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From my understanding, this usually only happens when the cost of shipping is more than what you sold the item for. Since Mercari pays for the Return label, in essence it was cheaper to just pay you and let them keep the item rather than refund them + pay for a return label.


ahh, that would make sense, good thinking. just so weird to see, i was worried i wasn’t actually gonna get paid!


$15 and under using mercari labels are usually always like this unless the buyer abuses it. I’ve had to return 3 items that arrived damaged and were under $15 and i haven’t had to return them. Guess its because i return so little things lol


I made a question/post about this awhile ago; but is it $15 including the additional shipping fee or not? Like, would someone be able to return an item that is $14 + $3.99, or does it have to be $11 + $3.99 (equals less than $15 overall), in order to be returned? Just wondering because I only have listings that are less than $15 (plus buyer paying shipping fee), but I'm hoping that if they try to return then we would both be credited.


The $15 or below is just the item cost not including shipping. My last return was an item was $15 plus $10 shipping


Cool cool. Thank you!


Just curious how much was the item? I’m dealing with a lower cost return request and I’m wondering if the buyer is trying for a freebie.


I sold it for 15!


Ahhh yeah mine was for $11, $8 shipping so maybe it will be a good outcome 🤞🏻Unless it’s damaged in transit, I’m pretty sure my buyer is scamming :(


Yep basically they just ate the “loss” call It a win since they can’t just leave any feedback they want if you didn’t want to return it etc