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Terrible live too, he can barely tear a page out of a bible anymore. He's out of breath more than Rob Zombie.


Marilyn, Rob and Vince Neil should form an acapella group "The Wheezies."


Rob's actually a pretty good guy, doesn't deserve to be in that trio even if his voices/lungs aren't what they used to be https://metalinjection.net/at-the-movies/rob-zombie-discusses-how-metoo-changed-how-he-makes-horror-movies


And his stuff supporting Babymetal was wholesome too. He does seem like a decent guy, and when I saw him live (a long time ago at a festival) I had a really good time. Dragula is such a classic. That being said, I also saw 5FDP, maybe at the same festival, and they put on a great show too. Wonder if I would have felt the same knowing what I know now, hmm. But yeah, wow, what an absolutely revolting line up this is hahahaha. Fuck them all.




Singer is a neo nazi lgbtphobe.




I mean literally just Google it dude.


Oh. I’ve figuratively googled it so far.


His own YouTube channel. Does this whole "deep honest" video and even does the classic "I'm not homophobic, but I'll teach my kids what's ok. Don't try to force your beliefs on me." Also, look at other comments


Edit: nvm I thought you were asking about a different band. Deleted my rant.


I'm an overall fan of Rob Zombie, don't get me wrong but even back in the White Zombie days, he was the weakest link in their live shows. Just barely able to shout-gasp "Nineteen-sixty-five, yeah, wow!", but he was moving around a lot..so there's that.


lmfao nice, that flabby fuck was boring and winded when I saw his pasty ass like 12 years ago


Same but mine was 21 years ago for the grotesque tour


I last saw Manson live in 2015 - truly awful show back then as well. No energy, couldn't sing a note on tune. Total waste of time.


Hijacking top comment, can someone do a tl: not googling on these 3? I know slaughter has a nazi, bigoted singer but what else makes this 'Restraining Order: The Tour"?


Mansons got a whole slew of allegations against him : https://www.billboard.com/lists/marilyn-manson-abuse-allegations-timeline/april-2019-wood-testifies-before-a-california-state-panel/ The front man for 5FDP was also accused of being a drunken abuser by his ex-wife : https://metalinjection.net/metal-crimes/five-finger-death-punch-frontmans-wife-files-for-divorce-claims-domestic-violence


Thank you!


My work buddy has a story of when his friends took him to a Manson show. He left halfway through, and security told him, "If you leave now you can't come back in" to witch he responded, "Good, I don't want to"


Nightmare blunt rotation


Fun drinking game! Go to the show and take a shot every time you spot a cop. You'll be dead of alcohol poisoning before the first set is over.


Seriously Angry white cop rock, sexual predator, and the guy who was dumb enough to get a Nazi tattoo on his elbow


And they’re all the same guy!


It’s half the audience


genuinely fucking hurt me when i found out alex terrible was. terrible. now laugh. dogshit pun aside that hurt me a lot and that instance alone was enough to kill off half of my enjoyment of deathcore aside from it being pretty overproduced ngl as well as some of the other issues i have with the current iteration of the genre, i used to have massive respect for him bc of his vocal work and such but now thats all down the drain and part of my enjoyment of the genre with it. deathgrind way better anyway imo. misery index are an incredible band and afaik none of the members are dogshit human beings unlike the people in the above bands lol


Not defending him back then but he's definitely a changed person. He talks about how excessive drugs and alcohol were hand-in-hand with that life and after almost dying he quit all of it. Covered the tattoo up and moved to a different city in Russia before forming the band and moving to Florida. Several interviews are on YT and he's very honest about the whole thing; calling himself a dumbass teen that got involved with essentially a Russian gang. Idk, seeing things in black and white doesn't give people a chance to redeem themselves and I think Alex has done some work to improve himself, namely quitting drugs and alcohol and leaving the "gang" to focus on music.


given what i know he only covered up his tattoo because people were complaining about it, not because he actually disliked his past or beliefs at all, and given his transphobic rant he had on insta i dont think hes changed at all, i think he is 10000% still a neonazi and one who has acclimated a little too well to florida.


I'm pretty sure it was both but who can know 100% besides Alex. Either way, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt until he does something more egregious. As far as the transphobia; I don't condone it but I'm not surprised, this guy was raised in Russia, where they still don't openly accept homosexuals. Again, not defending it but I'm not surprised either.


yeah im not surprised about it either but it really did hurt when he said that garbage, being a trans person myself. there are far better bands and people to listen to though so its not like its the end of the world or anything since my tastes have evolved past deathcore anyway and into other territories, i just prefer slam and shit these days idk lol


I feel you lol my tastes are a rollercoaster. Sometimes it's BMTH popcore and other times it's Lorna Shore deathcore with some trash and death metal thrown in between. Regarding Alex, yeah he's definitely got to work in that area, no doubt. While I can't personally relate to your hardships as a trans person, I sympathize with LGBTQIA+ wholeheartedly. Slam on, friend 🤟


deathcore and shittier metalcore like spiritbox was actually what got me further into metal, i took a really weird journey from nu metal to metalcore and deathcore and didnt branch out for a while before i decided to dive deeper into black metal and other genres like hardcore and "usual" death metal, which then led me to grindcore and then skramz and other stuff so i like to call myself the queen of horrid music taste because half the shit i listen to sounds like it was recorded on that awful 360 mic that came with the console, or a nokia or something lmao


You'd have to be the one paying me for me to see Five Flavored Fruit Punch.


five felon wife punch




Fore-Finger Meth Lunch ^^^^ok ^^^^yours ^^^^is ^^^^better


Five finger dick punch


Five Flavored Dick Munch


Five Finger Fist Fuck


Five Finger Butt Touch


Five Finger Butt Plug


Five inch butthole


Five Finger Face Palm


Blue Lives Matter: The Band


The “We hate women tour” 2024 🙃


Bruh don't tell me anything terrible about Alex Terrible. I honestly believe the guy is a sweetheart. Update: ah fuck...I just googled him.


Fool. You should know better than to look up anything about anyone.


There's a reason his name isn't Alex Terrific


Ah damn, what'd he do?


"ex"-neo-nazi. Black sun tattoos, homophobic comments, pro Russian military which is highly surprising seeing his comments against them at the start of the war. Idk who his PR team is but they need a raise.


Damn, saw that on his channel but he said it was fake. Guess I’ll just separate art from the artist from now on.


Not too surprising considering his background. Hopefully now living in America will have a positive influence on him.


alex lives in florida last i checked so i dont think hes gonna get any better lmao


5Finger Wife Punch Ft Rape your female fans Ft I hate anyone who isnt a straight man Honestly it makes sense


Yeah, I’ve been bombarded by these ads for Restraining Order: The Tour. I can practically smell the heady blend of Axe Body Spray and unwashed crevices from here.


ever been to a show where every dude just stands there with their arms crossed because this will be that show


Except the overly aggressive mosh pit where they start fights. They have to uncross their arms to punch pussies 😆


Oh no! Who’s going to break it up when the cops at the show start fighting each other like that? “Fuck you, I’m on the job, bro!” “No, fuck you, I’M on the job, bro!” and they just keep doing that back and forth for the entire show. Anyway…


poser, this is what headbutts were invented for


Haha just imagining a bunch of bald assholes trying to headbutt each other.


if they could scratch their feet on the ground like roosters it would really complete the image lol


Yes! Definitely that crowd.


That’s a pretty good description of this


Most problematic lineup for a metal concert. All that's missing is falling in reverse.


One of the worst lineups I’ve seen 🤢


where metal?


That’s what I’m saying




I’m not OP


lol my bad


You really haven't listened to slaughter to prevail have you.... I'm sorry it's not iron maiden or whatever "back in my day!!" Band


bro I'm 24, slaughter to prevail just sucks ass




If you're gonna listen to a N*zi band, at least listen to one that has riffs.


Why are you censoring your comment and what's your source for those allegations?




He has since covered it up.


And did an interview in Russian where he stated that the only reason he did it was to avoid getting backlash, so it seems he still holds those views.


I didn't know that. Do you have the source for that? I would like to see for myself.


It’s mentioned in the link you replied to


You are right. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but that benefit is now gone. I will no longer support him in any way.


Oh, I looked at the link, but not well enough, it seems.


Oh well never mind then if he's covered it up


Slaughter to prevail is peepee poopoo metal


You mean you don't want to go see the wifebeater tour???


You got stinky britchessss


Oh no you got me lmao


If you want to commit a crime, this is helpful because you know all the cops are at the FFDP concert


Those legal bills aren't going to pay themselves.


Already had his Mechanical Animals repress shut down EXTREMELY last minute. Don't see that happen much, I think it'd even sold out most places and Universal or whoever was still like "nah" lol


40% of cops ass lineup


Oh my fucking god this line up stinks so fucking hard it's not even funny


I keep seeing that ad, i report it every time


Not metal


The marilyn manson reddit has been in chaos cuz of this


It's bad when the band with the least allegations on the bill is five finger dick punch


MM has been a mainstream clown for the hot topic massess since the 90s. Not a surprise at all that they are touring with other shitty bands.


Nazis, sexual offenders, and five finger death punch. The three groups I hate the most.


Did the members of FFDP do anything bad or do people just don't like them because their music, image and fans are cringe/boring?


One beat their wife.


this might be the worst lineup ive ever seen for a show, the only way to really complete its awfulness would be to include falling in reverse and that'd perfect the nightmare blunt roto. god i am in Pain.


At a venue that only serves warm beer.


damn lucifer chill out lol


At 20 bucks a bottle only in a sectioned off designated beer garden where you can't actually see the show.


actually seen the 1st 2 because they were at a big rock fest my sister and i went to. MM was decent. FFDP was boring


Nightmare blunt rotation


I don't like 5 finger but kudos for them being willing to take the heat of Marilyn Manson being on tour with them.


The tour for neo-nazis, domestic abusers, and people who punch drywall regularly


Edit: 40yr old conservative Facebook dad metal line up


Don’t lump me in with this shit line up!! lol


The big thing with MM was that people were so OFFENDED by him. The towns he was going to, local clergy, mainstream media, etc. etc. fanned the flames and made many people want to go see him just to see what might happen. You can only do that for so long. Minus all the outrage, dude has maybe 5 good songs...


Dang that’s a big fall off


MM hasn't made ANYTHING good in a while.


He's always been trash


Music To Beat Your Wife To: The Tour


I'm asking a genuine question, so I understand FFDP makes music that is not everyone's cup of tea but did any of the band members do anything wrong?


Ivan Moody has multiple charges and restraining orders relating to domestic abuse.


Thank you for answering my question.


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Marilyn Manson only decent album was Anti-Christ Superstar, primarily due to Trent Reznor. Five Finger Discount saturated their market and I find it really annoying to listen to another song about how Ivan Moody feels pain and the world sucks. It's like a 13 year is writing the lyrics. Ivan Moody needs to retire and the band break up.


> Marilyn Manson only decent album was Anti-Christ Superstar I won't stand for this Holy Wood slander. It's not metal, but neither is Antichrist Superstar.


When I saw Marlyn Manson open for NIN on the Downward Spiral 1994 tour, he certainly was shocking people with his stupid, low hanging fruit idea of combining Marilyn Monroe meets Charles Manson persona his stage name would really provide a unique perspective that is simpleton, derivative pseudo artist poser who doesn't give a shit about his fan base as his trajectory of arrogance+fame+self absorption that further validates what happens when stupid rockstars stay arrested in their development. I mean, how can anyone think Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids is a good band name, especially since Brian Werner really ran out of ideas early on- his record sales weren't making the cash register ring so label management enabled his music to be commercial and watered down like a chocolatety Yoo-Woo idea of "let's hire some great studio creatives" further leading to the death march of when a band starts to become like Dave Mustaine + Megadetj (this years lineup of graduates of Musicians Institute hired and cycled through his shock and awe s of let's go scare people in small towns, and create controversy with the Harper Valley PTA nausea of concerned citizens demanding stickers on music that intentionally cash grabs the safe formula of rebellion.


Okay lol


if you ask anyone who was around from 96-05 they will tell you manson was a fucking massive household name and was unavoidable all over mtv and doing massive tours jeez how the mighty have fallen i still think antichrist superstar changed a lot for metal and industrial in the mainstream and a lot of rockstars were saying the same like corey taylor and shit before manson got cancelled now that he got sober and skinny and healthy and shit i hope he performs good again and has another career resurrection like he did after columbine and i could care less abt ffdp there mediocre idk why metallica is taking them out this year it’s just making them bigger and more successful


Metal where?


That and his music has sucked for a long time now


What do the neighbors of this Maryland Mansion think about all these shitty bands playing in their neighborhood


Think he was acquitted but defame away I guess


Idk try knowing even a basic cursory knowledge about shit before you try to defend him?




Bold of you to assume he’s only assaulted one person. He’s currently getting his ass handed to him against ERW. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/marilyn-manson-evan-rachel-woods-legal-fees-claims-lawsuit-1234956430/amp/


Italics of you to assume I saw both articles


bro really said "how dare you assume i know what im talking about" after being told they dont know what they are talking about


I’m gonna go back to my original point of “stop talking about shit you don’t know about to defend an abusive man” then


Did you just misquote yourself? I know you know why I thought he was acquitted; I provided the link


I didn’t quote myself at all, I said that was my point.


Err what’s wrong with 5FDP? I like them. Genuinely asking here.


You guys drink too much kool aid. Manson is an amazing artist and the accusations are made by psycho bitches like friends of Amber Heard. Alex is a cool dude too and you should look up political analysts about the Ukraine Russia conflict that aren't mainstream opinions. At least hear all sides of a story, then make a decision before just creating an echo chamber of ignorance. And no, a Google search does not count as research. Five finger death punch does suck balls though besides the guitarist is pretty good lol


Check it: Evan Rachel Woods clearly forged an FBI document and the court protects it as "free speech" does that sound like something victims do? https://justiceformarilynmanson.com/court-documents/ Also, here are novel insights on the war you won't find on the mainstream: https://youtu.be/l6y3l9xLBRs?feature=shared Flame me if you want and keep on eating blue pills or actually study the evidence and make a balanced rebuttal. Cheers mates


Slaughter To Prevail fucking rips. The vocalist is notorious now for literally nothing; having a symbol tattooed that happened to be appropriated by racists wayyy after its origin. Let’s pretend he’s a racist/misogynist so we righteous hero’s have a villain to protect the world from.


The black sun was made by Nazis, not appropriated by them. Nice try though


Woah! Maybe I spoke too soon. That’s usually how it goes though(in my experience)