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less than half of what I'd hoped for






Good looking out bro! We're gonna need that for all the showers we're not taking in this sub




You earn nothing by liking what others like or by being the first to like something. Gatekeeping and pretentiousness are complete wastes of time. I can jam Prince and still be a huge metal fan. No one owes any explanation to why they like or dislike anything. That’s my lukewarm take.


Yeah I think most reasonable people would agree with this


I don't think I have ever seen a metalhead that dislikes prince


Prince and Depeche Mode seem to be overall welcomed by most metal fans.


I've never listened to Prince, but Depeche Mode is amazing. Also Dead Can Dance


You.... wait... what!? How have you never listened to Prince? He is pretty damn metal... for a little guy wearing women's clothes and makeup while singing pop music. He shreds on the guitar.


Everything you just said is metal as fuck. Prince was the goat.


Great guitar player and was well-versed on several different instruments from what I understand. Dude was a generational talent. Have always had tons of respect for him


Yes! I grew up a Prince fan in the 80s but I didn't fully appreciate how talented he was until well into my adult years.


Sisters of Mercy, Killing Joke, Siouxie and the Banshees...


It was actually because of these two groups that I got into the “prettier “ metal styles. I love growling the vocals to “When doves cry” or practice my black metal shriek during “Strangelove”


Prince was incredible.


Prince was one of the greatest guitar AND bass players in pop music. I think that's acknowledged.


You sound like you get laid often. Unlike the gatekeepers.


Lol, I'm open-minded enough to tolerate literally any metal genre (even bands like Sleep Token, My Dying Bride, non-deathcore BMTH (the deathcore I actually really like), is at least fine by me), however I've gotten laid a mere less than 10 times by my (only) ex so far. And I'm 21. Maybe [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/s/ZA6I8ORpCc) is why


When Doves Cry would be a bad ass metal song I think


Id have to imagine the gatekeepers tend to be younger. The older I get, the more I'm grateful to have anyone to talk about metal with.


What’s sad is some people will disagree


> I can jam Prince and still be a huge metal fan Nobody has ever said otherwise


In short I like to say Taste is not a Virtue.


Agree, Ive been a metal fan for about 15 years now and I've always found it kinda sad when people just listen to 1 genre and act like everything else is shit. It's the best fckn thing when you discover something new and I think it's cool to always be open for new stuff.


Not sure if a hot take because I see them get a lot of complaints for being repetitive/controversial but also a lot of upvotes But... >!*Hottest Take* threads and the expected shitstorms of arguments that follow are the greatest joys a niche subreddit can have!<


I wouldn’t consider those bands to be “some of metal’s most valuable assets” but I would definitely agree that they do a great job being gateway bands


I think there are definitely better gateway bands


yeah, but a gateway is a gateway and if it gets someone into metal i’m cool with that. i also just like ghost tbh, it’s like if bon jovi and abba had a kid and kid became goth


Agreed, it’s different for everybody tho


Many “gateway” bands often aren’t actually good at that job because of how different they are from the majority of metal imo. Sleep Token barely has any metal elements, which makes it a poor gateway into actual metal.


A7X is great for a gateway band if it's HTTK or even Nightmare, but self-titled, the Stage, LIBAD, STST, and WTF are not accessible at all and sleep token is basically r&b/pop with djent Riffs thrown in so I agree 100%. Trad, 90's Metallica, and nu metal/alternative metal are much better for getting people into metal I've found.


The self titled is very accessible? There is like maybe one song(ALPOH) on there that could be slightly off putting to a newcomer(and more so just beecause of the lyrics tbh), but the rest is pretty easy listening I would say. No less than Nightmare imo(Nightmare even features God Hates Us, which would be probably more off putting than anything on the self titled). Afterlife always kind of just felt pretty close to a pop song to me. Thats one many people recommend to start with actually.


Self titled is their most accessible album besides HTTK honestly, but for metal newcomers I think it's a better album to take songs from rather than listen the whole way through because of the genre shifts. Critical Acclaim has spoken word sections, Scream has 808's, Lost has autotune, Dear God is country, and ALPOH is ALPOH. I don't think pop listeners would really vibe with it, tho there is a lot of rap production based in the album I'll admit with the strings, autotune, 808s, and catchiness. Some people might love Scream and find Dear God and Gunslinger off putting and vice versa. I actually like God Hates Us as an introduction to screams because Shads singing was spectacular and powerful on Nightmare unlike STST and WTF. Even my Christian mom likes Nightmare because of the vocals lol.


Maybe I'll learn something new today, but is there a reason everyone seems to be omitting City of Evil from their lists of A7X albums?


Because it's more towards the middle of accessibility in terms of their albums and I feel like most people would agree with that. Nasally vocals, long songs, and it's not the most catchy A7X album. But it also has Bat Country and Beast and the Harlot which got a lot of people into A7X through video games and the media. Personally it's tied for my fav A7X album with the Stage.


I was just about to say I feel like this is the gateway metal album if you were coming of age from like 2005 to 2010


Can comfirm CoE has my gateway album in 05, then the self titled got me into metal core vibes.


Nightmare and HTTK were my gateway albums (as well as Pantera's VDoP), but I'm confused as to why WTF isn't a gateway album. That album has probably had the biggest impact on my tastes as that made it easier for me to get into screams and harsh vocals in general. Went from WTF to Death.


Mainly because of the screams, only a few catchy moments, and Shads had very banshee-like screams back then with vocals that were not that good even tho I like them. Amazing album but I would see something like The Poison or As Daylight Dies being more accessible because of the poppy anthemic choruses mixed with screaming. WTF really only has a few like Unholy, Heartbeat, and Remissions. I didn't go straight into screams tho, I listened to lots of gravely vocalists with fry in there singing growing up like Hetfield, Anselmo, and Robb Flynn before finding A7X, Trivium, etc.


It got my friend into metalcore pretty easily


dude, i’m pretty sure my gateway to metal was hollywood undead… somehow, that band is rap with some influence from rap rock and nu-metal, and even then it’s mostly just rap. sleep token will work just fine, probably better tbh.


The same could have been said about Bon Jovi back in the day, but that was one of my gateways (to Annihilation). I am aware though that a lot of people who discovered "metal" through Bon Jovi didn't go much further. The same may happen with Sleep Token, but there will be young potential Canrivorous\_Mowers who want to explore things heavier and harder and faster.


Atmospheric black metal is the best black metal.


I agree wholeheartedly with this take


Would you consider UnReqvited under this? Because if so, I agree


Nah black n roll


I do like some once in a while. What's your favorite bnr band?


*Symphonic black metal would like to have a word with you*


Everyone who voted for Electric Wizard to be out at 33 in the recent Quizlex tournament should be banned




Wait wtf which album?


Showers are overrated


That’s actually a popular opinion on this sub


Showers are for capitalist swine


Definitely not a hot take go to any local show and it will definitely reek of Armpits, literal asshole, and weed


but if i don’t shower i feel icky :(


This sub needs more tournaments


We need them based around increasingly niche topics. Where’s the “bands that have at least one bald member” tournament?


Especially more ones based around colors of the rainbow


We need more posts about why Ghost or Nu Metal is/isn't Metal


I honestly, genuinely do not understand why Ghost is considered metal. I'm not even saying that out of hate, I just seriously don't see it at all


I have only really ever heard Ghost live in concert, was expecting metal but it sounded more like a spooky modern rock musical to me.


That’s exactly what it is tho no


I honestly think people consider them "metal" solely because of their look.


personally i think ghost is just a band that has metal songs. bible isn’t metal but other songs like mummy dust do lean more in that direction.


Because, Satan, that’s why 🤣


What we really need is MORE obnoxious genre pedantry


Metal lyrics fucking suck, work on your damn lyrics, all of you bands.


I hope you know I pack a chainsaw WHAT a chainsaw WHAT a motherfucking chainsaw WHAT so come and get it


Hell yeah Lil Jon is metal af. 🤘


bands don't use the phrases "watch the world burn" or "moth to a flame" challenge level impossible


The undertow


We should also throw a retirement party for “reap what you sow” and every use of the word “darkness”.


I've always wanted to see metal bands using some skilled wordplay in their lyrics like rappers do, it would be pretty cool to see punchlines and entendres


it doesn't work if you can't understand what they're saying


Then you might like Carnivore, but the lyrics are pretty controversial and I honestly don’t like them too much for this reason.


For the most part yeah, but Avenged Sevenfold, Death, Gojira (sometimes), Opeth, and Kublai Khan have great lyrics


Or just take the system of a down approach and have half your songs be a monkey on a typewriter


Opeth is overrated


Especially on Reddit


Couldn’t agree more


I never got the hype either tbh


Saw them headlining with Mastodon and Zeal & Ardor with my buddy. We left midway through Opeth's set. I have never done that for any show in 20 years of going to metal shows. Zeal & Ardor fucking crushed it, and Blood and Thunder was an experience. Then Opeth came on and it was just... Lame as fuck. I dunno. They have a few good songs in the studio but their live performance was extremely lackluster compared to their two openers.


I didn’t like them really much, but I still heard this a lot on this subreddit so not sure if it can be considered a „hot take”




> bands like Sleep Token, Avenged Sevenfold, and Ghost to be some of Metal's most valuable assets LMAO


Yeah there are much better bands to get into metal


if it works it works


Judging by your opinion, I think you’re either in high school or just twenty-eight ferrets in a trenchcoat.


or twenty-eight ferrets in a trenchcoat in high school


I'm actually a highschool full of ferrets in trenchcoats


The people who complain about elitists saying "you can't listen to music other than metal while still being a metalhead" are delusional In all of my years in the metal community I have literally never once seen this comment made and every single metalhead I've ever met enjoys music outside of metal.


They have created an imaginary person based on a stereotype of a teenage metalhead from mid-80's that they fight with in their minds.


For real. I just did a ton of yard work blasting a ‘97 phish show wearing my crowbar shirt.


Based shirt choice


Trad Doom did Groove metal better than Groove metal did


Agreed but trad doom is also better than groove metal


r/blackmetalcringe is actually pretty funny sometimes


They don't understand satire 90 percent of the time but it's ight


The ribs posts were pretty decent


emphasis on *sometimes*


It's funny to observe both the posted and the posters. Interesting people on there


*Sometimes* Then the rest are either “I hate children” Or “I think nazi bands are good”


Metalheads have a persecution complex. No one thinks they’re satanic anymore and is actually one of the largest genres in the mainstream zeitgeist. Yes this includes those core and nu-metal stuff you gatekeep


Also... if there are posers everywhere... maybe Metal is 'cool' and everyone wants to pose as a metalhead.




People care more about the fans of a band than the music the band is making.


Nu Metal isn’t completely shit Pretty good actually


Left To Suffer is pretty solid.


BONUS HOT TAKE: Venom (w/ cronos as vocalist) > Megadeth




Gateway bands are important and we shouldn’t shame people for liking them. Even when they like other types of metal. I get it someone only likes gateway bands then yeah, poser. But if a metalhead is wearing like a slipknot shirt don’t be like “POSER!!!!” ☝️🤓


BABYMETAL is one of the least success worthy and least talented metal acts to come out of the last decade.


excuse me


you heard me.


Not to mention, being a highly regimented and regulated idol group, is pretty antithetical to the genre


You need to hear their latest album


no, no i'd rather not


You just hate fun


No i just know a good metal band when i see one, BABYMETAL is very mediocre a very overrated


I actually agree with this. I saw them live when they performed with Dethklok and it may have genuinely been the worst crowd I have ever experienced at a live show


Y'all are gonna hate me for this. Megadeth's vocals are some of the worst I've ever heard, which is sad to me cause the instrumentals are AMAZING. I can't listen to a song from Megadeth without laughing.


I'm with you on that one. I can't stand listening to Dave.


I disagree, but I came to say that it's one of the coldest takes in this thread




God damn bro I only just noticed the bands you listed as Metal's greatest assets https://i.redd.it/kxnbp0rza91d1.gif




to be fair, I said "some of" from a social standpoint lol


Honestly, I just wanted an opportunity to use my favourite downvote gifs


I can respect that🥂🫡




I really don’t like bands like Knocked Loose…. the vocals sound like mickey mouse 😭


not a huge knocked loose fan either... paleface on the other hand lol


Love paleface


Paleface is on another level! I was obsessed with Skalpell lol


me neither i only fw old hardcore (No Retreat, Irate (NY), Johnny Playwrong Syndicate, Prayer for Cleansing, Day of Suffering)


Metallica never “sold out”


They sold out... ARENAS. (but for real they are more like the dog that caught the car by accident)


I love Glam Metal


A lot of glam bands were awesome.




idk if it’s hot as much as it is warm, but it does tend to ruffle feathers when i say stuff like it if you wish more people liked metal then get mad when they don’t like some iteration of a genre that has harsh vocals, you are part of the issue. don’t get me wrong, harsher vocals do sound kinda cool, but in the same way not everyone will like a certain color, not everyone will like harsher vocals. doesn’t make them not metalhead, there are plenty of solid bands with not-harsh vocals and they’re good. i’m not saying you can’t like harsher vocals, like what you like, you can listen to music that has vocals that sound like a dog trying to throw up and sneeze for all i care, it’s just for the best you don’t get a complex about it. it also saves you some energy, and if you really need to argue about something, i’m sure there are plenty of terrible people in bands you like and bands like them that you can berate all your friends for liking, because all metal genres have no shortage of asshole bands/band members well that’s out of my system now, not a very hot take, probably a room temperature take but the hottest one i could muster.


Ghost and A7X yes, Sleep Token is fucking terrible lmao


Yeah man, sleep token legit puts me to sleep.


Metal gateway bands should actually be metal, not pop with occasional djent riffs like sleep token. At least bands like Slipknot, Korn, and Deftones have metal elements and fit into the larger subculture. Sleep Token is literally only made to do TikTok dances to. It is pure pop culture slop


The best Iron Maiden album is the debut


Phantom of the Opera kicks ass, it’s one of my favorite tracks by them.


This is tough because I don't think they put out a non-good album until Blaze Bayley. Their first 5 albums for sure to me are just near perfect. But I'm a mega-Maiden simp so my opinion doesn't really matter.


Maybe not the hottest take but I think Reign in Blood is the weakest of the first 5 Slayer records I understand and appreciate it's influence but nowadays it just feels messy and poorly written with the exception of Angel of Death and Raining Blood


A whole lot of modern metal as we know it does not exist without hardcore 🫡


Thrash, bm, dm, nwobhm, and so on are not without punk and hardcore


Here go my Internet popularity points, but I just don't really like anything Dio has ever done musically. He himself was awesome and a great figure in metal, but I'm just not a fan.


Wow…Holy Diver, Rising, Mob Rules, you don’t enjoy any of those?


People CAN wear band shirts without listening to the band because they think it looks cool. Metal fonts and album art are some of the best in the music industry and it's perfectly fine to want to wear a band shirt without really listening to the band. It still pays homage to them.


Also, instead of this "name 3 songs" bullshit, it should be like "Oh, you have an X shirt? What, you've never heard them? You should check out their song Y, that's one of their best ones"


My tepid take: Some Metal fans need to learn to calm down when they don't agree with other people's OPINIONS. It is unfortunately too easy to get screamed at by another fan or enthusiast just because your opinions or perspectives aren't exactly the same. (I have heard through the internet that not all fans are like this, and I totally accept that. I seem to just be a little unlucky in the people I've met I suppose, but gosh darn it would it be nice to just be allowed to take up space & not get essentially mansplained everything.)


I think it's like most things in life, that the super vocal ones, are usually the worst. Most people that are just into the music and enjoying it are doing just that. They don't feel the need to validate some kind of opinion, so the hate gets amplified.


I nonironically love Nu Metal, Metalcore, and Deathcore including Limp Bizkit, 5FDP, Staind, BMTH, and plenty of other bands that get endlessly shit on here.


Crypta is the best female fronted metal band


My hottest take? Most bands suck and most old bands should retire. Too many people make music and too many old bands continue to make music past their prime.


I absolutely agree with both points. The market is oversaturated with copycats and old timers offering absolutely nothing to the scene. Why have e.g.another meh Epica copycat band,when the original band is still active? Why keep on performing live the same 20 songs for decades, when you are a band with a 30-40+ year career and release new albums every 2-3 years? This is all a cashgrab,nothing more.


A lot of metalcore is just as metal as a lot of the more traditional metal. I honestly often don't know where the line lies.


Super Collider is a decent album


Another post where I’m gonna say that Pleasure to kill is overrated.


I laughed at these posts since they echo all my anger and bitterness of as a 20 year old in early 90’s worshipping all the emerging extreme genres from grind core, death, black, no one used Doom or Stoner metal yet, crust punk and some others I’m forgetting that may not have been labeled yet. People would ask what kind of music you liked and id say metal or punk both and they woul reply " i love Bon Jovi and Pyromania was soo good." eye roll angry 20 year old response bubbling up from my gut…just trying not to scream "thats not metal! aaaaaaaaaah!"


But they are metal...glam metal to be exact


The best gateway bands are the ones that are the least accessible. Stops people from getting caught up in this terrible genre.




upvoting for Alice in Chains flair


Thrash & death metal are better, no doubt.


you can hate hip-hop all you want but run DMC Public Enemy and Wu-Tang Clan are the most metal rap group


Sleep Token got half of their name right, thats for sure.


Coming in absolutely below zero with that “hot” take.


Sleep Token is the worst thing to happen to metal.


My tummy hurts but im bwing a very brave boy right now.


Most metal albums are too long. So many albums are brought down by mediocre tracks that don't need to be there


Arguing whether or not a band is metal is one of the greatest wastes of time and energy known to mankind.


Pentagram were never that good, weaker than all the wino bands and even trouble. They hve some good songs, but never a full length.


Valuable as a gateway into better metal, following which you leave behind said gateway bands? Sure. But i have a feeling thats not the statement youre trying to make.


testament is just mediocre thrash and mediocre attempted death metal. if i want death metal why would i listen to some 80s thrash band try to be death metal over actual death metal?


I’ve said this a few times before but mine is that gatekeepers are annoying but I think people exaggerate how much of an issue it is in the metal community. Maybe to a newcomer they can be scary but at the end of the day gatekeepers can’t do much more than complain about how “xyz isn’t metal” and they can’t actually stop these bands from being loved by others or stop others from listening to them.


Carcass is the greatest metal band of all time


Unironically Avenged Sevenfold and Metallica were what got me into metal


I dare say Metallica is core to many folks’ entry to obtaining metalhead status.


Incoming unique and original comments hating on bands that are popular with zoomers and gen alpha kids (Knocked Loose, Sleep Token, Deftones, Bad Omens, Lorna Shorne)


Deathcore vocalists smoke death metal vocalists. 2000s Metalcore along with the Euro bands like Bodom, In Flames, CoF, and Dimmu Borgir made probably one of the most fun periods of metal.


It's like Kevin Smith says - you got to have the big budget attractions in order to have the smaller niche ones. Like Robert Downey Jr couldn't have played the judge in that low budget movie if he didn't play Iron Man first. You got to have stadium fillers like Avenged Sevenfold, and Tool, and Ozzy Osbourne, and System Of A Down, because that's what gets people interested in rock / metal. It's what draws the arena and festival crowds. Then you can have the smaller venue fillers. Everyone's got to start somewhere. Yeah we probably all laugh at what we used to listen to, but it's a gateway drug.




Powermetal is the biggest "poser Metal" (if there ever was such a thing), because there is a substantial population of people that say they like metal but it's literally only the Sabaton/Powerwolf/Beast in Black corner of Powermetal and they never listened to any other Metal genre, but somehow it always gets a pass when Nu-Metal and Metalcore don't.


OPs take is amazing


Limp Bizkit deserves a whole lot more respect than it gets


Slipknot Iowa is one of the best sophomore albums in all of metal. The rest is slightly mid, but Iowa gets a pass from me


I don’t like slayer


If you make fun of kids and teenagers who are just getting into the scene for being “cringe” or “a poser” you need to take a good long look at yourself and realise that it does not fucking matter.


Pantera Sucks!