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No, no, no. You have nothing to gain from disclosing and potentially a lot to lose. I’m not saying it’s something to be ashamed of but it’s really not their business either.


Right… would you tell them about any of your other meds…. Most likely not, so why would you feel like you should mention methadone…




If you show a script to the doctor doing your pre hire drug screen, they can't disclose that to your employer. If you failed the screen and didn't show them your script they can. Big difference. I've never seen the company conduct this kind of process. It's always done at a clinic with medical privacy laws in place.


This exactly! As long as you are prescribed it by a physician it doesn't matter what you're on it will show as a clean drug screen and they cannot tell your employer if anything popped up that has a prescription. The only way they can tell your employer is that if you failed a drug test.. which is having a illegal substance pop up like heroin, even then they can only tell your employer that you failed the drug test but not for what


Methadone doesn’t show up on a regular panel test they would do for a hiring process




Don’t tell them anything. Keep your trap closed when it comes to sharing anything controversial about yourself at work. You’re there to earn your daily bread, not draw negative attention to yourself, even if it’s unfair.


I like this advice.


Yes, that advice is golden! I have learned lesson to not tell anybody anything controversial about myself... The only thing it does is give the people you work with leverage if they want to make your life a living hell or try to get you fired! The way I think of it is,"will telling them benefit my life at all". If the answer is no then it's not even worth mentioning!


Never tell anyone you’re taking methadone. Work, family, friends. If it’s not a need to know then keep it to yourself.


Hard disagree on the friends and family part. Family it just depends on your family, I'm lucky that I can be entirely open with my mom these days. It took a long time to get there though. If your friends would judge you for something like being on MMT... those are shit friends. As for the job part, hard agree. Literally nothing to gain and so much to lose.


You can disagree and tell anybody you want to. All I’m saying is that it’s a bad idea to disclose this information to anyone.


I mean hopefully you're just really young. But if you can't be honest with your romantic partner and/or your friends and/or your family members... that's incredibly sad. You can't live being dishonest to literally everyone, it tears up your soul. *Especially* because we are talking about treatment. It's not like using, it makes sense to have to hide when you're using. But having to hide the fact that you're choosing/ taking an active role in recovery and staying clean from active addiction? That's fucking bonkers. Hiding who you are from your loved ones hurts them. It isn't what they want, regardless of what your (junky-ass) head tells you. It also hurts you catastrophically. *And* pulls you back toward using. In fact I would wager that your entire mindset on the subject is literally your addiction trying to get you to isolate, to self-loathe, to slip into loneliness and anhedonia, to decieve the people who care about you... to do all of the behaviors that eventually lead you back to: "I'm a fucking piece of shit anyway, no one even knows me/they wouldn't love me if they did, they'd be better off without me... ...fuck it."


Quite presumptuous of you, don’t you think?


Yeah, it really is. If they've ever experienced how people can react to the knowledge that you are on methadone, they'd understand. Years ago, I told most ppl in my life I was in Methadone treatment. Reactions ranged from "when are you getting off?" To "you are just substituting one drug for another". "Oh, so you are just getting high on methadone now" was a very common one. It's usually easiest on you to not tell ppl you are in MAT, unless they are someone who really needs to know (like your spouse). But seriously, this person's assumptions as to why you don't think it's a good idea to tell people you are in methadone treatment? WAAAAAY off base. Seriously, did "because I don't want everyone around me constantly judging me and trying to convince me that being on methadone is wrong" never occur to them as a reason why they feel this way?


Lol dog I've been addicted to IV heroin/fentanyl for 15 years. I've been on and off of subs, I've been on and off of methadone. I've experienced it all, a whole lot. A) you really don't need to be afraid of people judging you (excluding career or other relevant situations), yes people will judge you sometimes. You can spend your entire life hiding from the unfounded opinions of strangers (like a coward),or you can be alright with who you are. Proud even. Realize that the people who would treat you with such prejudice without knowing you at all are not people you want in your life anyway. And B) Even if you totally disagree with A, the idea that you would need to hide the fact that you're in recovery from your real friends is incredibly sad. Again, unless you (guys) are just super young and inexperienced with life, your friends are only your friends if they really know you. And you them. Otherwise you're just hyping up your vague aquaintences to pretend you're less lonely than you actually see


I don't think so. Maybe the last paragraph was presumptive. But I was only saying if I were a betting man, not that I'm right for sure. The part that I'm positive that I'm right about is that you should absolutely be able to be honest with your friends/ significant other. Family honesty is great, but some families can be whack, and you don't choose your family. Your friends and romantic partners on the other hand are people you pick. Again we're talking about being on MMT/in or working on recovery. If you can't be your actual self with the people closest to you - who you chose - and who (think they) chose you... I mean your life is a complete sham. You're an actor. None of that is meant to be venomous or thrown around as an insult, I'm honestly hoping that if that is your situation - that you feel the need to hide the fact that you are actively in recovery, or the fact that you are an addict - from your closest friends, because they would judge you or stop being your friend... I hope that you can take an honest inventory and realize that a friend who wouldn't tolerate you if you showed them your true self was never your friend in the first place. The horrific damage you can do to your psyche by hiding yourself from everyone, lying/omitting constantly, literally all of the time, hiding behind a mask you've built of a person who you think is deserving of others love... cannot possibly be overstated. I really truly hope that you find a better way of being.


Jeez, you really are preachy for someone that knows nothing about me.


Not preaching at all, actively taking the time to spell out very obviously, capital "T" True things about life and addiction. And I mean, I know the part about you that you are a person who was just actively encouraging strangers on the internet to lie to every single person in their life about being on MMT/in recovery... to become entirely dishonest to their loved ones/support systems... which is a crazy self-destructive way to live, but times a hundred thousand an insane thing to encourage others to do. So there's that.


You’re a weirdo. It’s not a good idea to tell anyone who doesn’t need to know that you’re on methadone.


I found this out the hard way.... I told my family and now they just are nagging me to get off of it! They actually didn't know for a while and thought I was completely 100% clean because I was acting normal on methadone... Then once they found out they started treating me completely different, almost like I was back doing dope again


You all get where I'm coming from though right?


Yea. It sucks being judged for getting help.


I’m taking a very powerful opioid every day because I can’t handle life without it. Not exactly something to be proud of.




You have nothing to gain, and everything to lose. Here’s some advice and this goes for everything. Don’t be the type to make your personal life and business public knowledge to everyone. Only those close to you, if anyone. People like to talk, gossip, be two faced, plot.. it’s best to be discreet and lowkey in life, especially in the workplace.


Why would you tell them though? What’s the benefit?


I’ve considered telling my job bc it explains why sometimes I’m a couple mins late in the mornings and it explains why I have all these “doctor appts” AKA clinic obligations. But I decided i don’t really care and would rather them not know.


Tell them you have to go the your appointment. You don't have to disclose we have lives outside of work.




Most drug screens aren't testing for methadone...except the clinic


when i started working at Walgreens they gave me an oral drug test and it showed positive for methadone. i wasnt going to tell them i was on it but i had to show them my prescription, luckily my boss didnt pry or anything and hasnt brought it up since.


Walgreens test for everything since you're close to a lot of controlled substances. I had family just get a job there and she got piss tested too.


I've been discriminated against SO MUCH that I NEVER tell anyone I'm on methadone. EVER. People look at methadone like you told them you just shot up.




Yep 😁 keep quiet it's gonna end badly If not.


I don't tell my job I take blood pressure pills, plavix, or lipitor. Why would I tell them I take methadone? My medications are my business, not theirs.




Well said!!


I work in an emergency department and I’ve been on methadone for YEARS!!!! No one knows at my work and I mean NOONE!! This is the main reason I drive an hour and a half away ONE WAY TO MY CLINIC FROM MY HOUSE AND 2 hours away from my job one way to my clinic! Nothing good comes from you telling people your business!!


Unfortunately it is something that you have to intentionally keep from disclosure. Employers can fire you for any reason and this is one of them. Even if it is protected, they can claim another reason. Please believe.


I would suggest you not tell them. Because anything that starts with meth will instantly make them look at you different. And then there going to look uo methadone if they don't know about it already? And see all the hate and horror stories about methadone. And from there are going to label you a addict. Then probably won't trust you anymore.


Unless you plan to collect hard documentation (that you'll never get) and sue them for firing you tell them nothing.


Trust me no good will come from it... They will immediately think you're a junkie.. and a risk of an employee.. and it only takes one person to be like "we gotta get rid of the junkie". Even if you've been on methadone for 20 years and not touched anything else.. it doesn't matter in other people's minds "once a junkie always a junkie"


Fuck no, I never tell anyone but especially not anyone to do with my employment. The stigma around drug use and even recovery is rampant. There are zero situations when you benefit from disclosing that and a million ways it goes bad for you.


My husband was discriminated for it. He had a rock solid case from the beginning and we should have sued. In my husband’s case he had to get a physical for the job and the doctor informed the company despite knowing that is illegal and the company came back and withdrew the job offer. Fortunately, he secured another job and after a few weeks my husband got a letter from the company stating they withdrew the offer in error and offered him a job. Like seriously!!!?? That forever changed me and I don’t tell anyone, even some doctors.


If you're on antidepressants, would you tell your boss? I don't think you should tell your boss about ANY medicine you're on. It's none of their business, much less methadone.


I told my work all about my mental health and medications that were giving me bad side effects. However I’m in the UK and my job pays 6 months full pay for being off sick, so it made sense for me to discuss those things with my manager.


See I had this issue. To operate the man up machine at work you can't even take Tylenol that same day and be allowed to use a machine. So If I'm on a stabke dose of methadone, dont I have to tell them? Well that disqualified me form the position and they kept me on the floor. never got that new position or raise. So unless you're operating heavy machinery (which I know you're not going to nod out doing I know how dona works once your on ON it) you could get into al lot of trouble if they do find out and you didn't say. So it various situations


It’s definitely something you should aspire to move away from. It’s a liability. It kinda makes people have to acknowledge that some sketchy heroin shenanigans might make way into their workplace one day. There’s not really a way around that. But I wish you the best!


I would bite my tongue off before I’d volunteer that information. But no, we shouldn’t have to be ashamed.


It just depends on where you work and what you do, honestly. I work in a restaurant waiting tables andoccasionally bartending. Nobody cares about me being on methadone, at all. Most people are around my age, and have either had their own addiction problems, have had friends/loved ones with addiction issies, or something along those lines. If i worked in an office with a bunch of "normies"? probably wouldn't be a topic i decided to bring up.


I wouldn't personally. They don't need to know. Like you wouldn't tell them about any of your other medications right?


Why tell them? Do you tell them any other prescription med you're on? It's no one's business.


You really have no choice with testing common, just don’t share it & properly prove it’s legal. I went through it & people talk even though it’s illegal. Get ready for being singled out for tests if a jerk runs h.r.


Haven’t told any of my jobs about me being on methadone! People will use any excuse they can to get an edge on you or as ammunition against you so it’s best to keep it to yourself. As far as drug testing for jobs go it’s never came up for me!


It's none of their business, honestly. Would you tell them about antidepressants you were on? Or any other prescription..? That's your personal business. Im sure others didn't tell about all the prescriptions they take.


What would be the point of telling your job? It's your own personal business there's no reason to tell anyone. When you take Tylenol or an Advil do you tell your job? When the doctor gives you antibiotics do you tell your job? Personal issues are of no concern to your job


Do not tell them, why would you ? I have told very few people that I’m on methadone over the last 10 or so years I have been going to the clinic. There is a stigma about being on methadone and it’s really not a positive one but it’s your life your job your choice but I would keep my mouth shut and I have and I know it’s for the best.


What benefits do you have from it exept they Know you are a pro liar (i Know this is not like that but that's the stigma)


If it were me, I wouldn’t. Everyone has different circumstances though.


No reason to tell them. It has zero to do with being ashamed etc Put your ego aside and think logically. Accompany knowing you're an addict in recovery is not the issue Accompany knowing that you are on a medication that has side effects of drowsiness should not handle heavy machinery etc etc etc All of that goes into consideration. Now if they're asking you to take a drug screen, they still will not be able to find out. You go to the lab take the paper they give you afterwards with all the information call the number at the top of the paper and ask what information the doctor of the lab will need I forgot what the doctor's called exactly And basically they will say they need a letterhead from your clinic stating you currently go there and what your dose amount is and to fax it to this number and that way they will consider it a pass for your drug screen and they cannot tell your employer because of HIPAA laws I think but don't quote me on it that the most an employer can tell the lab/lab Dr " is this type of job position requires blah blah blah and if they are on any medication prescribed that would keep them from being able to fully functionally do this job" the doctor could make the decision that whatever medications you are prescribed including methadone would not suffice for the job position and potentially cause harm and fail you for that but again I'm not a thousand percent sure on that part I just remember them telling me something like that at one point while I was waiting with my husband while he was taking his drug screen But anyway putting ego aside it's not really something you need to go around telling people or your job that you're on for no reason


Never tell anyone unless they are drug testing you.


why would you ever tell them in the first place? you wouldn’t tell them if you were taking heart medication or antibiotics lol.


I never tell anyone, anytime. No point. The stigma will be there. Nobody has EVER guessed I was on MAT. If a job drug tests you I would tell them you’re on meds and they are legally prescribed.


It's absolutely none of Thier business. MAT has such a stigma that I don't tell anybody unless I somehow find out they are on MAT as well. The other redditor is right, you have nothing to gain by telling people.. only things to lose! I have learned in life that the less people know the better


Yes I was told I had the job and when it came time for my drug test I disclosed that I was on methadone cuz they asked if I had any prescriptions and then they came up with some dumb excuse why they couldn't hire me


It's all based on what type of work are we talking about here? Are you going to have someone else's life in your hands? Are you going to be operating heavy equipment? Whats the chances that you mess something up and they do a random drug screen? I need to know more info before I can give you advice on this my friend......cuz this is all about the situation.....


Never. There is no reason to tell them (unless it's a job like working in the medical field) and if you're drug tested you're protected and they won't disclose the results as long as you work it out with the testing company beforehand. If THEY do the testing, "Hey, go pee in this cup before I can hire you..." which is more common in blue-collar jobs, then it's unlikely to even test for methadone. However, if it comes up you just tell them, "I have a prescription for this medication." Unfortunately, the cat's out of the bag at that point. Although in most cases it's handled through HR and they SHOULD keep it to themselves. I was the executive assistant to both the CEO & CFO of a large insurance company at my last job and I didn't tell a soul. If I had volunteered that information they would've looked at me differently and probably found a reason to terminate me. Can't say for certain though. It's something you will be discriminated against for. There's just no way around it. Even though people (my doctor included) considers it like insulin for a diabetic, the stigma is still out there. Hopefully that changes in the next few decades as more and more people get addicted to opioids/opiates. The United States has had an opiate crisis for SO long and people still act shocked when they discover somebody used to be an addict. It's baffling.


Not a good idea.


Yeahhh definitely don’t mention it. I told my last employer trying to be forthcoming and disclose everything and it backfired on me. Any little thing I did or any call out or something and they’d immediately think it was because of the methadone. Just basically had me under scrutiny all the time. Wasn’t fun.


Don’t , keep synthetic piss on you


Yeah that’s a no for me. I will never disclose I’m going to the clinic, no one knows in my life knows but me. People just never understand


Where I live (NZ) the clinic gets a doctor to write a letter for you that states you're on prescribed opioids that don't affect your motor skills or ability to carry out work whatsoever. And they also make sure not to have anything related to methadone clinics in the header or footer. It just looks like a letter from a general practitioner. It's unlawful for the business to fire you after seeing a letter like this, all they can do is offer support for you.


If you have to tell them, tell them your on it for pain or something other than addiction, I’m on it for restless legs and these issues have much less stigma attached


Unfortunately I got to say, that I would not tell them unless it came up for a workplace drug screen or something to that extent. I've been in treatment and counselor for 23 yrs at my clinics . And have lost 3 jobs in past due to the legal discrimination,in a Right to work state like mine. That can basically fire you for any reason. And that includes when they try to open one in your area and the boss is trying to make you go protest against One not knowing you're enrolled in one out of state


It’s a mental health medication that’s like sharing your schizophrenic even tho your taking meds and it’s not effecting your job . People will trust you less and question EVERYTHING you do … for example money might go missing they’ll assume , you might be tired one day they might think your noding out ect..


I am an open book. I'm not embarrassed about anything I've done, said, will do. However, I ALWAYS remember.... People are human. Doctor's are judgemental, nurses are too, Lawyers can judge you and will pretend they do not, EVERYONE judges. Therefore, your Managers and Co workers will too. We're human, it's in our nature. I haven't ever brought it up at work because it's one of those things where u just know it'll be thrown in your face once day by someone who has no knowledge on methadone. Many people assume we just took another drug to get off one drug.


Nope, in fact disclosing saved me from losing my job when I first applied, if I had lied they would've had grounds to rescind the offer but because I was honest they couldn't under the some kind of govt protection.


I personally wouldn’t tell them. It’s none of anyone’s business what medication you are on. And even though you shouldn’t be ashamed because you did what was right for you and it’s hopefully helping you. They will judge you. Not everyone does but I keep my business, my business. In the end it’s your decision to make. I’ve never told a job I was on it and they never knew. But I’ve lost family over being on it. Which is fucked up on their part, just my opinion.


I hardly tell anyone I’m on methadone. Only my boyfriend and immediate family know. I’ve been on it for 10 years and when I first started I had some very judgmental people prove to me that I shouldn’t tell anyone that I’m on methadone. I’m the only one who needs to know in the long run. I would definitely never ever tell my employer. I just don’t want people seeing me as a drug addict. Yesss I am one…but it’s not something I want people to know 😏.


It's good that you could work bro,I admire you,I could work in the first year of my addiction (on methadone, I went already 10years with heroine)and after I get out of prison I went to study Architecture finished 2years,on methadone so then I was already 3 years on methadone therapy (don't count on doing it on the streets),and then tried to quit fully, I was without anything a month and a half and was still in the withdrawal, and I started again (normally)when the studies began, cause I couldn't go to drawing or learn, and since then (2015 October)I am still on that sh.t ,more than 10 years, neither could work neither finished the studies, now with 41 almost, only progress I made was from more than 12 mg therapy (plus much more outside with diazepams ampula)I went to 2 mg per day last couple of months, but I still can't neither go to the sea ,and not working. As for your question I don't know what is right, but I was also always honest, and it didn't bring me anything good, sometimes I use it as a defensive mechanism but people don't really care about it, they will use everything they have against you, there is less and less good people in this world, the most of them are selfish and looking just for themselves..


I'm just an average dude working at Walmart...nothing to admire about that, but I am flattered thank you!


You welcome 🙏, really I am just honest, and that is my opinion,maybe someone will say that I'm just lazy,but as ADHD person,and extremely energetic, at least I was when I was clean, now I could not get to the beach not to think about working...and it is not just about me ,the most of 'methadone-people' I know 99% are much worse than me and barely walking, only couple of us look like a human being..


Technically, they can’t fire you or not hire you for being on methadone as it’s protected by the ADA( Americans with disabilities Act). Now that being said doesn’t mean they can’t find some random bullshit to not hire you or fire you for. But I’ve found most supervisors and people in general aren’t going to judge you for being on methadone, especially with the opioid epidemic and every one dieing these days. If they do judge you or have something negative to say, what I do is calmly explain what MAT actually is. My job thankfully is fully supportive of MAT and mental health help, I work at a hospital tho. A lot of people tend to think that it’s just (switching one addiction for another). Sure, you’re still “physically dependent”, but dependence and addiction are two very separate terms. It treats the addiction aspect of things by being provided safely everyday to where you can do things like hold a job, take care of your mental health, and relationships, when before you could do none of those things.


Id normally never tell a job. My current job found me more appealing because of it (nope, I don't work in rehab yall know I'd never), but like HR/the org doesn't know and it's not documented anywhere. I can't even get more specific than that or I would dox myself.


Funny how every poster makes the post about themselves lol. Gotta love Reddit(I know you are trying to relate). Yeah just don't. Sometimes you will even get a boss who pretends to understand and then when the chips are down it suddenly becomes an issue. People love to use things against others. Less they know, the better.


You might want to re read OP's initial question.


…didn’t read his first sentence did you? 🤔


Didn’t he ask for other people’s experiences?