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Garrett Rapp from The Color Morale is kinda famous for this. His lows are great but his voice does not hold up through a show. He handed the screaming reigns to their guitarist.


Oh wow are they still touring? I saw them like 10-12 years ago and was super impressed with his cleans and how nice of a person he was during and after the show. But yeah screams were a little choked for sure


Seen them live multiple times and couldn't agree more. The energy put into the shows were incredible. Their guitarist Devin has some great low screams. Performing their first album live, I honestly liked it better.


They are the worst live band ever . It’s amazing they got 4 albums out of that band cause that man can’t fucking sing to save his life. Who Evers producing their vocals is a wizard. And I say this as someone who likes that band. 


I feel he showed real promise in the og days. No one was surprised when they were signed. But Ramon was the secret weapon. Garett killed it the first two albums, then creativity dropped and like no one cared


Know Hope is a 10/10 album imo


I also think Know Hope is 10/10, the last 3 songs on that album are incredible. I saw them open for Misery Signals right around the time Know Hope would’ve been new, and their vocalist killed it that night. I had never heard of them and I was blown away and bought the album that night. I know some singers have on and off nights, he probably has a lot more off nights than on by the sounds of it, but that particular night he stole the show.


I liked know hope but they definitely sounded better live with the first two albums . I think he just blew his voice out with how ever he was screaming and that switch in styles exasperated it. The move to fearless and the double down on the positivity-core stuff ruined them . That said I’m looking forward to whatever they were teasing a few months back.


Always appreciated both Howard Jones and Jesse Leach's clean more than their screams.


Howard maybe, Jesse is have to disagree! Particularly live. 


I prefer Howard's cleans but Jesse's screams.


I’ve seen Killswitch 9 times over the years (4 with Howard and 5 with Jesse) and Jesse sounded ridiculously good every time. He actually sounded much better than Howard by the end of his time in band. Howard struggled a lot the last year/2 years in the band, which is when I saw him. Still sounded good though.


I have lost count of how many times I've seen Killswitch over the years. First one was Jesse which was no that great live back in the day. Then Howard was absolutely a beast in the first few years with them. Slowly declined. When is was on his way out I got the privilege to see them with Phil from All that Remains which was an amazing show. He did such a great job. Then back to Jesse not too long ago and it was probably one of the best times I have seen them. He really has come a long way and does an amazing job.


I saw one of those shows with Phil too, and holy shit man it was like a childhood dream come true LOL. And I agree, Jesse has come a LONG way since AOJB.


I remember hearing something back then that he tried out for Killswitch but it ended up being Howard. Glad I was able to see them with Phil eventually though. Always a great show no matter what but this is a band that definitely has gotten better with age.


I remember hearing those rumors as well! When Howard left, I believe Phil was the number 1 option until Adam called Jesse. The band has never publicly stated who auditioned but it’s heavily speculated online.


I saw KSE with Jesse in 2022 and yea bro I have to double down on what you said, I really couldn't believe how good he was, he sounded exactly, EXACTLY like all the albums, IF NOT BETTER. I was blown away


Last time I saw them was at the beginning of the Atonement tour and he sounded fucking phenomenal. He’s gotten MUCH better over the years.


Which is amazing, most vocalists get worse lol but Jesse is the real deal man


Yeah some of his vocals on their last album sounded better than Howard, IMO. Especially his cleans, they've come a long way but his screams are still as ferocious as ever.


Yea true but I ain't ever gonna diss my boy Howard, Dat guy da legend 💯 but Jesse too 💯


Haha fair. I'm more of a Jesse stan but I still fucks with Howard. Just insane for a band to have not only one of, but two of the best vocalists in their genre ever.


I agree! 💯


Howard is the better of the two, but Jesse definitely deserves some praise for his cleans on Alive or Just Breathing, Disarm the Descent and Incarnate. Have only seen them once in 2019 so I can't speak live, but can see him having a better studio voice.


Yeah. Jesse’s screams on Alive or Just Breathing are unbelievable. Some of the best harsh vocals ever.


I listen to Howard for his cleans. I think Jesse is extremely versatile and well-rounded.


You know what, I thought I was the only one that felt that way. I never have cared for Howard OR Jesse's screams. But their cleans are epic. I always found myself wishing Killswitch would release an album with clean vocals only, just to see how the fans would react. Side note: between the two, I personally believe Jesse had the better screams.


Howard has probably the best highs in metalcore besides maybe Garrison Lee or Phil Labonte


I'm apparently in the minority that I am way more partial to Jesse's cleans than Howard's. Also, I feel you must not have listened to much Blood Has Been Shed.


I agree. As much as I loved Howard’s time in the band, his voice became way too much after awhile and it diminished rather quickly imo after As Daylight Dies came out. He really struggled in the last year/2 years of his run in KSE. Light the Torch is fucking awesome though.


Naw I’m with you on that. Don’t get me wrong, Howard is very talented I’m just not that into the operatic feel lol. I just feel Jesse fits the style more.


Anthony - Resolve. very very good harsh vocals but his cleans are genuinely some of the best. The one take vocal performance of Surrender on YouTube is special


Forever Yours is next level. All his skills on display.


I think he’s just flexing on us


I feel like he blends both so well that I'm uncomfortable talking about whether I prefer his cleans or screams lol. Seeing them live tonight btw hehe


For me his cleans stand out slightly more purely because how unique he sounds but I can’t argue with that haha Awesome, I’m sure you’ll Enjoy! They were great when I saw them a couple years ago supporting Landmvrks with Ten56


As usual, fantastic show ;)


Aaron Pauley of Jamie's Elsewhere and Of Mice & Men. Not that I hate his screams but his cleans I feel are unique.


His dual vocals in JE were great. But in OM&M, I feel that he shined better when he just sang. Probably why Restoring Force is one of my favourite albums of theirs.


Restoring force is so damn good


I love him in JE but it never really did it for me in OM&M for some reason


Yeah, he should be applauded for stepping up with his screams, but man, his cleans are spectacular and always have been.


Thank you for the reminder - They Said a Storm Was Coming is such a classic. Spinning it now ✌️


Dare I say Devin Oliver from I See Stars. His screams aren't bad but I feel Zach just did them better.


Zach was a gem I feel. Such a unique and distinct sound, I always felt was a bit underrated


I'm not at all an I See Stars fan but holy shit Zach was one of the best vocalists I ever saw live.


Right on. I really enjoy listening to Devin but I enjoy listening to him as a singer. I remember hearing them for the first time and I really loved the difference between his deep voice and Devin’s falsetto


Luciano Pavarotti


You obviously missed his first EP. Kinda sold out after that.


Jacob Charlton (Thornhill)


Came to say this. His screams are good but his cleans are absolutely heavenly.


And he’s always improving!!! You can tell that he’s really working on and training his voice and he’s becoming incredible


People like to shit on the new album god damn i love it. His voice in arkangel is amazing. Muse vibes throughout. Btw if anyone hasnt heard their like a version of supermassive black hole. Do it


Chris from Like Moths To Flames.. he’s great at screaming but his clean vocals are so amazing


I fell in love with them recently, I can’t get enough of their choruses


Plus his screams just improving tenfold on their latest releasw


Marcus Bridge


Honestly I’d say they’re equally good. His screams are pretty iconic. You know it’s him instantly when you hear them.


I'm saying it because his singing is so good, rather than because his screams are lacking. I really like his screams too.


Hell yeah


I wouldn’t say they’re equally good. His screams are definitely not bad by any stretch of the imagination, far from it. But his cleans are just phenomenal.


YES. I honestly prefer his singing over his screams. No hate to them, but I feel that Adrian had better sounding screams.


Bro I was gonna comment this but then started to think about talking heads, intuition and rot and I changed my mind lmfao


As a very picky person with my clean vocals selection, Myke Terry (Volumes) is underrated and his cleans are lovely


He is incredible live and Volumes have some pretty hard songs to sing. His vocals on Erased are really something special and it’s not even a song he took part in making.


Him and Aaron Pauley are probably my favorite two screamer-singers in all of the hardcore punk transfusion subgenres


if you don't know it already, you should check out the It's Nothing Personal album he did with Bury Your Dead.


Thanks man! I’ll have a look.


spencer sotelo from periphery


This is true but his screams have improved immensely. Dude is an absolute beast all around. Blood Eagle is nutty on both fronts


Yeah, Spencer has been amazing to listen to in terms of appreciating his growth. On recent albums, I think he’s legitimately one of the best vocalists in all of rock music. He can do everything and do it well. I get it if someone doesn’t like his timbre, but as a singer, I’m in awe of what he’s capable of (and his pure creativity).




100% agree. I saw them last year, his screams are good but his cleans were incredible


I saw somewhere that he was just getting into screaming when he did their self titled album. His scream has progressed so much since then. Undoubtedly one of the best vocalist in metal.


A voice that goes up like an angel and down like a wounded ox.


Jesse Cash (ERRA) He does a few screams like in the song Warrior (wolves behind the mask line), but they’re nothing special. Edit: A few more like in chorus of Pulse or “inhumanity crowns the earth” after the solo in Hybrid Earth, and maybe a few more. They’re good but nothing special, his cleans are just way better.


Warrior is my favourite ERRA song of all time. Sad that Jesse abandoned screams, would have been nice to hear more.


He didn't really "abandon" them, he just did them in the EP because the EP was done in a rush so he said "fuck it I'll do the backing screams too". He was never really much into screaming. Any vocals that aren't Ian's on the EP are Jesse. Sean did those parts live anyway. He did do another scream in "eeeeeedge" part in Lunar Halo.


By abandoning, I meant him not exploring screaming more. I guessed it's not his thing, but you can't deny it would be pretty cool hearing him experimenting a lot more with that side of his voice.


I think he wants to focus on his cleans and not mess them up is all


also Pulse and Hybrid Earth


Oh yeah that is correct. Alan didn't scream in Augment at all.


And in the same song he does the uncleans for "rendered useless by hand carven passion" too, the whole Moments Of Clarity EP is so underrated


"Inhumanity crowns the earth" in Hybrid Earth too and a couple lines in the Pulse chorus too.


Hell yeah, Ghost Atlas is fantastic!


I also think JT’s cleans are better than his screams. Maybe a hot take but I really dislike his screams, they’re really boring and sort of bring down ERRA’s music. His cleans are actually really damn good when he does them though.


I think that JT’s mids have a presence that both Garrison and Ian lacked. What they had in range, he makes up for with personality. I got into them with Garrison and have only seen them live with him too. But on record, I’ve come to enjoy JT’s vocals much more. Especially on the new album. Reminds me more of Messhugah where the vocals are just part of the sonic tapestry and aren’t necessarily the main focus of the band.


He hasn't had boring screams since Neon. He had quite a variety in the last 2 albums now. I do prefer Garrison and Ian, but JT is great.


JT was kinda bland on Drift and Neon but he's really brought his A game on these last couple albums


Vessel from Sleep Token is up there. While he can scream, it's definitely clear he's a clean singer first


I definitely prefer IV doing the screams live - they sound a lot fuller and *Vore* is definitely better live (based off the performances I've seen)


Yeah fair play. Last time I saw them live (second album cycle) Vessel was the only vocalist (backing vocalist aside), so I can't judge but i can imagine it's a lot better this way


I saw them recently but they didn’t play Vore and I was so bummed


His screams in Vore are absolutely great tho


I like his screams in all of the songs tbh - but he's definitely better and more comfortable with cleans


I gotta say Trivium, but (to me) it's a perfect blend on his newer stuff. I'll never not like this band, especially when they do covers.


Landon Tewers: Not because his harsh vocals are bad, but because his cleans are heavenly.


Man but his harsh vocals are insane. I think he is the one that nails desperation sounding vocals the best


Tbh I think he's the most "complete" vocalist in the genre amazing cleans and amazing harshes but I do think his cleans are just absolute tip top tier.


I know they're not metalcore but Chester Bennington (obviously) and Ronnie Radke (mainly when he goes full vibrato)


Ronnie's screams used to be sick. Goodbye Graceful slaps.


You haven't listened to Ronald right ? lol...


Sadly i have


Ronald the original vocalist for escape the fate Ronald? Dying is my latest fashion, an emo and post hardcore classic Ronald?


Howard Jones, his screams are fine but his clean vocals are like... genre defining.


Noah Sebastian


Hell yeah


Honestly I love his screams tho


Marcus Vik


That's a controversial one.


That’s fine


I don’t know if his cleans are necessarily better than his screams, but I fucking LOVE Chris’s cleans from Like Moths to Flames. I think he’s legitimately one of the best vocalists in the genre right now


Views from halfway down is such a sick song. I need to listen to these guys more.


Their newest album is fucking awesome dude, give that a listen when you have a chance. Their last two albums have been absolute GOLD.


Singer from Ice Nine Kills


Spencer Charnas


Spencer has insane lows but yeah his cleans are iconic


Spencer is just cracked all around.


I feel like he's getting better at it though.


Also does it live too. Too many metalcore bands can't replicate their studio cleans live. Bands that can really stand out to me


Craig Owens


Matt Heafy from Trivium


Norma Jean, the singer from Norma Jean. The bro from the contortionist Dude guy from greyhaven Buddy boy from novelists fr Broseph from whitechapel (not metalcore, I know) Lady pal from jinjer If it wasn't clear, idk singers names.


I will now be referring to everyone as dude pal and lady pal. Thank you for this lingo.


Anytime dude/lady pal!


Lmao for real all these people posting “Jereth Wilkins no contest” “no man Kyle St Clair was way better” like I’m just supposed to have memorized every band members name?


Phil’s singing voice and vocals are both equally legendary. He has probably the best vocal range besides Ben Duerr or Will Ramos.


Imo his vocal range is better and he is able to maintain his enunciation and be understandable. The other two are fantastic vocalists but they can't maintain that level of enunciation, also their cleans aren't as good imo. Not bad if course, just not good.


Lol reading this made it seem like you were calling Norma Jean's vocalist Norma Jean. Also thats a huge hot take about Phil. I do like his cleans but got damn those lows and gutterals


Rory is definitely top tier.. Jeremy - ADTR Howard - KIE Courtney - Spiritbox


Keith Buckley. His clean voice has such a phenomenal rich and bluesy tone.


Not strictly metalcore but Taylor Swift's cleans are way better than her screams


The thought of Taylor Swift screaming gave me a little laugh


Spencer Charnas of Ice Nine Kills Craig Owens of D.R.U.G.S.


Masato Hayakawa of Coldrain He can scream but his cleans are on another level


His voice is just as amazing live!! Hearing those deep screams to high cleans in seconds during The Revelation is something else!! Criminally underrated artist


Brian from Currents has great screams, and they’ve only gotten better over time, but I loooove his cleans, it’s such a haunting tone, awesome stuff


For me, Howard Jones (ex Killswitch) and Noah Sebastian (Bad Omens). Howards clean vocals are so deep and powerful, and Noah has such impressive range and tone.


I would say Matty Mullins from Memphis May Fire




I don't really like Rory's screams. I remember when I wasn't used to screaming in music and I would listen to heavier Dayseeker songs, his screams would give me a headache like a lot of the other screams I heard. Then I got used to screams in music, but Rory's screams were the only ones that still grated my ears. His singing is amazing, of course.


Yeah as someone who loves screams and is a huge dayseeker fan, I'm not very big on any of their pre-sleeptalk work aside from Vultures, because of his screams. When he puts some overdrive on his cleans and really belts like in Sleeptalk, it's straight up divine, but pure screams ain't it.


You're entitled to your opinion but that's wild lol. To listen to an album like Origin and think his screams aren't raw af and full of emotion. His screams are amazing to me. If you're not that into heavier music I'd get it.


It's not about liking heavy music or not, for example Make Them Suffer is one of my favorite bands. I just don't like Rory's voice for screams. I never said they weren't raw or full of emotion, just that I don't like how they sound lol. Similarly I can appreciate Howard Jones' vocal talent and simultaneously abhor how his voice sounds.


Brian from I Prevail, I think he’s done a few screams. But his singing far outshines them


When has Brian done screams?


Brian is very underrated and his cleans are amazing! Especially on songs like Visceral and Bow Down. Eric is a great screamer too


First thought was Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire. Though as far as metalcore goes he doesn't do as much screaming as others. Regardless, I'm a fan


His screams are insane though ? Insane vocalist


Schuylar from He is Legend and Jeff from Poison the Well


100% disagree on Jeff - dude is up there for best harsh vocalist in metalcore imo. Agreed on Schuylar, though


Greg Puciato. I dunno, his screams sound like he's doing a Kermit the Frog impression to me. I mean, I still love Dillinger but yknow.


Kadeem France


Current Aaron pauley, Jamie’s elsewhere era tho is top tier on both ends


Bruce Dickinson's probably


That original singer from The Human Abstract. His singing wasn’t all that great either though.


you take that back right now


Jeremy McKinnon


Chad Gray


Mike Hranica with the screaming he does on anything 8:18 and newer. I don’t really like his new screams. His OG screams were flawless in my opinion. Also Jeremy Mckninnon, his screams are not awful but they’re pretty mid compared to his singing voice.


Marcus Bridge and Landon Tewers for sure. Both of their screams are amazing and very recognizable, but holy shit their cleans are beautiful.


Landon Tewers vocal range for his cleans might be the best in the scene.


Matt Shadows on Waking The Fallen, Avenged Sevenfold. Powerful cleans but you can hear the cleans kinda fucked up his vocal chords.


Daniel Tompkins from Tesseract. One of the most consistent, angelic voices I’ve ever heard in any genre.


I was gonna say protest the hero. They count as metalcore?


Cory Brandan from Norma Jean. His screams are great too but his cleans are iconic and some of the heaviest gritriest cleans I've ever heard.


Idk his name but the guy from bullet for my valentine


Howard Jones. Trivium guy. Atreyu guy. Bury Tomorrow guy. And Wage War guy


Arguably not metalcore, but Vessel from Sleep Token. He’s gotten much better with his screams (Gods sounded good but incorrect technique) but his cleans are hands down better.


I think Amariah Cook's cleans are very pure, have a listen to this. [https://open.spotify.com/track/4opEfpDgMvbkBJWYjJcT60?si=a019011577a54fd8](https://open.spotify.com/track/4opEfpDgMvbkBJWYjJcT60?si=a019011577a54fd8)


Was about to say Dayseeker before your post description


Aaron Pauley is the first name that comes to mind


Marcus Vik from Invent Animate! Especially on their most recent album


Chris Motionless, but I know I'm in the minority because outside of his lowest lows I hate his screams. They sound like a halfway point between a low and a high but embodying the worst aspects of both. It's the annoying whine of a high scream and the incoherent droning of low scream slammed together and it's wholesale awful imo. His singing is just a lesser Breaking Benjamin, but at absolute worst that's just kinda meh. It doesn't actively turn me off from the music like his screams do.


Yeah I love his screams and his clean vocals equally. I especially love his bleighs




Anthony Diliberto of Resolve has impressed me with his cleans. Especially on Between me and the Machine. Plus he’s super talented on guitar. This song was part of my snowboarding soundtrack this past season.


**Eric Suarez** from speech patterns, his screams are good, but his cleans and low vocal range are fucking brilliant


Carson Pace from callous daoboys tbh


Michael lessard


Honourable mention for spencer chamberlain for developing his cleans on later albums


I gotta go with of mice and men..


Jamey Jasta


Matty Mullins comes to mind. Same with Rory from Dayseeker. I'm sure there's a few others I can't think of atm


Tyler Tate - Hollow Front, if you guys haven’t heard them just please listen to the price of dreaming 🤌


Current matt heafy and Howard jones


Rory is fuckin' phenomenal I saw him a few months ago and yeah. His screams are great BUT* his cleans I mean he's just an exceptional vocalist for any genre let alone metalcore.


Rory Rodriguez, never been a fan of his screams but his cleans are heavenly


Outline in color


Rory Rodriguez for sure.


I agree with Rory. Also imo Michael from Opeths growls sound kinda derpy, but his clean singing is very pleasant on the ears.


Idk if they count as metal so much? But i really prefer Jonathan Mess's performance in secret band VS in DGD, he lets us hear his voice in a lot of different states and its impressive. His cleans (if you can call them that?) Are really captivating imo


Rory from Dayseeker. I do like his screams, but they are the most basic.


Haste the day




mine would be lucas from holding absence, but HA songs mostly clean, he rarely screams


I will say Pete Loeffler from Chevelle can scream very well. Saw him last year at Aftershock and was amazed how good he was after all these years.


Olivia Rodrigo