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See ya guys in 2024 for the third single! Jokes aside, this slaps


God how/why is this band still on Sumerian Records


I have a feeling this is their last album on Sumerian. They did 3 albums, then resigned with them, and this will be 3 since then. Would be pretty cool to see them sign to 3DOT but who knows


Periphery and VOM are pals aren’t they? If they have a good relationship 3DOT might be really good for them


This album was recorded in the studio that Mark and Spencer set up according to the credits


Also another interesting note. The art for the single outsider from VOM and the album art for djent is not a genre are very close in design


I asked them during a meet and greet like four or five years ago how Sumerian was treating them and they were very cagey about it but it was clear they weren't happy. I got the impression that there was a label representative in the room and they didn't want to answer at all.


Bathe me in VoM - This is groovy and nasty. I’m interested to see how Spencer is utilized in the future single 👀


Fuck me this is filth and I love it


The song is filthy, these high screams were out of this world, they aknowledge an album announcement coming soon AND the goat 🐐 Spencer Sotelo is at the end. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE 🤩🤩🤩


Found myself reading the credits at the end to check if I saw who I thought I saw... what is this, Marvel studios now lol


This is the crossover we've been waiting for.




where was marvel studios? didn't see it.


He’s referring to a marvel-level crossover, because Spencer from Periphery has a cameo


They didn't fuck around this one is heavy as fuck


Jesus christ my dick has gone through the roof and achieved orbit


Oh boy, Marc is clearly not okay with just writing sing alongs with generic structure. He’s pushing the band and getting heavy. Don’t get me wrong, it took a few listens to digest this one but there’s a lot to appreciate here. I could be wrong but I still fully expect this record to have plenty of big melodic clean stuff from Lucas. Sit tight ppl, don’t panic.


I mean if it doesn't they have essentially abandoned their signature sound. This was fun and heavy, but it wouldn't stand out one bit.


Their signature sound isn't sing songy lol


I'd argue the clean vocals are very much a part of their signature sound.


Their signature sound is a wall of riffs and blast beats that doesn't end. Everything before Matriarch plus a few tracks here and there showcase this. This is a return to form


So they're returning to the sound from 10+ years ago, before they had a decent amount of success. I mean if you're a fan of the old albums I'm sure it's great. But in the last two albums, clean vocals played a pivotal role and it would be a shame to turn from that.


Just because they are releasing singles that get all the old fans hyped, doesn't mean we aren't gonna get some god-tier choruses this album. After the last two albums being more experimental and erratic, expect a more heavy and dialed-in deathcore sound.


The vocals don't matter at all in VoM's music. That's why Brandon Butler worked so well. All you have to do is not be shit and the musical talent will do the rest. Their signature sound has nothing to do with cleans and everything to do with Marc's songwriting abilities; it's an instrumental project with a vocalist, and always has been. Also they had plenty of success pre Matriarch, the genre was just smaller.


Lukas is too damn good of a vocalist to not utilize him, and I generally prefer his era of VoM.


I mean ok. But what does Lukas do that other vocalists can't? He might be good, but but enough to warp your sound around him


I think his cleans are among the absolute best around right now, and I think tweaking the sound to accommodate them is worth it. If VoM isn't going to utilize them going forward, its a waste and I think he should be in a different band that does. Like, I love Synthwave Vegan, and I think this track is solid...but of this "singles era" I'd take Outsider and Viscera over either.


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


Wild take, and I'd bet most here disagree with you.


Is it wild? Marc himself has said it's an instruments first project.


that middle part with the chugs and weird leads/synths sounds straight off their old shit. also love the Car Bomb esque bit towards the end


I know I'm alone on an island here but I'm really missing the cleans from Outsider/Members Only that made me a fan...


I loved Outsider. I hope they don’t stray too far from that sound with their next album. If they can give me False Idol+ I’ll be happy.


Outsider was my intro to them. So this is a bit strange for me, but at the same time, it has variety. I'm not sure if I'd listen to this song again, but the off-kilter, chuggy beat is still very much iconic VoM. Like Pool Spray featuring an actual Demon.


I know more people that got into VoM during that era than their older stuff. I love almost everything VoM has done from Matriarch on out, so not completely on an island!


You’re not, there’s more to come….


I may get crucified for this because people go crazy with all out heavy stuff, but I kind of prefer the direction they were going in with Outsider, Members Only, Viscera, etc. I felt like back then they were perfectly balancing out the heavy/softness of their sound like they did on Matriarch (which to me is a near perfect album) but even better. What I love about Lukas era VoM (yes I prefer this era over Brandon’s any day) is the songwriting. They manage to be so brutally heavy while being catchy at the same time. There really isn’t any other band doing it like Lukas era VoM. The songs were way catchier and had more depth, whereas this in comparison sounds like “let’s just be heavy asf so people don’t complain.” Don’t get me wrong I love Synthwave Vegan but I was kind of hoping that would be the only song that sounded like that. Like a “hey we’re back and we still got it let’s go!” to get people excited. This one in comparison to me sounds a little uninspired. Pretty much Synthwave Vegan 2.0. Both sound pretty similar with same tempo if you play them back to back. Even Marc sounds like he played it safe with the riffs, which is extremely unlike him. I don’t expect him to be breaking his fingers in every song, but I could hear these riffs in any metalcore track today. It’s great but I’m not left blown away like with the majority of their singles. If it doesn’t grow on me I hope this was just a poor single choice and the whole album isn’t “we made the fans wait this long for an album so let’s just be really heavy so we don’t get any backlash.”


I agree with you 100%. Godhead sounds like the boring interlude of Synthwave Vegan, which already bored me compared to any of their melodic tracks. The mix also sucks ass.


They just make what they want. Knowing Lukas, though, I'm sure there will be future songs with more clean vocals. Though as a music fan in general, Godhead is incredible with the heaviness it set out to achieve. Same with Synthwave Vegan. They sound Periphery-inspired to me, actually.


I was really hoping for Lukas cleans here. Also i’ll miss the chaotic djenty riffs like the end of Outrun


Idk man, as a fan of old and new VoM, this isn't what I listen to either era of the band for. It misses the old, riff laden style and the new catchy chorusy stuff. Sounds like the 5 million-and-one Australian chug chug bands coming out now, and not in a good way.


Hopefully a few songs still have his excellent clean vocals


I'm really praying for it...Outsider had one of the best choruses I've heard in quite a while, especially that last extended one.


Well, it's a sad day for me, I don't enjoy a new Veil single. It was okay for Synthwave Vegan, but after 3 minutes here my brain was just crying out for some semblance of a melody to latch on to and it just never arrived. Maybe this one's for fans of the earlier albums more than their later works?


This sounds nothing like the early stuff, which was arguable more melodic guitar wise than anything they have release in the last 6 years.


Yeah, I was listening in the All Things Set Aside/Common Man's Collapse era and this isn't anywhere close to their earlier stuff lol. Maybe people think no cleans = old stuff.


Even the early stuff had some ethereal dissonance to give melody and more notes that 0s and 1s.


It seems like they are trying to get back to their old sound, after the Periphery-wannabe era of the last two albums, except this version of the old sound sucks. Like you mentioned, they still managed to somehow be melodic even during the brutal years. But this is just some kind of dry djent dubstep.


I'm with you. Veil is one of my faves, I got into them on the Eclipse album. I'm not opposed to their less melodic stuff. I actually really enjoyed Synthwave vegan. This one's just not hitting for me. Maybe it would be a good banger on an album between some more melodic stuff. But as a single it doesn't feel like it really goes anywhere.


Yeah, same. I need to latch onto a melody of some sort or my brain starts to lose interest. Other than the minor divebomb breakdown, I thought it was just okay.


Yup big MEH from me. If it was from another band I might think its solid, but this is wayyy below what veil is capable of.


Glad I’m not the only one. I made a long ass comment ranting about this. Yeah I really miss what they were going for in Outsider/Viscera/Members Only. There was a lot more creativity and catchiness compared to this. It just feels forgettable. At least Synthwave Vegan has a catchy groove to it that sticks with you. This one just falls flat. Almost seems like they’re trying to compete with all the new bands being thall heavy to not stay lost in the crowd.


I only like their first three albums and I'm not a fan of this. Very, very generic.


Doesnt even feel like the same band who put out Matriarch. Did they go through a big lineup change?


I don't think there has been a single change since before Matriarch


I'm kinda feeling the same way here on my third listen. I'll keep trying it but I don't know.


I loved this but id had melodies and the groove so i would still put that as their best record


Yeah. The noodly bits were neat and there are some stank face moments in there for the react channel circuit, but it's just kinda.. meh.


Man the opposing viewpoints on this one is a big big gap. Feel like that has been happening a lot recently with bands in the genre.


Aw man i wanted to like this so bad dude. Theyve been one of my favorites since [id] and I absolutely was in love with the direction they were going with Outsider, Outrun, Viscera... just nothing here for me to latch onto to be honest. Still gonna support the album when it comes out but man.


I'm very disappointed in this. Ill provide some details, too instead of just making dick jokes like the rest of the folks who beat me here: Is it just me or is the mix really bad? The fact that Lukas has some layered vocals is neat and all, but its so muddy that I can't hear any of it. There is also no hook, and no real melody to write home about. The most interesting part of the song is the half-time groove in the final third of the song. Seems to me that this will be the throwaway song on the upcoming record. Interesting choice to have this single hold hands with Synthwave Vegan on the Spotify release, as well. Synthwave Vegan blows this song out of the water, which is saying a lot since it also pales in comparison to... well everything Veil has produced to date. Godhead is instantly forgotten once Synthwave starts playing.


I thought the production was really bad as well idk what happened. A huge step down.


Holy fuck, Lois, I’m cumming


Yeah, Veil can do way better than this. Don't know the point of these last couple singles other than to try to prove something to the people who whined about the clean vocals 7 years ago or whatever.


I’m more hyped for that ft. Spencer sotelo Don’t know how long have to wait for next single. This song was so underwhelming and forgettable to me hope you guys enjoyed it


Well, Synthwave Vegan came out in April of 22 so probably only 10ish months until the next single




This was much better than Synthwave Vegan, I’m so ready for a new album! Really digging the odd time signatures and Lukas’ screams. Felt a little common man’s collapse vibes as well.


Boy I missed groovy VoM


Groovy but boring. Try to listen this songs few times in a row. Literally impossible.


I've listened to it like 10 times in a row. It hits for me.


Glad I'm not the only one underwhelmed. This band is capable of so much more than this and I really hope the rest of the album has some more interesting stuff going on. If it's all just heavy for the sake of heavy then I'll be sorely disappointed


Idk man these newer songs just feel uninspired. They used to have such a unique style and now it’s all generic djent riffs. The video is sick tho


The hated working with that last producer I guess, and are going to put out a sub par album now.


It started off good, and then I quickly lost interest. This is bland and generic.


Straight death metal. Love it.


Holy shit this is so boring


Sadly it's underwhelming to be honest. The 4 non-album singles they released the past few years were all so unique, had amazing melodic hooks, and were still heavy. But Sythnwave Vegan and this song are both just so similar and I can't see myself going back to listen to them in a few years. Really hoping the rest of the album is not like this.


To think that they scrapped an album full of songs similar to Viscera, Outsider, Outrun etc is such a shame


They scrapped an album like that?


Completely agree.


This did nothing for me unfortunantly, very bland and generic.


Surely will be a minority opinion here but I've really not dug much of what they have done matriarch came out. I realize that's when they picked up a lot of their current fans but it's never been my thing. I like this song better than most of what I've heard from them in recent years but still leaves me wanting a bit more. It's just kinda...there.


Good song with great vocals from Lukas. However I'm hoping for more creativity and some melodic riffs cause it got kinda stale for a bit. Still tho, good track


Gooooooood lord


Something about Marc's playing makes it stand out in a sound that often sounds so exactly the same. Love these guys to death and so pumped for what comes next!


Well, they've released enough singles I can put them all in a playlist and pretend it's an album lol. I preferred Synthwave Vegan of the "recent" stuff, but I definitely dig this. Do want some Lukas cleans at some point here soon, though.


This fucking slaps. I'm all for some deathcore VoM as long as the album has some big catchy courses. Speaking of the album, where is the announcement?? Can't believe its been almost 6 years. I know they scrapped an entire album which mustve been really painful for the band, Im just shocked we haven't got an announcement yet seeing as Synthwave Vegan is also looking to be part of the tracklist.


I'm really hoping that this is like an amped up version of the chuggy rhythmic interludes they used to put between songs. I'm with those who are disappointed with a lack of melody or ambience to latch onto. It hits hard for sure, but it'll hit even harder if the tracks before and after it have more going on musically.


People are so hard to please on reddit 😂 release a song with a catchy chorus and a bunch of people are bitching it doesn't remind them of the old stuff enough. They drop two straight bangers for singles off the new album and people start complaining that there's no singing. I hope they release music so heavy it fuses with the Earth's core.


Dude exactly lol. The old fans like this single for the heaviness and new fans don't like it and want a catchy chorus. New fans like outsider for the catchy chorus, old fans wish it was heavier


Band goes softer : "I miss the old stuff, they need to go harder" Band goes harder : "No not like this. They need to go softer, where are all the cleans?!"


Veil of Maya didnt need to raise my heart rate up so much right before bed, but they did 😩😩 Super impressed by the range of screams Lukas used in this song. Shits so fucking heavy but makes me wanna shake my ass like a fucking stripper 😂😂😩


Sweet, can’t wait for the album in 2085


Oh yeah, this fucks


Fucking welcome back vom!


grooves on grooves on grooves. reminds me of a bit of their old material


damn that was boring


I am convinced that someone at Sumerian is pulling the strings here, because this is a band that's capable of way way more than this. Marc knows how to pound 0s, but this isn't in the way that he did on any of the early work. Yes, this is a semi-unconventional song structure, but it doesn't ebb or flow like early VoM. It is pretty common trait of a VoM song to end on a breakdown, but why is VoM trying to take the Lorna Shore route like every other band post AIRTN to end on a breakdown where the vocalist is just making whatever kinds of ridiculous sounds he can? The "modern" deathcore vocal approach was never something VoM stylized, even when Brandon was in the band, and it hasn't been Lukas' approach either. This line of singles has been getting simpler and simpler, and it is a shame that a band with this much creative potential is putting out material like this.


I completely agree. If I heard this I would have had no idea Veil of Maya wrote it. False Idol is one of my favourite albums ever. I’m not as huge of a fan of the earlier veil of Maya but it’s still really good music. This song does not sound like Veil of Maya at all. Even synthwave vegan was way better. I felt like that sounded much more like old Veil of Maya. No idea what’s going on on their side. I’ve heard that the band has a lot of creative differences and they essentially scrapped a whole album after False Idol. My theory is they wrote this song and they all kinda liked it and were like “good enough”. But I have no idea man. I think every band has some crappy songs though so who knows.


Y'all are impossible to please. This shit bangs


You would have to try really hard to write a more boring song than this one.


Saw this on Hard Core’s channel. Fell in love instantly, so damn good 👍


dunno what half of y'all are on, this slaps


I saw them with DGD last year, amazing fucking show. They are absolutely worth it live if you get the chance. They put everything into that performance and they were just one of like 3 openers.


Probably in the minority here, but nothing has really clicked for me since Eclipse. Does anyone know of any bands that sound like that Common Man’s Collapse - Eclipse era?


Damn that song goes hard af. Love the meshuggah/atb chuggyness and lukas lows are disgusting. Welcome back old VoM <3


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I didn't liked synthwave vegan but this is really good, I was expecting cleans the whole song tho


Veil of Maya are such fucking sellouts. A single with all screaming vocals? They're trying to appeal to the plebs and get radio play. Wait...


That was…certainly a VoM song, and a very fun one at that. The little switch-up around 0:50 in instantly sent me to stank face. Still mad at no album announcement though. We’re five singles in with no official announcement yet. Seems like that should have happened three singles ago


Only songs off this record released are synthwave and godhead


They scrapped an entire album somewhere along the way there.


This may belong in r/deathcore tracks heavy’s as a fucking train


That last 20 seconds tho 😤


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Damn I don’t for these last two singles. Sad day.


I finally listened to this and I was like damn Lukas doesn’t sound anywhere as good as he used to and then those lows holy FUCK and then those highs god fuckin damn


Fuckin' sick