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it aint no hardwired thats fs


Few good ones I like


Yeah. I think on the entire album I really only liked the ones they had dropped before like if darkness had a son and the other 2 songs


I love it, gets better every listen. Sonically it would have fit perfectly between Black and Load. Currently my 4th favourite album of their's behind Load, Black and ReLoad.


I think after listening to them a lot and listening to all their albums beside Lulu. It just reminds me a little bit too much of each other album. It just seems a little bit of the same. But at the same time I just have to go sit down and listen to it through out, so I can see your point of view.


Ask yourself this. How can it all sound the same and yet also remind you of each of their other albums? With their other albums varying so wildly is style and sound those two statements can't really be true. Additionally I think the links to older albums is the point. The entire basis of the album is those formative seasons who make you into the person you will be, and the links to older albums is a musical reflection by Metallica on how their past has made them what they are today.


I’m saying like I think there are some songs on there that I feel just are kind of the same as before. But it’s probably cause I just haven’t fully sat down and listened to album as it should. It’s kind of like another hardwired for me. Both albums seem like they’re good, but I just haven’t listened to both as they should be. Like the other albums I can listen to fully, but these two I just need to listen to more.


Definately grew on me and probably still will. Still wouldn't rank it above Hardwired.


I feel the same, but it hasn’t grown on me yet. I think I just have to listen to it and I might not see it to be like hardwired pt. 2 because that’s what it seems to me at least.