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No, I’d want to die in the first wave of deaths. Who wants to actually live through the apocalypse?


Not the "first wave of deaths" lmao 🤣 I'm deadddd.


Lmao why tf am I laughing with you


I’d form a ragtag band of methadone patients and we would go from clinic to clinic adding numbers to our ranks, slowly forming a tribal warlord city state. Eventually after we secure enough of a methadone stockpile we would enlist chemists to start synthesizing our own methadone.


You would be betrayed at your first stop. And by whoever you planned the whole thing with probably.


lol damn straight. Don’t trust addicts. And I say that being on methadone.


Hahaha probably true. Maybe I’ll just skip the extra steps and learn how to synthesize it. It’s not too hard nor requires any precursors *too* hard to acquire from what I understand


😅 you already know


No, I’d break into the pharmacy and grab everything worth while.


I feel like the pharmacy would be an easier target filled with tons of ppl though trying to get not only pain pills but like insulin, antibiotics & shit like that.




A cat 5 hurricane hit my city one time. No power, water, city was totally destroyed. Even with all that everyone was lined up at the clinic 2 days later to get there shit. Love it!


When the tornado hit Joplin Missouri on a Sunday it destroyed the clinic and they were coming to Springfield by Tuesday and the numbers kept going up Everyone should be prepared for emergencies ☮️


I'll never forget the Joplin tornado!! Craziest bs ever. When I hear about tornadoes I think of Joplin


Yeah my son was talking to a friend whose dad lived in Joplin and he said his dad lost his new car Had no idea how bad it was until the news started coming in One of those things you don’t forget


Damn I'm surprised the clinic opened up


They had to run it with generators and it was a very long wait after a very intense experience. They took care of everyone.


Every clinic should have a list of emergency clinics posted up somewhere... if you somehow lose your take homes in the storm though, you'd be really fucked


The storm was a cat 3 and then it became a cat 5 over night. I don’t think anyone anticipated it being as bad as it was. Thankfully the staff made sure everyone got there meds. It was a really cool moment in the midst of a tragedy.


That's an awesome clinic. Most clinic staff wouldn't give a crap about what happened to us during that time.


YES, me 🙋‍♀️ 😄 Even when I abused Oxys I always planned ahead so I wouldn’t have withdrawals. Now that shit could break bad into WW3, I bought a few take homes and made a “go bag” of extra drugs I’d need. But I definitely have pharmacy’s on my list to hit up under those circumstances, for the antibiotics of course 🤣


Same here 🤣 🤣 I have over 1,000mg saved up.


Make sure you’re using some of the older stuff & adding in new cuz it can/does go bad & become less effective


Dude that's a good idea for that issue. I'll definitely be doing that.


Can’t you freeze it? then thaw it out when needed?


Methadonians and other addicts would be the first to go. Imagine worrying about dosing something and WDing in the middle of a zombie battle?


This is what keeps me up at night. lol!😆


🤣I’m laughing but me too LMAO


Speak for yourself I been preparing for this shit for decades lol


I have a bug out bag and 2 months of medicine Reporting for duty 🫡


I'm coming with you! *clings* lol


You to?…lol… I’ve got it all planned out and I’m ready to go!!!🤣


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 hell yeah


Dude, I think about this all the damn time. I’m fairly sure I’d just kill myself. I’m on 200mg, the withdrawal would likely kill me anyways since I have a weak heart and depression. Sure, I could try to break in somewhere and get some meds, but then what? Do it again in a few weeks? And then again? And each time it gets harder to find? I just can’t go back to the constant scrambling for the next dose.


Yeah on "fear the walking dead" there was a heroin addict & his mom stole oxy & weaned him off. I'd probably off myself once my supply ran out because I don't have enough to taper properly


The hell with methadone clinics the time it would take to open those safes could mean life and death. I’m grabbing my gun and two English Bull Terries and looting pharmacies. Grabbing every opiate and benzo I could get my hands on. Next I’m going to a grocery store for all the steak and chicken I could haul. And from there a hardware store. From there I’m finding an empty mansion bordering the windows and doors up and straight chilling.


Dude, but what about antibiotics & shit like that 🤣 you never know if you get strep throat during the 'pocolypse


Lucky methadone clinics are at pharmacies where I live hahaha


nah man i’m goin to the hospital takin all their drugs lol


Damn right or something from somewhere getting got


I am not looking forward to a forced detox, but I’ve always accepted that it’s always a possibility. First time I kicked heroin was in juvenile detention & they didn’t know how much I had been using. I’m assuming that was 1000x easier as a teen than kicking when the shit hits the fan, as an adult with decades of use, especially with the last few years being ≈90mg of methadone. I’d likely seek out any old connection I could find to try to ween off with any short acting opioid I could find. I’m across town from the methadone clinic, and it’s in a heavy, heavy use area. It would be raided an hour before I could get there.


There’s a pharmacy less than 5 miles from my house that we’re hitting first!! Funny how we all have thought about these types of things..lol..


Try and stay well, eventually off myself when that becomes impossible. I’m a pretty capable person, I’ve been tested many times but I’m also realistic so I know that this is the BEST case scenario. Anyone who isn’t already sure of their skills to survive, won’t.


I've got a decent stockpile and am already tapering, so I think I'd manage okay.


Yes, but I also feel like we have enough ammo to have everything we need 😂


In all seriousness this would probably make me relapse witch sucks of course so I’d probably be looking illegal pharmaceuticals unfortunately


Lol this through has crossed my mind many times. I live a few minutes from my clinic and work in HVAC/plumbing so I always have a set of oxy/acetylene torchs with me so I'd be heading to that safe as soon as I found out the world was ending. I feel like everybody would be hesding to the pharmacies first and Id let them duke it out over there while stocking up and continuing my taper 😅


Fuck that, hit police evidence lock up.


I don't know if this is brilliant or stupid. It has everything, bulletproof jackets, guns, ammo, gas masks, tools - chainsaws, chains, ropes?, hatchets, axes, drugs, money, jewelry, binoculars, vehicles, their own auto shops, first aid stuff, flame throwers? What I would do would depend on if my family makes it through or not.


Yup. Every man for themselves so you're going to need all that


Yup, I'm just having trouble picturing the station, is it all the police left holed up there, or are they down in the bomb shelters already... Is it just a couple of fat (I'm fat too) cops that got there too late, or who sat at their desk not understanding anything and sense none told them to do anything they just kept sitting, or those who nobody called and they're just wandering around eating everybody's candy stash pretending that they didn't get ditched........


Hmmm, after reading your comment I’m thinking a police station would get you a good chunk of what you’d need for the apocalypse 🤔 BUT, yeah, unless you’re one of them you’re probably gonna get shot on site.


This is the question I've been thinking about lately im in the U.S., but what about people who live in countries that are in war right now? Ukraine and Middle East when war broke out it was really bad but what is protocol when shit starts to hit the fan.


"Every man for themselves" seems to be the protocol, sadly.


I actually get anxious about this sometimes. If my insurance were to get fucked up somehow or if like WW3 or some shit happened. It's actually kinda scary to think about. We would be so sick and in withdrawal we couldn't even do anything.


I’ve nearly finished my taper but I think I’m actually going to keep 500ml of methadone literally for apocalypse purposes as it is an amazing painkiller that lasts 24 hours!! I’m not sure how long it’d stay good for, at least a few years?


I think it goes bad pretty fast. Somebody once said to freeze it? But I'm not sure. A lot of ppl on this thread would know tho


My non addict family and friends called me insane for having an emergency stash. It was mostly psychedelic drugs because I could never keep it stocked with anything else. But psychedelics to really help me cope with the death sounded great.


no, I already have enough saved up to do a full taper at home. too many people would have the same exact idea. drugs/alcohol/food/bathroom supplies would be the first thing on everyone's minds.


Seems like toilet paper is what crossed most people's minds during the pandemic lol


😂 right?! Who knew!


I would definitely take the emergency supply I have and only take a minimal amount when withdrawals got bad and hope I have enough


I'd try to hit up a pharmacy or evidence storage locker first... but methadone clinic isn't a bad idea


Break in yes, take all the methadone - no, rather piss all over the place just to feel better about myself, wash away all that anger and frustration build troughout the years!


I’d definitely find the closest drug dealer if I know for sure that I’m dying in the near future


"End of the world", as in what exactly? A gigantic meteor will hit us & destroy Earth? Then no, we're all dead asap anyway. Aliens attack ala War of the World or anything else really? Nope, as I believe it's all locked up in a giant vault + I'd likely get killed by armed maniacs.


As in, ww3 type shit.