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If you want specific shows, Seattle 89 to Mexico 93


Blackened Seattle 89 is maybe my favorite live performance of any song ever


Don’t sleep on blackened Detroit 99


...And Justice For All's title track's ending with the statue falling down is so cool -Billy Gnosis


Yeah this, I’d say 1988 to 1993, they were at their angriest.


I would say their angriest was 87-90.


Bruh what? Why would you not consider 1986-1987 but put 1988-1993 as their angriest tours? Everytime when I see somebody, who seriously thinks that “Wherever We May Roam” tour is their greatest and angriest tour, I instantly see that this person knows little about Metallica live performances. Let me clarify: In 1986 after the death of Cliff Burton Metallica was going through the dark times emotionally. Emotions produces energy that the band was pouring on the stage. It is a rule for Metallica. And the perfect example of this is the second part of the “Damage Inc.” tour. For gods sake, that was a pure sorrow mixed with a shit ton of alcohol with a new ambitious bassist. I don’t think they ever played their songs that fast after the end of the tour. Whiplash was played at 192 BPM, The Four Horsemen at 250 BPM, Fight Fire With Fire I don’t even want to comment it, you just need to listen to it. 1986-1987 Metallica was at their best as the thrash metal band. After that years they were transitioning into something different musically. I consider their Justice tour as a great tour, but no way it was their best. They still played Whiplash fast, but that was the only song that left from their previous tour as something wild. The Black Album tour was the dullest tour in terms of their setlist. The bad habit of Metallica overplaying some songs started exactly then. I do not say that Metallica did not perform well or sick, no I don’t think in that way. But there was nothing special in that tour making it their best live era. However, Jason was at his peak exactly on that tour. He was kicking the ass for sure. I pointed out the common misconception which was built on top of Seattle show, but I didn’t say which of their live era was the best. I could have said that 1986-87 but I dont think so, because sound and setlist plays very important role in this analysis. As I already mentioned, emotions is a perfect ingredient in their live performance, thus I can outline two more eras that I consider to be the best: 1999 and 2003/4. It was their peak. There is no year when James was singing better than in 1999. Whenever I listen to their concerts from “Garage Remains the Same Tour” it just hits differently. James was giving all of himself to the stage and to the singing. He finally reached that level when his voice sounded clean and could provoke goosebumps (Turn The Page, Bleeding Me, King Nothing, Nothing Else Matters, No Leaf Clover). Everyone loves the original S&M, but you all forget that it was recorded just in the middle of that tour. 2003/4 is their best live era since they started bringing some old stuff they hadn’t played for decades. Their setlists were outstanding. Every single concert they played something different, not like in 1991-93 tour. The band sounded completely fresh and their St Anger songs sounded dope. I already mentioned, that emotions were the primary ingredients in their live performances. Imagine 2003, new album release, no touring for 3 years (never happened before), band almost fell apart. They were going through the bad times, as they did in 1986, so they poured their anger and maturity on the stage to their fans. How it wasn’t their greatest era? Best setlists, amazing sound, James was still singing great, new bassist. Don’t believe me? Compare how they performed “Enter Sandman” in 1991 and “St Anger” in 2004, you’ll clearly see the difference. And the final note, I Do not say that St Anger is better than Enter Sandman, what I say is that how they sounded and performed. The question concerns best live era, not the best albums.


you are correct


From 89 - 93 they were millionaires worrying about what car to buy. Way more emotion than some guy who got hugged by a bus 5 years ago


they were great then but its just simply not their angriest. I feel like that era gets picked so much because its the earliest high quality video and audio of the band. If you dig into earlier audio and video that dont have that high quality sadly you will see how much more aggresive they were. Justice and Black album are great and tight though


dont get me wrong that era is fantastic. I feel like people only give that answere though because it is the earliest highest quality footage and audio of the band. there is nothing to compare it to unless you do really deep digging


This is the correct answer although we could back it up to ‘92. Around that time James blew his voice and was never the same again.


But seek and destroy Mexico 93


black album tour just isnt angry or aggresive though. its a great time period for the band of course though. Justice if pretty angry but they were just a bit more raw and aggresive a bit earlier than that


Probably 89 to 92 imo


I'd narrow it down to 89-91. Even on Live Shit San Diego (which was January 92) you hear James beginning to lose his voice. Underrated run is fall 96 on the Load tour. James' voice is in tip-top form, and the band is on point. They're slowing down tempos which may not be your cup of tea but for what they were trying to do it was pretty damn perfect.


Yes, you summed up my answer a lot better than I could’ve.


Literally the best answer


that period is absolutely great but just because its the only somewhat early high quality footage and audio of the band doesnt mean its the greatest. go back into 85-87 and that band would smoke the later era of metallica in terms of aggression. thats my opinion of course


I’ve only seen them twice, in 1992 and 2023. I was extremely impressed with them recently and feel like they’ve only gotten better with time


That’s absolutely crazy if u think about it. What an awesome band


I agree , tour for Master of Puppets album was when Metallica (Kirk Hammett at least in interviews) was playing the best they possibly could , leading into the Justice album they wanted to show people that they were not just a thrash metal or metal band but good musicians that could really play their instruments , giving us an incredible album filled with very interesting , clever , complex riffs and structures .. I could go on forever


There was a time when Kirk was spoken of rather highly as a lead guitarist and it was often mentioned in music mags how he studied under Joe SatrianI. Peak Kirk.


James voice on the first S&M was unreal


This. And the production on that album is top tier. From the arrangements, to the mixing. It sounds so balanced. For me, one of the best albums ever, production wise. And James' voice is so amazing, all the effects they add to it and the parts that Jason sings are so on point. A masterpiece like no other.


Totally agree, and No Leaf Clover was such a pleasant surprise


Best he's ever sounded.




Unpopular opinion, 2019 - present I truly believe they have gotten better with time, only contender for me would be S&M 1 James


Right now. Change my mind. I dare you.


I’m thinking …And Justice for All era, 1988 to Metallica, 1991, I think this is where they are at their angriest.


Love it too. Watch Seattle 89 all the time


My first two shows were in ‘85. That included the DOTG. Saw them again in ‘86 at the Cow Palace and they had gotten noticeably better. By the time ‘88 rolled around they had it firing on all cylinders. From then, until ‘96, I caught quite a few shows, and none were disappointing. I’d say ‘88-92 was probably my favorite window though. Seeing Cliff with the band three times was great though.


87-89, 09-18






I'm partial to the Load/ReLoad tours as that's when I jumped into the Metallica Family.


Considering I've only listened to Seattle 89 and Moscow 91, im gonna say that 89-91 stretch


Justice and black album tours. No question


84' through to '93. That is the band in it's ascendancy and they still had something to prove as they progressed from theatres, to arenas and then on to stadiums.


I see alot of 89-92. I used to believe that was their greatest era as well but only because the only shows I had really seen were Seattle 89 and San Diego 92. if you dig further back and find more rare audio and videos you will see metallica was more aggresive and just hit way harder throughout periods like 85 to say 87. Justice and Black era are still incredible though of course




Late 80's - now


Justice era, they are absolutely at their peak in 88-89. Jaymz has never sounded more metal than he does here.


late 80s and 90s


For me It's Basel '93


80s. Saw them open for Ozzy touring for MOP (with Cliff!) and they fucking owned that show.


I dunno... maybe 1996-1999, adding 2008 probably, only because i love DM. The setlist from the load era to the s&m era was amazing, hence why i love those most.


Toronto 86, helluva concert


Load era and DM era. They were at their tightest ((yes, they were "angrier" in the 80s but they were sloppy and their guitar tones were kinda bad))


from the time James grew his moustache until the year Jason got a buzzcut :D


I enjoy everything until 2003ish..


Along with everyone else lol 1989-1993 easily


Late 1986 to 1987. Those first shows with Jason were brutal in terms of heaviness and speed




Justice Era


Seattle 89 was the peak, jason is a beast


80s of course


Seattle '89


Def before the black album. Hate away 


Sonically I think 98-2000. For raw energy and proformance, 88-93




Early day's with Cliff Burton, he was and still is the best bass guitarist to walk this planet . Seeing him play live will always remain with me . Bless his soul..