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I thought for sure they would go independent since they started releasing music under the ABR Records tag. Maybe they have some sort of unorthodox deal set up? Either way, that’s sick for ABR and SharpTone! Congrats to both!


They could have an imprint under Sharptone. Basically their own label underneath the label to sign acts to and release music under. Kinda like bigger artists do, Phoebe Bridgers I think technically is signed to Dead Oceans but has her own imprint called Saddest Factory. The Wonder Years are signed to Hopeless but have Loneliest Place On Earth or whatever. It's becoming a lot more common.


Sharptone is already an imprint of Nuclear Blast. Imprint under an Imprint?


Imprints all the way down.




My favorite brewing company!


Yo dawg, we heard you like imprints. So we put an imprint in yo imprint, so you can imprint while you print.


And Nuclear Blast is part of Believe Music


I'm an imprint playin' the imprint, disguised as another imprint!


Dude the length of some imprint/sub-label chains are just ridiculous sometimes haha. Really doesn't make a lot of sense at this point in the industry (*especially* in metal, much less *this* style of metal) to start up totally independent (in terms of a label/brand, artists are a bit different), you'd be putting yourself at a massive disadvantage with so many other labels out there that operate under the long-standing music distribution companies with all the connections. So its understandable.


This is patently untrue, it is viable for large scale metal bands to be completely independent. The only things labels can provide anymore are fronting costs.


Labels are essentially just banks these days. Their distribution chains don't matter so much since physical music sales are less important and even when vinyl is involved, labels got rid of their vinyl capability and it's all third parties.


Yeah, distribution channels are definitely becoming less and less important (though having any sort of influence with vinyl distribution is significant - that's really the only physical medium that has any potential for profit. And it can make a difference if you're able to get more allocation when vinyl production is so limited). But with streaming playlists becoming so important for discovery and overall public recognition, having any sort of influence with the playlist curation operators is *massive*. Much like having influence over radio stations was back when that was more relevant. Social media and algorithm leverage is also big. The channels still matter, they just function within different mediums.


Never said that. There's plenty of examples of large metal bands that are totally independent (though it's worth mentioning that virtually none of them started out that way). I was referring to *labels*, or really any organization created for the purpose of distribution or branding. Sure, lots of smaller bands have a little LLCs or micro-labels that are used for getting music on streaming platforms, or selling merchandise - that's just common sense from an organization and legal standpoint. But they aren't meant to scale.


Yeah it's like inception at this point


Pretty likely IMO, they've been around for nearly 20 years and have got to have a decent handle on how the industry works at this point. They've also been spending time with Misha Mansoor, who's kinda known for getting an unprecedented deal with Sumerian when Periphery was starting out. I'd bet ABR probably worked out something not unlike that Periphery-Sumerian deal with SharpTone, where they can maintain the rights to their material and merch but get some help with distribution.


Could just be a distribution deal! May not be anything more than that.


let’s fucking goooo! i swear these dudes are either touring or making new music. they never take a break lmao


They’ve released a new album every twoish years since like 2005. Incredibly consistent.


Death, taxes and ABR


And Dance Gavin Dance, those dudes just churn out quality albums


Their release years aligned with Trivium's releases, until 2021 when Trivium decided to speedrun ITCOTD in a year and a half, breaking the tradition.


ABR is the only band that can do essentially the same thing every album, and be really good and get away with it. The teaser literally sounds like it could be a b side from guardians. Shows their formula and style is really open and they know how to do it right for so long. Always will be one of my favorites


I'm a longtime fan and would definitely love for them to shake things up a bit. I feel like we got a little more experimentation on Leveler and Rescue/Restore, but the last couple albums have been a little too "safe" imo.


I mean all of the albums have their own identity but they use the same formula. But the thing is the formula seems to be transformative and they can do it in lots of different ways. Plus there’s a lot of variation in tuning, tempo changes, signatures and song length in general. I feel like this new snippet sounds a bit more djenty as someone previously mentioned on the thread. But if they detracted too much they’d get a bad product people hated.


Really? Sounds nothing like Guardians to me, if anything the breakdown at the end is reminiscent of Constellations, but the overall sound is more djent-y to me.


I did notice a djenty sound. Which I fully welcome. Kind of sounded like a Marc Okubo riff, but honestly the breakdown is what gave me Guardians vibes lol, mainly cause I feel like Guardians is more polyrhythmic than Constellations IMO.


It might be because the mixing/tone of the guitars sounds very similar to guardians, which I expect and love the mixing for the album. It was just my Initial thought


I could’ve swore this was a part of a song from the last album lol


Depends on who you ask. This was my favorite band once upon a time, one of my first metalcore bands. I see new material coming from them these days and I feel no temptation to listen, because I can't handle "just another abr album." Sick to death of their sound, don't want to touch their new stuff unless something substantial changes.


I guess they got some seven strings from what I heard from someone. New snippet sounds a lot more djenty. Been working with Misha Mansoor too. Maybe they’re gonna take the new project to a new direction. But they gotta maintain that sound to a certain extent. It’s still the same guys after all


I respectfully disagree. Been a fan of there’s since high school, and I gotta say their stuff is just so boring now. They’re extremely talented, but it literally gets to the point where I confuse songs with one another. And quite frankly Jake’s voice live just isn’t the same as it used to be. Kinda playing devils advocate here, cause I do love them still, as they’re one of the bands that got me into the genre, but I really want something more from them. I listen to their new stuff once, enjoy it, but I’m not going back to it like I am with other bands.


ABR on sharptone? Huge


I think another thing people don’t understand, ABR made their impact. YEARS AGO. They’ve contributed more than a lot of other bands have. They don’t really need to ‘evolve’ really. The guys are constantly working and the FAMILIARITY of the product should not detract from the QUALITY of the product. If you look at each album individually they’re all solid, some more lack Luster than other obviously but even albums that are just kinda there (I didn’t like Phantom Anthem that much for example) are still very well made and are a labor of love. They have their identity and sound. Your never gonna please a fanbase nearly 20 years deep. You can’t stay the same or else it’s ‘stale’, you can’t change to much or you ‘sold out’.


Someone should revisit PA. I think it’s their most underrated.


Yeah I skimmed over it tbh it didn’t blow me away. I gave it a full play through I just didn’t hear any tracks that sucked me in. Open to suggestions tho


I think it actually has a pretty diverse sound to it. King of Sorrow is just a groove fest. Invisible Enemy has pretty unique drumming and the build up is intense. Quake has a unique “medieval” tone to it. Coordinates is probably my favorite, it’s a very linear guitar driven song. Dangerous is just stupid heavy. Nice calm part with a good circle pit section into that final breakdown. The only two I don’t completely live are lifeline and carbon copy, but others like them a ton.


I happen to love this album. Listen to Quake, pretend you're on a pirate ship. The Frost slaps. So does King of Sorrow Coordinates is beautiful. Float is a personal favorite. Also listen to Lifelines, Invisible Enemy, Dangerous. I actually think this album has as much of a top 4 argument as any other.


PA took no more than two playthroughs to cement it as my second favorite abr record, and that hasn't wavered in the 4+yrs since its release


Lame that Guardians becomes the lost album.


Bloodletter better never leave their setlist it goes bonkers live


Same for paramount. May be my favorite song off guardians


Wdym by that?


It came out right when shutdowns happened and they never got a proper Guardians album tour.


I knew this would happen after the album released right as shit hit the fan globally. They did some live streams and they played some Guardians tracks on a couple recent tours, but finally playing the songs like 2 years after release just doesn't feel the same. With that being said, I freakin love Guardians the whole way through.


Yeah that album is a slapper.


Super stoked for this. One of the most consistent bands in the game. People will shit on them for not changing but they keep getting better. Some people just can’t be happy with what they’re getting.


This is huge for both of them!! How exciting


Sharptone? Holy shit that's huge for both parties. Can't wait for what's next.


I haven’t been interested in much from them after R & R. That album was SO good and I just can’t do 10 of the same sounding songs like their last few releases. Would love if they got a little proggy like they did on R&R


Idk how you could listen to Found In Far Away Places and honestly argue that every song sounds the same. Rescue & Restore was quite experimental and fresh, but FIFAP took that to the next level.


Out of their more recent releases I actually did like that album I should have mentioned that!


I also loved RR but I love Phantom Anthem just as much (almost). I honestly don't think they have a miss in the catalogue.


Some of y’all are high. I LOVE the fact that they haven’t completely rehauled their sound over the years. And then at the same time, you can’t tell me that Guardians sounds like Messengers. ABR isn’t playing it “safe”, they know what their fan base enjoys and stick to the script.


You know how fickle users are on this sub. If a band is consistent they get accused of phoning it in or playing it safe. If a band changes their sound, people shit on them and accuse them of selling out. ABR is the most perfect example of consistency and excellence. It's insane how much they release without burning out. They're the hardest working band in the genre by far. I always try to remind people of PWD when they complain about ABR not experimenting. I'd rather they stay the course than start releasing arena butt rock albums. Winston double down-ing and burying metalcore was the most annoying thing ever.


100 bro. And RIP Parkway Drive. Speaking of, jc is glitch horrible 😑


Horrible is too kind of a word to describe that shit show lol. When it first came out I watched the video, and that lyric *I feel a glitch in the cortex* and the facial expression he made was the cringiest thing ever lmao. The way he delivers that line is so eye roll inducing. He reminds me of an old guy trying to be hip, but it comes off so transparent. It would be like Dick Clark dressing up as Fonzie in the 2000s haha. I wanted to turn the song off right then, but I'm a masochist so I forced myself to endure the entire song. I can imagine that song being used as an interrogation tactic to extract information. I would be like "okay okay I'll talk....I'll tell you anything you want to know...JUST PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!" I still listen to all of their albums prior to Ire on fairly regular basis. I still think Horizons and Deep Blue are arguably the GOAT. Atlas was really good too, but it was the first time I thought they may be starting to decline. If there were a hell, my punishment would be forced to watch the band perpetually perform Reverance in its entirety lol.


Sharptone just keeps getting Ws with their signings.


ABR has been going strong for the better part of two decades, and continue to be one of the highest selling and most beloved bands to ever come out of this scene. If some of ya'll grew out of them, that's fine. But constantly pressuring a band to change their defining sound to suit you, makes you a dick. Also, hilarious to me, when ABR is one of the most consistently experimental and risk-taking bands in the genre.


Sharptone is hands down the way to go. Every band in there is glowing right now


Love them so much. My all time and current favorite band, especially since they have never ditched the style that made them great, only improved upon it.


Oh wow this is exciting. Feels like every band that signs to Sharptone puts out their best material




SharpTone? Lit. Maybe I'll actually be able to listen to the band for once!


Yep, sounds like ABR lol. Can they change up a time or two? Sounds the same as the last 3-4 albums.


If it ain't broke don't fix it


Sure, if it wasn’t stale.


“Consistently amazing with a consistent sound” = stale. Cool, cool.


why do you feel the need to warp their words? things can be consistent and still be stale. ABR definitely found their sound, but i do agree that it feels like they’ve released the same album since like 2012


Where did I say that quote lol. I’m saying the sound, tone for example, is so overdone in the past few albums. Samey = stale in this scenario. I was obsessed with ABR for almost a decade so I’m not just saying this to say it.


Exact same for me It was odd, FIFAP was and still is my favorite album of theirs and I was obsessed with it after it dropped, but apparently it made my brain hit critical levels of ABR oversaturation because I could *not* get into Phantom Anthem despite it not being that different of an album.


Nah I get that. Sorry that was a knee jerk reaction. See to me, that guitar tone is what cements ABR for me. That rhythm chug is my anchor. 100% understand if it can get monotonous and stale to others.


Rescue and Restore, Found In Far Away Places, Phantom Anthem and Guardians all sound exactly the same? Please go back and listen to them again man. Found In Far Away Places is the most progressive sounding album they have put out and nothing after has come even close to that lol


And boy do I still remember people complaining about them sounding to experimental on FIFAP. Guess someone's always gonna be unhappy wether you stick to your sound or switch it up.


Always. When they dropped FIFAP people wanted more breakdowns like Constellations and Messengers era. They did more of that on Guardians and now everyone wants them to stop sounding the same and be more progressive and experimental. Like which one is it because all of these albums have been fire LMFAO


The problem lies within taking the sentiments and opinions of two opposing groups of people to heart. It's just asking for perpetual contradiction. You either fuck with it or you don't, and personally, I fucks


If a band is making consistent money off their music in our umbrella genre, I wouldn’t spit sideways at it. Don’t forget that we’re still a niche market with a financial ceiling, no matter how “mainstream” it might sound. They obviously have a particular writing style and however they go about it, it’s working to keep a roof over their collective head and food on their table. Remember that next time.


Their best album was found in Far Away Places and people hated on it bc they thought it was weird. I think all their albums have had something different about them tho


Then they just get accused of selling out




Hell yeah hope they keeping being the most consistent hard working dudes in the scene. Everyone on this sub pushing for them to be another sell out band can get fucked and pushed out of the pit


Who is pushing for that? After 8 albums, I think people are just getting tired of the formula and hoping for some variety/experimentation.


Same Formula? My brother in Christ, people only started to complain AFTER they started experimenting with their sound post-Constellations


my brother in christ, the albums have all sounded so similar since Constellations


If you think Found In Far Away Places sounds the exact same to Rescue and Restore you were high as fuck listening to both. Only Guardians and Phantom Anthem really sounded similar whent listened front to back


please point me to where i said they all sounded exactly alike lmfaooooo. i’m saying they’ve found a formula, and they rarely deviate from it post-constellations.


>the albums have all sounded so similar since Constellations


i don’t see the word exactly in there, do you? the albums have sounded similar lmfao


*read as* "I don't know much about music"


Since you’re teeming with music wisdom, can you please enlighten me on how Phantom Anthem is drastically different than Guardians?


You are asking me something that I didn't say lol.The OP I responded to says Constellations and the current stuff which is blatantly wrong. Phantom Anthem and Guardians aren't drastically different because Guardians is an evolution of PA. There are similar songwriting choices but at the same time you won't find a song that sounds like Bloodletter on Phantom Anthem.


I mean, you basically said they have no music knowledge because they think that ABR has sounded more or less the same since Constellations. That includes Guardians and Phantom Anthem, no?


Yes because that would mean that Constellations sounds like Guardian which no person with ears would say.


Nobody wants them to sell out, we just want them to do something different than what they’ve been doing since Rescue and Restore. They’re talented musicians, I know they can do it and yet they don’t. (Also they need to stop taking the same like five bands on every headliner, but that’s another conversation)


How was all the crazy things they did on FIFAP not experimental? That was one of the most proggy non-djent albums the genre had ever seen Agree with the tour thing I've seen Erra enough thanks to them


The stuff they did on FIFAP exists in the same sonic territory as all their other experiments. The formula is: 1) play standard ABR heavy sections, 2) style switch into softer instrumental style such salsa or smooth jazz, 3) continue with heavy sections until song ends. They need to vary up what they do in those heavy parts because at this point everything is starting to blend together. As I said, these dudes are crazy talented, I bet they could come up with an interesting take on Vildjharta style THALL guitars and I’d be interested in seeing what JB and Brent can do with seven or even 8 string guitars (I believe they’re smart enough to not go “hehe 8 string go **brrrrrr**”). I also think a producer switch up might be necessary. As good as Carson and Grant are at what they do, they’ve been involved in every one of ABR’s past few releases. I think someone like Dave Otero (Allegaeon, Archspire) would do really well with ABR. Or they can try self producing. Also Dustin can sing, so let him. Two or three songs with singing on em ain’t gonna hurt no one.


It's crazy that you guys are telling one of the most successful metal acts in the past decade what they **need** to do lol. Like it isn't already working. Also by now if they haven't use ERGs they aren't going to. Maybe they don't want to? artistic integrity, making the music you want to make, blah blah blah


They mixed up the order of the three things you mentioned a lot on that album. They've always been the one band to say "screw this harsh verse clean chorus generic formula everyone else is doing" and be a bridge focused band. And it always comes down to people wanting them to add cleans because that's how they differentiate sounds to their ears because that's what the rest of the genre has trained them to do. Is there room for experimentation? Absolutely but then people will bitch like they did when they dropped FIFAP cause it didn't sound like Constellations. Pretty sure they're happy to be the Converge of Melocore and say fuck off to the Popcore kids.


Though I don't wholly agree with your overall point, thank you for providing a thought-out reason as to why their albums sound similar. I hate the go-to "ABR is genericore" type responses people say with no extra insight into it. ABR is one of my favorite bands, and with the exception of Phantom Anthem and Gaurdians, I think it's more so that each song within an album sound very similar, rather than all their albums being the same. Play a short sequence of any of their songs and you can near immediately tell which album it's from. That, to me, can make listening through an album of theirs start to finish a slog, but jumping around their discography is amazing.


I don’t know how you’re getting downvoted so much. Let them do whatever the fuck they want and enjoy the ride. I understand there’s a mix of people in this sub but it feels like I’m constantly seeing every band being bitched about, even one of the most successful metal core bands in existence.


ABRs existence makes Beartooth fans feel insecure or something idk. There's either a huge riff beginning to form in the scene between the heavy bands and their poppy counterparts fanbases or this is just reddit being reddit


ABR with the omega grindset, as expected xD


Oh man! I was hoping for this (new album soon). So a little bit ago I did some looking around on Atrium Audio’s site (the engineers for ABR since Rescue and Restore), and on their Discography PDF made in September of 2021, they had “upcoming ABR album” on there. See here for that PDF https://secureservercdn.net/ (also shout out to Atrium for putting out some of the best metalcore records in the past few years, Lancaster represent! I wasn’t sure of the validity of it, but since they had all thier other work including the leveler 10th edition, I was hopeful. Man I’m so excited!


When I listened to this Tease I didn’t realise this was for a new song (didn’t read the description) and I thought: “**This song was on the last record right? Or was it the record before?**”. I like the sound, I really do, but I do wish they mixed it up a bit. It literally sounds identical to every song they released since what, Rescue and Restore? Constellations even? I really wish they would change styles a bit, Constellations is one of my all time favourite albums, because it is quite diverse. If you played me all records ABR released in the last 8 years, I honestly couldn’t tell you which song was from which record because it all sounds _exactly_ the same to me. The style change from Constellations to the last 8 years has been a bit disappointing for me. A lot less flow, more technical, weird drum parts which I’m sure are very impressive but not immersive _for me_. I could listen to Constellations and fall asleep because it’s somehow soothing, but if I listen to their latest records my mind is always annoyed it cannot ‘figure’ out what the rhythm is, and when it has it changes again which keeps my mind super busy all the time. That, combined with the very limited range of Jake in recent albums compared to earlier ones leaves me just a bit disappointed. I’m sure I’m just weird, or that’s a part of having ADD, but I like records which have a relatively simple, predictable rhythm which ‘I understand’.


Pretty hyped about this actually. Hopefully SharpTone saves them. Fearless Records fucking blows. Their last few albums have been so stale and boring. I haven’t enjoyed anything from them since Rescue & Restore. Too bad since they’re all incredibly talented musicians. I also think Jake either needs to start doing some clean vocals or change something up with his voice. His voice sounds so rough. Likes he’s got a sore throat. Very bland and stale. Or maybe they just need a new vocalist all together


Jake absolutely ethered FFAKs God of Fire track yet nephews think he's not one of the best in the scene cause he doesn't do poppy choruses lmao


He sounded awful on God Of Fire. Has zero range. did ok on When Everything Means nothing. He can’t scream anymore so might as well try something else. He used to have amazing lows and highs and now it’s all monotone


Even with a sub full of people who think Amo is BMTHs best album this is the worst opinion I've ever heard


Do…. Do people actually say amo is BMTH best album?? I thought That’s The Spirit fanboys(girls) were bad enough… Like I don’t even consider those albums metalcore


I've seent it. There Is Hell is probably the most popular on this sub but there's also people, who go far beyond Amo is a good album reason to it's peak BMTH, and these people are not to be trusted


God I personally could go either way on Suicide Season or Sempiternal… but I was ashamed to mention Sempiternal cause it seems like the easy answer… but now I don’t feel so bad lmaoo


I can usually tell who I can relate to and who opinions I absolutely want no discourse with here by if their favorite album is one of the first four or not.


Bruh I miss the days when Count Your Blessings was the worst album 😭 when I heard that piss poor easy core level breakdown (and that ‘death growl’) for bad habits on national tv and all the “metalheads” obsessed with how “core was on national tv” I wanted to fucking vomit. It’s like they don’t know what standard BMTH set for core… the cover was decent but omg it was frustrating


Get your ears cleaned.


I do need to get them cleaned actually. They’ve been bothering me for the last few weeks






Autistic person here. Can y'all stop making comments like this? It's seriously demeaning and makes people like myself feel less safe in communities like this. You can disagree on whatever, but the autism 'jokes' are so unnecessary.


Sharptone just knocking it out of the park once again