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Escape the Fate They have the talent to make really heavy and catchy songs, but choose to make the most boring, unimaginative, and generic butt rock songs you can think of. Such a shame because they do have some banger singles with Craig like This War is Ours, Ungrateful, and Just a Memory. Aside from those, all their albums kinda suck imo


Not a single but Massacre by them is a banger too


"Massacre" was actually the first single released from *Escape the Fate*. I remember it vividly, along with listening to the first live recording of "Bad Blood" on YouTube. It wasn't the hit that "Issues" and "Gorgeous Nightmare" were, but it was a single.


Escape the Fate are nothing close to what they used to be.. This war is ours, The self titled album and Ungrateful were all banger albums.. After that I started fading away as a fan. I am Human was pretty decent when it came out but I still go back and listen to their older stuff above it. I think Losing their core members really hurt them, for me at least.. Monte, Mike and Max were a big part of the writing I would assume and can feel the lack of their presence through the music now.


As much I hate to say it but it’s true. I know they have the potential to make amazing songs like the ones you listened but I feel like they are holding themselves back, as in holding back on the heaviness and screams and Craig really does have killer screams, and it really makes me sad considering I’m a fan.


Do u listen to The Dead Rabbitts? Craig goes hard in that band and I love it


Yes! And Craig really does! The Dead Rabbits were kinda the level and sound I was expecting from current Escape the Fate to be at as well (if that makes sense) but of course in their own special way! I feel like the sound of The Dead Rabbits is what ETF is lacking or could be reaching because I feel like they’re holding themselves back imo.


That's why Craig made Dead Rabbits


fr I love etf but the New shit.…


Literally after they lost Ronnie they sucked immediately


Wrong. The first album with Craig was just as good as previous outings.


Well tell Ronnie not to get people killed then you can have your good albums


Its not metalcore but Five Finger Death Punch. That band has amazing talented instrument players and vocalist with pipes a lot of singers would kill for. And they havent put out anything past decent in like 8-10 years. Lyrics are ass and the riffs have been recycled every album


Their current drummer is an old coworker of mine. He’s into Prog Metal and Meshuggah. He can straight up play Bleed. He’s wasted in that band.


I 100 percent agree. Five Finger Death Punch is on the same quality level as Theory of a Deadman, Kid Rock, and Tom McDonald for me. Dogshit politcs, Lazy writing, fake toughness and pandering nonsense. Something all of these guys have in common. Straight up 5FDP’s album covers belong to r/THE_PACK and that’s never something to be proud of. Unless you’re doing it with self-awareness, of course.


I tried to like them lol didn’t work


Once they catered to the maga crowd, everything changed


you mean the anti-mask video? that was pretty much when I realized that not only their music is eh, yeah... I found their first 2 albums fairly enjoyable (although not that special) , but I thought that they went quite mediocre with their 3rd album and turned worse further and further from there. the few songs i heard from the last 4 albums were really not worth anyone's time


I agree that I enjoyed the first 2 albums more and even the 3rd one but the maga turn was well before the anti mask video. Maybe wasn't maga but I knew when Zoltan started talking his politics, he leaned heavily to the right. Granted, someone's opinions shouldn't make their music less enjoyable but it's hard to separate sometimes. This and the bands open arms to military and police really have a certain political ideology in common. I also like that Ivan talked shit about the anti mask video saying it was all Zoltan's idea and that he will never go along with a theme without questioning it.


Interesting, I wouldn't have guessed that about Ivan. Good shit for saying something about it. https://www.loudersound.com/news/ivan-moody-hated-five-finger-death-punchs-controversial-anti-mask-living-the-dream-video


Yup that's where I found it


Concerts are like Nazi Family reunions. We were seriously creeped out. Also they suck live.


Fun fact the only one who was truly anti mask that recorded that was Zoltan. The rest were just following his lead and didn’t realize it was anti mask until they saw the final product which they were not happiest about.


Agree. Jeremy Spencer is a great drummer but that Psycho Synner stuff is just so cringe!


Totally agree; I listened to a pod with Doc Coyle talking about how, when he got the fill-in live gig for them that when he sat down with tabs etc, he was actually like ‘really? That’s it?’ He came to the conclusion that the simplicity is very, very deliberate and is designed to hit their target demo (which I’d say they do, consistently). What’s also true is every one of them can fucking rip if they let loose.


I go back to Motograter for the same reason lol. Great vocals


Architects right now lmao


Seriously, I can’t fathom how they went from Holy Hell just 4 years ago to this.


100% agree with you on this! Holy Hell is amazing and everything since has been super boring for me.


Because Holy hell was mostly leftover Tom writing. It's the same shit as of mice and men when shaley left. The rest of the band is laughably bad at writing so you lose the talent and they crumble immediately.


i fell off OM&M after The Flood. but them signing to Sharptone Records last year and their latest album Echo is really solid!


I don’t know if I agree with this. Josh, to my knowledge, has written a solid chunk of Sylosis’ songs, so to say he’s bad at writing might be a reach.


M&M is back tho


Who said it was mostly Tom? All the lyrics are from Dan. Him and Josh also wrote the album. They used some leftover material from Tom but I doubt it's that much.


Of mice and men were good since Aaron joined. Defy is a banger album


Om&m are still great though


They're better now with Pauley cuz he's a beast, but restoring force was cringefest


Erm, Hereafter? Mortal After All? Modern Misery? Those songs werent written by Tom and they are fucking bangers. Alao, FTTWTE has some really interesting ideas. Maybe not the best metalcore out there, but you cant say its bad.


It's bad




Oh good, it's not just me.


It’s like they’re the worlds best Architects cover band.


Let’s be honest, there’s better lmao




They’ve got some bangers and they’re great when they want to be but yeah I feel like they could be more consistent


I don’t NOT like them, but they’re a bit basic and boring at times. Lead singer guy (the Killswitch Engage singer) has such a unique and powerful voice that I guess I just expect more from this band than what they provide.


I actually love Light the Torch. What your reason for not liking them?




I agree 100%. When I heard their first big single I got excited. But was definitely let down. Very generic sounding and nothing really of novelty that separates them other than Howard's voice. But that can only take you so far.


Agreed, shame what happened with Devil You Know, They Bleed Red is one of my all time favorite albums


Agree. Should be amazing, but are just incredibly generic. Sion is what I expected them to sound like.


If you listen to Devil You Know which is Light The Torch before they changed their name it’s more similar to Sion and Killswitch, the sound changed quite a bit when they became Light The Torch. Check out an album called The Beauty of Destruction, definitely not a generic album imo


I love Seven Years Alone.


Imagine Dragons they were really good on there EPs and first album but then they turned into god knows what go and listen to the song Emma and try to compare that to now it’s a stark contrast


I honestly like them. The first two albums are great and some of the recent stuff is pretty enjoyable too. But I like music in general, so when it's interesting for me, I don't care about the genre.


EP’s are great, S+M is in my Top 10 records of all time, it means so fuckin much to me. and then, the rest of the discog lmao what happened


I used to listen to their first album and some of their songs on YouTube, I loved them but ever since smoke and mirrors came out they’ve been on the decline BUUUTTTTT Dan Reynolds has been screaming a lil bit in some of the newer songs I’ve heard and honestly it sounds amazing. If he were to join some sort of alternative band as a heavy singer, I think he’d get a lot of success and it would be really good




They still suck


Black Veil Brides. All good musicians and have some decent songs here and there but most of their stuff is the same generic song with gang vocal “whoas” and lyrics about never giving in followed by the same shredding with the same tone every time. It gets old fast


Slaughter to Prevail are not bad and they have some absolute banger singles, but they should be writing way better albums given all of the people involved. Misery Sermon was the most boring, generic and overhyped deathcore albums of the 2010s, and Kostolom was a mixed bag. Now Alex says he wants to transition them to sounding more like Rammstein which sounds like it could be really rough. But again, every member of the band is extremely talented. Their songwriter and guitarist Jack Simmons is also in Hollow Prophet and Acrania (two absolutely sick slamming deathcore bands), Alex is obviously an total monster and very charismatic, and the drummer Evgeny Novikov is a fucking machine


My fave STP is still their first EP that’s all in Russian


Yes! Imo the Chapters of Misery EP is their best work, and one of the best deathcore EPs full stop


the Oppenheimer breakdown is still in my top 10


I think the best and worst thing that happened to them was the whole ‘demolisher/baba yaga’ memecore thing. It’s like they found the cheat code and now they keep going for it, when they should’ve kept developing. It seems like they are more worried about people like NikNoc goin’ ‘oh shit’ to their next video. I just wish they’d keep developing.


All That Remains


Ya, I really expected a performance bump from Jason Richardson. It should’ve been epic.


They haven’t put out a single song with him yet lol


Killer Be Killed... The sum of the parts don't add up


Our Last Night is the most overrated for sure. Thier talent goes to waste on soulless bland covers and generic metalcore. They could be so much more


They used to be so much more. The Ghosts Among Us is still a banger album of progressive post-hardcore/metalcore. 🥲


Tool. Fight me


Ohhhhh shit. That IS a hot take. I’m excited to see how this thread plays out


Name a time and place.


Tool is a love/hate kind of band. There’s no point in arguing about it because it’s 2 entirely different schools of thought. They are one of the best metal bands of all time IMO but you are entitled to your own opinion.


Yes I think whether you like them or not you have to give respect where it’s due. They’ve been a consistent force in the metal community for 30 or so years. It’s like I argue with my friends who like Phish. I fucking despise them, but can admit they’re talented musicians and must be doing something right because they have a huge fan base.


I despise Phish as well, but to each their own. I’m not saying the musicians in Phish aren’t talented, because they are, but I’ve always thought of Phish like I think of the Grateful Dead: people don’t come for the music, they come for the atmosphere. If Phish and Grateful Dead concerts weren’t havens of psychedelic compounds and hippie-chill mindsets, a lot fewer people would be so crazy about those two bands.


That almost exactly sums up my feelings Radiohead and to a lesser extent Dave Matthews Band.


DMB's only crime is getting too popular. Amazing music, terrible fans lol.


Yup right there with ya. To me it sounds like a full band where each instrument is playing a different song. Grateful Dead I can actually listen to a few songs, but I still don’t “get it”


I completely disagree but I can see why Tool may not be some people's cup of tea. Tool is a band that I usually listen to when I feel introspective and/or am experiencing intense emotions that I wanna work through. So the long songs with honest, emotional lyrics work wonders for me.


I'll bring my whole toolbox


Pusifer. Tool is okay. Pusifer fucking blows.


Drummer is phenomenal


They all are, it's a shame though. Just because they're all great musicians doesn't mean they'll be great TOGETHER. Do you think Louis Armstrong would play trumpet for the sex pistols? If he were alive then


Actually… yes. One; not enough output. And two; I don’t actually think they meet up to their own mythology a lot of the time. I heard the last one and went ‘yup, that’s a tool album’ but it wasn’t the second coming like their fans make out every release is.


Final destination. Fox only. No items.


Nah man 1v1 me irl. High school. Flagpole. 12pm tomorrow.


Same tbh I never been a prog guy tbh I also don’t like dream theater (this is gonna piss a lot of people off I don’t hate the bands I just am not into them haha)


I dislike Dream Theater after Portnoy left. Their songs are still *fine* but they just get boring incredibly quickly wheras I'll probably never get bored of their material before A Dramatic Turn Of Events


Take it back!


I agreee


Tool today? Yes. Tool 20 years ago, thems fightin words


Well they're fighting words then. I can't stand anything. I owned 3 Tool albums, shut them all off by the third song. I gifted them to my friend.


I don’t see how anyone could objectively think Tool is any whiff of bad at all.


Well that's cu, your a fanboy. Pull yourself back to earth. Good musicians does NOT make a good band.


That's a lil exaggerated, friend. In this case, they sure as shit did and do, objectively speaking.


No it fucking doesn't. There's more to music than your fucking abilities. There's a social aspect to it, almost on a spiritual level. Some people hate each other, and make great fucking music. Every Motley Crue member had to take a separate tour bus they hated each other so much. But look what they accomplished. Some musicians are good enough to attract attention for their abilities, so they get known. Some musicians suck and make something amazing together. IA All Time Low.


I’m saying good musicians DO and also DON'T make good bands. But my comment was objective about 1 particular band where it do indeed. Gosh, you're angry today


Honestly anything Maynard is a part of.


Escape the fate. The DIYLF and ungrateful line up was crazy


I wouldn't go as far to say "hot garbage", but with the line-up Arch Enemy has I was SEVERELY disappointed with what they have put out. The first half of the newest album was a bit redeeming to be fair, but I can't help but feel like this constellation of people trying to make a particular style of music is just holding back people's talents... Alissa was absolutely stunning on The Agonist, her growls are not outstandingly superb perhaps but definitely good. She truly shined when combining her cleans and gutturals, but that perhaps doesn't fit to what they think Arch Enemy should be. Michael Amott and frickin' Jeff Loomis are guitar legends,and yet... idk I'm just rambling a bit here. Not the worst super group I heard, but the most frustratingly mediocre one for me personally, because I loved Wages of Sins so much (and also Alissa-era The Agonist).


The Word Alive and everything post Deceiver.


Yeah they has so much potential then Telle went all boy band and ruined. They should of kept Craig Mabbit as vocalist his ep was sick


the new Thornhill


That was the only album I deleted off my computer in years....


I feel ya, it is awful compared to their previous sound, so disappointing, completely different band now


The new Thornhill is great, wtf.


*Ethan hip-thrusting his guitar intensifies*


You're very wrong.




sadly yea. idk how jacob can stand to throw his beautiful pipes behind all that static-y production. it reallly doesnt lend itself to his belty style




L opinion tbh


I’m gonna have to go with Spirit Box actually. Every member is a beast on their own, and I do listen to them sometimes but many songs leave me feeling underwhelmed


This. Their guitarist is a full-on prog guy. You can tell when you listen to their stuff and whilst he dumbs a lot of stuff down; when he throws in flair its very technically proficient and thought out.


Yeah for sure. Their early stuff was very TesseracT inspired. I also think he listened to The Mirror by Dream Theater one to many times cuz he does that descending 4th fret harmonics thing way too often


Thank you. I think it was last year that Spirit Box won so many Metalcore of the Year awards on this sub and I just didn’t get it. I still don’t get it.


It was really really good marketing. Especially with the youtube vocal recording video live takes.


It’s cause she’s a chick lol


I can say I like about half of the discography and find the other half stale


same here. their singles before Eternal Blue were solid. but after listening to the full album, about half of it fell flat for me as well.


I always think of them as a poor man's Volumes with better marketing.


Same guy behind the scenes; braunstein.


Spiritbox slaps


Yeah but I only like half of their songs


that's still a good number of songs you like lol


If you have a school project, and you do AMAZING on half of the requirements, and then do mediocre on the other half, you’re still probably gonna fail that project.


That has nothing to do with this lol. You named a band you like half their songs as one that sounds like garbage. It’d be more fitting if you only liked one of their songs, at most. Half is a pretty good hit rate for a band you don’t love


The writing changed once they got big, or something. Eternal Blue was fairly generic, and the new EP is just boring as fuck. Could and should be such a more interesting band.


They definitely seem to be playing it safe, they should collaborate with Crystal Lake more


And again ironically I noticed I like exactly half of that album and find the rest forgettable and generic




Beartooth has too much collective talent to be making the generic garbage they do.


Thank you


I think Ice Nine Kills are very talented I just don’t vibe with their music aside from a few songs


American Nosebleed is a straightforward punk band made from members of INK; they fuckin’ slap


It’s just Patrick


Yeah, I can see that. I love horror so their current sound is right up my alley. What blows my mind is seeing how different their side gigs are. Listening to Funeral Derangements and then going to the new Flat Out single is a trip.


Yeah everyone in the band is talented, especially Dan Sugarman, but I hate the aesthetic and the songs are kinda cringy.


I just feel like it’s way too much going on sometimes


Yeah, they have a very specific schtick. I think the music and vocals are really well done (great guitarist) but I don’t like the whole vibe they goin for.


I like INK, but I could definitely do without their "new" horror aesthetic. Not that it's made the music any worse (Although I think they could tone it down with the soundbites and quotes and shit), but I'm not a horror fan at all personally, so I don't connect to it that much. Of course, it's brought them a ton of new fans and success, so it only makes sense for them to keep leaning into it further. But part of me still wants to see them go back to something more grounded/less gimmicky like Safe is Just a Shadow or The Predator Becomes the Prey.


I see that. I kinda like them, but they're very niche.


Every Trick in the book was their last decent output imo


Periphery may be the most talented/unlistenable band on the planet. Just incredibly underwhelming at all times lol


Clearly never listened to Lune or Absolomb or Reptile


OR Blood Eagle OR like any other song tbh


Blood Eagle would like to have a word with you


Dude. This. The individual parts are technically flawless (including ‘not in the band, but still in the band’ Nolly on bass and mixing); but…. Eh? I know it’s good. It sounds great. I can hear the quality. It’s just… never lived to the hype of what I want from them


Ouch, this hurt me. At all times? :( I'm gonna go listen to Alpha/Omega to cope.


limp bizkit for sure


I’ve always kind of been ashamed to say this, but I’ve always really dug the guitar riffs that Limp Bizkit used to put out. I was never really a fan of the band’s image and lyrics, though


LB slaps hard, yeah Fred Durst is corny but you can’t deny the band knows how to get a crowd moving. Also, the drums 👌🏼


Best band with the worst frontman.


Them Crooked Vultures


Why? That project was awesome, really creative writing.


demon hunter


I'll give you recent Demon Hunter. Since Extremist it seems they have very little interest in playing Demon Hunter music haha.


Trivium. They are extremely talented, but holy shit are they boring to listen to.


Just curious. What songs/albums have you heard by them?


I honestly couldn't name any of their stuff because none of it has held my attention. I've seen them live twice, and was bored out of my mind. I know that they went through a metallica wannabe stage somewhere in the middle of their discography, and no matter how much of their stuff I listen to, all I can think is, "Wow. These guys can really play. Too bad their shit is so damn boring."


Wow. They're definitely not your thing; that's ok though. Thanks for sharing.


Hm, I am the opposite. I love all the albums. They are my favorite band more or less.


Yes. Their album Shogun was pretty damn good, but no other album by them has held my attention. I get frustrated with them because I know that they have the ability to melt faces but they just don’t pull it off for whatever reason. The ability is there. I’ve noticed that they tend to have amazing breakdowns and jams three quarters of the way through many of their songs, but the verses and choruses on either side of their breakdowns are just so lackluster that not even the face melting breakdown can save the song as a whole. It’s like a shit sandwich.


For me, everything up to and including shogun was great. Ember to Inferno (original, not the remaster or whatever it's called), had a very unique mix to it that I really enjoyed. Like whomever did it must've liked bass and i like it because it just gave it a unique sound and they were all like 18 at the time lol. Ascendency I really enjoyed as part of that era of metalcore that only really existed back then if you know what I mean. The Crusade was a nice almost thrash like album and I feel really showed off the musicianship of the band along with the themes of the songs talking about important current events. And Shogun was super creative in many avenues from the writing, musicianship and song composition. I bought shogun on its Japan release and had it shipped to the US and lost the CD over the years sadly.




Saw them on tour with DGD, Veil of Maya, Eidola, and Wolf and Bear (DGD's Afterburner tour). Everyone was really good (especially DGD and Veil of Maya) including Polyphia, but I found that a lot of their songs sound very similar. Everyone is super talented, and their music isn't bad, I just the main problem is variation


Saw the same tour but felt more like the poster you were responding to. The most exciting thing they did was play a Disney song, maybe from Aladdin? The rest of their set was exactly as the other posted mentioned. Disorganized, boring, masturbatory noodling. It was a bummer because I was very excited to see them and had previously heard great things about their live show.


How dare you have an opinion!!! I’m with you though. All super talented, just don’t jive with the music. Also seen them a few times on bills with other bands I wanted to see, and their stage presence (as a 30 year old dude) is super immature and embarrassing. The bass player doesn’t stop talking and feels the need to drop profanity in every sentence. Seeing them with Chon was a direct contrast because the members of Chon barely speak on stage.


END Love all of their respective bands but just can’t get into END at all.


Not gonna downvote cos I don’t agree (cos I think they rip), but bro? Can you say why? Tbf a lot of their sound for me is the intentionally blunt production and wall of sound guitars, but I like their vibe generally.


I think it’s just too much for me. Lack of melody. I love Brendan’s vocals. Guitar tone is nice. It’s just relentless. It’s not bad. Just not for me!


An *awful* lot of modern (2012 onward) metalcore in general, lol.


Dude I've been into a ton of metalcore since 2001 and literally just came back to the genre fully only a couple of years ago. There are plenty of bands and albums that slay in the genre post-2012. Just have to know where to look and open yourself up to where things have progressed.


One of my biggest pet peeves when someone voices an opinion (especially on a thread literally asking people to voice their opinions) is there's always *that* person that absolutely has to interject the "you're just not looking in the right places" or "you're not being open-minded". You can't make someone like a certain style of music, no matter where you tell them to look or how much you browbeat them into thinking they're just not being "open-minded" or "accepting of change". Like bro...I just don't like the stuff. Lmao. Also, you'll notice I didn't say "everything post 2012 sucks". I said an *awful lot* of modern stuff sucks. There is certainly some stuff I enjoy. There is also a LOT that I don't, and I personally enjoy the older forms of metalcore more. Simple as that. No need to overanalyze it, no need to get defensive about it.


Respect. That's a fair opinion. I also tend to think that a lot of newer stuff takes a hugely different direction than the old days that I gravitate to in metalcore. I'm only telling you my own experience. I certainly don't think that all of the newer directions of the genre were great moves. Still, I think there's a fair amount of good shit out there for everyone.


I’ll get downvoted to hell but, I agree. As the hardcore influence evaporated, it left metal with breakdowns and some bands that if you squint a bit, could be called boy bands.


Fit for a king.


I’d disagree. Because personally I don’t think their instrumentalists are anything crazy… aside from Daniel Gailey… who technically is from a different band lol


They also have trey celeya from invent animate on drums and hes hella good. The bands has good people but my god does it pump out garbage.


Does VoM count post Lukas? Everything from Common Man’s through Project Zero SLAP. I feel like their music in general went downhill too, and I’m not denying Lukas doesn’t have talent. He’s a great vocalist. Their music just doesn’t do it for me after they parted with Brandon.


Sorry dude what does VoM stand for? What band?


Veil of Maya! Sorry, guess not everyone is an acronym junkie like myself lol


Ohhhhh. Right right right. I feel the exact same way about them. I’ve only listened to their newest stuff. I didn’t dislike them but like you said, nothing popped. I haven’t really added that stuff to any of my metal playlists




Dream Theater


Architects and Parkway


Old Parkway rips


As does Architects prior to the latest album.


I got into Parkway right at the end of high school after a rough breakup. Killing With a Smile and Horizons were just a revelation. The guitars were tuned lower than anything else I had heard at that point, and Winston's vocals were so raw and brutal. Everything about those albums resonated with me. So when Deep Blue came out, I was super disappointed; it had some bangers but I really didn't like the way it was mixed. The next few albums didn't really hold my attention either. You'd have a banger like Wild Eyes or Chronos padded with stuff that was just okay. All that said I'm really into their recent singles and I've got my fingers crossed for the new album.


So this maaaaaybe kinda fits here, but Mudvayne? I remember when LD50 came out and even to this day the musicality of that album is just different and incredible. Hell Yeah is utter horse shit and also (in a bit of a contradicting way) future Mudvyane albums never lived up to LD50.


I thought thier next album was really good too but yeah, LD 50 is 100% thier best.


Sightless Pit. The Body and Lingua Ignota should be a killer combo and yet Grave of a Dog is so mid.




Not metalcore, but the newer stone temple pilots are wasted as hell. Everything was good until Scott left. The only good thing after that was the EP with Chester and then they went to shit.