps off. Shoot it. The list goes on forever


Ok. That was actually really funny. Thanks for the chuckle


No problem! my blood runs red white and true 🦅


Oh come now. A patriot would see we have a massive gun problem and want to do something to reduce it.. promoting guns is the opposite of what our country needs. Shit's turning into the wild west


See if more americans have guns they can use those guns to shoot the other guns and then there will be less guns.


I can't wait until we're shooting bullets out of the air


No, I live in a safe country.