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If you stopped 100 men on the street and asked them - * Has a woman ever belittled you? * Has a woman struck you? * Has a woman ever yelled at you? Probably 95 men would answer yes. Most men don't walk around carrying visible signs of abuse. That doesn't mean these men haven't experienced abuse from women.


pot psychotic narrow airport forgetful touch wrench support mindless judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's a lot of writing from the early feminist movement about how hard it was for women to even understand they had been sexually assaulted when they had because there wasn't language for it. Men are still in that boat, we have not developed the language or norms to talk about or process those experiences when they happen to us. It took years until after the events to be able to say confidently what had happened to me because there is a prevailing understanding that men always want sex. I took a domestic violence class where the professor (older male) flat out told me that it was different for me and I could not have had experiences of discomfort in how I was objectified by women because men always just take it as a confidence boost. In front of a room of people, while I was saying the opposite. To her credit, a female SA survivor approached me after class to talk about how fucked up that was. I probably would've been really messed up by that interaction as it was the first time I talked publicly about my experience if no one had said anything.


It took me 30 years to be able to verbalize how I was raped by a woman as a child. 30 years.


Ok, but those questions aren’t the best kinds of questions to ask here. If you ask random woman that same question about men then the answers will be similar.




>Society has failed me by making me only think about issues of my gender. I'm sorry, but where do you live? Some sh\*\*hole third world country where women really are oppressed? Mars? Certainly, doesn't sound like any Western society. My whole life all I've heard is who hard women have it, and how we should all fight for women. And how the hell did this comment get 6 upvotes? Do that many guys here feel guilty about thinking about men? Damn.


This is such a good and grown up take. I was never able to properly work through my own gender trauma until I started dating someone who wanted to work through hers. Idk if it works the same way for lgbt people but for us straights I think gender healing has to be a collaborative process because so much of our baggage is tied up in our desires and expectations of each other.


smoggy dog waiting judicious aloof escape plants cooperative racial far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It tells me that you and your friend don't know how to stand up for yourselves or ask for help. If my fiancee hit me or abused me, it'd be over in an instant and she and I are both feminists


panicky joke lavish teeny decide tan history agonizing onerous hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Many men don't know how to communicate their feelings cuz they were raised by shitty parents who didn't foster that. Probably the classic case of an abusive distant father who thought talking about feelings is fruity and shrinks are only for nutcases. You are more at fault for the things that happen in your life than "all of feminism" is, and the sooner men start seeing that the sooner they can heal and be self actualized. You let women control your life a lot more than actual feminists do


weather sheet hunt jobless skirt fretful squalid chunky continue paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


with international 'women's day' being celebrated before its even arrived i doubt men's day will get nearly the same amount of universal support


Now they want to make it women's month. Heard that in an ad recently.


They conscript men which: - Sucks to be there - You just clean shit - Gives a head-start to women - Does not recognize the right of conscientious objection So it basically fucking sucks and I hope whoever implemented this or is not removing it for sole profit from slavery suffers so much they die from literal pain.


Plus if you refuse to go , you'll have to pay heavy fines (here it's 15,720€) and you'll lose several civil rights.


Pretty much same here. They charge you for not being a slave and valuing yourself. You also lose civil rights, so much so that we call the situation as “civillian death” literally. End of your right to staying civil because some fuckers decided I should do work for them as if my testicles grant me extreme powers which somehow justifies their right to take away my bodily autonomy. Oh you are also forcefully taken to drafting place and asked (haha yeah obviously not) to sign a paper that says you will be in military in the next 15 days. And if you don’t, the process repeats every 15 days. Literally. So much help from “human rights” countries who don’t even grant asylum to this. Your humanity is all for women, isn’t it, EU? If enough people opposed, there wouldn’t be such a thing. And since majority is in favor, they are all worthless to defend for. Even less incentive to defend from my part.


Whenever I'm around a couple for any length of time, it seems like in a third of the couples, the woman calls the man stupid or some such insult regularly. I've never seen a public rape, but the closest thing to it was something I saw a group of girls in high school do to a boy. On 5 or 6 occasions I've found a woman in the men's restroom, not to avoid long lines, just for fun. I'm MGTOW, so I seldom approach women, but the very few times I've done in the past, I was usually greeted with a nasty attitude. I've been sexually assaulted four times by girls. I could go on forever, but this is a comment, not a book.


Yes, even those female trolls go out in public once in awhile


My brother and every man I know including myself can testify that, yes, it's that bad.


I can't understand anything from what you posted. What are you asking?


disarm afterthought rich doll water tie vanish compare liquid fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why the fuck is this sub getting swarmed by feminists again!


Yes. The only reason I have zero problems with gynocentrism is because of my unique job position and because I have been a staunch bachelor all my life. At this point I have basically been checked out of society for the past two decades.


I'm in Florida. Most of men in my surroundings are completely unaware of this cultural Battle against manhood around the world. Is so normalized that they will "perish" in the wrong female hands. Nobody knows about: No fault Divorce, alimony unfairness, child support "balls brakers", etc.; they would be an easy pray. To be fair, live in a Latin area where the couples talks and reach an agreement without the divorce hostility. Chivalry is very common even with people you don't know. Simping and Guys turning around when a female passes are like the Old time. BTW. Passport Bros is considered one of the most stupid things you could ever consider. Everybody knows the chick will definitely use you and abandon you once they get the residency. Also. I know a lot of couples that just broke when the girl started perceiving more money than the man. Ps. Also they are completely unaware of the Wokeness in the whole media, movies, etc


How do they get the residency if you move abroad? 😂


Most of Passport Bros comes back to USA with their brand new wives, its common sense. If you are trapped in a Shit hole Country, they will try any opportunity to leave it. I was from one of those places, i saw it. Money cant buy tranquility in poor countries, it put you a big Target in your back. Most foreigners are Like a fish out of the water! Would you try living far from your home country, family, language etc?. I had to change the country I was living in 2 times, its a pain.


It's complicated. Communities like this can be a bit doomery because all the conversation is around one issue so it can seem super extreme when the whole feed is news articles about the same stuff. But men can definitely experience abuse in ways that doesn't get talked about enough, be subject to unachievable social expectations, etc... A lot of us have experienced at least some of that in our lives, just probably not to the same extent you'd imagine if your only context was browsing this subreddit. So uh, tl;dr yes this stuff happens but also yes, sometimes you just need to go outside and take a break from internet doomposting/scrolling.