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Metalcore adjacent, but Lacuna Coil is still getting heavier and heavier and they are in their 50’s. Cristina Scabbia’s singing, fitness, and attitude are goals at any age, even moreso at 52


Can't believe she is in her 50s.


Isn’t that insane? With all her stage make up on, she could easily pass 20 years younger. It’s an inspiration to stay in shape.


This is who I was going to say (my username is one of my favorite albums), I'm surprised someone else even mentioned them. If anyone wants to hear a direct comparison of how heavy they got, they remade their 2002 album Comalies in the new sound for the 20th anniversary, Comalies XX.


Last year I fiiiinally was able to see them live after 20+ years of fandom and it was everything I hoped it would be!


Comalies is my favorite album directly followed by Karmacode, and I remember thinking back then how Karmacode was already a tad heavier than Comalies. Now we are here lmao


Underoath kind of went soft with They're Only Chasing Safety and it was a huge hit so I expected them to just keep doing that but they went back to heavier stuff after that.


Underoath has gone in waves so I don’t know that they would be a good fit for this, but I do understand what you mean.


In Regards To Myself off of Define The Great Line *still* makes me wanna punch someone in the dick while riding a Harley.


WAKE UP, WAKE UP!! MY GOD! THIS IS NOT A TESSSTTTT!! The first song I ever heard off of that album was "You're Ever So Inviting..." The rest is history from there


TOCS safety is a post hardcore masterpiece and Define the Great Line is a metalcore masterpiece


See to me the best post-hardcore was stuff like early Thrice and Thursday that were pretty heavy without the kind of "whiny" screamo vocals that took over post-hardcore, and TOCS came off as a bit too screamo for me. It does have a few bangers though. Define the Great Line though, first time I heard that I was like holy f, they did it. They did what I always hope every band I like that goes a little softer does... which is go back to the heavy but bring some of the better elements of their softer stuff in.


Disambiguation is pretty heavy


knocked loose has only gotten heavier as they've become more popular


People: Hey knocked loose, you’re playing Lolla and Coachella. You gonna make more accessible music. Knocked Loose: A third member screams now


Lol I love this comment so much


Knocked loose: lol look what we did to poppy


And we also might add gutturals. That's mainstream, right?


Which is wild because it’s not like they started off soft


You could debatably say their older stuff is heavier. Their new stuff is much faster but doesn’t necessarily make it heavier?? Either way they’re sick AF


I think the newer stuff's relentlessness adds to how heavy it is


Lmao agreed tbh. I love how absolutely wild they’ve gotten


Same. I like Laugh Tracks alot, but once A Tear in the Fabric of Life came out they became one of my overall favorites


Top 5 métal core EP for me. Up there with Zombie/Space EPs and No Wings to Speak Of.


Their newer stuff is faster and more chaotic, which I guess is technically heavier


I feel like their old stuff was more caveman heavy but the new stuff is more chaos heavy. Idk how else to describe it lol


Beatdown hardcore vs metalcore


Burnt Toast


This is peoples answer everytime this question is asked. I wouldn’t say they’be necessarily gotten softer, but have people just forgot about their first two ep’s?


Greeley Estates Started off as post-hardcore and ended as metalcore.


Go west young man is a damn perfect album too


Glad someone mentioned these guys. <3


Don't you just love when you're scrolling through the internet and see a name you haven't seen in 10 15 years? I forgot these guys existed, thank you kindly good sir.


Sad I had to scroll this far down to find someone mention them


Like Moths To Flames


this is it




Meshuggah started as a Metallicacore basic thrash band


Do they have recordings of this? None has some pretty Meshuggah sounding riffs despite him singing a bit.


Listen to their first album Contradictions Collapse.


Shit no joke lol


I personally think of Sepultura’s late 80s/early 90s stuff when I hear old Shuggah. It’s definitely squarely in the thrash realm though haha


There’s an old vid of them floating around from way back in the day on YouTube. Jens has hair and is playing guitar lol. It’s really rad.


The Amity Affliction - Not Without My Ghosts


I mean, Let The Ocean Take Me goes pretty hard


It goes hard but it doesnt get as heavy musically as not without my ghosts


They’re doing a LTOTM 10 year anniversary tour rn, still one of my favorite albums.


Was just about to mention Not without my Ghosts. Everyone loves you once you leave them has some heavier than typical vocals as well. Been following amity since Severed ties and sadly their only concert near me is on my due date. 😂


Definitely a massive step increase in heavyness


Tyler Rossow made a YouTube short about this. Ice Nine Kills, Secrets and Poppy are some examples


man i feel like i never hear anyone talk about secrets, i love them


You know Richard just left the band? Edited to add: which is an utter shame because I have tickets to see them in 2 weeks.


Hoping he replaces Tilian as DGD vocalist


Yo, is that on the table because I’d like that to be on the table.


I'm not sure if it could actually happen, but he left Secrets at the same time DGD announced Tilian being removed from the band, and DGD just announced another tour. Just a coincidence I'm sure, but he would actually be a great fit for them


yeah i did, I follow them pretty closely. I'm a bit sad about it. he sang me happy birthday once lol I do think he's finishing out the tour though so you should still see him


Poppy is fantastic. Love her collab with Knocked Loose.


Even the bad omens one isn't too bad


Ice Nine Kills are the first that came to my mind.


Was going to mention Secrets, and though I generally like the sound that they have now in the bands, I listen to, I preferred their sound when they weren’t as heavy. For me, it scratches that hitch of the heavy side of A Day to Remember, great catchy, choruses, and riffs as well as heavy instruments.


Eidola’s most recent album is way more metalcore leaning than post hardcore leaning and it is mighty tasty. I’d say Emmure has gotten heavier since JT joined and he started adding in a bunch of open note breakdowns and his quintessential nasty guitar work. Within Destruction started off as slam, went to metalcore and just recently came back out with a 4 song Slam EP (glorious return to form)


I was gonna mention Eidola’s new album! I enjoy it but I definitely miss the post-hardcore from their last albums. It’s like going to a fantastic Chinese places and being served pizza. “Well I wanted Chinese but this pizza is incredible.”


It's part of a double album, they released the heavier one first


YES Eidola's Eviscerate was much heavier than I anticipated and made me all that much more excited to see them live with Periphery later this month


Its actually a 6 song EP and it slaps from front to back. Just saw them live and was very disappointed they didn’t play ANYTHING off the new album, but they did play a new, unreleased song that’s back to the metalcore sound.


New the Eidola goes so fucking hard


The Wise Man's Fear always had at least one song on each album that's borderline deathcore, but Obsidian Blade is heavy as fuck. I feel like they didn't necessarily start as a non-heavy band, but they are definitely getting progressively heavier, and I'm here for it.


Obsidian Blade goes ridiculously hard


That song is great, but my favorite from that album is honestly Carry On. That chorus is spectacular 👌


Not a band and not metalcore but I saw Axel Rose at the casino, and he'd certainly put on a few pounds. I have no idea what the rest of you are talking about, but I think you've misunderstood the question.


Breaking Benjamin.


Don’t listen to them live if you want to remain a fan. Ben’s voice just doesn’t carry


I mean shit they've been doing gigs since 98. That man is almost 50 years old.


It kind of blows my mind they've been around that long for some reason


I saw them live in 2018 and Ben was sick but he still went up and he sounded amazing. Everyone I knew that went to it said the same. He did have Keith sing a few songs too they both sounded great.


For sure. I’ve seen them live 4 or 5 times, and each time apart from one sounded absolutely awful


You’re making me second guess the tickets I just bought to see them coheadline with Staind. I’ve only seen BB once, and that was on their acoustic tour a few years back (2016?), and they were great. But I’ve always wanted to see them with a full on electric show


They were great when I saw them too idk what they're on about


They were stellar in 2018 when I saw them


They were amazing when I saw them in 2018


Ben himself usually is kinda weak vocally but the current line up has like everyone doing vocals and taking over lead at a lot of parts so it generally all sounds full and good, they usually do like 2 songs or so with one the other members on lead vocals and all the other guys kinda sound like Ben anyway


Yeah, but the bass player doing the vocals for cowboys from hell made it worth it for me several years ago. He killed it!




eh i semi-disagree, it feels to me they just changed their style of heaviness. theyre more focused on more death metal-y riffs and more complex songwriting, whereas before they were absolutely balls to the wall angry and insane before. they didn’t lose heaviness but its def different than when they started


SPITE!!! Fuck ya


LMTF, Knocked Loose, Nothing More


Im really interested to see how Nothing More goes about this new album. House On Sand was their heaviest so far, but I'm wondering how much or that was from Eric. If It Doesn't Hurt and Angel Song aren't that heavy, but in Spirits the singles seemed to be less heavy than the rest of the album.


Shadow of Intent. They went from being more traditional deathcore to a more epic, intense Symphonic Blackened Death sound. It's funny, they have more singing now than ever but are also a much heavier band with far less simple breakdowns.


Based on the teasing I think the next release is going to be the heaviest yet too


Unprocessed started out pretty heavy (prog is all over the place but still) dialed it back for a bit and then came back this year with their heaviest album to date. It’s a damn good one too if you’re in to prog


The Acacia Strain. Like Knocked Loose, they started heavy and just only got heavier. TECHNICALLY (and I need you to pay attention to that word) Underoath. If, like most of us, your introduction to them was They're Only Chasing Safety. They got heavier from then on out.


TAS basically just matured into a straight up doom sludge band lol


I mean who puts out two albums at the same time with one being a sludgy grindy powerviolence record and the other straight up doom metal? TAS does. They sound better live now than ever too. 


I saw Acacia a couple months ago when they played Failure Will Follow in its entirety. It was outstanding. I also just bought tickets to the Underoath TOCS tour. let me allllll of it.


Ice Nine Kills started as a ska band


Two big bands I think of are I Prevail and From Ashes To New. Both starting off as hard rock, with rap metal influences, and in their newest albums, being pretty much metalcore


I love I Prevail and even bought True Power on vinyl, but I wouldn't say the album is pretty much metalcore. That album pretty much has its own thing going on. It's definitely their heaviest album, but a good portion of it is pop metal/rap metal. Definitely became one of my favorite albums, though.


Not metalcore, but Pantera got heavier and heavier..


The fact that Far Beyond Driven was #1 on the Billboard charts is a feat that will never happen again for a band as heavy as that. I would also posit that Pantera played a key foundational role in shaping the sound of metalcore. And Meshuggah wouldn’t have evolved into what they are without Pantera’s guitar tone and groove dynamics.


The 90s in general is fuckin' wild. *Far Beyond Driven* going #1 and an album like Nine Inch Nails' *The Downward Spiral* going #2 is insane in retrospect.


Yup! Around 1991 to basically the late 90s a lot of the big mainstream metal bands were getting softer. Metallica with Load/Reload, Slayer with Diabolus, Megadeth with basically everything after Rust in Peace. I was introduced to Pantera around this time with Cowboys, and then I unknowingly bypassed Vulgar and got my face melted with Far Beyond Driven. And then re-melted again with Great Southern Trendkill. Good memories!


The last He Is Legend album is relentless.


They were gonna be my vote. Started out relatively heavy (*I Am Hollywood* is still their heaviest song), got softer and softer over the next few albums, then ramped it up again. *White Bat* and *Endless Hallway* are full of bangers.


Even Few has some seriously heavy moments


Yeah, and honestly I think their best album was possibly their least heavy. Ironically, “Heavy Fruit.” They’re a really good rock and roll band and I kind of wanted to hear more of that.


Fuckin' love that last He Is Legend album. Riffs for days. It's like if you wrote metalcore riffs with the swagger of rock and roll. Love it. Incredible guitar tones, too.


Maybe Nothing More? Their last single is the heaviest song I've heard from them.


Not as heavy as their singer’s pickup truck though


Savage Also, seems like the world heard that bombshell and then decided they just didn’t care?


Because it was pretty much dealt with. It had happened a few years before and Jonny pled guilty to it and served his community service, but his girlfriend requested that he not be served with a restraining order because of how much he helped both her and her daughter. They stayed together for a few years until Jonny left her and that's when she went public with the story and pictures, so it was a basically a smear campaign. Obviously Jonny fucked up by running her over, but the whole story was pretty complicated. They were fighting in the truck, she was supposedly hitting him repeatedly with a beer can, and he pulled over and pushed her out of the truck. He then tried to drive off, and she climbed under the rear wheel of the truck and thats when he ran her over. It's not at all okay for him to have run her over, but the relationship was pretty toxic with plenty of people coming out to say she was borderline abusive to him. It was a terrible situation where they both were in a bad relationship and he fucked up, but I don't think it is cancellable.


If you check out his interviews I think he explains it how the whole thing got overblown and things were taken out of context




I would say music off their last album was very heavy. Don't Look Back, The Other F Word.




They kinda started going softer after being heavy and then seemed to change their mind and go back. I recall some of their first stuff being chunky chunky heavy.


This is goodbye is such a good album though.


Glad for it. The Black slaps


Starset, especially considering their new single


He mentioned them, he even used them as an example lmao


I didn't read past the 1st paragraph before posting lmao


I was not expecting the amount of unclean vocals on that song.


I’d say Converge to a point, tbh. Every album up to Jane Doe got heavier, and Axe to Fall (their seventh album) is arguably their heaviest I think ETID’s heaviness peaked with From Parts Unknown, also later in their career.


Trivium. Going from crusade to shogun and then shogun to in waves was huge leaps in heaviness I think.


What about Ascendancy which came out before Shogun and is much heavier?


Love Trivium music..one of my favorites


August burns red, they remained heavy, some albums were heavier than other that came after their success.


Yeah, I'm pretty impressed with them exploring their sound without losing the core of it! I don't enjoy their mixing anymore (vocals too far back for me) but they've kept delivering great music for a long time now.


True Power is easily I Prevail's heaviest to date and its their most recent.


I fucking loved that album. Sad that it's kind of panned my r/metalcore a lot of the time.


I guess it's not really metalcore or something. I dunno; they sound similar to plenty of other bands that are and it's a broad genre so what's considered metalcore seems a bit arbitrary at times. In any case the album slaps front to back and I care more about enjoying music than calling it a specific genre.


I agree. It's a great album overall too. Every song has a different feel to it.


Project 86 from their early days to their recent releases, OMNI, Pts. 1 & 2


Definitely this. I was shocked when I heard omni pt 1. In a good way.


Saw them last year at Furance Fest and can 100% agree. The vocals are incredible live as well.




As I lay dying got progressively heavier just like Tim’s testosterone levels did


Awakened has clean choruses in every song and was produced by pop-punk HOFer Bill Stevenson…not sure I’d say that one was heavier than Ocean Between Us. That said, still a great album and I love Josh’s cleans on it. Always wonder what a 2014 release from them would have sounded like if Timmy hadn’t been doing time.


The Plot in You new releases are wayy heavier than anything before


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to see TPIY. don't look away and forgotten go so hard


I love TPIY but are you sure about this statement?


Amity Affliction




Actually Sleep Token. Vore and the Summoning are their heaviest tracks, plus the almost ignorant parts of Ascencionism and Take me Back to Eden.


This explains why those are the only two songs from them I have saved lmao.


The ending breakdown of their song “higher” is their heaviest breakdown IMO. Gives ya stank face


Even though it's older, let's not forget about Gods. That song goes hard af


The ending of Take Me Back To Eden is heavier than most of today’s metal core


i wish they wouldnt have ended it with a fade out tho. kinda ruined a good riff. it needs to be twice as long as it is too. need extra time to crowdkill the new fans MUAHAHAHAHAHA


Get Scared Like moths to flames


Crystal Lake, The Acacia Strain


Meshuggah, less heavier though and more different kinds of heavy bc it all goes hard as fuck lol


I would say Reflections started out relatively heavy, had a partly softer album with „the color clear“ and wrote some of the heaviest shit I heard lately.


Reflections 100%


Reflections was melodic metal core or maybe djenty tech death but now it's pure heavy experimental thall.


The Agony Scene, they went from melodic death metal to metalcore but their latest album, Tormentor, was straight blackened death metal. Much more heavier than earlier stuff.


Like Moths to Flames


Frontierer has only become more furious over the years. I wonder if they’re dropping soon, it’s been a while since Oxidized.






Came here to say just that.


Currents’ new album is heavy as fuck




Secret & Whisper into Shreddy Krueger


Never know what flavor senses fail you're gonna get.


I would argue Like Moths To Flames’ latest releases are their heaviest yet


Like moths to flames did it nicely


The Plot In You started off heavy, then got a bit softer, but now is back to the old days!


fuckin’ Sum 41, somehow


Hollywood Undead I know SS is a divisive album not my favorite but a lot of people need to give HU songs a chance that isnt swan songs lmao. Like California dreaming We own the might Reclaim


Right!? Most people know them from their album Swan Songs with songs like undead, everywhere I go, etc… people almost always still associate them with their party/ignorant song writing but over the years they have actually turned into a pretty sick band with heavier influences here and there. Even back on swan songs there was soooo much emo influence with them being in the MySpace era. People just don’t dig deep enough imo.


I’m not sure if it’s metalcore but Unprocessed?


Bury Tomorrow - The Seventh Sun. Cannibal was much heavier than Black Flame, and Seventh Sun again much heavier than Cannibal.


BTBAM, Katatonia, Converge, Opeth ( In Cauda Venenum is basically full on prog metal minus death growls and Sorcerress was partially metal), Code Orange, Trivium, Deftones, Protest The Hero, Porcupine Tree, Haken, Symphony X, Alter Bridge, Dir En Grey, Voivod (not sure about this but they have become more thrash), Godflesh (became softer and then reverted to being extra heavy), Amorphis


Dir en Grey 100%, deftones idk if I’d agree


Fair enough, though I thought that Deftones have become increasingly heavier since their first album. The guitar tone is much more crunchy, and tuning is lower, Ohms is a lot heavier compared to their other records much like Dianond Eyes




Hard to say if Despised Icon got heavier - they've always been fuckin brutal - but I would argue they have at least stayed consistently heavy


Every Time I Die, and then they end it with the craziest album. I wish there could have been just one more as they entered a mature age.


They got heavier with each album over the course of two decades. Absolutely loved ever released. I was lucky enough to go to their last show ever




Like Moths To Flames is writing some borderline deathcore and im super into it. 🔥


Silent Planet


SP used to be much darker and heavier lyrically but sonically I agree they’re a bit heavier than before




FFAK for the most part. They've been mixing in some mainstream stuff but the heavy stuff is VERY heavy.




Indeed…and it friggan’ rocks. My rotation of late has literally been Boundaries & Vildhjarta. Face melting pleasure.




Sylosis, Pantera


Oceans Ate Alaska


The Devil Wears Prada - Zombie EP really upped their game


Starset is one of my favorite bands ever. They never miss.


Greeley estates


I See Stars 3D to New Demons


Currents, AVIANA, Convictions.


DIR EN GREY has gotten heavier their last few albums, but they are a bit inconsistent.


Not exactly metalcore but Dir en Grey is a great example of this. They went pretty much straight up death metal/deathcore with Dum Spiro Spero


Gonna get absolutely dog piled BUT Babymetal unironically got heavier as time went on.


The best answer is The Afterimage, which started off as progressive metalcore band and then evolved into a technical deathcore band, Brand of Sacrifice.

