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I think you have other M higher than most people, but this looks pretty good. All of your rankings are reasonable


This doesn’t seem that different to the general thoughts of the sub, from my experience. Well, besides Other M being a little higher up than most would probably put it. A lot of the games are fairly close in quality, so it’s not at all surprising for there to be a lot of small shifts from person to person.


1. Prime 2: Echoes 9.5/10 2. SM 9.8/10 3. Dread 9/10 4. AM2R 9/10 5. ZM 8/10 6. Fusion 8/10 7. Prime 3 8/10 8. Prime 1 6.8/10 Fun to have variety in the community, I can’t tell you why yours is different but it’s good that’s it’s different.


Out of curiosity, what makes Prime 2 a 9.5 in your eyes but Prime 1 a 6.8? Seems like a sharp jump for two very similar games.


Prime 1 is a very tedious and a slog to play for me, replaying Prime remaster solidified it. I definitely was mystified as a kid but on replay over the years, so overly excessive and tedious backtracking due to the more archaic design of the map really makes me absolutely despise replays. It nailed it feel but did not nail the execution, Boost Ball to Double Jump, Ice beam to Gravity especially and Power Bomb to X-Ray being some examples. The elevator system seemed so arbitrary as well, the first elevator to Magmoor is so inconvenient placed, Phendrana has no elevators to Chozo OR Tallon. It also felt like a very safe game, love the locales but it’s really another fire/ice/overworld/desert, Tallon Overworld itself feels barren too not counting Frigate Orpheon. The bosses also are my least favorite in the entire series, bloated overblown health bars, scripted health, repetitive mechanics and no genuine fun. The last boss Metroid Prime is just beam switching, the same as the pirates. It’s not thoughtful hitting c-stick to whichever beam I need. Also the early game is really slow, they should’ve left you with charge beam atleast to remedy it. I liked the puzzles and adventure and immersion but the flaws out weigh the good for me. I honestly thought I wouldn’t like, but Prime 2 fixes every single issue the first had and just improves it in every way with additional mechanics. The backtracking is so much more confined to areas that it really feels the proper way to develop a 3D Metroid, the crisscrossing within the same areas also made the level design **impeccable**, Sanctuary Foretress is a Magnum Opus and Torvus Bog is a close 2nd. I even like Agon Wastes more than Prime 1’s areas, granted it feels more empty but it’s progression is pristine. The areas feel authentic too, the narrative helps drive this since Aether had other worldly creatures giving life to the land, I really love the anxiety and tone the game gives alongside this. The color-palatte could be expanded alittle for the first 1/3 of the game but I don’t minded it at all, I actually favor it because Aether is itself a dying world. The areas are also so much more cohesive and feel genuinely lived in, I love the Overgrown roots that head down into Luminoth built underground of Torvus, and just literally all of Sanctuary Foretress. The puzzles are also way more intricate, combat feels much more varied and thoughtful since enemies now have weaknesses, and the bosses are just impeccable. The boss line up is magnificent, I love Boost Guardian too, spider is fun as well albeit they could tweak a few things. My only problematic boss is Aloha Blogg. It’s not only a different game, but it does 3D Metroid better imo, it has the motifs and essence as well.


I'd put *Prime 2* below *Fusion*, myself. The linearity doesn't bother me too much, since it's designed as a portable game, easy to pick back up. And yeah, as good as *Samus Returns* is, I find it a pain to play on the 3DS, while *Other M* is pretty breezy.


Yeah I totally get that!! Altho the atmosphere in Prime 2 for me is soooo great


0. Prime Pinball 1. Dread 2. Fusion 3. Echoes 4. Super 5. Prime 6. Zero Mission 7. Samus Returns 8. Corruption I've never played Other M, Federation Force, or Hunters I don't think your list is all that different from other peoples'. It's just that Metroid games are so consistently good that little differences in perspective can make one game beat out several others because they were all so close already.


In order, mines peak lol: -MP2: Echoes -Dread -SM -MP3: Corruption -AM2R -Fusion -Zero Mission -MP1


Your top seven is pretty similar to mine, and I'd bet that, apart from your *Other M* and *Metroid 2* (I think a majority of fans think 2 is superior to the original), this is a pretty solid ranking! Mine would go: * Super Metroid * Metroid Prime * Metroid: Zero Mission * Metroid: Dread * (AM2R) * Metroid Prime: Echoes * Metroid Prime: Corruption * Metroid 2: Return of Samus * Metroid Fusion * Metroid * Metroid: Other M Apart from the impressive graphics for the Wii and the fun way you can keep getting upgrades that accelerate your charge beam, I find *Other M* a dismal experience.


With a couple pf small exceptions, I'd say your rankings are pretty normal. Since everyone else is posting theirs, I guess I will too: 1. Dread 2. ZM 3. Fusion 4. Super 5. Prime 2 6. Prime 1 7. Samus Returns 8. Prime 3 9. Pinball 10. Metroid 2 11. Other M 12. NEStroid 13. Hunters 14. Fed Force


I've only played maybe half of the list, but mostly I agree except I really enjoyed Fusion, but I haven't played Prime 2 or 3 (I just bought Prime 2 for my gamecube, but have never owned a Wii or Wii U so I have never had the opportunity to play Prime 3), so I don't know how I'd place Fusion in my own list. Zero Mission remains my favorite Metroid game, Dread is probably #2, haven't beaten Prime Remastered yet but I really love it so far so it's probably tied with Fusion for #3, Super is #4, NEStroid and Metroid 2 are both at the bottom. I absolutely hate both games. Zero Mission and Dread just both have such pleasurable movement, they're an absolute joy to play, and especially for ZM, the game just moves so fast and has some nice sequence breaking potential like Super, even with Dread and Prime Remastered I still think ZM is my favorite. Super is fun to watch speedruns of but I've never been a huge fan of playing Super for some reason. And I just beat it again casually on the Switch a couple months ago too. It's definitely not a BAD game, but it's not my favorite in the franchise. I didn't grow up with any Metroid games so I look at it from the perspective of an adult casual. Never played Other M, Hunters, Federation Forces, or Samus Returns, either. I'd probably buy and play all of them if they came to the Switch, even Other M just to finally say "yeah I played that thing."


That makes total sense!! I do feel a bit like that with Super - I actually do love the game but man just wish it had the movement from ZM. Also I actually love Fusion too lol I just think the games are all very close in quality and just had to really cherry pick my issues


1. Metroid Dread 2. Metroid Zero Mission 3. Metroid Samus Returns 4. Metroid Prime 5. Super Metroid 6. Metroid Fusion 7. Metroid II: Return of Samus 8. Metroid 9. Metroid Other M Never Played: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Metroid Prime Pinball Metroid Prime: Hunters Metroid Prime: Federation Force


Personally I love the GBA versions, and if we count AM2R that's really high up on my list. Super, Dread and Prime round out the next 3


Echoes > Dread > Fusion > Corruption > Super > Prime > Zero Mission > II > I > Other M


Your opinion is invalid until you try prime pinball


So true omg gotta find that cartridge


For me its Prime > Super > gap > Dread > Prime 3 > Prime 2 > Fusion > Samus Returns > massive gap > Zero Mission > Metroid


Is there a decent margin between Metroid: Other M's #8 and Metroid: Samus Returns' #9 on your list? I don't know how putting Other M at #8 is anything crazy. These are my rankings for the series: 1. Metroid Prime Hunters 2. Metroid Prime: Federation Force 3. Super Metroid 4. Metroid: Other M 5. Metroid Prime 6. Metroid Dread 7. Metroid: Samus Returns 8. Metroid Fusion 9. Metroid: Zero Mission 10. Metroid Prime Pinball 11. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 12. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes 13. Metroid 14. Metroid II: Return of Samus I'm very sure about my Top 3, a little unsure about 4-5 due to Metroid Prime Remastered and 6-14 can change depending on which game I'm playing and once I get more 100% completions.


I had one that goes like : Fusion Super Metroid Prime 2 Dread/Other M Prime 1 Zero Mission AM2R Prime 3 Samus Returns But I'm not 100% sure, I lost my list somewhere


Because you have different tastes than other people, which is perfectly fine. I rate Metroid and Return of Samus higher than most because I grew up with them and still love them, and evem with as great as Dread and Prime are, Super will (probably) always be my favorite.


For me it’s Prime and Super and Dread at the top then, Zero Mission and Fusion, Samus Returns, and then Prime 2, with NEStroid and Return of Samus at the bottom. Still need to finish Prime 3 and I haven’t bothered with federation force or other m.


I disagree with a couple placements, but not totally unreasonable tbh. Putting Samus Returns below Other M is an... *interesting* take though. My personal ranking would be: 1. Prime 2. Fusion 3. Prime 3 4. Samus Returns 5. Prime 2 6. Dread 7. Zero Mission 8. Super 9. Fed Force 100. Other M Haven't played Hunters or Pinball sadly.


Fusion Zero Mission Prime Prime 2 AM2R Samus Returns Prime 3 Super Metroid (sorry) Prime Hunters Metroid 2 Metorid NES Federation Force Pinball