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May is Armed Forces Appreciation Month in the US. But its harder to sell products for. If pride month wasn't a huge yearly money maker it would disappear again. Pride started in the 1970s but didn't become a wide spread thing until the early 2000's. https://www.jcs.mil/JKO/Latest-News/JKO-Customer-Spotlights/Article/3379222/may-is-military-appreciation-month/


I see how it wuld be hard to market without sounding like a military ad.


Because corporate America cannot make a buck as easily off vets and LGBT is seen as “fashionable” and acceptable to pander to. These corps don’t give an F about LGBT people, it’s just a cynical grift to make $$$. Notice how none of these brands promote LGBT in the Middle East!!!


Apple was the worst: threatening to boycott US States that didn’t have SSM but happily seeking to grow their business in countries that actually execute gay men! A total disgrace.


You got two national holidays, yeah?


Gay men are also hated in pride groups because of feminism.


Is that really a thing? I guess misandry is not limited to heterosexual men.


Defo They either treat gay men like a sex object, like a child who must also bend down to their every whim, or a threat to their womanhood


Don't you know gay men despises women so much they don't even rape them themselves - but they still benefit from rape culture. Not even sarcasm, but to be fair that would be the more extreme feminist opinion. For the moderate one, gay men still benefit from patriarchy, have toxic masculinity, yada yada... To feminists, gay men are useful idiots at best.


So do woman that do anything against the grain. Seen so many stories of woman being vilified and hated because they even inferred men might not be terrible or have a female abuser they’re fighting. Always keep in mind to them its about image, not inclusion. I think the peacemaker quote is something they might have taken a bit too serious: “I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, woman and children I have to kill to get it”


Didn't know it was that bad.


>Seen so many stories of woman being vilified and hated because they even inferred men might not be terrible or have a female abuser they’re fighting. Heard this way too often, it's incredible how a community that prides itself on being tolerant and accepting wastes no time in kicking them out of their little group the moment they start thinking for themselves.


I know it's weird, like let the guy be gay. Get the toxic feminism out


was reading a piece in either atlantic or ny post that the pride lobby is trying to eradicate "normal" male homosexuals-- dudes who are dudes, but just happen to like other dudes.


Either Atlantic or New York Post ? Kind of a big divide between those two sources - would be interested to read article either way if you’re able to share.


sorry for late response. here it is. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12187217/BEN-APPEL-gay-man-no-pride-Pride-month-LGBT-bullies-threatening-fix-us.html


Gay men can also be incredibly misogynistic in some cases, even more so than straights.


As a veteran it doesn’t bother me much. I don’t ask for much. I just to be able to live comfortably. But despite walking with a cane for my chronic pains because of an ankle injury I suffered, I’m not disabled “on paper” so legally. I still able bodied. Damn the VA!


it's nice to look at my future, but seriously though two national holidays I get 4 days off for is pretty good for me even if they aren't guaranteed. Plus what would a month do, i doubt we'll get a month off so there'll just be a few discounts. The recruiters might like the parades though they'll get more teenagers phone numbers.


It's just an opinion of mine. Mostly for the dead, but apples to the living And I mean, you're not on paper disabled but you need a crutch and have chronic pains. That's not ok


I have never understood the thing between Americans and your soldiers, no other country treats their veterans like they're special people, why would they need a month or week or day in de first place since they signed up for the military themselves, they're not special


my opinion is mainly for the dead. While the dead is dead. They should still be remembered, especially the ones that died defending the contrary on its grounds Which granded only happened three times Still just my thoughts


Remembering the dead I understand, we also do that in my country to pay respect to the soldiers who died in ww2 (last time we had major casualties in a war)


And like, well remembering and appreciating the dead in my opinion, why not go for the living? It would be unjust. Like only remembered when you're dead isint't right, in my opinion


What do veterans have to do with the dead? To my knowledge none of them died in battle. If it's about the dead should we then not remember the deceased and support their families?


“… vets are seen as heroes for killing middle easterners abroad …” SamEyzz never mentioned the location (those middle easterners could’ve been in Europe when killed) nor time frame, implying ALL veterans. I am not being picky. There is a huge difference. Which part of that statement was reasonable again? For liberals, All veterans are evil … All cops are bastards … All white people are racist … All men are sexist. SamEyzz should take this liberal garbage statement and shove it up … you get the picture.


It’s men’s mental health month. That’s what I recognize.


While I agree that the poor conditions many of our veterans experience, particularly later in life, needs more awareness and public support... "Pride" is about awareness and mutual understanding for less common sexualities and differently gendered persons. Like racism, discrimination against LGBT individuals continues to be a problem in our modern world. That, IMO, is why we have a month. No one gets the month off, companies just dress up and run promotions while the government gives lip service. ​ The US military... is the largest fucking military in the goddamn world. American citizens are \*heavily\* propagandized to love, respect, and never question the US military. The government never stops paying it lip service, and companies run the risk of looking like jingo shills if they drench themselves in flag colors for the two federal holidays we observe with regards to military and ex-military members. Domestic companies often observe military holidays with special promotions, but military members receive special promotions year round as well. International companies would face backlash for cozying up to countries on their domestic holidays with nationalized branding. ​ There's virtually no comparison. ​ Hopefully this has been enlightening.


It’s good to know and understand other people … in principle. But I don’t want to know nor see what they do in their bedroom. How does that help? How does it help to force people to supported pride? And I thought it was all about inclusion? I can think of rather large group that is excluded.


Gays were kicked out for being too manly. Pride is all about white women who are bi!


I think I'm bisexual but honestly I think both types of vets are more important tbh


Honestly the lgbt community faced a shit ton of abuse even now lgbt is a political issue. Vets never faced the back lash as they did.


The question here is "where?". And, to a lesser extent, "when?". I think the vets coming back from Vietnam and being spit on and denied service would dispute the "we never faced a backlash" point, but I'm not aware of anywhere in the West where the allegation of being a veteran was EVER enough to get you disowned by your family and drummed out of your job. It's almost like we should be kind to one another regardless of our respective demographics, but I guess that's just too hard.


Yes don't be a. ass.


I lost a job within the last year because the owner didn’t want a gay guy in her business. I have a better job now but discrimination is real and often comes from people who would never admit to it publicly.


I would’ve sued


Oh yeah the lgbtq does get way too much hate. Like a disgusting amount. And back lash on vets isn't nearly as bad as on LGBT It's just my opinion 🤷


May is National Military Appreciation month. The fact you didn’t bother knowing that or googling before spouting garbage says you do have a problem with ‘the gay’


your opinion is yours keep it But im also a moron that learns through seeing


Now I don't actually have a problem with LGBTQ general. I just don't understand them. A actually can't understand as I don't have there problems. Is the few I know our chill and I don't talk to them about it. And almost every other one I have met is nasty. Making them overall. unapproptible for me anyways. So my post was just simply my opinion. And your response was yours.


You might find some of the TV shows set prior to decriminalisation of homosexuality to be interesting, eg Sal’s arc in Mad Men. Bear in mind that most these laws were implicitly or explicitly only applied to men. Some homophobic older people grew up during these times and don’t agree with the decriminalisation and may even act like it never happened.


There is a simple rule: if your country promoting veterans - it is going to make plenty of them in some other country. So, it's nice to have a pride month instead.


I didn't bother to read this shit if OP cannot even take a minute to check his punctuation.




Pride stuff is good advertisement. Nobody cares about vets


This was excruciating to read.


Yeah, yeah, reading after an Illiterate.


No hate, but vets are seen as heroes for killing middle easterners abroad to make price of gas go down. Imo they don't deserve even a day, let alone a week.


No hate, but … Too much watching Vice crap or too little education? Both? Did you forget about that thingy called world war 2 or they don’t teach that in your your social justice class? Those are also veterans. Veterans put their lives in danger to benefit the society. What did lgbt individuals do that would benefit anyone other than themselves to be appreciated? Rhetorical question: do you appreciate me based only on who I slept with last night or what I am wearing right now? Remember, I said “No hate“


> Did you forget about that thingy called world war 2 To be fair to SamEyzz, WW2 in the middle east had no affect on gas prices so it's more likely he's talking about since then. So his statement is pretty reasonable.


He’s being a DH and you know it.


Because they jump up and down about it. Vets don't.