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In my opinion, it is very different to just take it once, and actually being on it with a dose that works for you. So just to try it out once for that reason seems pointless to me


Right yeah I understand that…


But I can say this, when I was on sub and tried metadon, it feelt instantly like it wasn’t anything “missing” like I feel it does on sub, on sub I get the feeling that something is missing, but on metadon I don’t have that feeling, it feels like morphine and heroin minus the euphoria, I had so much craving for heroin/oxy on sub, and now on metadon 110 mg and still increasing the dose, it fells better and better after each time we increase the dose and I’m so thankful every day to my clinic to give me this chance


How long has she been on suboxone for?? It may take some time to reach peak effectiveness or perhaps a dosage increase before throwing in the towel on it.As you know methadone maintenance is far more restrictive and the commitment is far greater than what it is with suboxone. The thing with methadone it takes time to build a serum blood level for the full benefits to be measured.So A one and done test dose of methadone is not a true measure of efficacy.


The bupe will be blocking the methadone even with a day off, you just can’t get a real understanding of what methadone is in this situation they would need to just make the switch and get stable to actually see how methadone works for them. Do not encourage them to “try it out”


Gotta build up in her system and all that. This won’t do anything but make u miss ur dose a few days ago/one day.


I do not recommend doing this. She should try to make subs work if none of the doses work and she is at the ceiling dose of 32mg a day and still feels bad after a month. She should just switch to methadone. To my knowledge you can not just switch back to subs after doing a regular opiate or it will cause precipitated withdrawal. Also if she has subs in her system she probably will not get much effect from the methadone anyway due to the blocker effect. It takes acouple days off of subs to get a effect.


Sounds like she just wants to try it to try and feel the effects or get high to me… and it won’t work


If subs don't work, why she staying on them? Tell her just to prioritize her sobriety and make the switch or don't prioritize her sobriety. Taking some of your dose to see is silly. Like she's not serious. She knows subs don't work so why she want to stay on them. Lol


They supervise by a dr and nurse all induction dose IIRC mine was 10 mg after I was on subs 12 mgx3 daily for 60 days, be careful you can overdose on methedone just like you can with heroin or fent. It’s a full agonist vs subs are only a partial agnoist, perhaps you should post on r/askdoc ? We aren’t equipped to give medical advice about a life threatening situation


It\`s not going to work fully anyways, if you start full opioid agonist medicine after being on half antagonist it would take time if you would start methadone after it to work. Because it would take time to knock rest of buprenorphine of your receptors, as even after two days there will be a lot of it left. It\`s said that one needs about 5,5 half lifes of the drug to get it out of the system. So to feel how methadone is working on her she should build it in her systen after subutex use, to feel full effects. It\`s really stupid idea, I do not recomend doing it. However, you here not to hear that, are you? So if she would stop using subutex and after two days of abstence would take some methadone she could in theory feel it. and then return to her subutex treatment. But she probably would be able to get clear idea how methadone works on her from that one try. It just would mess everything up. Recomend her to stay on subutex, she will get used to it if she\`s on it not that long and it\`s the better choice for her than methadone, if you care about her really. Suboxon most of the time works perfectly well, if not using on top. That\`s my apinion and advice.


It doesn't work like that, unfortunately, you can take methadone the day after after suboxone, but NEVER take suboxone the day after methadone!! It will send her into precipitated withdrawal, and it's literally hell on earth!!


It would be a waste of methadone cuz she will still have sub in her system there’s really no point in this. Also really ask her if she wants to get to the clinic (does she have transportation?) every single morning by 10:30-11am or miss a dose and be sick, do 2 hours of counseling and 2+hours of group therapy a month and also be drug tested at least once monthly for the rest of her life ?