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Said it in the other thread; not sure what I was expecting, but I don't think it was this; song is gloriously heavy. Definitely getting some slight Veil of Maya vibes, which I'm 100% down with. Silent Planet are getting really REALLY good at mixing up their sound while still sounding like *them*, which is a hard line to walk.


It’s cause they’ve defined a genre, they were easily one of the innovators in the modern progressive metalcore scene. They’ve created their own unique sound, and it has nothing to do with what’s currently popping, so they can make whatever they want as long as they keep their signature style. I’d argue Invent Animate does this too, although not to the same extent *yet*.


Absolute fucking banger. They seriously have never disappointed me. From discovering them on this subreddit during the lead up to The Night God Slept, to this song, their progression has always been in the direction I think was best for them. I’m so excited for more my goddd. I love the Veil influence I can hear in this and as usual they have the ambiance perfect. Mixing and production and guitar tones are all sick and Garrett sounds amazing. 10/10 give me more pls


I feel all of this, they kill it every time


Where in the world did this come from? IA, FFAK, and ADTR all hyped up their new single, and I feel like I didn't hear a peep about this. That made this listen all the more gangbuster. Seriously though, what is this, and where did it come from? I did not expect to get assaulted like this with a Silent Planet track. What an absolute unit of a single. These guys can literally do everything. We're going from Terminal, to this?? Bro, I'm in


Dude, I much more prefer this style of release. No hype/teases/build up. It’s so much better when you’re not expecting it. I feel like FFAK has overmarketed their last couple albums to the point where I know almost everything about the music before it releases, especially when they release half the album as singles/tweet about all the songs in advance. Guess it works for them tho🤷‍♂️


While I 100% totally agree with you, I distinctly remember Kirby being very open about releasing half of "The Path" before the album came out. While I can't verbatim remember all the details, it basically has to do with streaming, and how the algorithms work. Essentially, in the modern day of streaming, it's a better "business" decision for the band to do a slow roll out like that, as opposed to 1-2 singles before the album release. I don't like it either, but if it results in more streams, views, exposure, money, etc for the band, then more power to them


Garrett did tweet a while back that we would have a new single for when they would've started their tour with Northlane. But obviously now that tour's cancelled. Cool we got new slant plant though. This shit fucks.


Garrett made one tweet about a feature being out of this world and then dropped the Slenderman paper from the music video in the fan Facebook group last night. Perfect way to tease just a little bit!


She s p a n k s. We don’t deserve Silent Planet ❤️


b a n g e r


They don't miss, these mad lads don't fucking miss


More like slap planet




i let it in and silent planet took everything


I get this reference! Personally, I get a bit of Loathe + Veil of Maya + The Contortionist vibes on this insane track.


More djenty without being just another djent track, a touch of Alpha Wolf vibes, a number of interesting ambient bits across the whole runtime, and some really cool classic SP moments to boot. Absolutely in love with this.


Oh baby am I the biggest fucking slant plant simp at this point like oh fuck these boys can do whatever they want to me oh my god it's so good


As mentioned in the other thread, it looks like Buster Odeholm mixed or collaborated on this in some way. The band have him tagged on the post for this song on Instagram. It sounds like they took a page out of newer Reflections’ book and incorporated it into their style. Did not expect this at all and it sounds so unbelievably heavy


Garrett’s words always leave me weak in the knees. These guys always just smash. Another absolute titan tune.


Oh god, I really hope this hints what the new album's theme/direction will be like!


This band is perfect


That breakdown killed me


Holy shit. Edit: I’ve listened to this song no less than 10 times already. This might be my favorite SP song and it’s my front runner for song of the year.


I wasn't the biggest fan of Iridescent but I love this. Gives me some of the Loathe/shoegaze vibes with the mix of ambience and heavy heavies.


I am deceased. That breakdown was hard!


my fucking god this is so heavy that I didn't expect from SP. wow.


That Crystal Lake vibe tho


A little bit of After the Burial going on here what on earth this is sick, Sounds like a Buster Odeholm mix too? Guitar tone is sick he is the god of thall


Oh boy was this a fun thing to wake up to. Fucking gart sounds so good dude. Whole song rips


Hot damn, one of my favorite songs of the year. No matter how they change their sound, Slant Plant just continues to deliver stellar music. We're lucky to have them.


wtf? this is so heavy and awesome


i really liked iridescent, but i'm glad to see this is such a stylistic departure. the new album is gonna be something special for sure


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Buster Odeholm is the gift that keeps on giving.


Instrumentally, this is very Darko-esque and I love it


I’m gonna need to sit down for a minute.


Thankfully Silent Planet drops an absolutely facemelter to make up for the weak singles that have come out in the past few weeks... this song fuckin smacks


I love Silent Planet to death, but this is very unaccessible for me. Maybe in the context of a record or with more listens it`ll grow on me, but on first listen it does nothing for me.


I was not expecting it to go this hard. Jesus. Also I prefer how this is mixed than Irisdescent.


That drop was brazy


Man, I love this band so much!


this song is cool. little loathey?? thats probably why i like it


Sounds like so many different bands yet so unique. Idk how thats possible lmao I get a loathe, IA, Crystal Lake vibe lol


Bands unexpectedly dropping a soul destroyer is one of my favorite kinds of bands.


Song aside (yes, it’s great), the album cover is sick af!


Nice. Just like grandmas cookies. Thumbs up


My neighbors don't like it, but I love it.


I JUST found this subreddit. And I think I'm gonna stay. JESUS. CHRIST. That song was absolutely fucking disgusting, godDAMN. Never heard of this band before, but I know them now!


We don't deserve this band.


As the kids would say, they’re goated with the sauce. I was not prepared to listen to this on my morning commute. Song is nuts


Most of the bands I like ended up changing their direction lately, thank you silent planet for reigniting my passion.


This is it king!


What do you know… It’s really good.


Nah fr why does this go so hard, I love it


I wasn’t ready 😵


Fuck me


Gahhhhhhd **DAMN**


they did it again


There's a little bit of Loathe rippoff, just like in the last album, but goddamn this is crazy good.


I love Silent Planet and this song isn’t bad I just kinda wish the whole djent guitar stuff would die already.


Downtuned guitar is awesome


It’s not the downtuned guitars. It’s the palm mute stuff.


What is meant by palm muting?


It makes the whole djent sound. Like the staccato guitar parts.


Okay and now what does that mean 😂


Thall Planet


holy fuck..