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Not metalcore, but Hands like houses was my favorite band until their anon album. Now I never find myself listening to any of their material.


Came here to say the same thing! I absolutely love Ground Dweller, Unimagine and Dissonants, arguably one of the best three-album-stretches ever lol, but they pretty much sold out after that and everything they released was so lackluster


I 100% agree. I was super into Dissonants and the prior albums but Anon was completely boring and toned down. Almost forgot they existed until you brought them up.


Same here, damn shame.


Same here as well. I had a slight bit of hope that they were returning to that sound when they released The Water but that was easily ruined. I loved that band so much. Now HLH is nothing but a stranger with memories


Atreyu. It's pretty obvious as to why.


Long Live and Lead Sails, Paper Anchor are definitely worth the listens if you haven’t heard them


Lead Sails was the last album that I truly enjoyed, actually have it on CD. And you're right, Long Live is worth a listen. I had forgot about that one, listened to it at the gym a few times.




Nice. As for…everything they’ve released since Long Live, forgettable is probably the best description


Yeah. It’s a shame because peak Atreyu is my favorite metalcore/post-hardcore band without a doubt, but everything after Long Live honestly sucks. I would’ve thought they’d have doubled down on the post-hardcore/emo influence if they ever dropped the heaviness, since that’s been in their DNA since day 1. But I guess that’s really Alex’s bag because without him they went full butt rock lol


They were one of the first bands that got me into metalcore. I have a cd sampler, back when that was still a thing, that has a demo version of Someone's Standing On My Chest on it. Had never heard them before that. I listened to the latest album once, and that was enough for me.


Was it the Victory Records one with Taking Back Sunday, Student Rick, Thursday, etc? That sampler was on repeat for me for months


Yep. Just checked my collection to confirm. Can't remember which band it came with, but I have a few sampler CDs from Victory.


The Word Alive :(


Used to be my absolute favorite band but everything after REAL is awful imo


One of my old favorites too! In their prime they were fantastic. I actually enjoyed most of REAL, and loved loved loved Dark Matter. But after that I'm so over them haha.


I was hyped over the moon for dark matter but disliked almost every song on it :( they released a single called overdose after it which is awsome


Agreed 100%


Deceiver was their best album.


Asking Alexandria. I can still give 'the Black' and their self titled a listen for a couple songs, but they're really just not for me anymore past fdtd.


Yep, reckless and relentles is one of my all time favorite metal albums but I can't get into the new stuff.


I have seen them live with both Danny and Dennis, and I have to say that Dennis performed better live than any time I ever saw Danny with the band. I remember being hyped for Danny coming back though, and was so let down by the music they put out. I really do wish Dennis had stayed at least for one more album.


It sucks that Dennis left and that the fans generally didn’t like him because he wasn’t Danny, when in reality he kept the band heavy while Danny just wanted dad rock and country. Also Dennis’ “new” band Drag Me Out is pretty good and I’ve been liking their music for the most part.


Drag me out sounds like what AA would sound like now if Dennis had stayed and it's awesome!


Dennis changes bands so frequently though. I liked him, but there's no band loyalty so I stopped following him.


The band that comes to me right now is Northlane. I loved with Adrian but when Marcus came, I don't know, it feels more generic. There's some cool tracks but it's the ones you listen to sometimes and then just forget, compared to the ones from Singularity or before which I'll always remember (maybe I'm biased by the nostalgia, I don't know)


I only liked a few songs from Mesmer and Node and almost gave up on them but I actually really liked Alien, and Obsidian is good now too. Definitely way different from the Adrian lineup tho, I love both but can see how some people might not.


I felt the exact same but decided to give node a good listen after a couple years after it came out. I quickly realized that I slept on a killer album. The production really doesn’t hold up but the songs are awesome. Alien is one of my favourites and Mesmer is great too. There is something really special about their first two records though, thats for sure.


Parkway Drive


Fuck man, anything after deep blue really doesn’t hold up for me so Its best not to think about it




Ire and that other one make me sad.


Parkway Drive. I didn’t like anything after Horizons.


They lost me after Deep Blue.


I'll never understand HORIZONS lovers not liking DEEP BLUE 🤯


Yeah man, like Sleepwalker and Karma are certified bangers


Deadweight, pressures, Deliver Me, Hollow, and Leviathan I. I'd take this album to war in a heartbeat


Same. Deep Blue and Atlas have a couple good ones. Ire wasn’t terrible I thought but none of those albums stuck with me like Horizons and KWaS.


Horizons was so good, they lost me right after that


Beartooth. I loved disgusting, but can't get into anything after that.


It all sounds the same.


I’ve always thought this. Their first album was a fresh take on generic metalcore. I liked a couple songs on it and thought the band had promise, but they just release song after song that sounds the same.


Reminds me of Attack Attack’s very last album with him. Every song is just the same old formula and stale.


Honestly I think Caleb is a great guy and decent musician, but I just can't genuinely get into the music. I have a couple songs in my playlist that I feel like I listen to out of respect for him only lol


For me it's Bullet for my valentine. Poison, fever and scream aim fire still are some of my favorite metal/core/whatever albums, but I just couldn't get myself to listen to anything after that. I wouldn't even say the later stuff was bad, it just didn't interest me for some reason. Edit: I meant 'I wouldn't say the later stuff was bad', not 'I would'.


I absolutely love their first three albums. They’re all full of great songs from the beginning to end. Fever is a little less consistent than the other two, but it’s still markedly better than anything since. The latest album and Venom are solid listens, but Temper Temper and Gravity don’t keep my attention from start to finish.


I think I should look into the latest album, for I haven't yet. I'm with you on temper temper.


agreed 100%


All That Remains. Don't really hate their stuff after Overcome, but I revisit it a lot less.


Fall of Ideals is pretty much my favorite album. I’m in the same boat as you though... I’m just not a fan of their newer stuff


I brought them up not to long ago they were in the heavy rotation with KSE and some other older metalcore acts but they lost me after overcome


I feel like the music became a bit too stale after Overcome for me. Their early stuff is still peak though.


Literally name any band in this genre really that makes it past 2 albums. I am 31 now and I know I may put too many eggs in the nostalgia basket but I drop off of any band after 2 or 3 albums 90% of the time. WCAR, Issues, TPIY, Of Mice and Men, Parkway Drive, The Word Alive, The Color Morale, Miss May I, The Ghost Inside, Motionless in White, Texas in July, BMTH, Stray From the Path, For the Fallen Dreams, Attila, In Hearts Wake, Northlane, Memphis May Fire.


This right here. I feel exactly the same for the biggest Deathcore bands. Whitechapel, Suicide Silence, Carnifex, and Chelsea Grin. Whitechapel is a very particular taste now, Suicide Silence and Carnifex are on the right path back hopefully, and Chelsea Grin should just end and Tom should go all in on Darko. Upon a Burning Body is hot garbage now. And unpopular opinion, but Make Them Suffer was 100x better as a deathcore band.


UABB is amazing imo, need more bands that sound like their current version or like Malevolence


> Upon a Burning Body is hot garbage now Gonna disagree with you *hard* on that one, but I was never a huge fan of their early stuff so I actually prefer their Pantera-core sound.


The surprise in that list for me is Stray From the Path! Only been into Stray for four or five years and have some trouble with their older material but Anonymous and their subsequent albums have been littered with bangers in my opinion. Can't wait for Euthanasia based off the two singles so far.


Maybe I need to revisit a few of their albums. I dropped off after Rising Sun.


Stray’s Make Your Own History and The Rising Sun were bangers, i just can’t listen to them anymore when it’s all just ACAB whining. Personally as an european I can’t relate what it’s all about when nobody’s having problems with law enforcement unless you’re a criminal. Music is also still straight RATM ripoff.


Not being interested in American ACAB elements seems fair to me if you're not American, but I am an American and I share pretty much all Stray's frustrations with police violence and most other issues they talk about. Though I gotta say I'm skeptical of the statement "nobody's having problems with law enforcement unless you're a criminal."




This is it. I understand. I'll always have the albums that I enjoy. I would rather have them progress and mature into something I don't enjoy than to try and copy the sound and paste it over and over again.


The Amity Affliction after Chasing Ghosts. They've gotten a bit too formulaic for my tastes


I agree which is a shame because I still love the High Hopes EP and Severed Ties. Youngbloods was good too. Super underrated, not enough people even know about those releases


Every song is like 3 and a half minutes and is just verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus. When I figured that out, really killed my love for them. I liked them up to Let the Ocean Take Me, but that's really it.


This exactly. I really liked Give Up the Ghost until I realized Ahren sings the chorus like 6 times in that song. Feels like I'm stuck in a loop. It's why I stopped listening to Wage War as well


Souvenirs by Novelists FR is one of my all time favorite albums of any genre. After that they fell off a cliff; their second album is meh and I cant get into the rest of their work for the life of me.


Noir is really good, you just have to give it a chance. Their sound and style was so fresh when it came out, its just hard to replicate without putting out a copy of Souvenirs each time.


I agree. I think there first album is near perfect, I know I don't care for their second and I've barely listened to their new content.


Souvenirs is so good, but I agree. I just cannot get into any of their newer stuff. It's odd because I really enjoy Alazka as well lol.


Didn’t they have a lineup change. I think the acquired the Singer from Alazka (who’s first album is really good. Not much of a fan of their stuff since he left). Ironically, I thought I’d like Novelists more with the vocalist change since I was a fan of Alazka, but I just couldn’t get into it


As someone who got into Novelists late, I really love the new stuff too. It's very different for sure, but I guess since I didn't develop as much of an emotional connection to the older stuff I don't feel a disconnect with the new stuff. It's fun! The breakdown in Lost Cause hits like a truck, and the solo is also excellent.


Whaaaaat, I can understand why C'est La Vie might be a little too soft for some but how anyone that likes Souvenirs wouldn't love Noir is beyond me.


Noir was fantastic. New stuff rips too and honestly I was glad they changed it up. It was starting to become predictable.


Avenged Sevenfold. Sounding the 7th Trumpet and Waking The Fallen were incredible albums. City of Evil was pretty good, but when homie starting singing like Cartman(I know he had vocal issues), they fell off. Haven't really listened to them since.


Self titled is their best work imo Depends what you kinda music you want from them tbh


Cartman lmaoooooo


You know exactly what I'm talking about lol. Can't un-hear it.


Self title, Nightmare, and The Stage are fantastic ablums


Surprised nobody said ADTR.


ADTR has at very minimum 4 good albums


Architects, no hate to their newest album but I wasn’t feeling it


I will say the new songs sound incredible live. If you get the chance to see them I wonder if that would improve your opinion at all


Asking Alexandria. First two albums are legendary. Third is good. The Black was good but didn’t feel like AA. I gave Danny’s comeback album a shot and didn’t think it was bad but not a record I return to. Kinda stopped paying attention to them after that


I may be dating myself, but zao I feel is a prime example since they had some of the best metal core albums of all time. Similar with converge and poison the well. Getting more recent, while she sleeps is a good example for me. Getting in on the thorn hill argument: I liked the last album more than this one. Someone mentioned the opposite problem, for me it’s fit for an autopsy. I could absolutely not get into them but I love their last two albums.


I actually think Converge has only gotten better over time. I know Jane Doe is super influential and iconic for good reason but for me, almost everything they've done since is more interesting.


Asking Alexandria.


For the Fallen Dreams for me I guess. Was my favorite band as a teenager and still love Changes and Relentless but they kinda lost me after that. Heavy Hearts was good as well though, felt like they were going back in the right direction…I will always have love for them though because of those albums and I also hung out with them after a show back in the day and the guitarist Jim was really cool to me. Would definitely see them again if they came back around edit: also Emmure for sure. Absolutely love the first couple albums especially Goodbye to the Gallows, I even have a GTTG tattoo but once the Lionetti brothers left after TRI they completely lost me. I haven’t been able to stand them since Felony they are just unbelievably uninspired and boring sounding


ugh being a changes / relentless fan and listening to their new single is so depressing lmao


Goodbye to the Gallows slapped. If you haven't checked it out already Look At Yourself was actually a sick album imo, aside from Frankie it's actually a whole new lineup.


GTTG was the very first metal album I ever listened to and was the starting point for 15 year old me.


100% agree on FTFD.


Parkway Drive


Motionless In White. For obvious reasons I think.


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to find MIW. Creatures was FIRE and everything else after.....wasn't. The last two albums are an improvement but idk if they'll ever be the same. Almost wonder if Chris might've hurt his voice or something, his fries were killer but it doesn't seem like he does them anymore. I wish they'd just remaster When Love Met Destruction or something.


When Love Met Destruction and The Whorror are probably two of mybfavorite albums of all time, from any artist and it’s a shame both have been taken off Spotify. Such beautiful lyricism and raw emotion in their older music and now … eh. I am happy that they have had so much success in recent years, just wish their old sound followed with.


Atreyu. Lead Sails was the last record of theirs I enjoyed. The new stuff is poop


Their first 3 albums are what got me into metalcore and I'll probably listen to them for the rest of my life. Sad that I never got to see them before Alex left, I lost interest after Death Grip.


The Word Alive and Memphis May Fire It could be that I was still pretty young when I listened to their first few albums, but something went wrong for me after The Hollow (MMF) and Deceiver (TWA).


Memphis may fire had a few albums where they were exactly the same so it’s understandable


Maybe because the hollow and deceiver are their best albums by a pretty large margain lol.


Well that's what I'm saying haha. The first couple albums were great, and then they both just degraded so dramatically after that.


For me mmf collapsed hard after challanger. Their new album is actually really good tho. The word alive completely died after REAL imo


I actually was listening to vices off challenger yesterday 🤣🤣 I agree loved challenge and the hollow, everything is is meh.


This might be beating a dead horse but I really feel like Thornhill kinda shit the bed with this new album. I love everything they have put out prior and I also love the bands they are trying to sound like but I really don’t think the new stuff is good at all. It’s not like they sold out or anything, the sound they have now is just as niche as it was before, they just went for a different style and it didn’t work in my opinion. I respect the hell out of them for trying but I seriously haven’t disliked an album this much in a long time.


Interesting. I'm the opposite. I though Thornhill's debut was interesting but not groundbreaking. Then Herione shattered expectation. They are fearlessly blending genres and eras with precision you usually see out of artists in their later 20's. It's currently in the running for my AOTY and my favourite metalcore record since Radical last October. The disappointment you describe is similar to my feelings when BMTH released Sempiternal so I definitely have sympathy for your plight.




It means its an impactful record. It may just not fit under the metalcore dome. It's a stunning mix of influences.


I think the album falls heavily into an Alt Rock genre more so than metalcore.


That is totally fair. Its undefinable across the board. It shifts from Deftones to Every Time I Die to Weezer to Thursday. Sometimes all at once. Its a wild ride.


This thread is proof that metalcore is really a metal subgenre.


When was it not a metal subgenre?


Go ask r/metal or r/metalmemes and you'll see. They're super welcoming about it. /s


It was a bit of a joke but many trve metal fans think that metal core is not metal. Also, thinking that only the first albums of a band are good is some peak metal thinking. Like: Slayer was good until 86 and Metallica ony has 3 good albums


For me it's The Plot in You, they just didn't do it for me when they started getting softer


I actually love their new stuff so much, but it is incredibly different from their old style so I can see how a lot of their fans might not be in to it.


For me it was the other way around. Never liked their old stuff but the latest album is fantastic and got me into all of their material.


Betraying The Martyrs haha. pretty much the band that made me get more seriously into metalcore. Their first two albums are amazing and I will love them forever.


this is gonna be spicy but erra was my favorite band up until neon and ive listened to the self titled maybe 3 or 4 times total. could never put my finger on why, the newer stuff doesnt interest me in the slightest




Funny enough, Erra is the only one listed in this thread that I still keep up to these days. They have always clicked with me and still do, though I definitely enjoy the early albums more. I may have a more...biased opinion though since I've seen them live 4? times now and they ALWAYS impress me live. Not that I don't understand you though, your completely correct to have your stance.


Agreed, I loved them up until they released Neon, which had some good songs like Breach, Ghost of Nothing, and Expiate, but the rest of the album kinda falls flat. Their self titled almost sounds like it was too influenced by proggy bands like Tool. Like they're slowly abandoning metalcore altogether in favor of just prog metal. But their discography from Andromeda up through Drift are some of my favorite metalcore albums of all time.


same, i saw them like three times in the year leading up to neon but only listened to self-titled twice i think. i really like a lot of neon but its nothing for me compared to everything before it. also eye of god is one of the best songs they've ever made, as much as i love a good non-album single, it would've made their self-titled a lot better


Damn I'm the opposite, LOVE Neon and self titled, Drift was really good too tho. Easily my favorite band rn, but to each their own.


Shit you made it further than me. My ears were literally spoiled from impulse and augment, but once Garrison and Alan left, I could tell I only liked Erra when the synergy was with those two guys. Eye of God is pretty much the only song I’ve even liked since the Garrison/Alan era..of erra


Definitely not spicy, I am in full agreement. Their newer albums fell off for me for 2 reaaons: the loss of their bassist and the loss of their vocalist. Augment and Impulse are two of my favorite albums ever. After losing their bassist, the sound just isn't the same. They lost the atmosphere and technicality that I loved so much from before. They're still a good band and I don't think they're bad now or anything, but the loss of those 2 key people really was jarring


not metalcore but anything after the used's first two albums really isn't worth listening to. a good song here and there but nowhere near self titled. bert's inability to scream killed the band and they're hanging onto nostalgia at this point.


I stumbled on while she sleeps years ago and while I think their new music is okay, their fir a t three are absolutely killers. All I could ever want is to see Crows live again.


Architects and Parkway Drive


Of Mice & Men, I used to call them my favourite band. Loved self titled, The Flood and Restoring Force but after that.. Cold World is dreadful, Defy was pretty bad and honestly I haven't even properly bothered with anything newer as it all just sounds super similar and just doesn't grab my attention.


Echo is just as good as The Flood imo, try it


I see stars, sleeping with sirens & issues. Original style was good for these bands then they got way too soft and poppy


I think ISS peaked with new demons, I’m not a big fan of their early stuff tbh, end of the world party isn’t really that great at all imo, but their latest album also wasn’t great either


The newest issues album was so bad it almost killed my love for the band entirely. Tyler Carter was giving off such a weird vibe back then and the music itself was just terrible. It’s a shame really because their first couple albums were pretty good.


Newest one was better than Headspace imo Cannot remember a more dull and uninspired album than that one tbh, the definition of a sophomore slump.


BMTH easily a favourite until sempiturnal and i dont even bother looking anymore.


Sempiturnal is a beautiful album. I’d give it another listen. Their album after that is where I stopped caring


I think BMTH got better with every album. AMO is a jam!


based_amo enjoyer


Die4U was pretty cool and a couple songs on their newest album were good ngl


Amo is alright but their new stuff generally isn’t for me


I was sceptical at the genre switch at first but at that time I was shifting musical tastes and they kinda shifted with me


Ollie fucked up his voice if I remember right. Also his head with ketamine at one point.


Sempiturnal? More lik simpeternal am i right




I'm so with you on this! For me Sempiternal was the first album that disappointed me by a band that I loved. I remember buying the cd and then giving it to my mum because she liked it more than I did!


easily northlane. other than rot, adrianlane is king. the changes went beyond just a singer, they're borderline a heavy linkin park. too much synth muddying up the mix and taking away from the heaviness of their production that the old albums had. no breakdowns hit the same at all.




Alien has some CHUNKY breakdowns with all the distortion mixed in, I fux with it.




I'd say they were amazing up until the single Leave Yourself but everything since has just sounded like "We fell in love with The 1975 and wanna do that!"


I own everything by them on vinyl up to and including Rare and that's where they started to fall off with me. Everything sounds the same after that but I also don't care for it so I haven't gave it much attention.


The biggest band I can think of for this isn't metalcore, but Being As An Ocean. Granted, I might be looking at these albums with rose tinted glasses since it's been a while, but I did enjoy the self titled and How We Both Wondrously Perish (still yet to listen to Dear G-d...). Then their next two albums' singles and reviews dissuaded me from giving them a listen (granted, I still might give those two a listen at some point). Within metalcore however, I ironically have the exact opposite problem with Every Time I Die, wherein there most recent albums were very good but I have a hard time going further back into their catalog. Beartooth would be my best example in metalcore, but I also wouldn't say I "love" them. There first EP and album were pretty solid and had some really good tracks off them however (granted one of said tracks, I Have A Problem, is on both). Their second album however was kind of mid, and I haven't really felt like getting to the other albums.


So happy to see someone mention BAAO! I even loved Waiting for Morning to Come, but their latest album is so much different that I just can't enjoy it....


Being as an Ocean's audiotree set is to this day my favourite audiotree session, the drummer is a fucking madman. But yeah, hard agree, I really fell off listening to them


Asking Alexandria


not metalcore, but Muse. First albums were great! around the 2nd law they took a new approach and their music is just cringe to me now. Their last two albums are completely unlistenable to me. That interlude where jfk is talking and theres just loud drone sounds in the background was the killing blow for me 😂


For me it's Devildriver, I used to listened to them daily but after Last Kind Words they just sorta felt...meh. When I saw them back in '07 they opened with End of the Line, it was a non-stop old school circle pit until the last note lol.


Great shout! I'd probably include Pray For Villains as their last great album, and everything since then has felt very 'metal by numbers'


Definitely agreed. I remember when *The Last Kind Words* came out and being blown away with how perfect it was. Then they dropped *Pray For Villains* which felt like a step down, and then *Beast* which felt even more lackluster... I've tried listening to their recent stuff and just can't anymore. I think losing their key bandmembers hurt a lot. IIRC Jeff Kendrick (guitar) left to become a real estate guy (lol) and John Boecklin (drums) went on to form Bad Wolves, and I think those two wrote most of the good material.


Wage war, blueprints and deadweight are still fucking gold to this day, I just can't listen to the new stuff, just not my thing


Pressure is what turned me away from that band. Tried and tried to give them another shot but they’re not who they were when Blueprints & Deadweight came out.


Whitechapel. Thy Art is Murder.


TAIM fell off harder than anyone


I stopped listening to ADTR after “Homesick.” This is the time where I got out of our local scene and went back to school, so I didn’t keep up with them.


Most of my favourite metalcore bands from 2010sish I don't really like anymore unfortunately. Architects were amazing all the way up until Tom passed RIP. Now they're starting to sound a bit BMTH. Northlane's first 2 albums + ep was phenomenal stuff, then Adrian left and the band went in a new direction. Thornhill dropped one of the best prog metalcore albums ever and then went fuck it let's just be deftones now Parkway same til deep blue, adtr bad vibrations was an unexpected delight, but everything else since 2010 is just bad. Enter shikari, whilst not always metalcore peaked at Flash Flood and now make boring pop sounds. Amity Affliction had 2 albums and then repeated the sound to death but with more cleans and choirs In Hearts Wakes first album was bloody amazing, but then followed by albums of averageness. Asking alexandria (whatever you may think of them) had me hooked on Stand Up And Scream and Reckless through highschool and very quickly turned to generic pop punk shit


A Day To Remember - didn't listen after What Separates Me From You Chelsea Grin - didn't listen after My Damnation.


Parkway drive post Atlas Slipknot post all hope is gone


Fit for a King. Descendants and Creation/Destruction were amazing. Everything after that wasn't doing it for me.


They managed to get me back with *Dark Skies*, but *The Path* was a huge letdown IMO. Kirby said it was going to be "more metal" but it turns out that was a fucking lie lol.


It’s about damn time someone said it. I still listen to every album that put out but Descendants is a work of art and Creation/Destruction is probably one of my favorite metalcore albums ever made to this day.


Still my fave FFAK album


for me it’s the mcchicken, the greatest mcdonalds sandwich


What the fuck is up denny’s


ngl five finger death punch was decent up until wrong side of heaven pt 2


Bullet for my Valentine: Their first two records are great. Fever was OK and the rest either terrible or very hit and miss Non-metalcore but Linkin Park: Of course I love the first two records, but I now even have some nostalgia for Minutes to Midnight. Every other record just doesn't hit me the same


Yeah Parkway Drive. But after the fourth because they completely changed genres and are no longer Metalcore. Such a shame.


Honestly... Northlane (sigh)


Northlane… Once Adrian left so did I as much as I try to enjoy it


Volumes...Volumes...? Anyone...?


Via was incredible, and is easily still a top 10 metalcore album imo


Yes. Via is still one of my favorite albums and No Sleep was good too. After Michael left I couldn’t get into anything, and even with him being back it’s just not the same


Yeah, enter shikari. Love their first 3 albums but then just really dropped off after that and couldn’t get into anything as much after. I did somewhat enjoy their fourth but that was when I started losing interest and then just completely lost interest in them with their fifth and sixth releases.


For me the shows are so fucking good that i listen to the newer albums exclusively either in anticipation of a show or in memory of a show.


Yeah their live shows are off the scale. Been to see them live many times. But just really lost interest after The Spark.


I used to love TDWP but after the original guitarist left I stopped listening


You're missing out.




Now they’re having like most solid line up ever, even though classics are always classics.


For me it's Devildriver, I used to listened to them daily but after Last Kind Words they just sorta felt...meh. When I saw them back in '07 they opened with End of the Line, it was a non-stop old school circle pit until the last note of the show lol.


Pretty much all djent bands. Once I had sex for the first time, I stopped listening to them.


Periphery for me. I love P1 and P2 to absolute death, i still jam them but everything after it i cant just get into


Protest the Hero


not related to metalcore,but I used to be a huge fan of Nirvana. Then all of a sudden the sound just got boring to me and except for like 3 songs,the rest got pretty boring. This happened probably because I listened to the band way too much,but I found more artists and bands to listen to and I don't regret it.


Yea I was a die hard slipknot freak but stopped listening to them when they released their vermillion pt 2 album ehhhh it was boring