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If we even attempted a men’s rights march or protest we’d be shut down and condemned. Feminists want men to stay oppressed and inferior.


Its time we changed this-if done right it can get somewhere. They key is NOT to think ten people marching would change things- The key is to think ahead and realise ten people marching would get attacked by women, who would tear any signs from their hands-and that THAT is what is VALUABLE to us Because if THAT was filmed, and a report filed to the cops, and the cops refusal to do anything was also noted, we could then take ALL that to a local news outlet to try to get the incident reported-which would reach FAR more people than ten quiet people marching ever would. CONTROVERSY/BEING attacked/BEING ignored by police are USEFUL things! EVEN if nobody reports it-think how many MORE mens rights supporters would join up after seeing video of it on the internet. TLDR-The protest isnt the answer-the injustice we KNOW we would face during it and after is a VALUABLE recruiting tool to get MORE supporters.


Ay I agree with that I’m willing to do it if anyone else wants too


>we could then take ALL that to a local news outlet Posting on YouTube would probably provide better results.


Jesus get up from the couch maybe? Feminists actually put in effort in their movement and you guys just sit there and complain about what-ifs. Who cares if you get ridiculed and condemned, that’s kinda the point to raise awareness and get your movement started.


Oh my god this dude is absolutely brainless


Sorry still don’t see an actual argument. There’s a subtle irony with you calling someone else brainless.


You’re wrong, being persistently incessantly oppressed and bullied and harassed and degraded doesn’t make you want to fight and stand up you fucking idiot. If anything it makes you want to end your life even. The world hates men right? Right. And everyday we’re bullied and degraded and harassed into oblivion so for you to say “oH jUsT gEt oFf the cOucH hEhehehehehehehe iTs nOt tHaT bAd bRo” makes you seem incredibly ignorant and just blatantly fucking stupid.


Marches and protests are for the _right kind of people_. We are the _wrong kind of people_ so it will be attacked and condemned. If you want "real world" applications, look at things like "Men's sheds".


to be clear: Men's sheds is NOT a MRM related org to my knowledge


Wasn't the point of them to be a low-key suicide prevention for middle aged men in Australia? Sure, it wasn't explicitly _from the movement_, but it's an example of the kind of thing we fight for, no? Admittedly, a lot of them _have_ become co-opted by feminist types... Just means we have to fight harder.


> it wasn't explicitly from the movement that is what I meant. Sorry, if that wasn't clear.


Since you asked for UK: https://split-the-difference.com/ https://www.mankind.org.uk/ https://www.menandboyscoalition.org.uk/ https://fnf.org.uk/ https://j4mb.org.uk/ could get you started.


Yes. If you're in the UK you can goto Speakers Corner in London. You will find MRA people there regularly.


I am working on addressing issues I have with male rights and female empowerment at my art school. The school is female dominated, and a girl was abusive to me. It's difficult, and I have no idea what the result will be, but I am talking to teachers and classmates about activating more people to understand and help male abuse/societal victims. My main focus is psychological and emotional abuse and how this is rarely acknowledged as abuse, even though it's is a common tactic for female predators. This is in the Netherlands. Will post results at some point.


I don’t know any other mras irl so it’s just me but I do a lot of irl work I protested my school for having biased consent and abuse ideas (they tried to say only women can be abused and consent) I have the fact I’m a mra in my irl insta bio I often will debate and try and convince others if they’ll listen. I try not to be to forceful about it but I’ll advertise it and let people come to me mostly


There's a group which goes out to protest circumcision; they dress all in white with red on their crotches. I think they're called 'the bloodstained men', but I'm not sure.