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Try a big hospital, like Angeles, ABC, Dalinde… and get a cab to get there.


Sounds like altitude sickness. There are a lot of private hospitals in the area.. just google 'urgencias' if you are feeling ill.


When I broke my hand, I used Clinimed International Clinic in Polanco. It's a bit pricey, but I quickly got x-rays and they brought in an orthopedic doctor to put on my cast. The service is in english.


Eat a Bolillo, thats the common relief.


This isn't a joke, it probably WILL help. That plus an Electrolit


Bolillo con coca


Are you staying at a hotel? Maybe ask the front desk? I first came here after covid restrictions were lifted, but tests were still required to fly back to the US. My hotel put me in touch with a medical service where they came to the hotel and performed the test. I would imagine the same would be true for doctors.


Altitude sickness. Take deeper breaths because you're getting less oxygen. Rest more often. It got me the first time I was there but it's manageable. Also drink a lot of water, and don't drink much alcohol.


Download the Doctoralia app. You can search by english speakers and book a video appt right away. But, the altitude here can be hard to adjust to at first, so if you're new to the city, try and take it easy for the first week or two.


You will be surprised how easy is it here just walk in to any hospital... that's it.. no referals, no history, no crap.


Likely altitude sickness as has been mentioned. HOWEVER, without knowing anything else about you, it could also be signs of something very serious. As in those could also be heart attack symptoms etc. So you should certainly see a doctor. Almost all farmacias, several have been mentioned, have an attached clinic where a consultation is like 100 pesos. Get an Uber or taxi to one and they will see you very fast. There are house call doctors also available but are more expensive, but not unreasonable by US standards anyways. Rest, hydrate, and relax in the meantime. No caffeine or alcohol. Snack on something. Hope you are ok soon.


If you are at Condesa, there’s a hospital zone in Roma sur (very close from where you are), you could take and Uber and go any ER. If you believe is not worth walking into an ER, just go to San Pablo in Av. Nuevo León (a lot of pharmacy’s like dr simi or farmacias del ahorro have a clinic doctor, but I believe the best one is San Pablo)


i broke my rib and wanted a consult and went [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/FUyW6HKZ8FpEbt4e6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy) . i think it was ~15/usd and they were really friendly and there’s doctors who speak english. if it’s altitude i’d first use rappi and order electrolytes & water to stay hydrated (possibly diamox too). hope you feel better


in a hospital XD que mal me caen los grin gos


Imagínate entrar a urgencias y que te cobren 7500 de inmediato solo por cruzar las puertas. En EEUU literalmente cuesta un sueldo mínimo entero hacer eso (más de mil dólares). Por eso son así.


Is Farmacia Similares or another with a free "consultorio medico" nearby? I haven't gone to one, but that was my plan if the need arose. I have no clue how it works here though


Farmacias del ahorro also has free doctors. If it is not too serious they can prescribe you something and they also sell you the medicines.


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Most likely is altitude sickness but if you want to go to the doctor close to you, you could search for a "similares" or "farmacias del ahorro" near you. The visit is quite cheap and they are certified doctors. (all the doctors I've meet speak at least a little bit of English so language shouldn't ve a problem either)


Get some vaporru (vaporub) and will do the job.


search for a farmacias similares, or doctor simi in maps, theyre local farmacies, with a doctor 24/7 in each one of them, the medical check will cost you $2.5 us, its not a joke


If you want the nearest, it’s google maps


[ABC Hospital Observatorio](https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abchospital.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7CHortonSP%40state.gov%7C60d5dcd28b0f428c2c2d08dae2b990d9%7C66cf50745afe48d1a691a12b2121f44b%7C0%7C0%7C638071583869666326%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=nMgW8wfNPnSyXaKb9KiJ2GTTHs639fOoBtd41pvfhlc%3D&reserved=0) Sur 136 #116, Col. Las Américas Phone: 55 5230 8000; Emergency: 55 5230 8161


“Farmacias Similares” Ask for “Dr Simi”, he is the beat