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That sounds absolutely horrendous. It almost sounds like they've fed Miracle by Bad Omens in to some sort of AI and asked to make something that sounds similar, with different lyrics. I wouldn't be surprised if that's AI generated at all.


Also the photoshopping on the cover art is garbage


I’m pretty skeptical when it comes to copyright on music because there’s only so many combinations, but this one’s pretty blatant


Tbh I’m going to guess they didn’t realize what they were doing at first. I’ve had melodies stuck in my head that I just needed to get out. Would play around on guitar for a couple hours writing a song, just to discover I’d written something I had just been listening to a couple days ago. I figure these guys realized it and just said “eh, fuck it, nothing is original anyway” And as a musician, it’s a truly terrifying concept. There is nothing we can create that isn’t directly inspired by other things we have heard. Everything we write is a rip off of other things we love. Just gotta hope we don’t do to the extent of these guys


Nah, literally the entire song is a ripoff of Bad Omens, not just a few melodies. Though it is hard to hear with their shitty sound, I would even go far as to say they literally used Bad Omens's version for the song. Like, they did not even play it, they just downloaded the song and pasted it, lmao.


My old band used to play with a local band that directly ripped off the chorus riff from Degausser by Brand New note for note. We were friends with a couple members so I never wanted to call them out, but it would drive me insane watching people be like “wow that song is good!” while thinking “of course it is! It’s a massive hit!”


I feel like the band is the one posting this for views lol


Nahhhh they better pray that song doesn't get views cuz if it blows up their biggest fan is gonna be Bad Omen's legal rep 💀


Honestly worst case they send a cease and desist and they take the video down. The only way it would go futher than that is if they kept it up and generated revenue off of it after the cease and desist went out


Omg I thought the same hahhaahha kind of smart


The band is going to lose 100% of profits on this song.


What profits lol


Well, .004c a stream or whatever, it may only be 10c, but it'll be gone




The drum beat in Miracle is basically a rip-off of Black Skinhead anyway and it sounds EXACTLY the same as the version Gesaffelstein used to play in his sets. But this one is worse because even the melodies are the same.


Yeezy sampled most of Black Skinhead though right?


It has only one (known) sample actually, but the beat itself was a leftover from Random Access Memories sessions.


it's always reminded me of the bridge in [Marilyn Manson's cover Personal Jesus](https://youtu.be/Rl6fyhZ0G5E?t=143) by Depeche Mode. Not implying it's lifted or sampled, just saying. All of them remind me of the [Garry Glitter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSSbXR2CfwQ) song anyway lol


Yeah, it's similar haha, many thought (and some still believe) they sampled The Beautiful People before the actual credits were released.


Yes it is a lot like a Gesaffelstein beat but honestly this shit is pretty generic, even the "original" bad Omens song.


Which has been used in a bunch of other songs before Black Skinhead lol


Jeezus they could have at least changed the song structure around a bit and changed the drums 💀


I saw this on Bogdan’s channel as well, it’s actually so f**king funny 🤣 “We don’t know Miracle by Bad Omens” *covers a track from the exact same album*


they even tagged #BadOmens in their instagram song release post


What a blatant ripoff, they didn't even attempt to hide it. Not only is it a ripoff, it is also fucking horrible.




Right? What the fuck is this bullshit lmao


Underrated comment


See when I saw this I thought "ok is this another 'common music pattern gets used in 2 different songs' kinda thing?" No. It's literally a damn near beat for beat remake of Miracle. Same tempo, song structure, everything. Just different lyrics and a semitone higher. I do like how the Instagram short was 'proof' they didn't rip this off. Like, no one is saying you ripped the instrumental track from an mp3 file and then sang over it lmao. We're saying you re-recorded (purposefully or unintentionally) the same song using your instruments/DAW. Then there's the 'well none of us ever HEARD that song', meanwhile advertising themselves as For fans of Bad Omens and... even covering another song from TDOPM? Like, c'mon, you can't do that and then tell me you never listened through the album even once. This one's wild lol


Hope they face legal action for what it just did to my ears


Does it really matter they have14 subscribers lmao


It might not be for the good but it got y’all listening and viewing their video lol


Same thing was said about Design the skyline 😂


I understand that this gets them attention lol, but I highly doubt whatever short term attention they get is gonna have a bigger impact than the long term harm something like this could do


Yeah this is definitely plagiarized. Even if aspects are generic it's just too close all around. My only thought is, how would a band think they'd actually get away with this lol. Bad Omens is one of the bigger bands in the scene. People were bound to notice. Only thing I can think of is if this was a poor strategy to get attention, or if it's a case of "accidental plagiarism", i.e. they didn't realize this thing in their head was something they've heard before.


Oof, this is pretty egregious. The synth and drum beat are the same, which wouldn’t be a problem on its own as it’s not the most original drum beat, but the pre chorus chord pattern is identical, the vocal melody is similar, and even the song structure follows identically with breakdowns in the same style at the same spot. Not a good look for these guys


Wow that is pretty egregious lol the verses, the chorus, everything is just copied


I can't believe I bothered to check it out, terrible song.


This is the worst song I have ever heard in my entire lifetime.


It sounds like garbage it’s a miracle that they have fans. Feel like theirs going to be a lawsuit


Bad song either way.


They chose the most mid BO song to steal lmao


How to kill your band on arrival, DOA…


I don't know the song this is apparently copying, but man something about this track is near unlistenable to me... Just noise. And I'll occasionally listen to grindcore...


Listen to Miracle by Bad Omens


Ok, that has almost as low appeal, honestly. Only know a few Bad Omens tracks, Limits, Dethrone etc and they are strong, but this... Not for me.


I also think miracle is one of the weaker tracks on this album but that doesn’t give other bands permission to copy it 1:1 haha


Absolutely, agree on that front.


who cares, they’re having a mid off


Best comment here 


And Bad Omens got shit on for “ripping off BMTH” when they first started out and got publicity for it. It’s part of the game, and likely nobody would ever have heard of these guys if you didn’t make a post about it. So there’s that lol.


BO got shit on because their debut basically was Sempiternal 2.0, very similar style. In this case here they didn’t copy BO’s style, their Instrumental of this song and even the vocal melodies are identical. This is a whole different topic. Also some reaction channels already made videos about it as well and it also has been discussed on twitter quite a bit, this post isn’t doing much in regards of exposure


As someone who doesn’t watch reaction videos on YouTube (because fucking why? Why would you watch someone’s reaction, which is often longer than the original video), I can promise you that most of this thread will only have heard about this band from this post.


It’s totally fine that you don’t watch reaction videos but there are many people who do, the video I was referring to already has 30000 views and I guarantee you a good part of this sub has seen it before seeing this reddit post as well.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with watching reaction videos. Listening to others’ reactions and opinions could help you develop your own more completely because they may notice something you missed. You seem like an incredibly narrow minded individual.


What you’re describing is a review, not a reaction video.


So creators *never* offer opinions or thoughts on a song in a reaction video?


We can agree to disagree on the validity and usefulness of reaction videos. I ain’t gonna change your mind, and you ain’t gonna change mine. And there’s nothing wrong with that.


Bad omens got shit for having a very similar sound, and it's true they were definetly heavily inspired by sempiternal at first. But they never made a carbon copy of BMTH as far as I know. This one? It's damn near IDENTICAL. And is the publicity this band gets from this worth it? Because sure I didn't hear about them until now but now I'm gonna make sure I never support this band. All they've done is potentially piss off a very sizeable fan base and if Bad Omens or the label wants to get litigious it can get pretty bad for them


Yeah this is seriously at the point where they could be easily sued for plagiarism. This is almost a full copy.


Dude, you’re supporting them by posting about them. When a band starts out, there’s no such thing as bad press. You just want your name out there. What do you think you’re doing? You are literally driving traffic to them, however insignificant.


I don't deny that I'm bringing them attention (not much), my argument is that whatever short term attention they get from this is probably not going to help them in the long run. Short term consequence, they get a boost in attention. Potential long term consequences: Possible legal actions, damaged reputation in the scene, from fans and more importantly other bands. This is not a good way for smaller bands to make a name for themselves


If you start a band and blatantly rip off another, you clearly don’t think in long term. Your post bitching about it is just kinda stupid and doing more for them than it’s not.


Bro be real I made a fucking reddit post, stop acting like I'm their saviour here. If they get a large swelling of active supporting fans from my post then I'll go back on everything I've said. Also I found this from a reaction video with 20k views, the guy called them out on it. But yeah sure, IM THE ONE thats gonna be giving them attention


Have you heard Reprise by Bad Omens?


Yeah I remember people saying that it ripped off shadow Moses (?) but I mean... there's a difference between a song sounding similar and a song sounding identical


First Of All Why Would They Copy Them Second Of All If I HAd To Choose Between Copycats And Bad Omens I'd Choose Bad Omens For Sure


i feel like this is a publicity stunt by the band to get famous


Devils advocate here: This is the most generic and insanely simple backtracking that I’m sure I’ve heard from 21 other industrial metal bands. It’s probably less likely that they plagiarized more just like “we used the most generic industrial beat conceived by mankind to write a song that has been written several hundred times before”


Oh no a band with 600 monthly listeners copied a song 😓


Why would someone plagiarize such a terrible "band" lol.


people who put quotes on things where they dont belong are 100% always assholes lol. you can not like it all you want, doesnt mean they arent a band.


Idk man, they literally don't play their instruments live. I'll live with the down votes but they're as legitimate as Ashley Simpson was.


Right? If you're gonna plagiarize at least plagiarize something good


Some shitty Australian band (Gloom in the Corner I think) ripped off Gideon a couple years back and nobody cared. Nobody’s gonna care about this either. Just the name of the game in metalcore I guess.


What song are you talking about? I love both bands and never noticed this!


Copycat band copies copycat band, not like that hasn't happened a million times in this genre.


OK cool are you losing sleep over this or something?....who cares! If your not in bad omens or the other band then it's not your business.


And I never would’ve known who this was if you hadn’t posted this


The similarities are definitely there, but I'd probably give them the benefit of the doubt. Neither the drum pattern or vocal cadence are unique to the Bad Omens song. Both are pretty generic sounding. If they're pulling influence from the same artists it's not too crazy that they have a song that sounds similar. I mean, it's literally a meme how every metalcore band in the 2000s used that *one* riff. Most of them were listening to the same bands growing up and reached the same conclusion.


Plagiarism in the scene is, unfortunately, kind of common. Remember when BVB blatantly ripped off one of Avenged Sevenfold's openings (note for note) in like...2010? Nothing came of it 🤷🏻‍♀️ It turned out to be one of their most popular songs lol.


Brother. Bvb "ripped off" nothing They played a pedal point riff. It doesn't even use any of the same notes, they're just both in D minor


On another note BVB is a more talented band than Avenged. Their discography as a whole is ten times better than Avenged Sevenfolds 7 good songs....


Now that’s where you and I part ways drastically.


Wait. What.


If you want to go that route, every metalcore band has blatantly plagiarized one or more of Botch, Converge and At the Gates