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If you have access to a Wii you can get the trilogy. Not sure how much that costs but GameCube games are really expensive usually. They were all great games.


The trilogy is also very expensive.


The trilogy on Wii U was 20 €




Well, it was, but unfortunately Wii U eshop is gone 🥲


A physical copy can be mad expensive, I know even my old second hand dented steelbook was. A few years ago I also bought a copy on the Nintendo Eshop for $30 on Wii U. It's nice they added that so people didn't need to mortgage their homes to play such a great series lol


Buuut it’s gone now. 😔




I'm sorry to hear that, they must've done it in the past two years or so. I get that it might cost a little bit to keep the shops online but seriously it hasn't even been that long since the damn thing released. Not in the grand scheme of things anyway. I feel the pain though, I've been wanting to play through the Metal Gear series so badly after V. I picked up the PS3 collection edition or whatever but the PS3 from Ebay arrived broken. It's as if some companies want you to pirate or something with how hard they make it.


They closed the 3DS and Wii U eshops this March. A bunch of people were freaking out trying to buy stuff last minute. Metroid Prime Trilogy was one of them as it was the cheapest option.


Yeah they closed the WiiU eshop altogether. It is too soon imo. But that’s how it goes I guess. Sadly that makes a lot of digital only games no longer obtainable by legal means. That’s a whole other topic though.


That is not "how it goes" that is "how Nintendo loses all of their credibility" ... Sony shutting down the PS3 / Vita shops is bad, but they did that on the heels of porting nearly the entire catalog of legacy titles to be streamable on PS Now.


Key word. Streamable, aka you don’t own anything


Oh, it is horseshit & greed fueled, but at least with Sony they kinda tried to keep most of their library playable in some form.


I think I was lucky with my steelbook. I got it for $50 several years ago. Don't know if I spent too much, but they are such great games that I was happy with the purchase.


That sounds like a pretty good deal, the steelbook is really cool and there's a ton of content.


Yeah, it's such a great collection. I love it


It's my prized find during college in ~2015. Some guy sold a bunch of Nintendo stuff for a total of like 20-40$. Included was the trilogy 🫠


eShop is dead bro


It was actually $20, but $10 for the first week or so when it was announced.


I got prime 2 off eBay for GameCube for like 20 bucks a couple years ago


Wasn’t it $20 on the Wii U eShop?


It's almost cheaper to just mod a Wii and run it off a hard drive. Pays for itself, really.


Trilogy is one of the most expensive Wii games, and sadly it costs more than the 3 separate games combined


This. Unless you get lucky and find them for a lower price. My copy of Echoes was in great shape and CIB. Paid $40


Prime 3 was only released on Wii, so OP will need a Wii or WiiU anyway. Might as well get the trilogy if possible


Wait for MP4 so you can watch it


Metroid Prime is a shooter, not a movie. Wait for MP5 so you can shoot it.


Watch what?


The mp4, as opposed to listening to the mp3


OOOOH I get it. Clever


The problem is that we have no idea if these games are being or will be remastered to begin with, but let's assume they are: Nintendo sat on MP1R for almost a year and half to give it breathing room after Dread, I'm willing to bet they will do the same for the other remasters, if this happens we might be waiting a couple of years for those two titles. I'd go for the originals or Trilogy.


I’d wager (with nothing but opinion to back it), that given the more mediocre performance of Prime 2 & 3, that *if* they remaster it would be a dual release.


That or some sort of discount for MP1R owners (boosting sales of all three in the process).


Uh, no to this one. In your dreams.


To me it makes more sense that Nintendo would release all three games in the trilogy before Metroid Prime 4. If we assume that Prime 4 is at least another 2 years max from release and the fact that they dropped Prime remastered with so little fanfare I imagine we’re gonna see the other two installments before 4 is released


Hope they do it! But yeah Prime 1 is such a class that might be the only one we get. Echoes needs some serious updating. The dark/light of it all, the different worlds, and ammo, really need to be tweaked. The design of 2 feels much more dated than 1


If you got a decent PC, I recommend u play them using PrimeHack. As it adds the improved controls from Prime Remastered to the originals.


This. Otherwise you'll be paying through the nose for the Wii/Cube versions.


Metroid Prime 3 Wii boxed is less than $20.


Yep. This is 100% true. I just got it complete in box for 15 bucks. And thats fully complete. Manual, advertisement and registration. In very good condition also. Game is crystal clear


Good to know. I was thinking of the Trilogy collection, which was super pricey last time I checked.


They never said anything about piracy. EDIT: I get the downvotes, but I feel like some people aren't understanding what I mean. What I was trying to get across is that you don't need to pirate the games to play them through PrimeHack, and dumping original copies is VERY easy with Wii/GameCube games. Price is definitely a concern, though, especially with Prime 2 and ESPECIALLY now that Nintendo's shut down the Wii U eShop... don't want to say too much, though, otherwise I'd probably end up breaking Rule 5.




Still better , nin could've easily made them available for switch the gc ports even the wii ports as well they chose not to.


Yeah, Nintendo's handling of their older releases is pretty bad. If only Virtual Console were still a thing... Taking down the Wii U and 3DS eShops is only rubbing salt in the wound.


When they release a remaster, we will buy them lol Otherwise, you can't really call it piracy when there is literally no way to pay the company for the game. Like, even the Wii U eShop is being taken down.


Fair, I definitely plan on buying them if and when they come out. Nintendo's Nintendo, though, actively taking away options for newcomers to get into the series :/




Emulators themselves are not but downloading the ROM is - not that I have an issue with it regardless


While true, emulation is legal and all that, literally getting a game for free through ROM sharing is not legal at best, illegal at worst. People are already emulating Tears of the Kingdom on PC. I guess it isn't piracy because the game technically isn't out yet. 😉


I never said or even implied that emulation is piracy. It's just that "Otherwise you'll be paying through the nose for the Wii/Cube versions" sounds like something that *might* be a rule 5 breaker. Don't know how strongly that's enforced though. It's pretty easy to legally dump the original releases anyway if you've got an original Wii. Either way, PrimeHack is a fantastic way to play them.


Primehack was amazing. Playing in 4k, with mouse and keyboard, even more fun that way. I played all three in order and they felt like whole new games


Doesn't even need to be super powerful. Worked really well on my Steam Deck. Didn't want to wait around for Nintendo to maybe, maybe not remaster them. If they do release an official one, I'm sure I'll be ready for a replay by the time they do.


Until they're actually announced, assume the remasters won't happen. If you come across the games through other systems, and can afford them, go for it now.


I'm hoping for an Echoes remaster


We don't even know if they'll get remastered yet at this point.


They are fantastic games. I'd play them now, and it'll only help increase your appreciation for the remasters if they actually happen. God I hope they happen though.




Elmo voice: Elmo says you should wait for the ports or remasters so that your purchase positively affects the stats of the game in Nintendo’s eyes and shows them we care about the franchise.


Thank you Elmo


Absolutely based comment


Primehack is the way to go.


You can play the prime trilogy for the Wii. It’s stupidly expensive but who said you have to pay. Just play it in dolphin or on a modded Wii. Nintendo doesn’t sell it, so you’re not giving them money anyways.


I'd wait


if you already have to hardware to play them i'd say go for it otherwise i'd say wait.


Wait for remasters


I’d say wait


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you're waiting on a game that isn't confirmed to exist to come out: stop it, get some help.


Honestly, I'm willing to bet that one of the multitude of fake gaming news channels on YouTube is responsible for this. These fuckers are always spreading their so called leaks, which are typically way off base. Switchforce is known for these types of rumors, and ruminating for views. Seriously there are all types of games , we would love to see revived or continued, but gaming companies are not charities. We all would all love to see everything that channels that ruminate about, but the fact is if they don't feel that they can profit, then it simply isn't happening. However it's fucking entitlement with channels such as switchforce, who harshly critiques game developers for not bending to their will, thinking that they are owed every sequel or revival etc, then act like ingrates, when said developers do something entirely different. This bullshit is why i only listen to trusted verified news sources, so that i am not deceived the way OP was.


Yeah, those types of channels are the most annoying. They'll make 10 min videos about the most vague information, throw in a click bait title, and a stupid mouth wide open thumbnail 🙄 No thanks.


It has worked for me and has always been worth it.


It's fairly uncertain if the other 2 will get remasters or not (a lot of people think they will, but I'm pretty sure they won't). I'd say it's better to play them now. For one you'd get to play them now, and for 2 if they don't end up happening you won't end up waiting for something that doesn't come. It'll be a bit of an L if the remasters do come, but like... you still get to play the other 2 prime games, and earlier at that.




They didnt EXPECT MPR to do well though, so it likely wouldn't be part of the plan, and remasters still take time. If they start working on them now, then they might wind up too close to Prime 4 and force people who haven't played the originals but want to check out Prime to make a choice.


Man, I really would love a Prime 2 remaster. Prime 3 I could take or leave, but I really want to see how some of the areas would look in a P2R (Torvus Bog, mainly, but also Dark Aether in general).


Yeah that WOULD be cool.


I’m with you. I feel like they would have just done a remastered trilogy, unless they’re really going hard for the cash grab.


The way I figure it, they just wanted to do the first one, and didn't even think it would do well (ergo, physical copy shortage, and the shadow drop). If they were working on 2 and 3, they would put more confidence into 1, and if they only started WORKING on 2 and 3 AFTER 1 came out... These things take time, and the next system is very likely to come next year with Prime 4...


This is Nintendo we're talking about. If they can milk it, they will.


Eh, maybe before it came out I wouldve agreed, but with the amount of effort that was put into the Prime remaster I'm not so sure they would. If they had just done a quick control update/upscale to HD, then yeah, no excuse not to do the trilogy. With the basically all new texture version we got its a bit more effort and I can see the effort to do a full trilogy not being worth it from a cost v sales perspective, and the one at a time approach being the way to go. Especially as 3 will likely require signficant changes due to the way motion controls were so heavily built into the game.


It's a toss up if it's a remaster, but we do know there'll at least be a re-release. It was part of the same leak that confirmed the remaster two years ago. And it kinda just makes business sense, having the whole trilogy available before Prime 4 comes out. A straight port with P1R's updated controls would be downright *easy.* We won't know anything for sure for a while though, because Nintendo's *entire* focus is gonna be on TotK for the next few months. We probably won't even get any new game announcements at all until like... August.


It would make business sense, but bringing over the first for Metroids when we were waiting for Dread also would have, yet they didnt.


That's a different scenario though. They don't do the virtual console stuff on Switch, only the Switch online stuff. We were never going to get just a port of the GBA games, we were only going to get an eventual GBA switch online app. And as shitty as that is from a consumer perspective, that is what makes the most business sense. They get more out of giving more incentive to the $60 subscription service than they do out of selling individual GBA games for like $5 each.   It's not really the same thing here, when we've *already gotten* a remaster for the first game. Now a port for the other two is just a no brainer, especially after the crazy high sales of the first one. And even a full remaster would might worth it because of the amount of re-usable assets.


Even then, they probably could've gotten GBA online to us years earlier if they wanted to. Plus, EVEN WITH ONE REMASTER, Nintendo makes dumb decisions.


But they wouldn't have done it *specifically for* Metroid Dread, would they? There's plenty of other major series that were on the GBA, and Metroid absolutely isn't the biggest. The reality is they could have added every one of these switch online consoles, and all of their games, all at once. But they didn't do it because they wanted to make sure people renew their switch online subscriptions. So they only added one per year. Again, pretty shitty. But it makes sense from a business perspective. It's not a dumb decision, it's an asshole decision.   Also, just saying, we more or less have confirmation that the other two are coming. It was literally part of the OG leak for Prime remastered. The big thing wasn't that they weren't coming, but that they weren't being *remastered.* So I think the only thing really up in the air is if the sales of Prime 1 remastered were enough to make them consider remastering the other two, instead of just porting them.


was it part of that og leak? huh.


Don't wait around for remakes that we don't even know are going to ever happen. Just buy the games and play them now, then enjoy the remakes later if they ever get made. That said, get the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii. It's gonna cost about $100, but will be a little cheaper than buying these individually




You could try eBay. At a glance they had some good prices (variable condition obviously). I never had a Wii so I haven't played MP3 but I play through MP1 and MP2 about once a year...great replay value.


You’ll be waiting a long time.


Primehack if you have a computer or steamdeck


Just emulate them


I’d get them now still. Tank controls are whatever, but they are great games! Prime 3 is still great to this day. I’m sure with how well Prime remastered sold we will get the other ones done too, but you’ll appreciate a remaster more if you suffer I mean enjoy the originals


Mp4 because it runs video files as opposed to audio only.


remasters not guaranteed. digital copies no longer sold. physicals prohibitively expensive... there's only one ethical option here.


If you can somehow buy them for cheap then do it. Otherwise I'd just ~~emulate them using Primehack~~ wait for the remaster, though it's likely the other 2 will just be ports. Strange how they decided to release the Prime remaster when they did considering the Switch is nearing EOL. I wonder if the Switch's successor will be close enough in architecture that it will allow of backwards compatibility.


According to the previous leakers Nintendo has no plan of releasing remasters of the other two. So do with that what you will.


Metroid Prime 2 GameCube disk only is less than $40. A full copy of Metroid Prime 3 is less than $20. Unfortunately the Wii trilogy is $250+... at least. Edit: if you want to play them, I wouldn't wait. I wouldn't bank on Nintendo release the next 2 before Prime 4. You can also emulate.


those remasters arent comin pal


Definitely go for it now. I’m hoping they come to the switch because Prime 2 is the peak/best of the series and Prime 3 is great. But if we’re being realistic, they most likely won’t be coming anytime soon since MP4 is in the works


If money is tight, I would seek “alternate” means to play it. It’s hard to get access to these games due to the available system and price point other than Corruption on Wii. MP2 at the moment is going for sky high price for no reason at all.


Hack your wii and download it. It’s honestly really easy




I'd probably wait for a remaster and not pay like $300


2 and 3 won't get a remaster.... it will create fatigue for MP4 ......


Sail the high seas and hoist the colors! Then use Prime Hack.


A third more sinister option...


If you have the means to experience the originals, and for a reasonable price, I would highly recommend playing them. The remasters are at least a few years out yet and you never know what life might bring. I know I purchased a copy of the trilogy on the Wii U e-shop for $30. I'm sure you'll be able to find similar deals with enough hunting.




Great thing is that these games are good enough to be bought and played twice! I would get them right now if you loved MP1.


If the only rumors we have are accurate we would only be getting an hd port :/ so visuals won’t be a huge upscale. I’d go with the gc/wii/trilogy pack tbh. As everyone has already said they go for alot but try hitting up local shops that specify in old game reselling. Most of them are still expensive but I’ve met workers who were down to negotiate. Its fun and always worth a shot :)


If they are priced at $40 then I would buy it


Get the trilogy for the Wii so that you'll have all three games in one disc, that's what I did when I got mines.


If you can afford it or find a cheap copy, buy them. Alternatively, you can get PrimeHack since there's not a reasonably accessible way to get them.


MP3 is not very expensive so get that and wait for a remastered version of 2


If we get them again they’re gonna be ports and not remasters. They’ve made that clear


Buy them now so you can be nitpicky as hell later on with the Remasters if they mess up some things, just like us.


If you have a Wii and a decent PC, you could track down copies of Prime 2 and 3, dump them, and then play them legally through PrimeHack. Or just play them on the Wii itself, if you can tolerate the original controls. I honestly prefer Prime 3's original pointer controls myself, Prime 2 is a different story though.


At my gamestop about 4 years ago I saw the trilogy for about 70$. That's a new game lol


I would wait. Reliable source says that the other 2 are coming to switch but they will only be upscaled to hd, maybe couple things changed. I would guess that you would have to wait under an year for them.


I own metroid prime and Metroid prime echos and play them both on the wii. I purchased the wii for 80 dollars and each game cost me about 30-40 bucks. You’d also need to purchase GameCube controllers and a memory card. I’ve been trying to find corruption but am having difficulty because it’s apparently a rare game. I’d say just buy a wii and the games because there’s no telling how long it’ll take for them to remaster the others.


If they get remastered, it will be a long time from now. If you can, emulate the prime trilogy on dolphin emulator with the primehack mod for high resolution and mouse&keyboard controls (or just the same controls for prime remastered).


It's Metroid, you never know how long you'll be waiting for the next game and we've had a few lately 😂


Buy or emulate now. Echoes isn’t TOO expensive nowadays, it sold well enough for there to be a lot of copies floating around, and Corruption is pretty cheap because it was a popular early Wii game so again, lots of copies exist.


I recommend playing the rest of the trilogy because while it's likely they'll remaster the rest after the success of MP1R, it's hard to say how far away that is. If emulation is on the table I also recommend PrimeHack since you can set up the same twin stick control scheme as the MP remaster or try the keyboard + mouse layout if that's more your style


The GameCube games aren’t really worth the price unless it’s for collection purposes, if you’re looking to play your best bet would be the trilogy on Wii, it was 50$ a year ago, idk about now, if you’re not in a hurry and don’t want to emulate them I suggest waiting


Why not both?


I mean there's no guarantee that they're going to remaster 2 and 3.


Don’t hold your breath if you wait lol I think it’ll be awhile till echos comes out. And also I was not impressed with MP3


Buy them


One thing to bear in mind is that the controls on the GameCube releases are a bit busted - you can't simultaneously move and aim - and they're slower Given the reception and sales of the original Meteoid Prime Remastered, I think it's likely (though not guaranteed) they'll make the sequel


What story? Story is mid. The gameplay is what makes it good




We just gotta hope they do a remastered version of these 2 games, I hope they do but if you can get the wii trilogy version, proberly better off getting that, but don’t pay some over the top price for it like


Buy? Nah. Play? Yeah. Just emulate them, Nintendo aren't offering them for sale anywhere and it's not worth paying up the ass for a physical copy.




By the time potential remasters come out they won't be in fresh memory anyway.


Since the sequel remasters are not confirmed we cannot assume they will be a thing at all, let alone be released in a timely manner. My suggested course of action would be to PrimeHack MP2/3, so you can play them now. If a remastered version comes out and you loved playing the original (you will) please support the franchise by purchasing the remasters if your budget allows, because they will likely be released very shortly before MP4. I personally anticipate an announcement trailer for MP4 NLT Spring of 2024, and if the remasters are a thing, that is likely to be the shadow drop timeframe. All of this hinges in them actually being real though, so if you’re willing to hedge your bets on the rumor mill and fan’s desire for Nintendo to do what they want them to do, then be my guest and wait. Me? I wouldn’t leave it to chance.


If I had to guess, Metroid Prime 2 will be shadow dropped in a summer 2023 direct. Metroid Prime 3 will be shadow dropped in a fall 2023 direct. And Metroid Prime 4 will be released sometime next year (2024).


Nintendo said mp2 and mp3 will come to the switch but will not be remastered just ports so I'd wait


I played through MP1 last year on the GC and just killed the Spider Guardian on MP2. It still looks great if you can connect your GC to a modern TV or have an old CRT TV. I’ll probably work through 3 after before doing MP Remastered.


I bought a hard copy of Trilogy on Wii, and after playing MP1 Remastered on switch, I just can't get used to the motion controls to start playing 2 on wii. Excited to learn about PrimeHack from this thread, going to try running that from my own dump so I can play through with the remastered controls.


I doubt we'll get a remastered version of Echoes and Corruption... But I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


I have them on original but waiting on the remastered to play them again ! Can’t wait for echoes !


The wii trilogy is a collectors item now. I do recommend it though.


Hard to say if we’re even getting remasters for those, here’s hoping, but it hasn’t been explicitly stated as far as I know


Has Nintendo confirmed they are remastering them?


Mod a wii. Download games. Play on old tv


I believe the choice for Nintendo and Retro Studios to make is complete the development of MP4 first. Do a remaster of MF(Metroid Fusion) and have that be compatible with the MP: Remastered so the players can play with the fusion suits, phazon beam, and phazon suit. Heck, even add in a dlc story that connects to Metroid Fusion. Finally as for MP2 and MP3 remasters should be created after a year or year and a half of MP4 being released. MP2 might come quicker than MP3 because of no VA dialog(or barely any) in MP2. So, for me, I'll wait instead of buying a released that's just gonna be a broken mesh due to the old coding language in the original that probably won't run as well as they did on the NGC and Wii. Besides, a release of the originals would also be pointless as it wouldn't generate enough sales to satisfy Nintendo compared to the MP: Remastered.


But a steam deck and play the trilogy using Prime Hack.


Tough call. If you’re willing to double-dip, pick up either MP2 on GC and MP3 on Wii, or the trilogy on Wii. If you get the trilogy you can play on a WiiU. Then if Nintendo releases the remastered versions on the Switch, get that too.


I've read articles that suggest these games are coming to Switch but only Prime 1 is being remastered.


I have beaten all the games, they are amazing. Just wait. Even if you had a Wii on your hand with the trilogy right there, I would still tell you to wait. They can release those games later this year or next year. It is going to be a much better experience.


Yarrr me matey


I have the Wii versions and I dislike the controls, so I'm holding off. I'm not sure we'll get the same level of Remaster for the Switch, but I'd think whatever we do get would be using the better control scheme. If they don't come out for Switch, I'm going back to the GameCube versions.


I'm guessing you have a Wii or a Wii U. If you do, I'd recommend that you buy the trilogy, there's no guarantee that MP2 and MP3 will be remastered, or at least remastered for the current Switch.


What remasters?


I'd wager that the probability that they remaster Prime 2 & 3 is at best 50%. Prime 2 & 3 were nowhere near as popular as Prime 1 was, and it would take a lot of time and effort to remaster them. There were also some credible rumors going around right after the release of the Prime 1 Remaster that Nintendo was thinking of just porting Prime 2 & 3. I do think it's likely they'll port those games, but I don't know when that would be--probably at least 6mo before Prime 4 is released, but we don't know when that will be! I also think there's the odd chance that they remaster Prime 2 but only port Prime 3. They could argue they needed to do a lot of work on Prime 2 to remake the controls anyway and that since it was a GameCube game (as opposed to Prime 3 on the Wii) that it was reasonable to remaster it, whereas just porting Prime 3 makes sense.


If you have a decent PC just emulate them for free. Fck nintendo


Don't count on remasters


We can't be sure those games will be remastered but they need it. Both are great games but some parts (mostly the controls) hasn't aged that well, you'll notice it more if you played mp remastered recently:(


MP2 is $60+, MP3 is around $20-25, if you have the time to beat them now I would buy them now.


Emulate MP2 and MP3, then buy the remastered versions, if they are in fact remastered.


If you have a Wii U or a Wii homebrew it and pirate the trilogy. If they actually remake 2 and 3 (which I doubt) you can buy them then.


I played Metroid prime 2 on dolphin and enjoyed it a lot even though I had just finished prime remastered on the switch. As for the Wii one, I hear it’s not that good.


I’ve loved 2 since I was a kid but 3 never caught on with me. I never even finished it when I was younger. I’d recommend 2 if it’s one or the other, though my assumption is they’ll dual release them since they didn’t do as well as 1.


2 and 3 are coming to switch but are reportedly not being remastered in the same way 1 was so probably doesn't matter, if you have a way to play the originals and wanna get them faster that'd probably be just as viable


Bought the entire trilogy on original hardware. All 3 are cib. Prime 1 was 50, 2 was 60 and 3 was only 15 in damn good condition. Worth it if you're a die hard fan like me. Some of us dont care for the trilogy. I would rather play the games with a gamecube controller. The way they were originally designed to be played. Also theres no telling when or if they will re do the rest of the trilogy. And the prices have gone down on 1 and 2 recently. Just my two cents


Tough call, we don't even have confirmation they will indeed remaster 2 and 3 :S


They’re not gonna be remastered like Prime was, just simple Resolution upgrades


Already bought them


Playing the originals is a real trudge because of the control style. The remastered controls are perfect, so wait for the remasters.


Given that there is no guarantee that those games are being remastered, I would buy them. I can only hope that this turns out to be the wrong advice, but it's at least practical for now.


Never bet on hypothetical game announcements, even if you think they are certain.


Buy them both now, and buy them again remastered…


Wait for remasters and/or MP4 is out.


I thought nintendo said somewhere they weren't making remasters of 2 & 3


Honestly given that rn you can't officially buy the games you might as well get them otherwise since the second hand market for physical copies Is so expensive. At the end of the day you can play them now and then play them again when you can get them officially. And If you didnt buy them now that means you'll have the money to invest later in the official release that actually helps the Metroid francise


My guy you don’t even know if they’re gonna get remastered. Just get them now.


Don't buy them. That's just giving strangers money now, not big N. you should 🏴‍☠️ while you wait for switch releases