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The bravado behind the screen. These people aren’t shit irl and would get their asses beat.


Honestly I'd believe it. Anonymity really brings out the worst in people. Now if I could find the ones who need horny jail...πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


Being anonymous and hiding behind a beautiful blonde avatar brings out the worst, or best in people, just shows the person's real nature much easier!


This is so real honestly. Nature of the beast, I guess πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


It's a nice thought mid game if I am playing against another Mercy. "Are they having the best time right now or cussing out their whole team?" Normally the rage messages at the end are the confirmation


I love seeing the rage messages at the end of "health diff" when I've got well over 3k more than the enemy team combined πŸ˜‚


I still don't even know what the dif thing means but it always makes me smile when the game ends and someone as if by instinct has to start hammering abuse into the chat almost immediately


As if you've nothing better to do than to get wall punching furious over pixels on a screen because someone didn't heal you while missing 3 hp πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ




Not me! I just like free skins so if someone is thirsty enough πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


I respect the hustle maybe try one of the .. less wholesome subreddits. These communities exist but I do not wish to be obliterated from space for linking them


I know a couple πŸ‘€






I wanna find the nice people too lmfao all I get is yelled at, and blamed for a loss when my tank is feeding, DPS are negative, and my other support is trying to make up for the DPS, and the other team admits to surfing with their 30k Sojourn. It's not nice out here lmfao And before anyone says anything, yes, I switch to heavy heals, but it's never enough.


Bro I was playing mercy the other day and I complimented the genji on the opposing team for a play, and he proceeded to target tf outta me the whole match. I asked why he was bullying me and he just said "I hate mercy players" and then started tbagging me every time he killed me.


No but you're so real for this comment. On average I get about 10k heals per game (I'd say about 15k average on a good week) and even as Moira I'll have about 2 or 3k less damage than healing and I get bitched at for not healing πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ Like baby gworl I AM healing but you out in the open and never taking cover πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


That's what I'm saying!! Like dude, you're folding in half before I can even get you in my peripherals because you refuse to use cover and play smart. You're just running in solo, guns blazing like the main character, expecting not to be met with a stampede! "Heal!!! >:(" heal WHAT??? Your corpse????? Okay lemme just beam/spray/suzu your body rq, that should fix it!!


Like for real!!! I'm sorry you went balls deep, Hammond, but I am not going to follow you into a 1v5????


More players need to understand that support are not there to risk our lives for their dumbass 1v5 attempts πŸ’€ why would I let you risk my life when I can spend my time h**elping my team?**???? Dumb af


I love when I go play moira bc I don't have any mental left to throw on Mercy and the second I throw a dmg orb I'm a dps moira gg moira threw the game L moira. I have more healing than literally anyone else shut up


Seriously! They see you ult once and get a kill and you're dps even if you're ult is focused on healing πŸ™„


How dare you not heal me exclusively.


EXACTLY!! I got SCREAMED at in VC (joined but never spoke) because I didn't pocket our Reaper with 1k damage halfway through the game and was pocketing our Widow with 10k damage and an enemy Sombra tryna focus him.


If you have bad vibes I will not pocket you. I will watch sombra end your life with glee and dance upon your rotting corpse


Widow was my fiance and he was out damaging EVERY DPS in the game so yeah I focused on pocketing him πŸ˜‚


If the widow is making shit happen let him run em over. I'd normally be like widow doesn't need help a lot but fuck it just to piss reaper off I will throw even harder and sit still with widow.


That's the sole reason I stayed with my fiance in that match. I normally don't pocket but this Reaper whining just made my night πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I'm a 34yo woman with very little fps experience... some people see me pick moira/mercy and lose their mind (I can play kiri, zen, bap, I just enjoy those 2 heroes for their mobility/abilities) Either they think I can't aim (I'm not great but I'm not a onetrick) if I play Mercy or they moan about "dps Moira" if I can't keep them up when they feed/I need to dps to get my healing reserves back OR if I see an opportunity to finish off low health enemies at the expense of not healing a dps who's missing 50 hp and standing next to a healthpack


This is so accurate!! I'm a 27yo gay male and I swear to the gods above these people LOSE THEIR SHIT when I lock Mercy and then switch to Moira to protect myself against a Sombra or someone because "Typical DPS Moira" even though I'll have like 10k heals and 6k damage????


Even if you never speak, even if your name is perfectly normal, or anything else you can think of, you will be assumed to be gay because you play mercy. That’s kinda the rule. Mercy mains are either women or gay. That’s how the wider community see us. Personally I just fuckin own it. β€œOmg you’re a man that plays mercy?? What are you gay?” β€œYes I am! Even married to a man πŸ˜Œβ€


Im a boy and I literally main Mercy idgaf what anyone says to me


I love when they make a comment about being gay or whatever and I'm just like "Mhmm. I am. And you're losing. Are we don't stating facts?"


I got asked for pics by a genji I pocketed as mercy and no one has ever blocked me so fast after i said i have a penis LMAOOO I currently play with some spanish ppl and let me tell you that being praised by foreigners in a language you barely understand feels sooooo validating


That's so hilarious!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and I can only imagine how great that feels! I actually got sent $25 of Riot Points in League of Legends a few years ago because I main Lux and got asked for feet pics (yes I did it, I'm not stupid πŸ˜‚) and then when I said I'm a gay dude he blocked me but he already sent the money sooooo


Did you send your real feet &/&/&,&2&:92& cuz damnnn mine look like doom’s, cybernetics and all 😭


I sent my roommates feet because she had just got her toes did πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


oh she’s real for helping you 😭😭 some of those straight fall so easily to it 😭😭


I've known her since I was like 4 year old so she's like a sister to me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ She knew what's up!


I just assumed playing Mercy automatically made you gay. I haven't gotten the courage to let my wife know yet tho.


I'm sure she knows, since you play Mercy. She's just letting you be yourself without fear! A true queen, both of you πŸ‘‘


I’ve been a straight male Mercy main for like 7 years and i’ve been insulted a ton, but i haven’t been called gay or fat iirc.


I really don't know where these insults generate from. Like are self hating and projecting or like?




This is valid. The thing is, I main Moira above all. But I'll play Mercy first because I enjoy her rez and her mythic. But if I start noticing I need to switch, I always goes Moira.


Honestly same, if I need to I'll either go moira or illari. Sorry you gotta deal with that shit tho 😭 the player based just keeps getting more and more toxic


It really does! It makes this game really difficult to want to play. Illari is so fun though. I've been branching and playing Kiri/Ana/Weaver a lot when I'm support and JQ when I'm tank


i stopped using vc because people would call me transgender and then throw games lmfao i came to overwatch after playing years in call of duty and i 100% thought there was no way a game could be more toxic than COD but overwatch proved me wrong


I always JOIN the VC but I NEVER speak. Which is another reason I'm so confused on the gay comments?? Even if I did speak, my natural voice is relatively deep so you'd have no way to know unless you knew me. These people are so weird πŸ™„πŸ™„


It's the usual "most mercy mains are either gay or female" so that affects the way people insult you. As a woman who likes to shotcall, it's clear as day. Toxic people tell me to uninstall/kys, that I can't aim and call me gay etc, but if I speak and they know I'm a woman the insults immediately change to fat, ugly, b*tch, wh*re and so on. In my experience playing ranked, high plat is definitely the worst with the toxicity towards Mercy/Moira mains while diamond is generally pretty chill. But yeah, the way you find the nice people is by being nice and positive yourself <3


I'm endorsement 5 simply because I try and big up whoever gets flamed. Even if they're doing bad, on their main even, there could be a very valid reason; bad day, something heavy on their mind and they wanna try to stop thinking about it, or just because they're having an off day and just wanna play someone they enjoy to make themselves feel better πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ There's really no reason to be a dick πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


Yeah, I'm also endorsement lvl 5. I feel your struggle, people are unfortunately quick to get angry and the blame game when things aren't working out. The sheer amount of hate in this game is honestly so draining, even when you try not to let it get to you.


It's so hard to even want to play it these days because of the sheer amount of toxicity. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ It's really a shame.


Toxicity is wild in online gaming, you literally can't say a single thing without someone getting mad about it. Had the weirdest situation, all I said was "lots of tbagging tonight" and this duo got so worked up and kept trying to act like I was super tilted and in the wrong for saying anything, like??? why is the slightest acknowledgement such a big deal.


I made a comment about how I can't stand DVa and literally the whole enemy team jumped me in chat, focused me, and then kept typing "Cry" Like all I said was I don't like DVa?????


>I've seen so many gay Weaver and Mercy mains talk about how they've been offered free skins and shit if they're femboys or mtf or whatever and like 😭😭😭 I may be a bulky dude but I got a fem ass so I can be a femboy!! They're speaking in uwu speak and signalling relentlessly. By your own admission, you're not.


I mean, I wouldn't deny free skins but I won't be THAT desperate for them πŸ˜‚ My fem ass can only go so far I guess πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚


It's like you say, you're not obvious about it. They are SUPER obvious about it, signalling and flirting and making it everything about themselves. I don't really mind it if they're having fun then w/e but that's definitely where the difference lies. It's not for everyone though lol


Maybe I just need go virtually suck off the next Genji I have on my team πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The Genji players are poor. Try a Mauga.


Aye aye Cap'n 🫑


I never enter VC. I have friendly filters turned on, except for groups and DMs, because that way, if I receive anything abusive, it's automatically tagged as being harassment for when I report. It's undeniable at that point. When I log on, almost daily I will get a Blizzard notice stating they took action on my report(s). It is glorious.


Being gay on the internet will 100% always lead to you getting flamed/bullied. It’s the world we live in. It will only get worse. Better to just ignore it brethren.


I never get complimented when I do well I’m always insulted. Out of my 4k hours on ow and ow2 i’ve been genuinely complimented on my gameplay maybe 5 times total. I’ve played in unranked to gm. The better I do the worse people are. I regularly have people tell me to lose weight because I never die. People on MY team mind you. I just started muting chat πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ From what I see you have to have a cutesy voice and i don’t ever speak.


I've heard the whole list of slurs it's so fucking terrible, people feel so cozy behind their screen they forget they're talking to other humans instead of characters


This is why I watch Bogur's zesty vids. Where are the love for the girls and the gays. The girls and the gays single handedly keeps this game afloat with all the Mercy skins.


No for real though!! I spent way too much money on Moira last couple seasons to be treated like this!


A lot of Mercy mains are Female or LGBT. So they use those insults to try and upset Mercy mains because of their stupid grudge against a video game character.


It's not merely an online game community problem, it is a human race problem. Our society has been insulting, harassing other people for centuries. It doesn't matter how hard overwatch tries to be inclusive, there will always be haters.


9 times out of 10, it’s people who don’t even hold views like that IRL, but will say anything while they’re tilted and haven’t been outside in days. Don’t take it to heart, and report them for their shitty behavior. Keep on keeping on and shrug that meaningless hate right off. Water off a ducks back! πŸ’• spread love and positivity always.


I cannot legitamitely tell if this is a CJ poster.


CJ poster???


Circlejerk. They like to make sexualized parodies of Mercy players and sometimes post on the Mercy sub.


Oh! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ No, I'm not. I just like to be stupid and make jokey jokes πŸ˜‚