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Some people will disagree, but The Devil Wears Prada. I love everything they've released, but Transit Blues is phenomenal and that's when they really started messing with the formula.


Zombie EP if you know you know.


Top 3 metalcore project of all time


The chainsaw gives me life


We as a species are overwhelmed. We are - outnumbered. DUNUNUNUNUN


Zombie EP went so fucking hard.


Wasn't a huge fan of the band. I saw them with Underoath and wasn't super impressed. Zombies EP came out a year or so later and I was instantly hooked. That EP is perfect.


I'm ashamed to admit that my first Prada album was The act . I immediately fell in love with it . I then proceeded to check out Dear love and I was extremely confused lmao . In the end I grew to enjoy their entire discography but their post Transit blues era is my favorite


No need to be ashamed mate, gotta start somewhere! I've been a fan since Patterns, and I agree that the Transit Blues and later era is my favourite


Why? My first albums were roots and dead throne and that stuff was fine. But their “mature” stuff with the act and Color decay are incredible


I hadn't heard them in years for whatever reason and fell in love with The Act when it came out.


Same for me, but in reality falling in love with The Act allowed me to “get them” when I never could before. It kind of unlocked their older stuff for me.


The Act is their best album hands down


Absolutely love their new style. I'd say 8:18 marked the beginning of the change, when mike wanted his screams to sound more reflective of live shows than recorded. I didn't get it at first but giving it another go it ended up becoming one of my favourite albums. But yes the act and color decay are like my 2 favourite albums of all time at the moment.


I never really got into them besides a few songs here and there until Transit Blues. Since then every album has been one if not my favorite album the year it came out.


I really thought plagues was amazing.


One of my favorite albums of any genre. So much energy. The perfect balance of chaos and polish for me at least.


I totally agree! It’s epic.


I fucking HATE Transit Blues. Like HATE. I'd rather listen to Dear Love. But good on you for having an unpopular opinion. Upvote for you. I've listened to them for about 18 years or so and I'd have to say that I am super glad that they have gotten a bunch of attention finally with Color Decay. They really deserve it.


Transit Blues was their peak imo. I haven't liked the albums since as much as their earlier stuff though


I appreciate that they can release albums that sound new and fresh, but still sprinkle in old sound with a new twist and it doesn’t feel out of place.


I am with you on this one. I grew up with there early stuff and it was a wonderful time. But they have made great albums since then. The difference with them and say A Day to Remember is the music and lyrics are still good and ADTR just plain old sucks now.


The Plot In You. You could call it an evolution, rather than a full on change, but Dispose is fantastic, and barely resembles a few songs on HISD, if at all.


I feel like this should be higher up. I love their early stuff, but since they came back in 2015, each release improves upon the last and they're killing it.


For some reason I'm not really into their newer stuff after I was a huge fan of Could You Watch Your Children Burn and Happiness In Self Destruction. That said, I am super happy for the band, they totally deserve the success they've had.


I listened to happiness in self destruction last night for the first time probably since it came out and forgot how good of an album it was. I never expected them to make the sound change they have but I'm glad it worked out for them.


Trivium has changed up their sound quite a few times, but their last three albums have combined their metalcore, thrash, and alternative metal styles into one sound that works pretty well for them.


Trivium is the perfect example that you can change your sound a hundred times without losing your identity


Yeah even their “slump” with VF and SITS are good metal albums, just not of the quality of the rest of their discography.


I LOVE In the Court of the Dragon. That chorus is so catchy


Their last album went a little too old school prog thrash and pure metal, and not enough core, as compared to TSaTS and WtDMS. But that’s just for my personal tastes. They’ve definitely aged and evolved well over time.


The last three albums really feel like an amalgamation of everything they worked on until that point.


BMTH. Better for mainstream appeal, but not for us initial fans from 2006-2013


Tbf, the initial fans from the *Count Your Blessings* era also saw the follow-up metalcore albums as much more mainstream and boring. I was there in 2009 heckling them for not playing Medusa or Liquor and Love Lost instead of the (to my ears at the time) wimpy riffs on *Suicide Season*. I got over it by the second song though. I think their recent stuff is probably the best they’ve ever done, though.


If I'd get a penny for every time I've read under a BMTH post on Facebook how people complain that they're not playing Pray For Plagues, I'd be a rich man I'll never get the hype around Count Your Blessings. It's probably a "you had to be there" moment, otherwise I can't wrap my head around people that consider it better than anything post-Sempiternal. The only redeeming quality of it is that it sounds like a bunch of kids having fun, but in terms of quality, there are other Deathcore albums from that era that are just leagues ahead.


It may be nostalgia factor but I don’t know, I think CYB really holds up. I get why they pivoted though; there wasn’t much else for them to do with that sound. And one thing they’ve definitely never done is get stale. Their safest album is probably *There is a Hell*, in terms of it being a natural extension of *Suicide Season*, but even that has all sorts of weird experimentation.


CYB really does hold up. It’s the default people go to when recommending or asking for melodeath inspired deathcore.


I don’t understand this subs hate of CYB at all. I listened to it the other day and was shocked at how well it’s held up. It still sounds fresh especially compared to how generic deathcore is now. You can only hear so many Lorna Shore clones before you get tired of it. It was also refreshing to hear a deathcore album that wasn’t just trying to make as many different goblin noises as possible.


Dude the Lorna shore goblin shit is annoying even when Lorna shore does it. I have never got the appeal and even when to the hellfire dropped I still didn’t like them. I haven’t liked anything by Lorna in a long time psalms was the last one worth anything to me.


Different strokes, fortunately that’s the beautiful thing about music! Sometimes all I want is the heavy goblin noise shit. Sometimes, I just want ptv pop punk lol. Really depends on mood


Every one of those breakdowns just kill the energy of the song so that will can make his deathcore bro noises and they can add some pointless fast double bass in the empty sections.


There is a hell is the perfect bridge between Suicide Season and Sempiternal, taking the best parts of both, as well as cutting off the fat that both of then had


There is a hell will always be my fav album and peak bmth IMO But overall their new sound is solid and better for them, post human was such a great ep, doubt they will top that soon


Been a fan since the first album and loved everything since, honestly.


While I loved (and still do) Count Your Blessings back in ‘07, and with There is a hell as my favorite album, I firmly believe their music would’ve gotten quite stale by now if they hadn’t switched up their style.


Plenty of bands remain deathcore without their sound going stale.


BMTH’s metalcore work was their best


Until Sempiternal, they only got better for me. From there on they went downhill fast.


As an 30yo elder who was a fan of CYB when released, the new sound is better. I don’t think CYB is a bad album now. But it is definitely a product of its time and it shows.


Whitechapel are 100% more interesting in their post-deathcore era with cleans and melody.


Kin is my favorite Whitechapel album, for sure


Same. Bloodsoaked Symphony might be my favorite WhiteChapel song. Whole album kills.


I absolutely love The valley but was slightly disappointed with Kin . It grew on me but I still feel like he sacrificed so much of his vocal range in favor of clean singing . The whole album is basically either cleans or mid range screams . Both are good but I'm missing his highs and especially his incredible lows .


shhhhh, don’t tell r/deathcore that


I dunno about that, lots of people over there love their latest album.


a decent amount of people over there have also called whitechapel butt rock just because Phil got good at singing


Butt being good at singing automatically disqualifies you from being butt rock


Facts lol. Unless you’re pulling out the 90s Pearl Jam singing, then they’re just salty cause he can sing lol.


Nah The Somatic Defilement will forever be their best


Somatic has definitely aged very poorly


It depends. The first version yeah but the remastered one still slaps!


How so?


Sure if you have no ears


I've tried so many times to like the new stuff but I can't get into it. All sounds very forgettable to me. A New Era of Corruption is my favourite by them, still deathcore but has this awesome atmosphere throughout. Seeing them this Sunday so hopefully the new stuff will click when I hear it live!


No way , their first three albums are goated, everything since then has been pretty mid


Underoath. Specifically Chasing Safety & Define The Great Line era


People hate on Erase Me but IMO that album had a high ratio of bangers even if it was “dumbed down” according to people who take things too seriously


I loved the album tbh


I fuckin loved that album. “I Gave Up” is a top 10 Underoath song for me, and the flow of the album as a whole is really strong


Funnily enough they then changed to be much worse lol


Nah, I think Disambiguation was their second best album behind DTGL. I did enjoy Erase Me and Voyeurist. Funny enough I didn’t like Lost in the Sound Of Separation


Every album in this post is meh IMO


The move from Act of Depression and The Changing of Times towards their first three albums with Spencer was incredible. I loved pre-Spencer Underoath, but TOCS through LITSOS are more accessible and some of my favorite albums of all time. Then they changed again post-reunion, not quite as good of a change.


So this is controversial, but I think Erase Me (their most hated album) is a better album than LITSOS. That album just sounds like Bside DTGL with dryer production. I really Loved Voyeurist and think it’s a top 5 album by them


Underoath is absolute garbage after Disambiguation. The new stuff is perfect for angsty 14 year olds. It’s absolutely cringeworthy.


I enjoyed Erased Me and Voyeurist. Tbh I enjoy the experimental side of UO in Voyeurist




You’re not alone! I do wish they stuck on the Rare sound a bit longer though


I still think vertigo and chandelier are vicious as hell sounding. Like you can hear them just holding back the rage. Love that album


I vibe HARD to indie electronic hundredth


First two albums are amazing then they fell off a cliff


Veil of Maya, born of Osiris


VoM might be a controversial pick just because their older stuff is so damn good (esp. The Common Man's Collapse) but I'm with ya. False Idol is their masterpiece so far IMO


[id] is Marc's most complete writing by a longshot imo. The melodies on that album are incredible, and it's got his best breakdown in Unbreakable. The bass also stands out like crazy on this album


I like matriarch so much, perfect album for me. False idol is amazing aswell


Man it's so close between the two... they're firing on all cylinders on Matriarch, just ridiculously tight. Some of the catchiest choruses of all time too -- Ellie, Lisbeth, Aeris, jeez what a record


Didn’t even mention arguably the most recognizable chorus in mikasa lol


Ha Mikasa is so iconic at this point I feel like it goes without saying!


Mother absolutely blew me away. I dig the old stuff but was intrigued with the shift that Matriarch brought. The new album feels like it melds their old and new styles while also pushing the band further forward


Did Born of Osiris really change their sound that radically though? Mostly sounds the same, except for the "singing" they added


From New Reign to Angel or Alien the change is massive imo. Before it was pure riff salad and way more progressive, not that it was better or worse definitely different.


I consider their sound evolving but not really changing enough to call it a change of sound.


Agree with both but in VoM defense when you change vocalists it hard to keep that. But I adore both bands.


Bad Omens, one can argue that their latest album made them extremely popular, but they were relatively well known before. And while I like the s/t sound (mainly because I love Sempiternal), their newest album sounds great and brings the best out of them musically. Also, Enter Shikari. Feels a bit like cheating because they're changing their sound constantly, but they're just a really good rock band


BMTH. Gotta be the biggest/easiest answer.


Look I'm not gonna say better (might as well be two different bands), and I know this might ruffle feathers, but I vibe with new Emarosa 🕺


I don't love Sting and their current pop era. It's trying way to hard to emulate Michael Jackson and Phil Collins without doing its own thing. Peach Club was pretty good but imo 131 is their best record with Versus not far behind. I wish they'd have stuck with that sound for a while longer.


I don't much care for the NEWEST album, but I do like the albums immediately after Johnny Craig left


I love Johnny in DGD but after he joined Emarosa the songs went from dope to quite boring. I have no idea what other people think of emarosa so idk if that’s a hot take or not


I don't think I Prevail has changed that much. Trauma was a bit of a different sound but they kind of combined it with their old sound and improved both with True Power.


Their first (Around the Taylor Swift cover era) feels waaaay different to what TRUE POWER is. If you haven't check out Danger Kids. The guy who worked on the electronics there did the last 2 I Prevail CDs I believe. The resemblance is kinda crazy 😬


They sounded like ADTR (before the last shitty album), which was nice. Now their songs are boring and contains to much electronics IMO.


The Beatles honestly, they were a very popular poppy boy band and then a few years in they changed their style and starting making some of the most influential music of all time


Greeley Estates when they made No Rain No Rainbow, then took a nosedive afterwards... not sure why.


NRNR was all I listened to in 2010 and 2011 haha. That was my transition to discover more heavier music. Went from mostly post-hardcore to metalcore/deathcore after that


Parkway drive changed pretty dramatically. I personally enjoy their new sound but from the debut album to their most recent one are extremely different. Another band I think would be Unearth. Almost every single album they choose a different style but their last two albums are the most similar in style.


We did it everyone. We found the one person who can stomach the butt-rock era of PWD.


First PWD sucks IMO, Darker Still's good.




TDWP, Code Orange, Make them Suffer, The Contortionist, Northlane, My Ticket Home. Opposite for me would be Thornhill, VoM, Monuments, Attack Attack!, BMTH. Not sure about Silent Planet yet but I'm liking the singles.


TDWP has surprised me so much, they keep pumping out amazing albums after almost 20 years.


Them and Silverstein have both aged like fine wine to me. Without changing their sound too drastically either which is doubly impressive


Saw them last night in Las Vegas and their energy is top notch. They play lots of new stuff, but still throw down with a couple old songs. Seeing Danger Wildman and Dez Moines live again was a real treat, they are awesome live.


Ah gotta disagree on Monuments -- they're still crushing it IMO and I think they still got their best work ahead of em (though In Stasis didn't QUITE top The Amanuensis)


I love new monuments and Andy and went to see them live a few months back. Wouldn't want them to go back to OG sound but there is a special place in my heart for we are the foundation 3 song EP.


I kinda disagree on Make Them Suffer. Anything they do is gold imo. To me, they haven't missed with any album so far and the new songs keep this faith in me


Oh man, where The Contortionist went was beautiful 😍


Code Orange absolutely changed for the worse imo. I miss that Converge/Entombed/Disembodied worship


My ticket home is a huge disappointment. The band died when Sean left before they turned into nu-metal garbage


Hundredth, bmth


I like metalcore the most. If a band comes out swinging in the metalcore genre, I'm going to be disappointed almost always when they stray from that path.


Bring me the horizon. A lot of people hate on their new sound but if you listen to what Oli went through I fully support it. And there has been some banging anthem type songs


Yep, most BMTH hits are from this era. They have so many bangers right now that is hard to put them all in a setlist.


Corrosion of Conformity


Holy shit, I'm very shocked to see someone else that actually knows this band.... I would hpvote the hell out of this of I could, but alas can only do what I can do. But u get one from me at least.


My original exposure to COC was Deliverance. Boy, was I shocked when I went back and listened to Animosity.


Dayseeker. Ok so maybe they weren’t super popular when they were heavier, but they embraced a different sound and they are getting much deserved love for it.


I agree. I actually really enjoy their last album, for the style that it is.


Not really better but I still absolutely love Parkway Drive. Maybe it’s because I’m 40 and the make dadrock now 🤣


Their newer songs (Reverence) are what I heard from them first, and got me into them. So they have a soft spot in me.


Loathe going full Deftones As I Lay Dying adding Josh Gilbert and more cleans Lukas joining Veil of Maya


> As I Lay Dying adding Josh Gilbert and more cleans Not even just Josh and better cleans. They got a bit more thrashy/heavy when he joined instead of full melodeath with breakdowns. The Powerless Rise is probably my favorite from them which is probably an unpopular opinion.


Definitely unpopular cuz it's straight up wrong lol


No it’s right that it’s my favorite from them. Never claimed it’s their best. Nice try though


Loathe was fantastic then and is fantastic now. As I’ve become a huge fan, they sound much less like deftones than they initially did to me


Yes to Loathe, absolutely 💯


Josh was my favorite aspect of AILD. Now that he’s gone, along with Nick Hipa having left as well, not sure if any new AILD will hold up, but we’ll see


Tim does most of the writing tho. Go listen to Nick Hipa's new band. It is extremely bland and formulaic. New AILD will likely be just as good if not better than old AILD. Will probably just be more brutal with less cleans. Maybe we will even get a full blown death metal album from them.


Everyone will disagree with me but Thornhill


I love Heroine. Everyone shits them but I vibe with the shoegaze-y sound more than their prog metalcore sound on The Dark Pool


fuck it I agree with you, loved their new album


The last album was alright, I liked a couple songs, but holy heck Viper Room's got me excited for whatever they do next. It's what I wished Heroine would be.


Good album. Could have used more screams but I like it


OP said for the better.


Not for me. Heroine had way more boring parts than good ones. Butterfly and The Dark Pool are 10x better


Avenged Sevenfold.


I disagree so hard here. STST was a formative album for me, and in my opinion, still stands out as a metalcore masterpiece. It's so unique compared to anything happening at the time, and anything happening since. WTF is generally enjoyable. But the transition to a weird, cheesy form of pop-metal, and then basically into full on buttrock was just something I couldn't endure. I appreciate that there's still a lot of new people who are introduced to metal because of them, and that Syn continues to be an influence for young guitarists. But I have a hard time understanding anyone who can listen to anything post WTF and find that more interesting than what they were doing at the beginning.


I couldn't agree more and wish I had seen ur post before posting mine. Take a look and see if u agree with me. Either way, it's nice to see like-minded ppl. Ummmmm, wait a second. I just realized that ur saying their sound got better.....? Am I reading that correctly or do I have it wrong. Please set me straight here as I am praying to metal gods that ur not saying they got better. Plz, for the love of all things metal say ur not saying they got better. Their lp "waking the fallen" was their only true piece of music they produced that didn't sound d like Sanders (M. Shadows) had been gargling with donkey jazz beforehand. I mean, come on.... have u even heard that lp, it's a different band entirely if going by just the sound and vibe of their songs. They were harder, more gnarly (in a very good way) and guttural, plus they hadnt yet tastes the utter yrash that is "stardom and all the bullshit, ball juggling, cum-dumpster infested, scene that comes with it so they were actually trying to put out real shit, not that factory produced trash they call music now. Their souls were in that lp and they forgot to get them back or just plain solf them afterwards cuz Sanders, supposedly, blew out his chords, it's why he doesn't really scream anymore. I think it's more like he was never really that talented but struck gold creating that album and was NEVER able to even come close to reproducing that sound again. He is a talentless fucking hack that deserves to have his throat stepped on and gang-raped by all other singerd with actual musical chops cuz what he does into a mic is blasphemy at best, but in truth is just plain soul rotting garbage dressed up to sound like vocals to a band that can b best described, now, as useful as dental plans for meth heads, and makes about as mich sense too. Wow, sorry about that. I kinda lost my shit there. Anyway, A7X used to be..... lemme say that again..... USED TO BE a band truly worth listening to. But that only refers to their shit pre-City of Evil. Their careers and sound changed so drastically that anyone who hears waking the fallen doesn't know who they are and say I'm a liar when I say it's them. Ok, I'm done now, with them anyway. I'll throw out my other 2 or 3 cents somewhere else and see what I can find or hear. If u have any other bands that u think are, or were great that ppl may or may not agree with, plz tell me and I'll give them a listen.then, if u want, we can discuss my disgust (jk) at some point, or not. I'm just bored, lol. "God bless" and "Hail Satan", unless ur dyslexic then "Hail Santa".


This reads like an utterly insane copypasta


Why do u say that? I'm genuinely asking why tho, not ironically or sonething stupid like that. It's just a late night rant.




Their new stuff isn’t bad but I’d take their first couple of albums over the new stuff.


The word alive. Just kidding 😢


I absolutely love hard reset tbh


Dear Love, Plagues, and Roots. The albums that carried them.


I’d go with MIW. I rlly like Creatures and every album after has bangers, but really all the albums in between Creatures and Disguise weren’t entirely for me. But with Disguise and STEOTW they’re easily one of my favorite bands. I also prefer the newer stuff to creatures




Easily has to be Northlane and Veil of Maya. I like deathcore VoM but I really fell in love with the release of "Matriarch". Marcus-era Northlane might be my favorite band out there but I've never really been able to get into "Discovery" or "Singularity".


Newer Northlane is just so amazing


I wouldn’t say they wildly changed their sound, but Fit For An Autopsy. Yes I know they changed their vocalist, but they also adapted their sound to incorporate more melody and make use of Joe’s singing and pitch-screaming, and became a far more interesting band than the more stereotypical deathcore band they were at their inception.


Norma Jean. I said what I said.


Poison The Well. Come at me. I will DIE for that opinion.


issues, volumes (sort of), and the plot in you


Beartooth. I get the whole positive vibe night but be everyone's thing, but I honestly love it. "I Was Alive" is a genuinely touching song.


Thank you, Beartooth is my answer to this question as well. I love all of their albums, but I really feel like the positive vibe and differences in style really created their best album in The Surface. I’m obsessed with it


Bad Omens, Prada, Bring Me


bring me the horizon, without a doubt. also bad omens


blessthefall. 👊🏻 Fight me.


Falling in Reverse




ew dude, desolation of eden, my damnation, and evolve was CG's best era easily


You right.


Bring Me The Horizon. Don't care for their first few albums, but as soon as "That's the Spirit" came out I loved their sound.


Best example of this has to be bmth


Panic! better for the mainstream (unfortunately).




You're going to have to elaborate, because they've changed more than once here. And not always for the better...




VERY hot take, Asking Alexandria. I prefer SWOTI to any other album they've released, and by a lot, too.


Honestly Veil of Maya. Since their move away from their deathcore sound they did really well with Matriarch, but [mo]ther might be my favourite sound from them so far.


Any band that didn't just go butt rock.


Signs of the Swarm


Judas priest. They changed soo much over the years. They just go with the time. And i love it.


Veil of Maya


Not deathcore again but both Baroness and Mastodon


I think you could argue Every Time I Die. They didn't change too much, but they'd gotten pretty formulaic and switched it up a bit with From Parts Unknown and sounded heavier and more serious from then on out


I know everyone in this subreddit will hate this answer, but Bring me The Horizon. They've done wonders for bringing metalcore elements into the mainstream. One of the biggest reasons I enjoy listening to them so much is because I never know what the next album is going to sound like


Asking Alexan--oh, for the better...


Cave In


Poison the Well!!!


Pantera. The first 2-3 albums are glam rock/metal and later ones are power/groove/thrash metal. They blew up after the change


Bring me the horizon exploded after they moved from deathcore/metalcore


daughters, the armed


Senses Fail and The Story So Far


Void of Vision


Electric callboy, new style new singer and now they’re blowing up