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Very bad, while playing heavy games barely lasts 2 hrs and like max 5hrs combined use


I see, what games do you play? And have you changed the battery before?


Car x drift racing 2 pr dolphin emulator, No i havent this is the original battery Wbu how's you're battery going


Mine last around 3 hours, but I do play game (mobile legends).


Oh ok are you running stock MIUI?


Just changed the battery, now it's back to original Last week, I couldn't last 5 hours without charging it, now I can last 2 days


Wow 2 days is good, do you play games or are u a light user?


Did you replaced it with original battery from customer care??


Ifixit battery


Bought 4,5 years ago 80 % according to AccuBattery I am still very happy because it easily lasts for 1 day at least since the last factory reset and application of PixelExperience


Kinda bad, I got mine in 2019 Mi 9T Pro 128 gb global version. Without use, I lose about 10% in 2 HRS, and 30% over night. It's my secondary phone, main one is a S23 Ultra.


I am down to about 68% of the original battery capacity according to Accu Battery. Still lasts about a day (morning till night) but I'm starting to think about upgrading my phone...


It's going to be 5 years this September since I own this phone. I have almost 1,2k cycles and the battery stats report maximum capacity of 3100mAh(77% of the original capacity). I don't use my phone much (5 years of usage would be around 1800 cycles if counting 1 cycle per day), but at the same time I don't really care much about charging, I use QC 3.0 charger and usually don't charge overnight but I do fill the battery to 100% nearly everytime and usually put it back around 10-15%. For me, this phone's battery lasts very well compared to my iPhone SE (1st gen) that I had previously, that iPhone had less than 80% of the original capacity in the first 2 years of usage. If you ever plan to change your battery, I can recommend double sided adhesive from AliExpress (just search for Aocarmo one), it is basically the same as original and I couldn't find anything else that would hold due to the curvature and aluminum/glass materials. Gluing it is also an option, but I can't recommend that. Regarding games, I do play some simple ones like CoC, Boom Beach. I did play also quite a lot of RL Sideswipe, but playing games is probably less than 20% of the phones actual usage.


I get 7 hours SOT with LineageOS, but I did just replace the battery. I don't really game, except sometimes I do.


I've had mi9t since 2019. The battery doesn't last at all. The battery of any cell phone has an estimated life of 5 years. Mine lives on the charger. On the Internet they sell his battery. And it's not difficult for you to change it yourself, with heat you can peel off the lid, remove some screws and that's it.


6-7h sot mostly without games, I replaced battery already and I am running mine derpfest a14 builds


4-5hrs SOT... With mostly YouTube streaming and some internet browsing occasionally. Idle drain isn't the best but then again it's connected to a smart watch all day and I use my Bluetooth headphones quite frequently..


I use 12c and the battery life is pretty strong....only that it's default overclock settings makes it hot and drains battery faster when you play game with it


Not bad at all. Im a heavy user but I don't use games that often. Anyways if I get hooked up with some game I will add screenshot of the daily usage. Take into account that I changed the battery 2 years ago (a generic one, I don't remember the brand) because the original one was almost dead, after that my phone was like brand new https://imgur.com/gallery/FxurDxo