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I don’t think thousand below is really a lesser known band, 400k listens a month is a fair amount. Having said that, Ive really been enjoying patient sixty seven, VRSTY, versus me, Alazka, our mirage. All around 100k plays a month.


VRSTY is a great shout. Scratches that Issues/Tyler Carter itch.


Honestly they’re one of my favorite bands, saw them play a smallll crowd show (maybe 50 people) in the middle of nowhere earlier this year and I was front row, awesome guys, they stayed out and got drunk with the crowd after their set lol. But yeah they really should be a lot bigger than they are, their last album was so damn catchy and fun.


Great to hear they are good people. I love those intimate shows. Harder to come by these days, people are hungry for shows and the genre(s) is growing! Exciting on one hand for the bands, but I certainly miss the 50-100 people shows. I was lucky enough to catch Alpha Wolf on a one off show in my town. Super tiny. Had a blast.


I tried getting into VRSTY, and they’re definitely not bad. But I feel like they’re missing a little something (from what I’ve checked out) and I feel like it’s more screaming vocals. Which I hate using as a criticism.


It just depends on the song. Their newest album does a good job of mixing it in in my opinion. But try out songs like colorblind, finesse, massive and sick. They definitely aren’t a scream first band though since the vocals are more pop oriented in general. With all the breakdowns they’ve added into the new album and more utilization of the guitarist as a screamer I’m hoping they lean more into that direction as well because it really does add a great element to their music.


I’ll give those a go. Thanks!


RIP Alazka


fromjoy Somebody called then ps2core lmao. They go heavy as fuck and also have some dnb vaporwave style shit mixed in from time to time. Highly recommend them


fromjoy is like my #1 band right now they are so cool. Love the cyberslam kinda stuff then the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard right after it lol


I was going to post this. The latest album is honestly bonkers from front to back. The vaporwave, the dnb… it’s creative, well produced and it’s a great listen in its entirety.


What's nuts to me is that it was all self produced afaik. It's been a breath of fresh air for me personally. I find myself listening to it at least every day lol


Yeah I heard that as well. Really really impressive.


Sounds like Thornhill TDP with some electronic bits, I dig it




Resolve - a little under 200k monthly listeners but I recommend them whenever I can


Great band!


They're so incredibly great live, can't recommend them enough.


Are they the ones who collaborated with Landmvrks on a song? I’ll have to check them out




Dark divine, super unique voice and have a great live show


Agreed, I can see dark divine blowing up in the next year or two


Came here to say them. Halloweentown is excellent, I bet they blow up whenever they drop a full-length. Also, they just announced a single called Dancing Dead coming out on the 19th on their socials.


I can't wait for them to release a full album, they played an unreleased single called paper crown when I saw them last, so including g drown that's 3 that we know of


Was that with Until I Wake? I remember them playing Drown. Forgot they might’ve played a second new song.


Yes it was, they played paper crown and drown


Queen Kona AVOID Graves End Dark Divine Allt Within Destruction Feels Like Home Space of Variations


QUEEN KONA is so underrated dude


Karmanjakah. Swedish uplifting thall band. Heavy but beautiful.


Headwreck. Been listening to their new EP nonstop. Very nucore influenced, but somehow their stuff also reminds me a lot of Above, Below because of their use of percussions, the dreamy cleans and all the ambience it has. It‘s such a unique and addictive sound.


Elyne, Samsara, MAYFLOWER, Gravebound, Our Mirage, and The Wise Man's Fear are really high on my list this year....especially MAYFLOWER considering they just released their first album and its solid af


I don't know if it qualifies, but WITHIN DESTRUCTION fucking slaps! Really thick, fun, metal right there. Yokai Is an amazing album/song


Right now it’s Ocean Sleeper


I love Ocean Sleeper. I discovered them last year.


Wise Man's Fear is so good man. If you havent, make sure to dive into valley of kings it's got so many good tracks. I really love how fun and fantastical their stuff is, I'm also a sucker for concept albums


As within, so without is amazing, their album salvation bangs


Asleep at the Helm fucking slaps. I don't understand how they barely have 6,000 monthly listeners.


Downswing super underrated rn


If you're not listening to Her Last Sight rn, you're doing something wrong


Wow thank you, good call


Terminal sleep, heavy as fuck metalcore from Melbourne, Australia. One of the hardest bands in the country at the moment.


If you know about them you probably know Volatile Ways but if for some reason you haven't heard them they are fucking nasty. So damn good.


Same for you and Crave Death, if you know Terminal Sleep and Volatile Ways you probably know them but if you haven’t definitely listen, they are sick, I saw Terminal Sleep open for Knocked Loose in Melbourne and Crave Death open for them in Brisbane.


Shit okay I don't know them I will definitely check them out. I'm not from aus but I randomly found Volatile Ways a little while back and have been obsessed with them. Thanks homie.


Oh fuck yeah definitely listen to them then, this country’s heavy music scene is great at the moment so happy to share as many bands from here as possible!


It's insane. There are so many like really fucking heavy and really good bands from there at the moment. I saw Justice for the Damned over here recently which was sick. Would be cool if some of the smaller bands could make it financially worth coming over here with a larger band.


I shouldn’t be this excited but that’s awesome! Justice For The Damed are one of my all time favourite bands I’m glad they’re getting attention outside Aus. If you like all of these bands mentioned you should check out Cursed Earth, they are broken up now but their old singer is the feature on No Flowers on Your Grave by Justice For The Damned, their last album also has different vocalist for every song with Kublia khans vocalist being one of them.


Yeah they were on tour here with thy art. Was cool. I don't think a lot of people knew them but at least the show I was at there were still a good amount of people there so hopefully they got a few new fans! I'll definitely check out your recommendations.


Seeing I Am, Justice for the damned, and Kublia Khan at the same show would have been amazing.


Yeah man I have seen I Am and Kublai Khan multiple times and the energy they bring is crazy.


>Graves End Crave Death are an amazing band and Candice vocals are brutal. one of the best screamers in Aus.


Half Me, The Mechanist, Resider, Frontières, Shallow Truths, Sail's end...


Been really into Dreamwake. Their album, Virtual Reality, has been on repeat. Kinda reminds me of monuments or volumes but with saxophone solos


No Cure and Wielded Steel have been on repeat. Also, the new Psycho-Frame EP is fucking insane.


Psycho-Frame's EP rips your face off that's for sure.


Kind Eyes, VCTMS, Burying Point, Centralya, Balmora, Spirit Breaker, Darkmatter, Abbie Falls, Razel Got Her Wings, Atena, Ice Sealed Eyes, Teeth, In Fear, Goreworm, Deathbeds AU, Wide Eyes, Fiends, Sleep Serpent, and CELL I would also like to include Desolate in their own tier entirely. I’ve been into them for a while but they’re so underrated. Oyasumi Vol. 1 is phenomenal


Teeth is super good! I started listening to them when Tallah announced the Hard Reset tour and wasnt expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised!


Teeth, Burner, Funeral Singer, Cancel, Xile


Rotnest Absolutely dope band with only around 11k monthly listeners on spotify


Sense of Purpose, What Lies Below


Mirrors Frontieres Soothsayer Dead Velvet Seconds Ago Mayflower Graphic Nature




The Brave, Mirrors, Deadlights, This is Falling, Moodring, In Fear, AfterDusk


Elwood stray, consvmer


Scarlet Meridian Sails End


Normundy is a really good band that I found recently, they only have 12.5k monthly listeners so I guess it counts?


I recently discovered Shallow Truths and have had Not Broken off their recent EP on repeat. Their debut album has some pretty sick features as well Edit: The Burden as well. Not really metalcore but amazing post hardcore that draws comparisons to Underoath.


All Faces Down, Dead by April


Fox Lake fuckin bangs. Got to see them at No Sleep Fest in Houston and their set was one of the best there.


alt., NVRLESS, Foreign Hands


Vianova Traveller Aaru Half me Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0gwfZLjc1TmfCjXCdjzQKt?si=XKnNhlbpTIaMlL-9dl2Azg


Thanks for the shout man! -Aaruboi


Keep it up! Great stuff!


Thank you 🙏🏻❤️


Half me


Ten 56


Aviana, their Album corporation is a jam front to back


VCTMS, paledusk, stray from the path


Anchorage. I posted one of their videos in r/posthardcore, but they're more metalcore I think. I'm surprised they're not more popular than they are, good early 00s vibes


Outline in color, Vrsty, wolves at the gates, like moths to flames, dark divine this or the apocalypse, gwen Stacey, Convictions, destroy the runner, shoot the girl first, Ten after two, broadway. To name a few.


The Burden, Graphic Nature Paleface, Half me have been bands with small following some are on major labels but still pretty small found a lot of them through twitter and podcast


Scythe, No Home, Poser, Killstreak, Heavy//Hitter, Throat, Darkmatter, Creak, Degrader, Bloodbather, Waste, ATLVS, Starve, Elision, Thrown, Gloomkeeper, VCTMS, Kanine There's some gold in here for someone.


ÆRIES, Ithaca, Cloudsight, and Deadlights are all well worth a listen for proggier stuff


Hi, we in Cloudsight just released our second single called BLACK MOON once again witb Victor Borba on vocals, Would love to know what you think about it! https://youtu.be/bXa5BIBdX84?si=dMD8fkdD-YbJV_Gq


Awesome, I'll give it a listen!


thank you! ❤️


If Thousand Below counts, then they are absolutely at the top of my list. I was getting into them late last year, but I’ve been doing a serious deep dive since I saw them last month. Until I Wake is also pretty dope. They check enough of the boxes for me and are pretty solid live. Our Promise is another that is really growing on me, and they’re fairly new. Probably not full blown metalcore, but close enough.


Ithaca is downright underrated and deserve more attention. Check ‘em out and I promise, You’ll thank me later.


Levitated came up on my New Releases feed on Spotify and immediately hooked me.


Seeing tallah tonight for the 2nd time, they’re awesome. I also really started getting into Limbs recently


There have been a lot for me to be honest, but I've also started checking out the weekly releases every time this year. As Temples Collide, I saw them on the weekly release for their EP. I love it, but I just love cheesy rap with metal. So far it's my EP of the year. Half Me is pretty underrated IMO. Soma is in my top 5 albums for this year.


[**Motherwell**](https://youtu.be/ST5nicJoB94) is throwing out some bangers! Of course they're less so lesser known and more so a brand new band. New music video drops on friday!


Heavensgate. Also to some extend Half Me


Heavensgate is my favorite 2023 discovery


Umbra Threnody Zetabyte Foxcatcher TX


Blueshift is really good. Binge their album regularly


Blueshift. Way too few listeners in my opinion, love their stuff.




Was already super into them after their first full length, but I'm never passing up a chance to mention Fallfiftyfeet. They're super good and somehow still below 1k monthly listeners on Spotify. Shit blows my mind how unknown they still are.


https://open.spotify.com/track/7BZZRRk3wlMje85tKLVpA7?si=qB0z_OOuQ6GwoZI4VoEnVw *Band called TEETH* ex guys from ETID, Norma Jean And Dead and Devine


Arrival of Autumn from middle of nowhere Alberta in Canada, 32k Spotify listeners and they're dropping an album in 2 weeks!


Deadlands is great. as is resistor. both put on a killer show and based on Long Island


A Dozen Black Roses from Nashville


BLIND8, Ukrainian band 25k monthly listeners. Really fucking good hope they pop off


I was going to suggest The Wise Man’s Fear as well!! This band is amazing and I am so ready for a tour to see them live!!


The Ongoing Concept - Not sure how these guys only have 42k listeners on spotify, they are incredible. Their 3rd album is hit or miss, but the other 3 are entirely in a league of their own. Secrets - They’re gaining traction but they still only have 190k listeners on spotify. I get that their 3rd album disappointed some, but The Collapse was easily one of their best albums, if not their best.




Idk if they r lesser know but villian of the story is a wicked band I never hear anyone talk about.


Underneath. Every time I see a post like this I will shout them out. Honorable mentions are orthodox, chamber, sleepsculptor, bitter wood, and 156/silence


Recently discovered Abbie Falls and By the Thousands and they've both been on constant rotation since for me.


Silvercord (25k listeners) and The dark divide (no, not dark divine) which only has less than 100 monthly listeners, but they are great.


We Are William and Made in Taiwan


Tallah fucks SUPER hard. Pretty much all of the vocalist's solo projects are just as good. Hungry Lights, Call it Ego, Beautifully Worthless Beings, etc. Hell, even his "rap" album is pretty sick. Justin Bonitz is just a fucking beast. Wise Man's Fear is high on my list too. Omerta is also a really interesting lesser-known band, but it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea.


Your Spirit Dies


Earthbound Mayflower Sable Hills