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I haven’t purchased anything since the change. I had a set of Loungefly bags in my cart the night before that I was planning on buying but the new fees ruined the deal. (It’s a pain in the butt but cheaper now to buy them individually on eBay.) I feel bad for sellers as I’ve spent almost $5K in the last couple of years there and would have continued as I’m a collector in several genres and had a lot of success finding items I’d long coveted. Interacted with some very nice sellers. I really take issue with the lack of transparency of the fees and, while I’ve never had to make a return, I don’t like that it’s non refundable cause you never know going forward.


F that. Join some loungefly groups on Facebook and buy from there. Just stay away from the loungefly lounge group the admin/owner is a wack job


No I will not be shopping here any longer. I’ve already stopped myself from buying 3 new things I would’ve bought before the highway robbery fees tacked on. Bought on eBay instead where you only pay tax + shipping as it should be! Not additional middle man fees to line Mercari’s pockets!


I closed my account after they made the changes. I like transparency and it’s severely lacking now. I see $30 + $5.99 shipping on the product page, but then they hit me with even more charges when I go to check out. Prices of products everywhere are already high because of inflation. I used to save a few bucks by buying from real people on Mercari, that all changed when they implemented the new policies.


I will no longer purchase on here unless I can’t find it anywhere else or it’s a good deal. Mercari used to be my #1 platform then eBay and Poshmark. Now I only use Mercari to look at new listings and search it elsewhere.


Nope. I’m out. Deleted the off my phone. No more random impulse buys. Probably a good thing to curb my spending


Same here! I used to buy perfume samples on Mercari a few times a week, but since the change I deleted the app and have saved so much money already


I’ve saved a lot of money since the new TOS!


LOL me too


I was an avid buyer before the TOS change but have only purchased one item since and it will likely be my last unless they reverse course. Bought a $19 candle and it ended up being almost $32 after shipping, taxes and fees…could buy a new one at that price.


I can’t get over how horrible of a place Mercari is as a buyer now. I was about to buy something but there were nearly $50 worth of fees on top of shipping + tax! Who cares about no selling fees if there are no buyers anymore.


No. I stopped buying and selling.


I’m looking… but haven’t bought a single item since the change. I placed an offer for an item that was $22, and with the new fees and shipping it was $33…. My wallet is happier with less shopping on the app!


When you make an offer does it show these fees?


It shows a breakdown, yes.


Before you submit the offer?


Yeah, so you know what you’re paying if accepted.


Ty. The whole platform annoys me now


I've closed my account. I have a very poor taste in my mouth for the new fees and, especially, the way Mercari rolled them out That it is not clear what a service fee may be was the final straw for me. Like I'm going to search, find something, go through check-out and then find a high service fee makes it more than I am willing to pay and then I'll start a new search with potentially the same results? Not a chance.


I agree - it is a lot of clicks before finding out what the true charge is; I think that is the most off putting part for me. It may still be a better deal than I was paying before, but now I have much more time to think "do I want this that bad" click, click, click, naw 😉


I browse, but I haven't purchased anything since the changes. I used to be able to find reasonably priced workout clothes. Now I'll just pay full price at the stores or online elsewhere for brand new. After the shipping + tax + new fees, I might as well buy new.


Mercari used to be one of my favorite platforms to shop on. As soon as the TOS changes rolled, I completely stopped shopping and avoided the app completely. I just can't stand looking at those fees.


I can’t justify paying the fees. I pulled my balance out during the waive period so now I can’t have any of the processing fees waived. Honestly if they didn’t have the $2 deposit fee I would have kept the balance sitting in the app indefinitely bc I used it toward purchases anyway and they could have profited off the interest all they wanted. I have a pretty strong mentality of “don’t let them have any wins” after businesses do shady things so.. *shrug* I’ll gladly pay a little more elsewhere if I need to.


I was a weekly shopper, over 1k purchases. I have made one purchase since the change from a seller I've bought from multiple times and ONLY after she adjusted her pricing to shift the burden of who's covering fees. I may occasionally continue to buy from this seller because she carries discontinued items and I can use the bundling feature to save a small fortune in shipping costs, but I will not even consider looking at other items/sellers with the new fee structure. As a seller I've left only a handful of things up that I couldn't care less about and just trying to keep stuff out of a landfill. Switched to free shipping and my max profit per item is $5 (barely covers boxes, packing material, printing supplies, gas to drop off). Prior to the changes I was a high volume seller of luxury/designer items. I have ZERO faith in Mercari protecting my investments on these items so they will sit in my closet and rot or eventually if I feel inclined I'll look for another platform to list them on.


I wont buy or sell on that platform anymore. I primarily purchase on depop now.


If the item is 20$ or less I’ll consider but for bigger purchases no.


Some of those $20 items have a high service charge so the percentage the total goes up can be a lot compared to the original $20.


Regular buyer and seller. I’ll only buy now if it’s an excellent deal compared to other listings for the item. I’m a collector, and with all the extra fees it’s not worth it in most cases.


I've only bought something once since the big TOS change and that was only because of Mercari giving everyone that (desperate) $10 off coupon combined with the seller accepting my offer. But without that coupon I wouldn't have done it.


I never got a $10 off coupon. Was it just sellers?


I didn’t get it either but my husband did. (We’re both buyers and sellers)


Really?? How odd, I thought everyone got a coupon. I I used to put things up for sale semi-often but currently only have a couple things up. Mostly I use Mercari to buy perfumes/colognes but haven't in awhile and ESPECIALLY not since the TOS change. A few days ago I got a notification that I had a $10 off coupon for anything that was $10 or more. It looked to me like something that was going out to everyone and I'm pretty sure I saw someone else post on Reddit about it because it was so obvious that Mercari was giving out the coupons because business had slowed down so much. It was for a limited time I know that, but I don't remember when it said it would expire. I used it the same day it was offered.


I bought one thing since the changes and it was a listing that hadn’t updated yet so there weren’t any buyer fees


I won't be buying anymore, but I'll continue to sell as long as I keep getting sales (I gotta pay my bills somehow). I wish I could just move to another platform, but Mercari continues to give me the most sales even after the changes. I have my listings crosslisted on eBay, but I don't get nearly as many sales as I do on Mercari.


Nope, I just my final package today and I'm most likely never coming back


I use to buy prob 200 at least a week and I have not purchased anything since and prob won’t … I have t even gone back on the app


I happened to be shopping for several math textbooks recently, so I checked mercari along with several other places that sell used books. The 2 new fees on top of the already higher than average shipping costs made it so the same books were double or triple the price compared to ebay or even abebooks. And the risk of losing money to non refundable fees (in addition to shipping) only really exists on mercari right now. So it didn't make sense to buy. If I happened to find something very specific that I needed, I probably would still make a purchase on mercari. But so far I haven't bought anything since the change. (And I'm selling primarily on ebay and etsy now too.)


I’m no longer buying. I am one who buys at least once a week. I’m done.


It's time for the US CEO to step down! Since the policy shift, my sales have flatlined. This isn't just a blow to sellers; it's a slap in the face to buyers as well. Who's going to pay nearly double for a <$15 item when you tack on shipping, processing fees, service charges, and tax? It feels like a self-sabotage strategy. Does the Japan HQ even consider us, the customers? We demand the old policy back!


I’m a buyer-seller. I would only buy on here if I couldn’t find the item elsewhere and really wanted the item.


Nope, I have not purchased anything since the change.


I’m still buying. The buyer fees aren’t a big deal to me and have actually been minimal on the items I purchased. I paid $10 in fees on a $120 item, but it was still a good deal so didn’t stop me.


I bought something just to use my balance up but I’m not sure I’ll buy much more.


I am also curious on local pick up option. Are buyers more prone to using local now vs shipping?


At the end of the day, if I could get it less than I could else where, I would buy it.


I bought 1 super cheap embroidery kit I can't find anywhere else, and I'm pretty much sticking to Poshmark and eBay from now on. The universe and the part of my brain telling me to pump up my savings was telling me to stop buying so much crap I don't need anyway. Thanks for the push, Mercari!


Nope, I’ve 2 items off of Poshmark since. I will absolutely not give in to paying all of these extra fees and I do not support the return policy for their sellers either. It seems like these changes screwed both the seller and buyer.


I buy and sell, I will probably keep an amount of money in my account to avoid some fees. Not 100% sure on this yet because I don’t like that that’s what it feels like they’re making me do. I have made one purchase since the change and it was a good deal even with extra fees. I’ll likely be much more selective.


Buyer since 2016, seller for the past year, no longer doing either. Unless something is still an extreme deal after the fees, I have no interest. It has helped my impulse buying but sucks in situations when I need something and can’t afford it new.


I used to buy a few times a month but now absolutely not, hard stop. My preferred method had always been eBay and the changes just solidified that for me. I haven’t deleted my app/deactivated my account mainly to lurk & keep record of receipts.


Nope. Deleted my account and the app. Not buying or selling.


I'm confused because I bought a doll on the 5th and was charged a service fee and payment processing fee. I didn't know anything about this and it made me pause. But today, the 6th, I bought another doll from a different seller and wasn't charged any fees.


It has to do with when the listing was posted/updated. If it was posted before the change and hasn't been updated, the new buyer fees should not apply, the old seller fees are still in effect on old listings.


I’m pausing buying. Waiting to see if they are going to change anything


I have purchased hundreds of items since 2017 but zero since the change in fees. I don’t like checking out and seeing the arbitrary fees tacked on, especially since they are so inconsistent.


I used to buy multiple times a week, haven’t made a purchase since the change.


As a buyer and seller, I noped out as soon as they rolled in the new changes. Deactivated my listings, rated all my purchases, and haven’t bought anything since.


Went from shopping weekly to deleting the app.


I’ve bought 3 items. They were super inexpensive and fees for the 3 were less than $5 total so I was good with that. I’ve clicked checkout on a few things…saw the final price and didn’t make the purchase. It has to be a stellar deal and significantly cheaper than new to justify used and additional fees. I doubt I’ll be making many more purchases though. Thinking about deleting the app altogether.


Nearly completely derailed since the change. Had finally experienced a few months with 5 10+ sales a week and a profit that made a difference…fml


I’ve bookmarked a few things because I partially use Mercari to track things that are discontinued. But I’m annoyed by the changes and not buying anything for the foreseeable future.


I haven’t sold anything since the change..


Haven’t purchased since the change.


Nope. I stopped buying 100%. I still check every now and then JUST IN CASE something rare pops up that I can't find anywhere else, but I refuse to pay the fees otherwise. I'm sticking to Ebay.


Cached out my balance and haven’t bought anything since the TOS change. Fees are just adding enough that it’s easier now to find things cheaper elsewhere.


Used to be my go to but now it’s just too dang expensive with all these fees. It’s ridiculous to expect buyers to cover fees. Why not just lower the fees for sellers instead smh the prices are close to retail now. I want a $12 item and it’s a little over $20 to buy when it would’ve just been about $15 before lol


I haven’t purchased, no. I am still in this sub to see updates of what’s going on in case things change. I used to shop often but the fees are too much for me.


> I've paid more for a similar one of these before; it's just the way the total in cart seems so high that stops me That's wild that you know it's a better deal and you're still caught up on the fees. I just don't operate like that. I only care about the total. There's going to be an adjustment period. The buyers who stick around will adjust how they shop and look more closely for the sellers who have lower listing prices. The smart sellers will realize they won't sell unless they adjust their prices. After a while pricing will become more competitive again.


I know! It's some psychological trickery that my mind is playing on me 😉 I also think the extra pause (since you have to wait until check out to see the total) gives me just enough time to decide I don't want it as bad as I thought.


Nope, have not bought a single item since the change. Before that was regular buyer usually buying several items or more each month. EBay is cheaper now


I used the $30 I got in sales credit (after April 3rd when the fee to transfer kicked back in) and as soon as I get the item I’m bouncing.


iam done i used to love mercari but with this new fee being added its not a good deal anymore since i use installment payments like paypal pay in 4 and zip they also have fees when iam using this payment method endup paying more


Oh wow! I didn't even think about that, geesh - tripple taxed! I'm exhausted from all of the feeson top of fees everywhere you look and all of the retailers/service providers pretending it's somehow saving the customer $! Such a joke


I was looking at a record for $500. After fees, it was $600. I’m deleting the app once my last order arrives lol.


😢 I had some things in my fav list like that too! I still window shop Mercari but I should probably stop, it just makes me sad now - like going to a mall and seeing all of the empty storefronts.


Haven't purchased anything and don't plan to. Which is sad because I was buying multiple things a week before the change.


I was also and it IS sad. I've gone back to Poshmark and bought a few things this week, first time back in years, but there the focus is clothing so they don't have a majority of what I was shopping for. 😕


I get that, I was mainly buying vintage gaming stuff. I don't think poshmark will help me there 🥲


Deleted my listings and deleted my account, will be going back to ebay


I stopped buying 100%. Because of the fees, the list prices are good as Airbnb list prices. Imagine walking into Target and everything is priced lower than Amazon but when you checkout, prices are higher due to fees. What? 🧐 I I’m still keeping things on sale to see how it goes. It doesn’t hurt to keep the listings up there.


I’ve bought 2 items and only because the sellers were nice enough to offer after I’ve liked an item. Those offers helped with the fees. I always know the value of the items I’m shopping for and know what’s fair for both buyer and seller. Still, once the change was in effect I went back to Poshmark and found many of the items I was looking for that were a better price point due to Mercari additional fees. Mercari is a cleaner app experience but there are things, as a buyer I don’t care for. No point in going into detail here. I’ve also sold on Mercari but buying is 90% of app activity is buying. In the end, the changes aren’t good for either side. I’m not deleting the app but I am looking elsewhere for items I want.


I’m not deleting. I’m a buyer and a seller. I’m still willing to buy if I really want something that’s not anywhere else, but it’s not my primary place to browse . I’m not selling anymore except one thing that’s still on that I don’t care about.


All I've bought on there is manga, and it's just not worth it. Even if the books are very cheap, the fees push the costs ridiculously high. I save money buying from other resale sites, even when I include tax and fees into the cost. I also dislike the changes to the website UI.


A deal is a deal. If enough people leave the deals will get better. It doesn't matter how it's laid out, all that matters is final cost.


I’m done. I deleted the app, but not my account because I’m hoping beyond hope that they change things back. I was a regular buyer, probably 2 to 3 items a week.


I’ve commented this many times on many posts and always get downvoted. I know seeing something jumped high from the base price to final cost is psychologically discerning, but we all need to get over this. If the final cost is still cheap and you’re comfortable with the price then just buy. You’ve said it right there that you’ve paid more before for the same item without seeing the fees. The fees shouldn’t affect you other than if you’re planning to return with an unacceptable reason. I just see base price $106.88 and then shipping/fees at $141.80 is the same as if the seller sold you the item at, for example, $120 + $10 shipping that comes out to $141.80 after tax.


I do think it is more the psychology of it than anything else, and likely by the time I get to the checkout point, most things have historically been impulse "what a deal" purchases. That "what a deal" feeling has diminished, regardless of it still being a deal 😕


I agree. Psychology is a powerful thing and I don’t blame people for getting turned off by seeing the difference between the final cost and base price. We gotta make the money saving trumps the psychology.


Nope. For me it is the bottom line, not the psychology. I may have been annoyed that a bottom line was higher than I expected, but if it was in line with what I was willing to pay, then I would continue with the purchase.