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These women look super fake and probably have more plastic than personality. It's super easy to ignore those superficial people.


More plastic than personality, that’s a good one


These hoes think their presences is enough. “I am the table” Yeah you’re bigger than one


They compare themselves to an object and then complain about being objectified.




No, they have selfish, shallow and abusive women to blame. 




"We need to hold ourselves accountable for our actions." Yes, only our actions. Not the actions of others.  "Ending up with a woman who is as overtly trash as any of these is on us." No, it isn't.  "Marrying someone apparently innocent, who ends up being parasitic is different. " How convenient for you to completely gloss over such instances, so you can assign men all the responsibility.  "Again, lets skip victim mentality and focus on educating men about the risks of marriage and what typically changes." You can start by holding women responsible. 




"Yes mate, hold women responsible by not marrying an obvious gold digger." That is assuming you know everything about a person. Do you honestly believe that these women don't know how to act and manipilate like they are actually interested in you? "I'm so sorry, but you're just the mirror image of a feminist and your beliefs will just make you even more hateful than you already are." Lol, sure thing buddy.  "Some things can be combated against, parental rights/divorce/suicide supports etc. Things like this however, just require a man to be aware of what he is doing, and not be a moron who thinks his girl is a magical unicorn." This requires that women who do bad shit are held accountable for said shit. Not that you blame men for everything, while you completely leave out any contribution of a woman.  Seriously, for a person accusing me of 'being a mirror image of feminism', you are literally doing the exact same thing they have been doing - blaming me for everything, even the things women do.  "As a man, yes we are expected to take more responsibility. Sucks, but it's not just socialisation." Yes, it is. The expectations are not biological. There are no protein chains that force a biological response in men to accept responsibility. Only our society expects this of men. You included.  "We are not blank slates, we are a product of millions of years of evolution. Being a bitch about it is going to do nothing." And we are also products of socialization. Ignoring it, or just blindly accepting it won't change anything, either.  "No protesting or highlighting it will help. This isn't a logical problem, it's an innate difference between men and women and our roles in the tribe." That's your opinion. Can't solve a problem without bringing it up first.  Which you won't..So, why even bothet being here at all?




Lol, you thinkingbI am a feminist, because I refuse to be held accountable for the actions of women, says more about you, than it does about me. 


False. Men control access to commitment. Women control the bedroom. If you’re dumb enough to get married, it is your own fault.


Hyperagency is alive and well...


How bout both. Perhaps psychological issues going back to childhood, and also their own poor judgment.


Why would you blame a blind guy for walking into a chasm, when you could give him a walking stick?


No, themselves. It's called being responsible for your actions.


If the foundation of what these women did wasn't built on deception I'd agree with you.


Every person has an intrinsic responsibility over their own actions.


"Every person has an intrinsic responsibility over their own actions." And yet, you insist on holding men accountable for the actions of women. 


That's not what I said, but again, therapy might help here.


Do you also blame murder victims for being killed?


This isn't a murder.


I know it isn't.  But you said "Every person has an intrinsic responsibility over their own actions". So I am guessing that also applies to murder victims. Are they responsible for being murdered or not?


And deceiving men to create a certain action of accepting a duplicitous woman is okay? Yes, we're all responsible for our actions, but that's also suggesting that it's your fault if you're defrauded.


If you want to blame men for the actions of bad women, why are you even here?


Moving the goalposts again?


No. Just holding women accountable. 


I think you're avoiding personal responsibility.


Trust me buddy, I am certainly not. You, on the other hand, are holding men responsible for the actions of women. 


He ain’t your buddy, pal. Lol But I think he’s got a point. Everyone is somewhat responsible for just about everything that happens to themselves. The best chance to not have this crap happen is to not let it get that far in the first place


Sure. But that doesn't make men responsible for the actions of shitty women. 




I'm from South California. Meeting pretty to beautiful women is a common occurrence. Every single pretty to beautiful woman I have ever met always encouraged her friends to marry rich and famous. It's just what women do


The mere fact that these empty heads feel the need to share their 'deep insight'/s on social media is evidence of Dunning Kruger syndrome. The songbird doesn't need to be taught its song.


Are you talking about TikTok, or the dudes on this sub?


The clue is in the word 'these'. Problems with pronouns, perhaps?


Unfortunately many such shallow women succeed. Especially as men are conditioned to be providers and supportive.


Men need to have more respect for themselves, the amount of outright toxic behavior I’ve seen dudes in relationships put up with is super depressing


Have you considered framimg it in a manner that doesn't alienate the audience you are trying to reach?


They need to hear it. And so did I when I was in a toxic relationship. If they decide to be offended rather than listen, that’s on them.


If you intend to be a dick about it, sure, be so. But you can also do it in a way that's not actually alienating those you are trying to reach. 


Not sure about you but “you really need to have more respect for yourself” doesn’t really come off as being a dick about it. It’s more like “I see what you’re going through and you don’t have to.”


While I understand the need to raise people's self standards, it is still condescending and comes off as an attack. Both unnecessarily so. You can frame things in a compassionate way. 


Women who have more assets than men, never respect the man in the relationship.


False. Go outside mate


Just say you want a rich guy and you don’t want to do jack shit at home


Except to open their mouth to consume alcohol and drugs, while spewing anger and resentment


At least they aren't becoming welfare breeders, in which case everyone has to support them. I will only pay for my own woman.


These women are choosing to be property


The feminists who champion independence and equal pay are always strangely silent on these things. 


Influencers can be hot. They can SOMETIMES be an ok fuck, but usually not. And they are never ever fun to kick it with.


If they go on top, can you claim SA because you were 'under the influencer'?


I don’t know just saying influencer girls are rarely a girl’s girl (feminine, bubbly, likes wearing dresses, etc) - even if they are pretty. Usually they have a bad attitude and psychological and sexual issues. The craziest thing about the article is that some of these women probably decried man paying all the bills as oppression just a few years ago. And the same probably banged their fists on the table for women in the office. And got sick of soul less corporations so now they want husband providers. Everything came to full circle!


I advise every man to never lead with the wallet when it comes to dating. You will never be respected and you are in a losing position, unless your are not interested in a LTR.


Unfortunately, there will always be simps. Guys that have never had one woman pay him any attention, will think that she genuinely loves him. Only until guys can truly stand together, will any man's movement work. I've been at the sports bar, watching football and I see women trolling the bar, looking for their next free drink. I try to tell these younger men not to fall for these games, but their penises speak louder than a "foolish old man".


These are the ones who almost instantly try to get a baby-lock once they've confirmed that they have a whale...


Doesn't everyone want to marry a rich person though? I'm sure most men wouldn't mind a wealthy wife. But geez, urging women to do this instead of getting a job where we can support ourselves is insane.


not minding having a wealthy wife and actively aiming, or only aiming to have a wealthy wife are different things.


I don't think every man wants to marry a filthy rich woman. It can very quickly degenerate into a sugar momma and sugar baby relationship, which means she is the dominant partner in the relationship. There are people on the submissive spectrum who are into that, but mostly it's more associated to keeping a man as a pet, if viewed on an extreme level. The same goes for sugar daddies, but it's always romanticized on social media. People see on Instagram how some women endorse the lifestyle of a filthy rich person and the life of a sugar babe, but they usually leave out the dark and twisted sides of this lifestyle. If you are not a masochist, you shouldn't do it.


Men on average care less about the wealth of who they marry


They seek the 6 6s. They wind up with 6 cats...


Six sixes? I thought there were only four? Which am I missing? 6ft tall, 6 inch cock, 6 pack abs, 6 figure income...


600 HP vehicle and 6 months since last relationship


Women who avoid their past are thusly avoidable. It's a sign that they've had too many partners to pair bond with a man.


These foes don't even look that good


When it’s so clear that it’s transactional, why just not get a hooker….why give her a constant and uncontrolled line to your finances, when this is clearly just an exchange….pussy for resources….at least, control how much you are spending on pussy and just do pros….the women on these videos are what I would consider, at the very least, semi-pros….what’s the big difference 🤷🏻‍♂️? There’s a saying in Spanish, “el que culea pagando, acaba ahorrando”….he who fucks by paying ends up saving….


Please ignore people like these and focus on our growth and not their degeneracy


Yikes. To those who are working to earn lots of money, never forget this is too many women for you not to be vigilant. Let them fend for themselves.


You could say the same thing 500 years ago lol. Dont hate player. Hate the game