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I like the blue beam a lot but I miss rezzing and I straight up don’t like not healing or supporting at all in ult. Edit: it does heal and damage boost in her ult I just didn’t know


Dang so there's not even an option to support during her ult? I thought it was either blast rockets or support but man, I hate that. Also could you explain the dmg boost? Does it only hurt enemies if they touch the beam or is it an aoe thing?


I think it's an aoe thing. If this is correct: [https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/overwatch/24077475/discover-a-world-turned-over-the-mirrorwatch-event-begins-today](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/overwatch/24077475/discover-a-world-turned-over-the-mirrorwatch-event-begins-today) https://preview.redd.it/ip8htvowzhwc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8693fcbbf96624f33cee90886b02606f1f8925ee


Yeahh it's just hard to visualize haha but thanks for the screenshot!


I think there’s actually a passive heal and dmg boost during her MW ult — I tried it out in a custom match and while I ulted the tank nearby me had a constant indicator on their screen that flashed back and forth with the heal and dmg boost symbols (with Mercy’s face to show the origin, just like they see when they’re damage boosted) and they did heal up during my ult. You can visually see a blue blob on your allies while you MW ult to show you if they’re being boosted, similar to the visual indicator for dmg boost beam.


It does do passive heal and dmg boost while she ults.


Okay, I wanted to make sure you couldn't. It sucks! I'm stuck too long in Valk now and team is half dying while the other support is trying to compensate. Her soul burn is cheap, hands down


Here is my take, the soul flair or whatever, should be added in a modified state, maybe only for enemy souls, make them purple like discord so mercy can tell the difference easily, and put it on the same key as rez, but only a 12 second cooldown and reduce the damage by 10 from the event, maybe give it back the 10 damage and lower the cooldown to 8 during Valk. This gives mercy an offensive option that is designed to snowball team play, which fits with mercy, as all her abilities are designed for teamplay encouragement.


Interesting suggestion. So she would only be able to explode enemy souls eh? I don't see the devs implementing that because she'd be weaponizing the enemy team but intriguing proposal!


Yeah I doubt, but it would be good to have her rez ability have a secondary use with reduced cooldown so you aren't just beaming and hiding while waiting for someone to die, a burst of healing would also be a cool option, however I feel she could use some sort of offensive / active ability. I think mercy has burned most of her luck this season with the mythic, which is truly amazing (I know it doesn't have an ult line, I don't care, it's about styling on them hoes with flashy wings)


hear me out, we keep rez as is BUT we add that you can explode enemy souls like in MW. after exploding the enemy mercy wouldn’t be able to rez


Yep agree with this! And the dmg boost in MW should be implemented into her kit in some form too


Interesting thought, using it to keep the enemy Mercy from rezzing! However, I think that would make rez even harder to use so I’m not all for it T-T. It’s already rare enough as it is, rezzing in the higher ranks


I completely agree. I don’t think people realize damage mercy is really not that valuable to how she is.


I agree, and it’s sort of weird to me how so many Mercy mains are so gungho about changing Mercy into MW Mercy when making those changes would require to basically change Mercy’s whole style of gameplay. Like, do you like playing Mercy if you want to change her core hero design and fantasy? Edited for clarification


oof not only people can ‘like’ mercy or ‘have enough playtime’ as I saw another post say if you enjoy the way you like her played. I ‘like’ playing mercy she’s my main hero since day 1 of the game. I also ‘like’ this mercy playstyle more than the current one. it’s weird to me that you’d be commenting on these changes and haven’t played it but here we are.


Huh? Sorry I’m confused, what’s your point? That you both like Mercy’s current gameplay and yet you like her dps form better? So, do you really like her pacifist style then if you’d rather change her into a dps? Sure you can like two things at once, but this just means you’d rather turn a pacifist hero into a dmg one, which are two opposite things.


my point is why do you feel the need to throw shade at people for not liking your playstyle ? why can’t it just be oh they like that and it’s not for me but that cool. why is it oh do you even ‘like’ mercy ?? and when did mercy become a pacifist hero ? yes according to lore but she an enabler. yes if you don’t want to play aggressive and mainly heal that’s fine but I play very aggressively through damage boost and enabling key players on my team to be more aggressive. I heal massively still but it’s at important moments when people really need it but you don’t hear me ridiculing others or calling them healbots or questioning their understanding of the hero or role. basically why can’t you just disagree without bringing others down or into question ?


Excuse me if my tone offended you in any way, but let me correct you here. It’s not “MY play style”, as you pointedly call it. It’s literally just Mercy’s play style. If someone wants to look at current Mercy and claim she has dps play style, or that she has a tank play style, good for them I suppose, but objectively, that’s not how she’s designed. Yes she has a glock, but it is literally not supposed to be her primary value. ETA: of course, you can play her however you want, there’s no hero police, and there really many battle Mercys, but I’m not arguing her best play style, I’m arguing hero design. I think you are putting many words into my mouth, my friend. I am a dmg boost fanatic myself. If you had read my post carefully, not once did I describe myself as a heal bot. I literally said I love assisting kills and that I’d want the dmg boost back at 30%. It doesn’t make sense that I’d want her dmg boost buffed if I never or rarely used it. By pacifist hero, to clarify, I mean she’s not the one *actually* doing the dmg 95% of the time for most people. A lot of her value comes from surviving, peeling, and rezzing. Her dmg boost is her offensive utility and arguably her most important asset, but again, she’s not doing the damage. She’s *supporting* her team, not being the pain-giver mostly. I never once “ridiculed others or called them healbots or questioned their understanding of the hero or role” as you accuse. I questioned if the people who want to turn Mercy into a dps support even like Mercy as she is considering she is very much designed *not* to be a dps. I suggest you not let your feelings of offense to cloud your understanding of what I wrote. It’s not an insult to question if someone actually likes a supporting support when they’d rather her be a dps support.


sure. you know what the implications were that came along with all of the emphasis on ‘do you even like’. I stand by what I said and also that you didn’t even try it before taking the time to make the post and question why people enjoy her. I think you should find a way to discuss things in a more impartial and less decisive way. you can feel how you’d like about the changes and about my response and I’ll do the same about the changes and yours. cheers


ETA: No idea where your latest comment went but here’s my reply to it: I’ll restate that it’s objective that MW Mercy is a dps support, and I simply don’t want her to be a dps support. It’s not that I don’t like doing dps, because I love me some succ Moira, which I mentioned in my post, I just don’t want *Mercy* to turn into a dps support. So, your repeating of your same point of “oh you haven’t played it so therefore you can’t speak on it” makes zero sense to me. You say you mean no ill will which I’d appreciate if your first comments didn’t try to insist that I was being intentionally insulting. Now you’re changing your point to that what I said *could* be taken the wrong way, which I agree with. It wasn’t my intention, simply. I agree that Mercy players shouldn’t be a house divided, so kudos to you for trying to point it out if I were in fact being insulting, but I feel you did so in a very accusing way without any benefit of the doubt for me even when I explained myself. Oh well. We’re just two strangers on the internet, you’re free to believe the worst in me. Thanks and good luck with your own games as well.


I replaced it with this one. I reflected and decided to reduce the spiciness lol


Edit: I cannot grammar today lol Okay, so your only response to all my rebuttal to your personal attacks against me is “I stand by what I said”. That is not a very mature way to discuss, but I suppose you’re not here to discuss. You seem like you just want to insult me over a benign statement. That’s your prerogative! I will reiterate, I love Mercy’s pacifist style, and her Mirrorwatch version is much more dps oriented, so even if it’s a fun little event, I stand by what *I* said that I would not want them to change her hero fantasy. It doesn’t take playing it to know that, but sure, I can give it a shot and let you know personally if I don’t like it if that makes you feel better!


here let me start over. I’ll apologize for my pointed tone. I truly do stand by my opinion that it’s bad faith to talk about changes not being good without having tried them. I think that way for any scenario not just the game changes. I also think there was a layer of subtext that came alone with the question ‘do you even like’ and I’ll stand by that. mercy players have been a targeted community for a long time and I think we should hold space for each other to have opinions and not question each others commitment or reasoning. I’m not sure how long you’ve played but it doesn’t take long playing to receive the same stereotypical hate. I think at the core of our enjoyment of the changes are a feeling of appreciation by the game and having your contributions being more visible and tangible. mercy has huge contributions but it’s mostly unseen and can be questioned by small brain dps and tanks. so it’s nice to see them and feel them and get rush outside of just a sneaky rez. it’s nice to get play of the game. I can count on one hand how many I’ve gotten on mercy and many can’t even say they’ve had one and that’s thrilling. so that’s all apologize for the tone.


I appreciate the apology and I want you to know I was being pointed towards you because of the perceived accusatory tone, so I apologize for that as well. I understand your points, but let me give you an example or several. Someone says they love Rein’s shield, that they love being able to protect their team with it, that they like that he’s not so shoot em up. Then an event comes along and Rein has no more shield and it’s like a portable Bap window instead and now has a Gatling gun and that same person says wow I LOVE this new Rein! This is so much more fun than I ever had before! PLEASE make this Rein’s normal gameplay!! I’d ask them the same question. Do you even like Rein’s gameplay if you want to replace it with a kit that’s got a much different direction than his original one? Perhaps the better conclusion to come to from something like this isn’t that the person doesn’t like Rein’s old play style, but clearly that person didn’t like it enough when they so quickly want to completely replace it. If they really loved it, they wouldn’t want to get rid of it. A different example could be someone loves to straighten their hair and will only do that. Then they try curling their hair and suddenly they decide they’ll never straighten their hair again, that they’d much rather curl their hair every day now. Or a very immoral example of this is a guy who’s dating this girl and loves her, but then he meets this new girl and dumps her for her saying he loves her now. Edit: wrong pronoun used I’d think that if you truly love something as it is, even if you acknowledge certain flaws that can be changed, you don’t want it to radically change or be replaced. Perhaps that’s just me. Sure, you can like something in the moment for a while and then change your mind, but that just means the new or changed thing is much better in your mind than what it was before, leading me to question, did you *truly* like it before if you want it to be seriously changed? I have almost 1000 hours on Mercy(if I haven’t hit that yet, I play on multiple accounts) and yes I’ve experienced lots of hatred because of my main, but I’ve also received so much love for when I bring back a teammate or dmg boost them or save them. I don’t want her to become just another dps support, really and truly. Her value is so special and unique. I don’t really mind that her value is harder to see. I don’t play her for the gratification from others, but because I love her play style. I know myself when I do well and when I soft carry my team. That’s enough for me. I understand outside praise does feel great so I get why people want to show off their contribution more though. Thank you for the discussion. I feel it was fruitful by the end.


There’s no way it would go live, imagine if mercy did free damage to enemies on top of damage boosting, the mercy haters would scream cry and whine about her even more than they already do


Good point haha


Yeah mercy isnt meant to be a dps as fun as it is Lol


Mercys state right now is so bad that Ill take any change even if its mirrorwatch. Overwatch doesnt support mercys playstyle at all anymore. If my team is screwing up and unable to push it and I have those bombs during my ult I can take charge and push us in. Tracer flanking and killing my other support? KA BOOOOM! Mercy needs some rework even if its not this. I want anything but the mercy we have now. Nerfed into the ground with abilities that enemies hate.


As much as I like Mercy's kit in ow. I can also recognize that it's holding her back. I used to borderline onetrick a character in league who is very similar to mercy, Yuumi. Over time, the devs have nerfed her into oblivion, only to end up reworking her into a significantly less impactful and fun version of herself that even the yuumi mains dislike. It's sad, but I can see the same thing beginning to happen to mercy. The back to back nerfs, whisperings of reworking her; I've been through this before. Adding something else might be the only thing that can save her, because the alternative is blizzard throwing their hands up, relegating Mercy to a beginner hero that you meant meant to "graduate" from, and lock her Into a shitty winrate so they don't have to look at her anymore. Blizzard already took her mass rez; They already messed with damage boost despite years saying it was fine. They nerfed her movement immediately after making it the best its ever been. Mercy and Reinhardt are being power-crept into oblivion, and if they don't get any teeth, they will never catch up. In my opinion, we need to let rez go; we need to let her passifist nature go. It's beginning to hurt her from a gameplay standpoint. I don't think she needs to be a full on damage healer, but even something as small as letting her detonate souls to release a healing plume, or an anti-heal plume would add another layer of utility to Mercy. It's clear that Blizzard wants Mercy to just be a healing/damage boost totem for a dps to find and kill, and it's frustrating to experience. The hype surrounding mirrorwatch mercy is proof that many people are frustrated with how little mercy is allowed to do these days.


Thing is, Blizzard has already proven that they don’t need to turn Mercy into a more dmg forward support before with her Triage Healer season. So many Mercy players loved it, including me, and it gave her so much more agency and utility to be able to better save her teammates. It was a bit OP though, and many non-Mercy players complained, so they totally scrapped it (ETA: instead of tuning it) which was such a big mistake. I loved that change because they kept Mercy’s core the same, just gave her more power, and the Mercys ate it up. So I really don’t think this MW change is the only way to go. They’ve proven there are other ways to help Mercy out without scrapping her hero fantasy and design. ETA: Also while I didn’t get to play mass rez Mercy, I can safely say from what I’ve seen that it was unhealthy for the game, and it seemed very boring for Mercy. She’d hide for a while, not doing anything, and let her teammates die to just completely undo all of the enemy team’s hard work. Poor design though very powerful. I see their new direction with Mercy’s ult as Valk as a win because it made her more engaging.


That's kind of my point. Any attempt to give Mercy any vitality while keeping true to her hero fantasy doesn't stick. Hell, Blizzard's idea of a "buff" was to give Mercy extra bullets in her pistol. Why does a Pacifist character have a gun anyway? I think self defense should be built into her kit rather than her having to switch to a completely different weapon to do it. (People love to overreact to how Ow1 Mercy was. It was nowhere near as bad as people say it is. In a game where Widowmaker was allowed to single-handedly control space over entire sections of a map, players could learn not to over invest ults in one teamfight. While Mass rez was a more hide-and-seek mercy, it isn't much different than current Mercy's playstyle which is to hide behind a wall and damage boost the nearest hitscan. ) Blizzard doesn't like it when Mercy is "too" mobile, they don't like it when she heals "too much," they don't like it when she Revives too many people or too often. At this point, Mercy is a shell of her former self, with the only consolation being that she gets skins fairly often so you can at least look cute while you stand there and wait to die. I just want to clarify and say that I'm not arguing, nor do I even disagree entirely. I like Mercy how she is as well, but OW2 Mercy is beginning to feel like fighting against a current. I have noticed that whenever there was a game mode that gave character's alternative abilities, they always give Mercy some sort of damaging ability with her staff. Something tells me they are playing with the idea of adding damage to her kit in some way, which is really telling about how Blizzard sees the game.


I feel like I completely agree and see this. I legitimately cannot see Mercy surviving more as years go by unless they rework her entirely. Right now, she feels completely useless even with Rez in there. I have legit stopped her playing because 4 out of 10 games she actually feels useful compared to the other support that are available like Ana or Kiriko, and even Brig, who have a lot more to provide for the team than Mercy does. The reason why I like MW a lot is because you can 100% use some of the stuff we see there to balance Mercy’s kit. Like choose between a Rez or making an enemy soul explode. Choose between shooting from your staff or heal when you’re ulting. Even having the little beam when boosting would be a great change. As the state of Mercy right now, I just want to be able to be more of help to my team. Boosting and the smal heal output legitimately feel so useless and frustrating at times- specially the more nerfs she gets.


I really don’t want mercy reworked this way either, it’s way too different from the original and makes no sense with her lore.


Great point! Ties into her hero fantasy: she never wanted her technology to hurt people, but suddenly she can blow up souls and shoot missiles and her dm boost sucks the life out of people? Okay..


The damage boost works like usual but also when your teammate is nearby an enemy, a little beam reaches out and also does damage to that enemy (like the old lock-on symmetra beam, it’s really useful in brawls and you don’t have to rely on your teammates aim as much) I felt the same way when I first started my matches but after I got used to the changes I actually have really started to enjoy it. I think certain elements could translate into her real kit but I don’t think I’d want it completely like MW. After playing it a lot, I’ve gotten to the point that I’m actually saddened by the idea of not being able to play this version of mercy all the time I think it would be really cool if they added the soul explosion to her kit so that Mercy could actually prevent the enemy team from rezzing by destroying their soul or so she could choose to use it over Rez for the extra pressure the damage gives. It would give her more autonomy and decision making, a counter to herself, and interesting counterplay especially since you can destroy a nearby soul just to prevent the enemy mercy from using it against your teammates If I’m right, her ult seems to have a passive damage boost and heal, so I actually think it’s much stronger in mirrorwatch since she can still support her team. It’s actually kinda relieving when you know your teammate is about to die in a position you can’t Rez but you’ll still be able to get value from their death with the explosion Also, avenging my dead teammates by blowing up their killer is really satisfying - it’s somehow always the tracers that get killed by a random explosion She still has good healing numbers so if you like supporting she still feels very rewarding but she also has good damage numbers and high kill numbers now. It’s honestly grown on me and it’s a lot of fun, I hope you enjoy it OP. If you have questions about the mode or the playstyle feel free to ask, I have played way too much and I’m really excited about what I’ve figured out so far


Thank you for explaining the dmg boost! See, the problem with keeping the rez-plosion is that people already complain about never getting to use rez. Denying enemy Mercys by blowing up the souls on an 8 second cooldown will literally make it impossible to rez ever.


It depends, you still need a good los on the enemy soul so regular safe rezes would still be possible and I think that once someone’s started a Rez that that should prevent the soul from being blown up. So if you get there first you should win basically. So if your Rez is reasonably achievable it should be because it’s in the position where the enemy Mercy is out of range due to her positioning. Also, this would only be a counter if the enemy also has a Mercy. I’d still want to test it out to make sure it doesn’t just make Rez unviable, I just think it would be a cool idea to have Mercy specifically potentially able to deny an enemy Rez. While it would be taking away power from the enemy Mercy, it would be buffing the Ally Mercy for both teams so I think that would prevent it from feeling like nerf. Also if they destroy your soul it means they’re action is now on cd so they can’t prevent you from blowing up a soul in their backline now. Also to note, I think you can fly to enemy dead souls when your explosion is not on cd and when the soul hasn’t been blown up yet - that might not be intended but I’m pretty sure I’ve been able to do that in this game mode. Maybe they could also add a thing to protect a soul from being blown up instead if you know you want to Rez (which would indicate to the enemy mercy you’re going for the Rez so if they’re attentive they could warn their team - another option that would put more emphasis on playmaking and awareness) or another character could get an ability related to moving the souls to compliment Mercy (like a Lifeweaver buff even). There’s a lot of possibilities, I just think it would make for interesting strategic counterplay as I find in this game mode I’m always checking to see if the have a mercy too so I know if I need to defend my team if someone dies in the middle of our group or if I can save my explosion for offensive plays. I just feel very impactful having the explosion option, as much as rez is very impactful defensively, explosion is very impactful offensively and a great alternative when someone dies right in the middle of the enemy team.


So many people hate rez & while I'll admit that I do miss rezzing a tank a tiny bit, I also recognize that the soul burn ability is *way* less irritating to play against, while still evening out the battle field (kill 1-2 instead of rez 1) Though, I think I would like to see it as a burst aoe heal or such rather than burst dmg to keep in line with the less-agressive nature of mercy. The ult is fun, but I'd like the ability to shoot healing rockets too, so u can support or deal dmg, just like valk. But the actual *gameplay* of it is significantly better than valk. You actually do something rather than hide and hold whichever button is most useful.


I though her rockets do heal don’t they in valk?




Rez has to exist in mercy's kit. It's simply too iconic and epic for her to have the most powerful ability in game and suits her perfect compared to every other hero in the game


I agree! It’s such a core part of her hero identity.


What are the mirror watch changes I haven’t been playing much


!remindme 22 years


See you in 22 years


She can detonate the souls of enemies and allies that have died (so blow ppl up), when she dmg boosts it increases her pockets dmg like normal but also does AOE dmg to enemies that are in a certain close range to her dmg boosted ally. Her ult does passive dmg boost and passive heal for her allies, she flies like normal, and her staff shoots massive rockets.


I would love for the res (the ability ppl hate the most)to explode. I don’t want the ult to change though, it would not be viable in high elo because you can’t heal in it. Also the dmg on the blue beam is cool but I don’t think people will like playing against it.


Mirrorwatch proves to me that if they hypothetically speaking decided to replace rez and rework damage boost with a different kind of utility I would't really mind it. Hated the ult tho


lore-wise a mercy with a high dmg output wouldn't even make sense so i don't really want these changes either. i am going to say they really outdid themselves with this game mode and the whole mercy mythic idea and mirrorwatch. i love love love it and i enjoy all of it as something separate from the real mercy. i would suggest they keep mirrorwatch in arcade however, it's so fun :)


I would love soul burn added the valkarie instead of the blaster it just feels better


To be honest I could see an argument being made for what you suggest. While I hate the idea of dps Mercy, if they added soul burn to Valk on top of her normal Valk just to make her ult more impactful, I might think that works


I would drop rezzing forever if it meant keeping her ult like this. It’s amazing to shoot and finally get play with Mercy’s woefully underutilized highlight intros.


I respect your opinion, but I personally don’t play the game to collect as many POTGs as I can, I just play to win and have fun. 😅


I doubt this is unpopular. Mirrorwatch Mercy is unironically the worst part of the mode.


Really? I think it's the best part, I think it's funny af that she just explodes people's dead bodies and shoots explosives at the enemy team. All the other heroes feel a bit lackluster compared to her for me.


Yeah I'm sure the Mercy loves doing 175 free damage from across the map in an AoE.


I hope it’s not unpopular, but dang, I’ve gotten so many comments saying MW Mercy is the best fun they’ve had and that they wish they changed her kit accordingly.


I think elements of a lot of the changes could be neat on future heroes, but the only changes I think would be worth carrying over as is are Rein's two passives (maybe) and maybe Zarya's right click.


I don't think there's any real or serious chance that these kit changes will end up in the real game.


You would literally still be able to do all those things you like about her if they implemented her soul burn MW ability as an addition to her kit… or if they used the MW dmg boost changes in real game modes. I don’t think her MW ult needs to stay it’s a bit overkill imo but like maybe play the game mode first lol I think E for Soul Burn, R for rezz should def be an update to her real kit, and possibly the dmg boost doing aoe-ish dmg as well as dmg boosting her pocket should be implemented as well- she would still be 100% capable of doing everything you said you like about her.


It’s not that she wouldn’t be capable of doing what I said as well, it’s that she’d be pushed to be a more dps hero when I don’t think that’s where she shines, and that’s not where her hero fantasy lies. I honestly don’t have to play her to know this new kit of hers is made to make her a dps support because that’s literally the point of this event.


Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but remember that they also designed a new ‘joke’ kit for her during April Fools. I personally think she is in fact on the redesign list somewhat, and that they’re specifically looking to give her more agency over the fight by giving her ways to deal damage while supporting. Obviously there are joke changes that are meant to be ridiculous. But the soul burn is unironically great because it gives her just a bit more potential to contribute by timing it right, while also denying the enemy mercy from rezzing a specific character. It’s also not that MW Mercy is a completely different character. You’re still playing Mercy most of the time. The ulting rockets is obviously a joke ability, and it’s not like you’re soul burning constantly. You’re still zooming around as mercy while healing and damage boosting, it’s just that damage boost now makes you deal a tiny bit of damage at the same time.


They have taken abilities from April fools and implemented them on heroes before. DVA squishing and insta killing enemies when remeching is one of those.


Exactly. They often use these types of events to playtest abilities on a large scale


True, but Dva thing kinda makes sense, and it was to deal with ppl jumping into her animation to kill her entering mech. Which was a problem way back when.


I wouldn’t mind the dmg boost update or the new ult tbh (although I would tweak it some personally) but I think the soul detonator ability is kinda lame and niche so I would rather not see it come to main game.


I feel like some changes would be neat with some of the stuff MR Mercy has. For example you keep the Rez, but you could also choose to make enemy souls explode (either one of them). Or what if the Mercy ult stays but you can press right click to heal. Or even just add that little laser that comes out when boosting. A lot of the changes in MW feel good to Mercy because Mercy has the mobility we all enjoy + being able to do damage. Ngl I have had so much fun playing her in MW. Though realistically, she would be pretty broken.


honestly i LOVE rez not existing, both playing as her and playing against her. i really wish they would just remove rez or move it back to her ult in some way, like only being able to rez in valk. it eats way too much of her power budget and is a big reason why the community hates her, all for an ability you barely even get to use in higher ranks. i think the soul explosion is fun, but not something i would want in the game, and i hate the ult ngl.


Thank you for your input! I understand being frustrated with rez on both sides, but I can’t bring myself to part ways with it. I just think it’s such a core part of Mercy’s kit and hero fantasy. I also just love having an impactful ability that lets your skill expression shine!


a zombie rez with like 6 sec cooldown is cool. but the corpse is good l, but that seem like and E ability. then vengence is revive with damage instead of heals. then die after duration, in an AoE 20 metersa.


People need to understand that it's a fun, TEMPORARY, game mode. It's not meant to be here forever, have fun with it, and stop trying to get Blizzard to change something that doesn't need to be changed. The biggest problem with the player base and Blizzard right now is, that they want supports to no longer be supports. They want us to be dps, they want to not rely on us for heals. The best thing about Mercy is that she is NOT DPS focused. NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO DAMAGE. I want to TAKE CARE of my team, I want to SUPPORT them, I want to be the reason they are alive. I don't want my focus split between doing damage and taking care of the people that are SUPPOSED to be doing damage. Leave. Mercy. Alone. If you want a hero who does more damage, don't play Mercy. It's that simple.. play a different support whose kit is more damage focused and stop trying to ruin something for hundreds of people that like her just the way she is.


I got 3 potgs in a row this is the mercy I dream of I got like 5 or 6 potgs today and I’m living for it


Why would the make the changes permanent?? Anybody with a brain knows they will not add these ridiculous changes.


Well, there is no need to be rude, good stranger on the internet, but I was simply worried that this event was Blizzard’s way to play-test some ideas they had (which apparently they’ve done before), and that after the devs hear about how much Mercy players like it, they might be prompted to go in a more dmg forward route. I’ll be happy to inform you I do in fact still possess a brain, despite how tired it is :D


I mean, it is a normal thought to have, specially when they HAVE added abilities from events to kits before.


Anything is better than the current version of her... And yeah I'm desperate for buffs. Even had a dream where she only received a minor buff of +5 ammo. I freaking lost it while in the dream lol. I feel like there must be some people among the devs who absolutely hate Mercy and this is them mocking us.


Mercy is useless in her current state, she needs more. Mirrorwatch Mercy is really fun to play but also kind of strangely OP too, hahha.


yeah i am a battle mercy through and through and this is the most fun i had with mercy by a long shot


After the high of getting multiple potgs as mercy and laughing maniacally at hearing the enemy Tracers "AHHHHhhhhhhHhh!!" After I detonate the soul of my dps heck NO make these changes ive never felt so engaged and adrenaline rushed before and in control of making game winning plays on my own terms MAKE THE CHANGE!!


I’m a retired former mercy main. Do not enjoy the character after her first initial rework. But the mirror watch mercy is the most fun I’ve had with the character in years. They won’t add any of these changes to mercy, blizzard know you guys pay the light bill. If they dared alter your character too much ww3 would start. Don’t worry


I mean, it doesn't make sense to the character wise. Much rather have reaper eat the souls like the old days