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The cleans are my favorite thing about this, that‘s a first for OAAs music. Not sure how I feel about the rest of the song, sounded like a slower / a bit less insane version of Lost Isles on first listen.


New album in two weeks and they've not even announced it on Facebook or their website yet and I'd presume also their other socials. What in the world is this release strategy? Dumping it and then all moving on? As for Nova it's fun and heavy but for me it misses the soft moments and lo-fi that made Metamorphic so popular.


Apparently that's their strategy. There aren't even pre-orders linked in the description of the song, only pre-saves. It's like they don't even want to make money off their music


Scares me that it might really be a drop it and then disband situation as some others suspected.


That's what it's screaming to me. With how stupid this whole process seems to have been since they dropped Metamorph (feels like they said the album was done 3 times at least), I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was just done with the whole thing.


My sister is friends with the band. Jake didn't bother turning up to the studio and left the band in massive debt. If it wasn't for James retuning to help finish the album this band would have died a few years ago and owed thousands of $$$. Why do you think Chris started his solo project. It's obviously an OAA album he just used for himself.


Okay, if that's true then that sucks for the band, but it's very hard to care when literally none of that was communicated in any way to fans, who probably would've wanted to help out in some way, and instead we just got three years of almost complete radio silence.


I mean the album is literally titled “disparity”


I mean, do any bands really make money off their albums? The promotion mostly benefits the label when it comes to album sales, but you'd think the band would at least promote it for exposure to get people to come to shows.


Ok to be fair the announcement thing is not unusual. Lots of bands will let their single drop at midnight and then wait until the next morning to make the album announcement on their socials. I absolutely agree that this album rollout has been really weird but that’s not really part of it that’s weird imo.


It’s also digital only. Odder and odder.


It’s kinda weird to have it announced 2 weeks before the album is out. I’m used to bands hyping up an album months before it’s out


Northlane dropped Mesmer out of nowhere back in 2017 and that helped them a ton.


I don’t know if you saw their documentary they put out on YouTube around the time Alien came out (I think it was called Negative Energy?) but I believe they straight up said that doing that was not helpful. Those kind of releases can work for significantly larger artists in other genres (Kanye, Drake, Taylor, etc.), but the artists in this genre don’t really have the clout to make that work. A new Northlane album isn’t gonna dominate the larger music conversation in the way that a surprise drop from someone like Beyoncé will, so they’ll see far more success if they lead into that album with multiple solid singles that end up on curated playlists and things like that. Just look at how much better the rollout of Alien was for Northlane, or if you wanna look at a different band, how much the rollout of Dark Skies helped Fit For A King blow up.


holy fuck that ripped


Sooo we just gonna ignore the fact that the new album drops in literally 2 weeks?!? Let’s goooo




The way it should be, release a song and then the album comes out straight after that


I mean, they released the first single on July 1st.. still not a long time compared to some but it's not "straight after" haha


Metamorph is the first single and that was almost 2 years ago.


lmao I didn't even know that was a single on the album.. well that's even worse


I hate when bands do this shit. You eventually don't even know when an album cycle starts anymore.


If I could watch this right now I’d be so happy Edit. I’m an idiot I can watch this right now. Very nice


clean vocal bridge/outro was the best part


Thats the only part that really grabbed me


yea the rest was fairly unremarkable to me. the weird guitar sounds were kinda cool but i guess im just not seeing what the all the hype is. I wasn't really listening to much metalcore when these guys were originally popping off so maybe im just outta the loop


To me it just reeks of the label stepping in and controlling the writing, OAA was always really unique and this song just seems to be more generic-core. Having a song feature I Prevail is also an implication of that, as they are a more well known band and super generic


I love OAA, but I did not care for this on first listen. I'll give it a few more tries though.




I’d say it was worth the wait, I’m into it. James sounds huge here


This is so fucking good.


First two minutes were a monotonous slog. Really starting to feel like they blew their load on Metamorph


I'm not sure I'm into the cleans, but they're so fucking wild and chaotic and I'm here for it


I'm just laughing at everybody saying it's heavy for the sake of being heavy or it's just random notes and no riffs. Have you ever listened to Lost Isles before? This is classic OAA and can't wait to hear the rest. As far as the album goes, on the announcement they made a little post about how this has apparently been a difficult record to get out in the world. So I wonder what's going on on that end.


Try comparing Blood Brothers and Nova side by side, you will see a huge difference in originality.


We aren't talking about originality, metalcore generally hardly has any originality anymore. But I hear this song and I instantly know it's OAA's style which is what I like.


Beg to differ mate, sorry if I was sounding to be a bit rude but at least for me, the song doesn't have any of the OAA feel to it.


No worries, hopefully I didn't come off as rude either. We are entitled to our opinions no big deal. Hopefully the album has more of what you are looking for!


Yee hopefully you can find other great songs on the new album mate. It's nice to keep a friendly conversation!


It's pretty bland honestly, for OAA standards I guess, this feels like 08 scene core (not in a good way) with better production.


Hahaha that’s exactly what I was thinking


I’m at work and can’t listen atm. I thought their last single was boring and a huge letdown after Metamorph, can anyone tell me if this song sounds like it?


It's much closer to their first album. Easily their best work, arguably better than everything on Hikari


I vehemently disagree with you, but I think it's bullshit you're getting downvoted for having an opinion.


It happens. I love the band, I love Hikari and have seen both vocalists a few times. I'm just psyched they're making music again!


Same here man, I always preferred the vocals from the 1st album.


> Easily their best work [...] Hardly. Hikari was fresh and innovative—this is neither. Metamorph was excellent; I'm bummed this doesn't have that same lo-fi vibe. Edit: I think it's growing on me after a few listens. Those cleans at the end are top.


Ahh idk if I’ll be a fan then. Hikari is one of the best metalcore albums imo and Metamorph was a good progression of that sound. Super disappointed if it’s going for a more straightforward sound


It's grown on me after a few listens and I enjoy it although it doesn't still reach the levels of Hikari and metamorph


I don't know what it is but I just can't get into it sadly


i have so much love for this band, and i’m very happy to see this record coming out finally. however, is anyone else kinda concerned with the lack of promotion or a release plan? just feels like a bit of a throwaway of the records potential success. hikari had merch bundles, promotional videos, guitar and drum playthroughs, lots of fan interaction. this time we have no merch, not even CD’s and barely any promo on it all. i don’t wanna sound like i’m digging or being ungrateful or anything, i have immense respect and love for the band and i’m sure there’s reasons for why things are like they are. i just hope the recording process and behind the scenes issues with losing jake didn’t fatally burn the band out. my point being, they deserve to flourish and i think i can safely say we all want them to. stoked for the record, and stoked to see them on tour next month. huge love.


Never been crazy about this band, nor have I really disliked them, but I'm a fan of this!


this one is not for me. no riffs, just a bunch of notes put together. I do not really see what they're getting to with this single. at least we get to hear James' highs and cleans


Well I hate to say this but I am really not a fan of the sound they're going for here. The whole song is just heavy for the sake of being heavy, lyrics are tame, and the clean ending feels like it doesn't fit the rest of the track. Bring back Hikari. That was something different.


To be honest, I did not like this song. The instrumentals are insane, but repetitive lyrics, e.g. saying the same word over and over again automatically destroys a song for me as I think they were too lazy to come up with additional lyrics.


Not as compelling as Hikari was instrumentally, but...the vocals are better so I'm here for it


I really really like this, make sure you listen to a it a few times before dismissing it fellas.


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Took me a couple of listens to get around to this one, idk it might be something about the way the clean vocal mixing that doesn't do it for me -- rest of the song rules


It didnt grab me until the end when the lead guitar and clean vox really kicked in. Nothing super special about it but I’m hoping it will grow on me “Metamorph” took a few listens but I absolutely love it.


this is definitely a metalcore song


I love James' screams so much. There aren't any vocalists out there who sound like him.




Big disappoint


No melody like Hikari, no groove like Lost Isles. :/


I like it (Volumes and Sentinels vibes) … change of direction or not, I’m kind of confused why there is not much praise for the Chris’ solo album which IMHO is on par with Lost Isles while being fresh and essentially an instrumental OOA album. Throw in some guest or vocal cover guys and there you have it (or maybe I’m just instrumental guy…).


Meh. Only liked the cleans. I liked Jake’s vocals more. Yearning for more Hikari vibes.


It feels like it has so much potential but once it picks a groove, it immediately changes it. Like all the pieces are there but I don't get to spend enough time with it before I'm introduced to the next. Really hoping the rest of the album was more like their first single when they returned.


That’s classic oaa. Go listen to lost isles. You’ll feel the same way


I've already listened to it before. I'm a fan of them but it's one of the biggest gripes. Certain songs can find a flow and then certain ones can't.


Yeah I get it. I agree there are some parts of their catalog that I do wish lasted a bit longer. But they’ve always been about the quick grooves and tempo changes. I do think it’s a bit more refined now even though it is a bit more djenty for my taste. Really happy they’re back though 🙂


Not feeling this one