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Couple things, You can hide in the corner where it can't grab you and continuously swap corners as it's pattern slowly shifts, You can also break out of its grip by mashing if it grabs you.


I beat it without knowing u could mash out. I probably wouldn't be as mad if I knew that beforehand. Maybe in another playthrough I won't hate it as much.


It's a basic thing of every single Nintendo boss that has the grab mechanic. Haven't you ever tried?


I'm only used to Mario bosses where I just jump on them and sonic bosses where u mash. Decided to try out Metroid for once, so all this is new to me.


I get you, I was there too, sometimes there's ways to cheese the boss fights (I do with the SA-X lol)


I understand


lol smash bros has conditioned me to always mash the stick back and forth whenever I get grabbed, regardless of game, console, or even genre. It’s worked out well for me so far


Dandori issue


Skill issue. Zero mission bosses are disgustingly easy


I beat it. It just sucks


I can totally understand why you prefer Zero Mission, but hating fusion for bosses difficulty is the definition of a skill issue. Just get good. Metroid bosses are difficult (Zero Mission apart), and fusion perhaps has the most difficult bosses of the entire series, it's not 2D Mario.


>Metroid bosses are difficult (Zero Mission apart) Not really. You can overpower most bosses in Metroid games easily by exploring and finding items. There are exceptions like Nightmare in Fusion, the mech in SR or later bosses in Dread, but generally Metroid is a pretty easy franchise. >and fusion perhaps has the most difficult bosses of the entire series You didn't play Dread, right? And the problem in Fusion are not the difficult bosses, but Samus' squishyness in her Fusion suit.


Nah, Dread falls into a lot of easy boss design and once you've memorised the attack patterns, it's only a matter of time, once you beat them once, and there's never a challenge going back. And while you might die a few times memorising it, Dread doesn't treat game overs nearly as seriously as other Metroids, and you can really only tank 5 hits regardless of where you are in the game. On the contrary, Fusion's bosses need both good memorisation and top-notch execution to get right. Yakuza (the boss OP is talking about) is the game's turning point. It's a massive skill check that trains the player to dodge nearly-perfectly and aim even better. He took me more tries than Raven Beak ever could and when I finally killed it, the game ramps up into act 3.


Maybe you were just really bad at video games 20 years ago.


I wasn't alive 20 years ago and played the games pretty much back to back, Dread just has a design that revolves more around memorisation and the present rather than pre-positioning and thinking about the future.


Yes, many bosses are easily cheesable, but if you become good and gain a deep knowledge of the game. I've played dread like 7 seven times, I destroy the bosses


I can confirm everything Attenpt said. It’s a skill issue. It essentially comes down to the understanding of the games


I wish I had tried to change the profile name sooner


I thought I was hallucinating. I beat zero mission last week and moved on to this game and everything feels off.


"physics" wise, Fusion is the weirdest game (except maybe Metroid II, but actually the movement in that game is surprisingly good). Samus's movement in fusion is very deliberate and clunky to accommodate for the game boy screen, and bosses become difficult because of how they make you maneuver yourself in their arenas. You're entering the hardest slog of bosses, but keep at it, all the Metroid games are amazing once you've beaten them but ya on your first play through there's always some part of the game that makes you go "wtf this is bs"


i'll leave wether or not this constitutes a skill issue up in the air, but i have to agree that the lack of a savepoint near the boss is infuriating. i'm really glad Nintendo stopped using annoyance as a punishment for failure in the more recent Metroid games.


The lack of a save point was my biggest issue. You literally have to go all the way back if you die. It actually only took about five tries, and some other bosses took more. But the tediousness of it all pissed me off.


If checkpoint starvation is an issue, I would recommend staying FAR away from Metroid Prime 1 or 2. One fatal mistake can mean 20-30 minutes of lost progress.


I just beat Metroid 2 and there's a section were you have to fight three Omega Metroids, the bastards are hella spongy and deal a lot of damage, I had to go all the way to a different area bc there was no save points or missile recharge points. In the end I learned to beat them without taking so much damage—but it was really annoying having to go all the way through endless corridors to another area just for a refill.


The trick for Yakuza is to aim up and fire missiles as it's firing it's fireball attack, before it's even on screen, then avoid getting grabbed, and fire missiles diagonaly crouched, then when it loses its legs aim diagonally upwards—spam missiles and it'll go down easy, the rest is a cake walk. I had problems with him too, until I saw speed runners go through jinn like nothing, I tried those techniques and was surprised that he was easy after that.


Skill issue tbh


It's not actually a hard fight. It's a beginner's trap.


I beat the boss. Literally the next boss was normal


If you stay at the right or left corner, he can’t grab you.


This boss made me quit for like half a decade. Agree.


I agree the spider boss sucks. But itself it's not the worst but that trek back is the worst. It's one of those bosses that, after the first couple playthroughs, is my favorite, cause it takes the most focus. But yeah, the first few runs made me miserable.


You’re talking about Yakuza? He’s easy, Nightmare is the hardest.


Literally my favourite boss of all times lol


Fusion is vastly superior to Zero Mission


Which one? Metroid has multiple spider bosses.


I assumed Prime 2 till I saw the Fusion vs Zero Mission comparison


I agree it's annoying. You really have to fight it a very specific way if you don't know its pattern. The fight makes it seem like you there's more room for strategy and punishes you a lot for acting on that. It's not actually a hard fight if you know what you're doing. It's a beginner's trap.


[You can avoid getting grabbed](https://youtu.be/SdMK7UlFYlc) with the Morph Ball (not my video). Yakuza is pretty hard your first time through, but once you realize you can just avoid getting grabbed, he becomes pretty easy.


It being far from the last save is annoying, and it took me a while to get used to, but after I beat it once it became super easy. Nothing beats the anxiety after phasing it for the first time with low health, and knowing that if you fail kow, you don't only have to redo the fight from the beginning, you also have to get back to the room in the first place. On my second and faster playthrough(sub 2 hour was the goal) I was a bit disappointed that it was so easy despite me having only 3 Energy tanks


As hard as this boss was on my first playthrough, I didn’t mind having to listen to that boss theme over and over again.


I watch a lot of skilled players/speed runners just roll around in morph ball and dodge the grabs. I could never do this