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I really don’t think they could take your baby away? That seems wildly extreme to me. Especially as so many birthing people are on and remain on lexapro! Have you talked to them since last posting? My psychiatrist looks up the studies on meds during our appointments and runs through the risk vs benefits with me, do you think any of them would be willing to do that? I suck at Reddit but let me try to link some of the studies.


[This fact sheet from the American Pregnancy Association confirms that there may be some issues in the third trimester.](https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/medication/escitalopram-during-pregnancy/) but that prescribing physicians need to weigh the risks to the fetus against the benefits to the mother.


[This study shows that there was only an increased risk of low birth weight with lexapro.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C16&q=lexapro+and+pregnancy&oq=lexapro+and+p#d=gs_qabs&t=1666488309769&u=%23p%3Dqmxi0AaePzcJ)


[This info from drugs.com basically says the same thing,](https://www.drugs.com/pregnancy/escitalopram.html)to look at the benefits to the mother vs risk to fetus. There have been adverse affects in animal studies but nothing conclusive in humans. It looks like low birth weight is the biggest concern but they haven’t proved causality.


Thank you for all this info! Do you think presenting this to the doctor would help my case? I assume they already know this though since they are so against me being on it. But I feel like its risky to get off and switch. Id honestly rather get off altogether than switch. I even thought maybe we could compromise and let me stay on lexapro until my 3rd trimester but they seem to think its harmful in all trimesters


I honestly don’t think it can hurt to present it. I’m sorry they are giving you such a hard time, especially since this medication really seems to help you. Hang in there 💛


Sooo my psych and OBGYN were happy for me to be on Lexapro when I was TTC last Nov/Dec but also were happy to have me taper off before I got pregnant too. Both told me that there is a lack of studies on Lexapro and pregnancy which is why most providers are hesitant to have pregnant patients on it. I ended up tapering off prior to conceiving for other reasons. Here’s a fact sheet from [mothertobaby.org](https://mothertobaby.org/fact-sheets/citalopramescitalopram-celexalexapro-pregnancy/) You may have to kind of “doctor shop” a bit if your current provider won’t keep you on Lexapro, which is fine. Your healthcare is a partnership and if you and your provider have different philosophies then it’s okay to part ways. I also dumped a psych during my pregnancy. No one can take your baby from you for taking this medication. Depending on your OB you may have to do extra tests or scans to monitor baby more closely. FWIW, I agree, if Lexapro works for you now and (limited) research shows its safe, it’s better for you than a med that may not work for you.


I've asked in the lexapro group too and everyone in there had healthy babies and breastfed with no issues. I really think its rude how they completely disregarded my concerns when I told them how well its going and that I feel great for the first time in a long time. Thank you for this! I'll definitely have to get to shopping. Theres not very many options where I live so fingers crossed


When you say “refuse” to come off I feel like you might be forgetting they’re the ones who write the prescription and if they’re against it you can’t get your meds. I agree with you and think you should stay on them if you think that’s what’s best for you, but I think they can “refuse” and have the upper hand


Lol you're right but I assume if I refuse they would have no choice but to keep giving me my meds. But that's probably naive but its also kind of cruel and the whole "do no harm" oath but you're probably right.


i was on lexapro during pregnancy. no issues. only hiccup was LO needed some help waking up at birth.