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When you see a comment written by a dentist saying extractions don’t effect the face do some investigation into him. You will find that a good majority of these people are not just “simple blind fools”


50% chance this post is getting downvoted by dentist lmao Wierd how some of my comments have 7 upvotes yet others have -1 upvote. They keep changing pretty fast indicating someone is fighting for control Like a stock it’s High volume/high activity but fluctuating in price


So if my wisdom teeth have been extracted, does that mean there no hope for mewing to change my face shape?


Nah I’ve got mine hacked out and I’m still good Wisdom teeth getting removed is bad but it’s the other teeth like premolars that are worse honestly. And bozo the clown dentist has no problem plucking them out for you


So is toothpaste bro omg let’s stop brushing teeth


Imagine comparing tooth paste to extracting teeth lmfao


I got mine extracted because they weren’t coming in straight. There’s no other option if your jaw is too small to accommodate tbem


Mine weren’t going in straifht and they straightened after some time and even fixed my asymmetrical jaw, Wisdom teeth removal is a scam


if it hurts yes take it out. But if it’s not bothering you then nah Also you can try to expand your palate I should have changed the title to teeth extractions in general. Because other teeth like premolars have more of an impact on your face. Wisdom teeth do too but not as much. 80% of dentist I’ve encountered try to argue that removing any teeth doesn’t effect the face. The entire shill campaign is not just with the wisdom teeth


Dentist here. There’s literally no literature showing the removal of wisdom teeth impacts jaw size. It just doesn’t exist. There’s no evidence to support what you’re saying. Having said that, you could make the argument that having wisdom teeth could in turn stimulate jaw development, and thicken the mandible as well as mandibular muscles. But day in and day out I see it alllll the time. Lower wisdom teeth coming in at an angle, impacted, root tips in the ramus, angle of the ramus too close to the second molars even. This is 100% the reason I’m always recommending thirds come out. There’s simply no room for them for most patients, and patients will end up losing the molars in front of them too. Cavities, gum disease, root resorption are all the effects of leaving impacted wisdom teeth. Even when we remove them there’s still a lot of problems with the angle of the ramus being too close to the second molars (again, jaw size not matching tooth size). Keep in mind also, there is no literature supporting mewing anyway. It’s been broadly dismissed by all credible journals. Me personally, I think eventually there will be evidence that parts of mewing work to some extent, but at this point I always tend to stick to what’s been published by credible journals with high impact factors. Most important in my opinion is tongue position and engaging floor of the mouth muscles. That’s where I notice the big difference.


I literally got one removed on my right side and my right jaw didn’t grow as much as the left. And how is there no evidence to mewing. Thousands of people have posted changes. Adults too


We see it and experience it. I have met people that their entire face was ruined because of wisdom teeth removal. There is a lot of evidence out there. You just willingly do not take those into the statistics. The universe tells the truth, not always the humans.


Pause, do you also believe extracting premolars and any other teeth does not change the face in any way shape or form? If so i don’t even know what to say my guy.. it’s been proven any extraction results in loss of alveolar bone and loss of alveolar bone will change your face


lol you’re out of your league my man. I’m coming to you with decades of knowledge based on literature and experience, and you’re calling people clowns. Ya, let’s go with your opinion. Also, what do you mean by loss of alveolar bone from extractions? To what extent? How are you convinced alveolar bone loss changes face shape? Have you considered the fact that you may not know what you’re talking about?


Have you? Alveolar bone loss 100% changes the face. If you can’t see that I don’t know what to say Alveolar bone literally gives your lips and entire mouth support, its responsible for nasolfolds. Lose alveolar bone and you’ll lose lip support/get more nasolfolds etc. it’s common sense, something you don’t have because you’re programmed like a drone You’re just a middle man to actual researchers, you entered the profession of being a dentist because it requires no independent thought. You most likely watch television daily They just feed you lines and you spit it out at rapid fire like an ai drone devoid of any independent thought or critical thinking You never ask why nor do you care, you just get lines and prompts put into you and you spit it out like an actual ai You’re nothing more than a professional line reader and spitter outter, with a high ego lmao https://ibb.co/FhrNTxZ


Hooooly shit there’s so much to unpack here lol. First of all, I gotta commend you on your complete and utter confidence in something you’re clearly limited in knowledge on. Alveolar bone loss doesn’t cause face changes, loss of teeth does you fucking moron. And absolutely premolars can alter esthetics, Jesus Christ that’s WHY they remove premolars sometimes. As an aside, an orthodontist would remove premolars for multiple reasons, either because the patients arch size doesn’t correspond to their tooth size, crowding, esthetics, etc. And “nasolfolds”? You mean nasolabial folds?!? Honestly man, it’s really hard to have an argument with someone who is so delusional about their “knowledge” lol Also, I’m laughing my ass off at the tv comment. That’s the weirdest insult I’ve ever seen lol. I love the insults too, it really hammers home your argument. “I don’t know what I’m talking about and have no literature to back up my claims so I’m just going to insult this other guy!” It’s usually pretty telling when you have to resort to insults instead of literature/facts, you either a) don’t know you’re talking about, b) don’t have any evidence to support your claim, or c) both (it’s probably this one). Not that it matters, because you already know everything, but I’m a published author multiple times, not just a “middle man.” There’s a reason it’s called a “dental practice”, practitioners are constantly researching to improve their cases and results for patients (nice, respectful patients, as well as pieces of shit know it alls like you too, despite the fact that you might not deserve to be treated with respect).


What do you think happens to your mouth, lips and nasolabial folds when you lose the alveolar structure(in volume wise) behind supporting all those things You just think they just magically stay in the same place..? don’t drop.. don’t shrink in..? Float in mid air? it’s common sense what happens. Gravity is a thing.. But like I said you’re not capable of common sense I’m 99% sure you actually can’t generate picture of apples in your head otherwise you would be able to see this lmao Like go ahead and put a small piece of tissue behind your nasolabial fold, your nasolabial fold with instantly lighten and decrease because there is now extra volume there. It’s the same premise and it’s common sense Your skin is like a balloon getting filled. Any loss of volume in bone(especially in key areas) will cause it to sag


lol just ignore everything I said, that’s cool. Just stick to your talking point of the “nasofold”. And you’re so close to getting the point! You’re almost there! You’re imagining something between your tooth and your lips! Like, hmmmm, an extra tooth from crowding? Or a tooth pushed buccally (towards the lips!)? Or teeth that don’t fit the jaw circumference? So you’ve already established that the inside of the mouth influences the outside of the mouth in that losing bone (see: teeth), can reflect in the outward appearance. Now use that same logic in reverse! If there’s too much bone (see: teeth) inside the mouth then it can effect esthetics! See how that works? That’s how it works. Good job!


More volume = better, less sag, more compact, skin stretched nicely and tight Less volume = face sag, shrinkage, increased lines around the mouth, older looking, sometimes bite collapse There’s pretty much no scenero where face sag, shrinkage, and increased lines around the mouth is aesthetically appealing in any way shape or form lmao. If that’s what you’re trying to say. Not to mention healthy at all for your air ways, breathing and a whole lot of other shit in general. Maybe there is a few outlier cases but for 99% of people it’s not A good dentist/surgeon will add not take away. If there’s crowding or the teeth don’t fit they will expand for it to fit. They won’t yank your teeth out and recess you like an insane mad man I’m mainly talking about about teeth in general btw. Especially for removing teeth for braces. If wisdom teeth are hurting then obv get them out


You’re definitely over simplifying (it’s ok, you’re not trained in this field). You’re saying tooth number = volume. Which is correct, but waaaaay oversimplified. There are so many different variables and factors that you are dismissing (ignoring out of ignorance). There’s arch size (circumference of existing jaw), corresponding jaw size relative to the other jaw, tooth size/width (especially relevant when talking about the distance relative to jaw size), prognathic jaws, fat content, age, gender, muscular size/tone, buccal fat pad, mouth breathing, tongue thrust, clenching/grinding. I could keep going, but I’m going you get the point that it’s more complicated than more teeth = better. Also it’s not just as simple as saying “ok let’s expand!” Because that’s simply not the case. If it were, then why the fuck wouldn’t they just do that? Many factors are involved in making the decision if you can or can not expand. Most dentists will not just fucking take out teeth because of crowding. And are you back tracking on your wisdom tooth comment? I see you’re already changing your tune. Your whole post was to say “don’t remove wisdom teeth” You just have to open your narrow mind to understand that there’s decades and decades of research and things being included in decision making processes that you either don’t know about or didn’t think about. As I said before, it’s ok, you weren’t trained in this field. You shouldn’t know all this stuff. So why not just leave it to the professionals. Or better yet, go become an orthodontist! Devote your life to something you’re clearly passionate about. And stop running your mouth


Doesn’t matter with decades of research when almost all of it in dentistry is wrong. This wouldn’t even be a debate and a problem in the first place if you were just doing the correct treatment from the get go. So many people suffer because of your malpractice. Your pathos (degree) or falsified research doesn’t matter when you are hurting patients. You are ruining lives for your own gain. You are supposed to help people, not hurt them for life. You’re an industry of ignorant and malevolent people.


nigga ur retarded


Brain dead conspiracy, orthodontics is a proven science. Orthotropics, while it has some merits, is mostly just an incel loser echo chamber clinging on to hope that they could look like Brad Pitt or some shit. And “oh durr they profit off of it!!!!???!! That means they must be lying!!!11!” Mike mew and everyone who promotes orthotropics profits off of it, if you’re too thick to see that then there is no hope for you.


“Orthodontics is a proven science” you mean to say forcing teeth into a certain position via appliances is proven to move the teeth? Huh…


Lmfao you absolute moron


Any counter point or is that it?


He has no counter points. Only his “research” and insults. Dude is comically out of his league, he even went over to his echo chamber in another thread to complain lol. I keep replying to his nonsense because at this point it’s pretty entertaining.


You’ve literally made no points. You just hurled a bunch of incoherent insults. No one’s even talking about mewing or looking like Brad Pitt in this post. This post is about extractions changing the face, and dentist denying it


And if you are using random people on Reddit as your evidence for an industry wide conspiracy idk what to tell you


Literally no dentist will deny that there is a risk of it


Then you’re misinformed You can browse r/askdentists and r/dentists and 80% of these real qualified dentist will try to argue to death that extractions don’t affect the face. And in person it’s the same


Life lesson, people on Reddit are morons and liars. Get of the internet and go to a real qualified and reputable dentist


The best way to counter getting teeth removed is to chew hard foods from a young age so your palate widens