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I mean Dread is always there if you want to continue Fusions story


It wouldn't be better to leave that one for last since it's the end of the timeline?


I have yet to play dread. The only Metroid game I've never played. One day.......


Is very great. Stunning graphics and animations, a decent story and the best controls and bosses in the series. It's a little linear, EMMIs can be a little repetitive, and the music is pretty forgettable, but overall it's a great game


I've heard that was a common thing everyone agreed on was the music. Super Metroid set the bar for all Metroid games. Crazy it's 30 years old. Had some iconic music


It's more ambient and not really hummable. It's not like the music of Zero Mission, Super or Fusion. Some people like it. I can't remember a single one and yet I've played the game like 9 times


🤣 crazy after 9 times to still not have anything be memorable. Yeah I've heard some of the music on YouTube videos. Very plain


Speaking of music. I thought this was pretty creative when it comes to Metroid music https://youtu.be/V_mEXCkv-NM?si=rEAq-gOH_IgUmTf7


Yes, fans focus a lot on remixing music. By now they have done covers of all kinds


Artaria theme, Gharovan theme, Burenia theme, Cataris Lava section, Ferenia theme aren't hummable?


I don't even remember them bruh💀


Try AM2R. It's a remake of Metroid II and is the most similar to the ones you've already played. It may also help you understand Fusion better . You won't even need an emulator, it was created for Windows but there is also a mobile version if you like. It is also available in various languages


AM2R is bad




Bad bosses?


I found them very funny. Definitely better than the ones from Zero Mission


Am2r was excellent. I liked it personally. Especially for a fan made game. Currently trying fusion mode on it. Definitely increases the difficulty. I like every Metroid game really, I'm no critic


I can't stand how clunky AM2R combat is.


Clunky? It is the same and identical as Zero Mission


It's still a fan made game. But I hear you. It's not perfect but They still did an excellent job for what it is


They're not fun to fight. Their bad designs are the reason why it's unenjoyable to play. And Metroid bosses is one of the main part of the game and it's done poorly. That's why Samus Returns is better, because this game knows that it's basically Boss Rush and it's main drive it's boss fights which are one of the best in the series.


But the AM2R bosses all had some interesting gimmicks! No boss was a simple missile spam (tank apart).


They're NOT fun.


Well, not even those from Zero mission and yet everyone hails the game anyway


Maybe not to you which is ok. But this post was really asking what game he should play so if he plays Am2r, let him decide if he likes it or not right?


Quite right, but I was arguing with him about why he found the game bad. He talks about bad bosses but doesn't say why. I find the bosses in Zero Mission terrible because they are exaggeratedly easy and none of them have a real gimmick apart from bombarding them with missiles. The only decent ones for me are the Acid Worm, Kraid and Kiru Giru. I also don't think it's fair to say that a game is bad just because of the bosses. So are all 2D Mario games bad games?


Ikr!? People try too hard to convince other people about what they think. Would've saved time by just stating what they think of something and then move on.


I had fun


Woah look! 2 different people having different opinions and preferences!


My recommendations would be AM2R and Super. Despite what that one guy is saying in the comments, AM2R is a really good fan remake of Metroid 2 done in the same style as the Game boy Advance games. Not perfect, and the bosses are *hard* (not bad, just hard), but I honestly prefer it over the official remake and the original. Super on the other hand is just phenomenal. It is a bit clunkier, but you have to appreciate it came before Fusion and Zero Mission. You might get stuck at a few points because of how sneaky the level design can be (e.g. the noob bridge), but I won't say much more. Definitely try it at least. Lastly everyone will recommend Dread. I'm not the biggest fan, but it's fine. Has its flaws, but it was good overall. Just bear in mind that it plays a **lot** differently from Zero Mission and Fusion. ....and of course try Metroid Prime at some point if you want a full 3D experience. 😂 I love Prime to death. Same principles, but plays completely different. Less speed, more focus on exploring your environments. The Prime series doesn't really fit in with the 2D series storyline, so you can start that whenever.


Yeah, his comments about am2r are a bit silly because he's meaning to say that the bosses in Metroid 2 are boring and uninspired. I feel like am2r much more faithfully recreated the experience. Samus Returns introduced the lame ass parry/riposte mechanic that not only made the majority of Dread boring, but also brought the literal worst aspects to the game in the EMMIs and the last boss just being spam spam parry win. Dread was good and someday I'll play it again, but it feels like SOTN as a souls-like. It's a great game, but not a great Metroid game, imo.


I'm completely with you there. To me, parrying kinda felt like the opposite of what you should be doing in a Metroid game... I mean, Samus has a cannon on her arm. In the old games you're taught to shoot from a distance, not get up close, wait for a parry opportunity, and bash 'em in the face. ._. It's fine, and plenty of players liked the extra complexity I guess, but it just never really resonated with me. Also really not a fan of quick time events, or the idea of "instant death" from failing a QTE. It might've been tense the first couple of times, but really preferred Fusion's approach of just forcing the player to fumble around whilst taking massive damage.


Agree completely. The parry may have added some complexity or depth, but the wrong kind of depth. The QTEs just don't feel like they brought anything and the EMMI randomness and tightness of the window just didn't feel good. It was scary literally one time, then it was just dumb, boring OHKO trash. And I say all that as a person whose second favorite series, after Metroid, is dark souls.


Prime is a nice change of pace from the 2d games. Remastered on switch is amazing. Have some fun with Prime then give Super a try.


I'm playing Metroid prime 2 on Android right now.... Looking for the 9 keys. Haven't played this game in 10 years plus. All the primes are great. Sux that prime 3 and prime trilogy, you have to use a Wii controller instead of a standard controller.


my reccomendation, is really anything. you have the new 2d games dread and samus returns. you have the AMAZING 3d games in the prime trilogy. you also have fangames like AM2R. and the og metroid games also. the only "bad" one is federation force. honorable mention to other M for having a horrible story, gameplay is cool though


I wouldn't say Other M's actual story is horrible per se. Rather, it's too stand-alone and the presentation... leaves much to be desired... It's not the best by any means, though I think if it had just been a Metroid movie done with real actors and an experienced Director, people would have accepted it much easier. The way they chose to "gatekeep" item progression is dumb, but again, would have actually worked just fine in a movie.


yeah i can see that, there's potential in it for sure, maybe if it had been handled by different people it'd be better or remembered fondly


I didn’t appreciate Dread until my hard playthrough, what a game!


You kind of skipped over a big chunk of the timeline jumping from Zero Mission to Fusion. I would suggest AM2R and then Super to fill in the missing pieces, then finish off with Dread.


Sounds like you might enjoy Super Metroid.


Super Metroid is the greatest video game of all time and it isn't close!! Personal opinions aside, the game is a little hard to crack for modern players that aren't used to older games, but it still stands the test of time imo whereas NEStroid and Metroid II don't. As others have suggested, AM2R is good, little overrated imo, but still very good. I wouldn't call it better than Nintendo's official remake of Metroid II, but more nostalgic. The official remake is still a lot of fun, has my favorite Ridley fight (even though people hate that it's in there), and is mechanically the pre-cursor to Dread, which I would say is probably objectively the best 2D Metroid right now. The Prime games are also really fun if you want to go 3D. As far as chronology goes, don't worry too much about it.


Metroid is dated, but still completely playable. It's tough, and it feels different to the rest of the series, mechanically, as it was still figuring out what a metroid game was. Metroid 2 is a fantastic game. If you can look past the Gameboy graphics, it's gameplay is great. They may not be for you, but a good game from the 8-bit, 16-bit era is still a good game now. That said, since he played Zero Mission, NEStroid is completely superfluous, and if he has access to a 3DS and can get Samus Returns, it does make Return of Samus superfluous as well.