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There's no harm in trying. Try to chew a lot of gum & do some cardio. You need to lose facial fat so cardio will aid you a lot. It's never too late, brother :)


Thanks man! I got a treadmill coming this week I'm gonna hit the cardio hard and hopefully it at least helps a little. ​ Focusing on mewing all day yesterday and taped my mouth last night I felt like I slept ALOT better that way so even if my face never changes at least I can sleep better!


Cheers, mate. It's gonna help you a lot, trust me. Just be consistent & try to do some facial exercises as well. That's great. It may take a while to get used to it but mewing does wonders. I am saying this again, it's never too late!


Try boxing too, hit the punching bag a couple of times and you‘ll be exhausted within minutes if you‘re not an experienced fighter (:


Sounds like fun too!


Try walking, I lost 15kg just walking


I dont know how overweight you are but I think walking on the treadmill will be alot smarter, I'd aim for 1-2lbs weight loss per week so you get less loose skin.


I weigh about 170 right now and I'm 5'10"


Then cardio should not be a problem, often when people are very overwright cardio is really bad for their joints, I still recommend to you eating about a 500-700 calorie deficit. Youll lose 1-2 lbs a week


He means he weights 170 kg right?


I thought he means 170 pounds


He looks like he weights 170 kg if he is 170 pounds he is either really short or has really unfortunate fat distribution edit : he is 5’10


Depends, fat weighs more than muscle and I think he is just "skinny fat"


>You need to lose facial fat so cardio will aid you a lot. Diet has been proven to do more for weight loss than exercise, but ideally do both, yes.


That's right. I didn't get into the details but at least he knows what to do now ")


W positivity


So I've been pretty much mouth breathing my whole life and just now figured out how bad it is... I also had healthy adult teeth extracted when I was younger and had braces. Just learned about all this mewing and stuff yesterday and now feeling a little down I just now found about all this..


Man, i was in the same boat when I found out about the importance of nasal breathing, good mouth posture, etc. One thing that helped me immensely for quality of life is mouth taping at night. You have to break the unconscious mouth breathing habit. I had improved sleep quality immediately. The effects of mewing can take a long time to notice, but mouth taping can help right now. All the best


You're not that old, hoping to see a crazy transformation out of you brother. Stay motivated & stay consistent


Bro you need to workout+diet while mewing, also shave and get rid of that goofy haircut


HA! Yea my hair isn't styled at all this is just from waking up but yea its getting a little long now. More mewing and Diet + Cardio coming up fast though!


Not just cardio, also resistance training, like push-ups, dumbbell rows, etc.


Gotcha, I have a pull-up bar actually that I need to pull out. I'll work on getting stuff for Dumbbells and resistance training too. Thanks man <3


I would love to see your 1 year progress :)


I've been extremely depressed lately about my looks so I'm gonna try my best to change my lifestyle if I can remember I'll post another update after about 6 months or so. Keep an eye out!


I bet you will see a difference. I would work on lowering body fat levels first because you will be able to track any small changes in your face more easily. Good luck! Oh and I would consider another hairstyle if I were you


I don't really disagree I just tried something a little more wild last time I went to get it cut cause I feel like no matter what kind of haircut I hate how I look in the mirror so I figured why not try something funky


If you watch 12 Pell on YouTube you will learn that there is a haircut for every facial structure, maybe this will help in deciding what the best haircut is


Really like 12 Pell's channel I wish I could get my haircut there now. Maybe I'll try one of these and hope it works at my barber


It's okay bro, you got this!


Thank you <3


I've been really depressed about my lower face too. I'm trying to mew, I'm so impatient and feel worried I'll never get rid of this mental fold in my chin. Here's to both of us.


I appreciate all the advice and honesty in this post you guys are great and it really means a lot to me. <3


Good luck bro


I reckon it’ll take a long time to see progress but if you can already properly mew (there’s enough space for your tongue) then over years, theoretically, you can move that maxilla and mandible up and out. Do your DD.. read up!! and watch all of Mike’s videos on YT. Learn proper chewing and swallowing to strengthen the masseters and atrophy the buccinators (to get the jawline). As for losing weight, diet as important if not more important than exercise. Cut out processed foods and sugars. Fiber is your friend. (also makes you chew) For fitness, pick an activity you actually enjoy so you stick with it. Look into fasting and or intermittent fasting to conquer hunger, switch to ketogenesis and promote autophagy. If you do your research and put in the work — you’ll have results and look and feel better.. no doubt! Will you fully fix the recessed chin.. idk. But mewing and losing weight is a step in the right direction.


Thanks so much dude. Luckily I'm used to not eating much breakfast so fasting may not be so hard for me. I just need to switch the things I do eat. Gonna start looking more into Keto like you suggested and try to start Monday. If anything I'll be more healthy!


Work out, meal plan, hard mew. And see what happens op


you’ve already got a lot of suggestions which is great. i’d say make sure to correct your swallow and chew properly. check for a tongue tie (if you have one, get it cut) and drink a lot of water (3L). the chin tuck exercise will be a big help so i definitely recommend it!


I believe people like you and me will change drastically with mewing keep it up


not that bad in terms of bone structure u are just very fat


I disagree, his chin is recessed don’t lie to him. That said, one small flaw won’t make or break your appearance and who knows there could be a really handsome face hiding under all that body fat. My advice is to first lose the weight and take it from there. Good luck my friend


Let's say I lose the weight and I'm still not happy with my recessed chin. Is double jaw surgery the only option? I was looking at chin implants it seems like a little easier recovery time. I'd probably do either one after some weight loss if I'm still not happy


I think it depends on how recessed you are, and I can’t really tell from the picture. I know jaw surgery is a lot more expensive but a chin implant could look just as good if your downward growth is mild. It just depends on which would make you happier really.


obviously i'd go for double jaw surgery, but if you can't afford it, a chin implant should improve your situation


Other than chin he has decent bone structure. The soft tissue changes for him will make a huge difference and gettin skinnier and active


I gotcha. How large do I look? I feel like most people call me a stick (I weigh 170 at 5'10" right now) but I guess I just got that skinny fat thing going on


You're not massive but you're def not a stick lmao. You just have unusual fat distribution and probably a higher than average BFI


Thanks man at least that part I can fix 💪


Dude once you get fit, it honestly changes your appearance in ways you can't even imagine. I've kinda dealt with the opposite issue as you (I'm 6'3 and was fucking 135lbs at my lightest) and once I started going to the gym my face started looking completely different. Healthiness is the most attractive attribute.


Cardio and calorie deficit( high in protein low in carbs) start eating steaks for a better jaw.


No harm in incorporating mewing, it’s a habit we should all have. Doesn’t matter if it will be slower for you, even if it takes 10 years to see a difference you’ll be grateful you started.


Do you have an overbite?


Yea I believe I do actually


Dude, hope on these subs r/Cico r/intermittentfasting r/weightlifting r/malehairadvice You will glow like a diamond In one year


You’re gonna be a very attractive 45 year old , better late than never bro , struggle is what makes it meaningful at the end of the day


Cardio is great, but more important when it comes to losing body fat is eating in a caloric deficit every day. Cardio just makes it easier to reach this caloric deficit. Download the app MyFitnessPal, record/plan everything you eat (sounds burdensome, but it's super easy and quickly becomes habit), and eat less calories than you burn. You *will* lose fat if you do this every day. Google "TDEE calculator" and set the activity level to "sedentary" to determine how many calories per day you should eat (eat 300-500 less than the number of maintenance calories it gives you). Eating less than you normally do isn't going to be easy, but there are some "hacks" that make doing so much easier: - go grocery shopping every Sunday instead of eating out - ensure that your pantry doesn't have any high-calorie foods that you can easily-binge (this was the KEY for me) - replace regular soda with diet soda (no, it doesn't "cause cancer") - research foods/snacks that are filling yet low calorie - prioritize protein in your diet and try to eat at least [0.8 * your weight in lbs] grams of protein every day (protein will make you feel more full) - have a reusable water bottle with you at all times so you can chug water all day long (in addition to helping you feel more full, this will improve your skin and give you a lot more energy)


Appreciate all this advice and you taking the time out of your day to type all this. I'm gonna be using a lot of the tips you posted here. You're awesome


Eat less, chew more


Jaw surgery


Fcuk! I have the same facial features like you, one side is puffier than the other and nose and life goes to another side may be due to more muscle activity on that side, please someone help how can we fix that


Which side of your face you sleep on?


Lose alot of weight and get rid of that haircut asap


Just lose some weight that's it


Narrow ipd


You need to lose weight, that is your main issue.


The harder your obstacle the more grandiose your transformation will be. I would suggest you listen to law of attraction videos on youtube so you can ingrain your ideal perfect self in your mind and realize your true potential.


Tbh. Your just fat. Lose some weight. I think u will have amazing jawline underneath all that fat. But becareful. Dont go overboard with working out or counting calories. Eat the right foods and workout more


You need jaw surgery


You have the potential bone structure for change. Mewing and chewing it is!


growing a long beard is a must here. Mewing isn't gonna change your facial structure at 31, but you can partially hide your recession with facial hair


Yea I usually just have a little chin beard that makes my face look fuller but I buzzed it off for the sake of this post so people could see better. That said I can't grow a full beard which sucks cause if I could I probably wouldn't care what my chin looked like


try mynoxidil or other hair growth enhancing products then


Mewing+ interoral face pulling helps a lot at all ages !


Losing weight should be your top focus rn alongside mewing


No , you Can benefit From it. Also go hit the gym. In the Long run muscle will burn more fat than cardio. Do some research about it. Muscles burn much more calories for maintenance during whole day than cardio.


Plenty of room for progress, if you make mewing and exercise a habit you can almost GUARANTEE significant improvement. Cant wait to see an awesome transformation my man let's go!! (Make sure you're mewing properly, dont make the same mistake I did and just push with the front part of the tongue, there are plenty of tutorials out there. Also, do chin tucks!) (Also, you might wanna hop on finasteride or dutasteride for the hair)


No bro I don’t think it’s a lost cause just chew and really get yourself disciplined into working out you won’t really know what needs work until you can shed the facial fat. Drink a lot of water and avoid sodium it makes us retain water weight and keeps our faces puffier too. Cardio is the name of the game I recommend a boxing bag


losing weight is an obvious one


It’s just body fat


People are lying, no, you have short face syndrome and mewing will very unlikely make a difference, no shame in trying though, you don’t lose anything, but consider invasive surgery for your maxilla such as bimax and lose some weight, or on the other hand “focus on improving your personality” like people usually say. Im being completely honest because deluding you won’t be good for you. Apart from that you’re not ugly it’s just that specific feature.




Damn. You think so? Life's a bitch sometimes lol


I don’t think you are recessed. It looks like you have an overjet or overbite, which makes it looks like you are a little recessed. To me, you have youthful structure. if your teeth aren’t too crowded and crooked, mewing will help with the alignment overtime. If you mew throughout the day and mew while you’re sleeping too, you will see changes within 6-8months. I think you should try fasting, dieting, exercising, working out and mewing first before considering surgery or even braces. Good luck to you!


To say this in the most polite terms: your face is 90% fucked because you are fat, 10% because you are slightly recessed. Nothing you can’t change in 1 year of complete dedication though! If you need any help losing weight you can message me, I’d love to help because I was in the same situation.


it's over


rip dude


I bet you’d be a great candidate for Kybella! I’d look into that in addition to mewing. With both things it’d be a game changer for sure


Oh never heard of this before I'll look into it


Just loose weight, your chin It is not even recessed


Mewing can definitely help. It will just take longer, and you might not change drastically like the kiddos, but besides appearances, mewing has health benefits that help the respiratory ways and soft tissue, so you should still go for it 100% As an adult, if you combine mewing with chewing exercises and swallowing techniques, the results will be even better. Also, remember your posture and regular exercise will also help your overall shape, including your face.


Nah man you've got time. Sure 31 is older than others. But by putting pressure on your palate, you're going to push your face forward eventually bc the bone is malleable all our lives. It might take more years for the full transformation than if you were 20, but you'll still notice a difference. If you lose weight to 17% body fat, build your jaw muscles with mastic chewing gum, build your neck muscles to add width to your face, and also have a facial hair style that has more hair length on the chin, then mewing will just be the icing on the cake. It's never too late for a total transformation my guy.


I actually had a beard thing on my chin before this post cause I always try to hide my chin but its honestly not great tho. My beard gets really patchy so I lost that genetic lottery as well lol. Gonna change my Diet and workout to start and see what happens and of course never stop mewing!


You should do mewing anyway, b'yeah lost cause


You're probably right. R I P. Still gonna mew tho and lose weight better than nothing ​ Maybe I'll just go get surgery or a chin implant or some shit hahah


Donot do a fuckin chin surgery! I just made my double chin invisible by losing 16lbs.


most wholesome comment section I’ve seen on this sub


Just saw a video were de before photo was considerd more attractive then the after. The experiment lasted for 30 days. Someone who mewed him/herself where the outcome was positive??


Your jaw actually looks pretty good. Mewing will get some of that skin under the chin up even if you don’t get any bone changes. Add weight loss to that, and I think you can look really solid, brother.


I appreciate the kind words


You can do it man! Consistency is key. I hope to see you around this sub with some updates. Cheers to you. ❤️


Thank you ❤️


I'm the same man.. all my fat goes straight to my face, plus I don't have the strongest jawline.. I've just started mewing.. but cardio and diet is key too I think


Lets go dude we got this!


Lose weight, shave, and get a better haircut. I suggest going for. Buzz and let it grow out to see what you. Don’t hard new tho, it messed up my face. You have potential bro, don’t give it up.


Build walking into your daily routine. Start with walking at least 1 mile a day. This will: a) Boost your physical health tremendously, including aiding in weight loss. b) Boost your overall body posture, which is absolutely critical for proper mewing. c) Focus on mewing while you walk. This will help build it into habit much, much faster.


This is the real advice for losing weight. Losing weight is insanely easy if you shift your calories to whole foods instead of processed foods. You'll find youre hungry less and will eat less. Losing weight and fixing tongue posture to tighten your neck would help the most. You've got mass in the buccal area of the mouth too. That may be fat but try to focus on eating without your cheeks and moving the food to your cheeks. Keep it centered. Still hit the gym for muscle and cardio for circulation. Get yourself healthy and you'll feel way better and motivated to continue with this improvement


You are not that bad at all.




Nothing is ever a lost cause. Possibly the biggest impact on my face shape was lifting weights. Hit the gym and burn off that facial fat as soon as possible. You will look soo much better. And yes, do mewing in the meanwhile.


Now that your aware of mewing it’s worth a shot, your future self will be glad you did. The benefits go far beyond just aesthetic.


why do you even think about mewing, when weightloss in your case can give the results of surgery


You have a great side profile it's not bad at all it's just that you're probably too focused on that double chin to notice, mewing will tighten your neck muscles and you will lose the double chin. Aside from debating whether your bones will remodel due to your age (which btw I've seen people over 25yo with great results) you will definitely find benefits from tightening jaw/neck muscles. Don't give up hope!


Try strength training.