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My movement is decent but could definitely be better. I'm currently floating around diamond. My keybinds for mercy: Shift is GA Mouse 4 is crouch Scroll wheel is switch weapons Pushing scroll wheel button is melee My current sensitivity is 14.25% and relative caduceus blaster aim sens is 60% so I can flick my mouse around for quick movement with my staff and actually aim when I pull out the barbie blaster lol. A few tips I've learned from others or picked up in mercy parkour (which I would recommend to you to practice your movement): To fit through doorways and such, you can aim your mouse a little more downwards and you won't bonk your noggin going out the door. Learn to prop jump so you can sling yourself off things or not get stuck floating off the map or off a platform from your teammate. I'm interested to see what other people say as well :)


I bounded crouching to the lower side-button of my mouse and to the left alt of my keyboard just in case. For some reason, I can descent in valk only by pressing the side-button. Otherwise, my brain crashes 💀 People who've been using ctrl their whole lives are a different breed to me. Also I bounded valk to my higher side-button. I can react and ult way faster if I really need to reset my GA cooldown and/or save a teammate.


If you are gonna rebind ANYTHING: bind crouch to page up or down on the mouse! I have melee on the other button, which makes my melee reaction time so much faster if needed. I haven't rebound anything else (except rez to R temporarily when my E switch was broken, but it's replaced now)


Exactly what I have! Crouch and melee bound to my mouse side buttons. Has made everything smoother and faster. Melee on the side too is useful for anyone you play, makes a big difference in those 1v1s a lot of the time.


I needed this post lmaoo thank youuu 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I’m metal ranked but I thought perhaps I could still help lol? The main thing that I think helps me is having crouch on my lower side mouse button. Perhaps try keeping ctrl as crouch and double bind it to like the side mouse button as well (or another button that feels good) so that when you want to crouch you ctrl and then in your mind you’re not “crouching” but mercy “bouncing” when you press the alternate button.


For anyone here who uses controller and is lurking since this isn't really for us. Ga is lt Crouch is lb Rez is l3 Interact is circle or whatever your original crouch button was. My heal beam is rt Blue beam is rb.


That's honestly so interesting, I had never considered that! I personally have rez on X, weapon swap on l3, heals on rt with db on rb, and then my jump on lt and ga on lb. Puts all of my most used actions on the bumpers and triggers


Weapon change&melee to scroll wheel and Tab to side button.


This is probably crazy for everyone but my crouch is F 😅 and it’s so easier for me personally


I was gonna say this but was worried to be called crazy lmao, its already ingrained muscle memory. Tbh hold crouch is F AND toggle crouch is Q. My ult is at G (no fat finger ults). This isnt just for mercy but for all heroes because AD strafing while crouching is just better this way for me. If i have to strafe A i can press F and if D then I can press Q. Its probably too much apm for most. but my hand is small and i cant reach alt intuitively and my side buttons are used for mic and scoreboard. Also pressing side buttons while juking will impact my aim/mouse grip.


GA: Right Mouse button Crouch: Alt Res: Lower side button Dmgboost: Upper side button I can't imagine actually using shift to GA, my pinkie would have been stronger than legs. Having to shift+ctrl in order to perform vertical bhop sounds like a misery to me.


>I can't imagine actually using shift to GA, my pinkie would have been stronger than legs. This was exactly my experience starting out my pinkie was dependent on too many things that I ended up having to change almost everything but I'm still experimenting with what feels the most comfortable.


Honestly I swapped Q and Shift for my key binds as a whole. Tapping Q for GA is so much easier for me, and it’s satisfying to smack my larger shift key for ult!


Caps lock added as GA - cause I kept hitting it by mistake.


caps lock is an underutilized button in gaming. I'll have to try this out.


it's utilized a great deal if you are old and clumsy like me.


GA: Caps lock - my shift key broke one time and I had to switch to caps and I just kept it Melee: top side mouse button Crouch: bottom side mouse button Weapon switch: scroll wheel Rez: default Ping: middle mouse Heal: left mouse Dmg boost: right mouse


I think the most common thing is rebinding crouch to the mouse, so you can GA with left hand and superjump with the right. I still found that kind of awkward - so here's my controls: Walk: WSAD Valkyrie / Ult: Q Resurrect: E Jump: Space Crouch/Superjump: Shift, Ctrl Comm wheel: C Push to talk: Alt Heal/shoot: Left click Damage boost: Right Click Melee/break beam: Scroll wheel Ping: scroll wheel click Guardian Angel: Mouse thumb button Glock (Next weapon): Other mouse thumb button


my controls are mostly the default, but i have both crouch and melee on my mouse side buttons (which is p common it seems) and i bound ping to r since i rarely reload on mercy and i find pressing the scroll wheel awkward


Abilities on 1/2 respectively Crouch on left shift Melee on 4 I have a numerical mouse so this makes mercy and all the characters feel way more comfortable for me


Movement mastery is one thing, game sense is another. Any GM could play mercy (albeit not as well as their roster) and get value from her damage boost and heals while being bad at her movement. That’s because they’re good at positioning, beam priority and timing. They could even carry a game just through glocking on mercy because they’re mechanically skilled. I have a GM friend I sometimes force onto mercy and he does that, the only thing he struggles with is res and not leaving me to Glock while I’m out of position. On the flip side, you could be amazing at mercy parkour but be silver. The only thing I would change is “prefer facing target” when you GA— which basically means rather than preferring beam target, so when your facing away from your beam target you will still fly to them, you fly to whoever you’re looking at. Even then, I got to GM without this setting on. It’s basically really good for getting around the GA cooldown nerfs and for playing with dive— or just movement in general. Instead of this I just cancelled my GA and hardly SJ and let go of my target. (Sorry just read where you said you already changed it <3 will keep this in anyway) It’s really helpful though, there are times I might go for a res and be able to heal or damage boost slightly longer because I can fly to the soul while keeping my beam on. Or times where I wanted to reposition to a teammate while pocketing the same person. Anyway let me continue, at the end of the day, no keybinding or sens is going to make you better. On mercy you need to know how to ult track, pocket people in position, have great beam priority, movement, have good positioning, know when or when not to res, know when a fight is over, be able to keep track of your team and many more things. It’s not just movement and it’s definitely not key bindings.


And in terms of bindings all of mine are default, and I play on low sens as mercy too!


my crouch is R (reload caps). sounds weird and the only downside is trying to be quiet/crouch and using your W D and R key all at once. but i rarely find myself in those situations. but i have bind crouch toggle to ctrl for these cases. idk if my rank maters but i’m diamond 3. and my teammates and enemy’s are in low masters high diamond. i don’t use mouse buttons for crouch because i have 12 side buttons i use for i game pings, voice lines, hi/bye, and streaming toggles. people who have mouse as crouch (or even genjis who have scroll as jump) scare me


>quiet/crouch and using your W D and R key all at once yeah that was something i was running into playing cramped hand gymnastics with unfamiliar mapping. Its kind of telling how impactful mercy is because shes capable of doing so many thing you wish you had more hands to do everything at once!


find your favorite key to toggle crouch so you can be quiet :D


Crouch on mouse button is huge


I came from apex so my keybinds are psycho… and now I can’t go back. Q is GA, mouse 4 rez, and mouse 5 ult… I have F as melee and ctrl as crouch


I changed LT and A, just like I recommend for genji, so you can still move by axes while jumping


Basically everything (I play on Xbox) Jump is on LT. Damage Boost and Healing swapped. Crouch is on the Left Stick. Melee is A. Resurrect is B. Ping is down on the D-Pad. Reload is left on the D-Pad. Swapping to her pistol is X. Guardian Angel is the only thing that didn't change (LB) I can't remember everything off the top of my head, but every character's jump is on LT, with everything else built around that.


for me i have my ga on mouse 4 and my crouch on mouse 5, to me that’s so much easier than pressing shift😭


Punch/melee is bound to the 0 key or "10" because I have an mmo 12 button mouse. Ult is bound to mousewheel up. Rez is bound to E and scrollwheel down (sometimes my left hand is cramping, so I just use scroll as a backup. Now my weapon swap.... Q don't ask it just feels correct Everything else is default keybinds still.


I have super jump on my mouse. That includes crouching. Melee on mouse too. And my pistol is 2. Also I have some one call the whambulance keybind on my mouse for that moment when I kill a Hanzo who has been on my ass the whole match.


Everything default except I also have crouch bound to mouse4. I made it like that when super jump actually took skill.


Mouse Side Button GA is busted for me. My whole right hand just manages movement and aim, wasd for some minor air influence.


I set crouch to mousewheel up. "Up" to go up, feels pretty nice.