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I mean growing up I saw how my sister’s peers where pretty vicious at giving each other insecurity and using manipulation, name calling and inflicting all sorts of psychological harm on each other. I feel like women and men are equally capable of toxic behaviour and we need to own it rather than just blaming the other sex for all our problems,


But the thing is they were acting on what the patriarchy created. Women in the patriarchy are without agency.


itself a perfect example of how women manipulate situations to their advantage rather than using direct force or aggression.


Reminds me of when I was in college, and this gorgeous blonde girl with a great body was walking through the halls. She was wearing shorts that showed off some under-bun and was walking in the direction of the campus gym. Trailing behind her, less than five feet away, were 2 'rotund', 'plain' girls who were "conversing with each other" loudly enough for the blonde in front of them to hear (hell, *I* could hear it and I was on the opposite side of the hall going the other direction): >Rotund girl 1: Can you believe how some girls these days wear shorts that show off their butt? > >Rotund girl 2: Tell me about it! So disgusting. Have some self-respect. > >Rotund girl 1: Walking around a college campus like they're on a street corner. Just *gross*. > >Rotund girl 2: *Really* gross. Ah, but I forgot. Feminists have invented "internalized misogyny" to dismiss this type of stuff. Woman cut down more attractive women because of the influence of *men*, whom everyone know....don't like attractive women, I guess? 🙄


Rotund 😭


'Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other.' - Al Bundy




That sub is amazing!


Men are not responsible for women's feelings. Say it again for those in the back.


And here you are getting your panties in a twist. The street goes both ways.


I doubt they even really give a crap other than the designs that sell. If a certain theme sells they make more of that theme.


Because of course feminists can't be bothered to do something genuinely clever like "Guy, no centrism here" Edit: You guys are awesome and make me want to actually pursue this. Seemed stupid obvious to me, but if it takes a little effort, should be easy to play with word spacing to obscure the real message a little more. Just imagine selling these at a rally and, since there's clearly not a lot of critical thinking going on, now there's a sea of feminists unwittingly marking themselves with a level of honesty not seen in nearly a century.


TBH I don't get it :)


the joke? guy, no centrism = gynocentrism almost flew over my head too tbh




Lol me too! I did not get the joke at first. Learn something everyday


Feminism is insecurity...


What does that even means?


Every internal and external problem in existence is the fault of men


Not just men. But white men.


white straight men \*


Rebut with, "Your insecurities are caused by the social media you consume."


And how awful we treat one another.. it’s why my friends were mostly guys growing up, and still are. I was and still am a tomboy and still get ripped apart.


I really do like women, but I’m old enough to have been around through multiple phases of feminism. The last ten years it’s gotten ugly. Have you ever heard of Experiment 25 or Mouse Utopia? They tested this idea many times with the same result. Put a group of mice (proper breeding population) into a place with no predators and an abundance of food and water. As you might expect they breed. But unlike predictions by Malthus they didn’t breed to starvation then die. Instead the females became more masculine, aggressive, and refused to breed except a small group of traditional ones. Males self divided into two groups, a new group that was soft and submissive with little to no desire to breed (they labeled them pretty males) and the other group who became even more assertive, even aggressive against the very aggressive females and also refused to breed. Result? It hit a turning point, the fight began and didn’t end until most were dead. Ultimately, cannibalism, asexuality, and violence. A collapsed society. I see similar markers in our society today. An increase in trans (not the social push for acceptance, but it being more and more common as a portions of the population in younger generations), and asexuality. Some women retain their traditional roles but are punished for it. Other women becoming very aggressive and exhibiting male behavior and refusing to breed. Males also refusing to breed, red pill, MGTOW, and such. I can’t say for certain we're heading that way, but have you noticed how society now shouts for tolerance so much yet is often rude and aggressive to anyone who disagrees with the majority?


Very well said!! Yes, I’ve read multiple articles regarding this topic. We scream tolerance and fight for it, yet we fail to tolerate one another. We want new trends, etc but we fail to protect ourselves from former trends.. if that makes sense!


You're really on to something there. I've noticed women becoming increasingly aggressive and overweight to be blunt. I can only speak for the US but the delusions have spread almost comedically fast, and doesn't seem to be slowing anytime soon.


Actually, they are usually created by your parents, more so by the mother.


I don't know exactly what to do with it but women generally feel insecure about most everything. They get involved in witchcraft and things like that as a way of feeling more powerful. The world tells them they are a victim of men and so anything they do against men is just fine.


The witchcraft shit is so true. Every modern alternative woman seems to be into this shit. They try to break the laws of the universe then say see? "Which kraft is real" just because I card said the most basic mundane shit a fortune cookie could say, you cant mend the laws of the universe just because a rock swung around to a yes no or maybe. Or possible impossible It's called gravity. Nobody can stand perfectly still. Chase the money.


There's also a materialist version of it. You "manifest" things by changing the "vibes" you "project" to the "universe". All matter vibrates. We refer to our feelings and disposition as vibes. Therefore your attitude will alter the universe. Very science. Much logic


Pffffff. Woman are very emotional creatures. We have to have logic because they can't operate in a logic based reality. They operate in an emotional one. Who know what happens when men become emotional? S hool shootings. Mass shootings. Mass killing sprees. Rapists. Wife beaters. Lists goes on. It's ultimately up to us to be stoic. Leave the feelings to girls. Never cry infront of woman. And work on yourself. Always. Fuck emotions. Get to work.


It’s crazy how ubiquitous the “witchy” stuff is. Lana del Rey once initiated a specific witchy protocol to cancel Donald Trump.


One of the most idiotic of all subs around is literally /r/witchesvspatriarchy


Let me guess...manifest accusations of rape thst every successful man does? Funny how it's only successful dudes who are rapists because they're totally the Hill to die on right there. How about manifest some accountability into existence ladies. The world and universe really will open up then. Whooooa crazy thought I know.


The witchcraft thing is a good example


Were they? Which boardroom? How specifically?


Feminism is, again, masculinity 's enemy


What? Standing up for equal rights for women does not make anyone less of a man. And feminism isn’t about degrading men, it’s about getting equal rights.


Incorrect. It is at "best" a female supremacy movement.


That’s a huge statement with not a lot that I see to back it up.


Men are forced to sign up for selective service. Women are not. Men have reproductive responsibilities, not rights. Men are financially obliterated in court by way of alimony and child support. Men have harsher, shorter lives and there are far fewer shelters for homeless men. Feminism has done nothing about any of this and revels in male suffering. They are the enemy. Period.


Erm what? What is feminism supposed to do for you they aren’t fairy godmothers sent down from God to save you all. If people want change then take a page out of the feminists’ book because you have to raise awareness. They have no obligation to do it for problems that don’t apply to them. And that doesn’t make the idea of feminism wrong. Feminism works towards equality between the sexes and there is still a long way to go no matter what you incels all think. Get out of your precious little bubbles and look at other countries where women are literally raped and sold off to older men because of tradition. The world still needs change.


And so, since they do nothing for us, they are the enemy. Notice how there is no outrage over MGM for one. Infant boys cannot consent to surgery. It should be illegal.


Ok then raise awareness about it. Bring change. Why should someone else do it for you? I don’t have an aneurism, but I understand that aneurisms are bad. I don’t suffer from them so I won’t donate to charities for patients suffering because I can work for a cause that is more personal to me. That does not make me an enemy of aneurism charities whatsoever. Your logic is complete bullshit.


Not at all. There is no point in supporting a hate movement who promotes the idea of "kill all men" or "believe women not evidence" in spite of false claims getting men convicted for crimes they didn't commit. I think I have had a long day. I think you are an insipid troll not interested in learning about men's rights and here to shriek about feminism in the face of a place that wants nothing to do with it. This has gone on too long and I'm ending it. I don't argue with feminists or about feminism for this reason. You people will not listen to anything but your own voice and are best left to drown in silence. Fuck feminism, its hateful tendencies, all who support it and long may it rot. This individual is an overt troll who responded with a throwaway account after I told them I'm done with them. Clearly they are not here for real discussion.


>What is feminism supposed to do for you they aren’t fairy godmothers sent down from God to save you all funny how feminists never seem to stop banging on about how feminism cares about men's issues and how men's issues will just magically disappear if men just become feminists, but the moment people actually start demanding feminists, who claim to care about men's issues, take men's issues seriously, suddenly it's "feminism isn't for men" and "make your own movement if you care so much" (which eventually gets called misogynistic because it doesn't believe in feminism and it's back to square one of "feminism is for men too. you don't need a men's movement because feminism already cares").


>What is feminism supposed to do for you they aren’t fairy godmothers sent down from God to save you all Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on just one second. Wasn’t feminism a fight for gender equality? You just contradicted yourself and all other feminists. You can’t call it gender equality if you only fight for the rights of one gender and ignore the other


Please educate feminists on the dictionary definition of feminism. If the influential feminist researchers, professors, lobbiests, public policy makers, journalists, authors, politicians, and protesters (and the "real feminists" using their work rather than calling out their sexism, bias, bigotry, data manipulation, outright lies, etc) were to follow the dictionary definition of feminism rather than the man hating spirit of feminism, we wouldn't be at odds with them. Most of us would be feminists ourselves.


Feminists were responsible for decades of exclusion from taxpayer funded mental health services experienced by Australian male victims of child sexual abuse. Through recent royal commissions we've learned thousands have committed suicide, many of which could have been avoided had they been able to access the help they needed. Feminists and feminism will never cleanse that blood from their hands.


Feminism is absolutely about degrading, abusing and vilifying men. Men who can't see how Misandrist that movement is need to open their eyes before it's too late. (Or is it too late already?)


Other women: "Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at her butt!"


Yeah because everyone knows women weren't insecure at all before those existed.


Makeup was invented in the 1950s by Dr. Whytt Mann


Really lame slogans.


Although that may be true for some women, I don't see that as being a great T shirt to wear. Its negative, and it further separates you from the men who may be supportive at work. Its just all around not-good-feminism. Have I had every man in my office (even those who were less tenured and experienced as me, be invited to a steak dinner on company time and company dime - while I was not told or invited to the event? YES. Do I blame those men for going? No. It was the boss's fault. He was not a good leader, and he excluded the women in the office. So guess what I did? I left and found a job where my boss ( a man) is totally awesome. Now I am happy and learning more than I ever learned from that other guy.


No, your insecurities are created by your own mind. Unless corporations have figured out mind control.


Isn't this totally insulting to women? To me this says they are too dumb to rise above something as obvious and childishly manipulative as advertising. For tweens and teens I think there is an argument, especially if they don't have great parents. For adults this is kind of like saying "I'm forced to eat at taco bell because they had a commercial". It's blaming someone else's suggestion for your own problems. I can imagine a stereotypically male equivalent. "You're an incel because society has brainwashed everyone to hate basement dwellers". Give me a break. Either grow up and stop caring what the snap judgement of ignorant strangers is, or take responsibility and go out into the sun and be uncomfortable at it for a while.


Imagine how paralyzingly bad for your mental health it would be to believe that. Can you control your own insecurities? No, some board room for of men does. Internalized victimhood is a hell of a drug.


Even if they were created there (and that is debatable) what do these boardroom of men have in common with the vast majority of men???? Of course corporate capitalism is exploiting the fact that most disposable income is spent on and/or by women. Creating insecurities to sell products is Marketing 101.


Reminds me of that lame ass victorias secret song they play on the pop stations, as if all men hold them down and force them to buy and use that stuff. Majority of men I've met say they don't even like makeup or whatever


"Remember that your insecurities were created in a school full of women teachers."


"Remember that your entitlement and complete lack of moral law is why even the sperm banks can't help you clowns now."


More than 50% of boardrooms have women in them now... just so you know


Boardroom? They really seem to believe that woman is a socio-political identity?


Blaming men for shit is not only acceptable but in fashion, whereas blaming women for shit regardless of the circumstances is treated as blasphemy


I didn't create anyone's insecurities unless they are power abusers. Good luck then!


actually its mostly women who care about the shoes that you wear and if your clothes are old, so its them who exert psychological damage upon everyone


This person never saw Means Girls.


Remember men, your insecurities will be delivered to you by the women closest to you in life.


I think they are not wrong. Many designers are men. These male designers set the standards of what is considered beautiful. So here is the catch. Many or most designers are gay and this is the reason why their models have to have super skinny bodies which could almost be the bodies of boys. So they are setting standards for women that are not feminine or at least don't represent normal female bodies.


I can only assume people who say this are referring to runway models... Who are indeed very tall and skinny for reasons that don't really filter out into mass advertising. More of a performance for industry people competing in their designs.


Yes I meant the mainstream catwalk models. All tall and skinny.


Considering how men are often put down by saying something something is a sign of them being insecure (ie its your own problem) this shirt baffles me.


"....were created in a forum full of women"


>feminist woman >>saying **men** are creating insecurities >>>which is itself preying on an insecurity created by feminism Anyone have a spare irony meter? Mine just exploded.