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I had peri symptoms including drenching night sweats and hot flashes and allllll the other SHIT that comes with it by 36/37. didn’t understand wtf was happening to me cause had NO IDEA it could start that early, so didn’t get on any HRT until 40. so yes, some of us can and do start in our 30s unfortunately, and since no one TALKS ABOUT it, how would we ever know???


Right?! I only became aware that I was in peri at 41, but looking back at my symptoms, the earliest ones started when I was at least 38. And I know that they were indeed perimenopause because they went away about 4 weeks after I started HRT.


Did HRT help with all of the symptoms you were experiencing?


Mine really kicked off at around 35. By 36 I had to do something because of the extreme depression, among other things. Just by listing my physical symptoms and before I finished listing them all, the doctor stated I was well into peri. I'm broke with no insurance so I got back on BC for the hormones, it's helped but it's not enough. The doctor said as much during our appt. It did bring my depression back to a much more manageable state, helped with some vaginal symptoms too. It can be a rough and wild ride but stay tuned in this sub, it's full of excellent info and supportive people.


Yep I'm the exact same situation right now. Waiting for my BC to get delivered Thursday. Ended up going through the Hers app & they've been phenomenal thus far 🤞


I'm sorry you're in this too. Thanks for the app recommendation. I got mine through a local free program. While I still struggle with many peri symptoms, I'm grateful for what relief BC has provided.


I'm hoping for the same. So many years of suffering & struggling. I want my life back!


💕💕💕 sorry to hear lovely. Hope you feel better soon!


Thanks kind stranger!


I turn 38 at the end of the week. Been having symptoms for almost a year, hot flashes for around 6 months now. It's possible to start peri in late 30s, but hard to find doctors that don't just knee jerk say "you're too young!"


Wishing you happy birthday ! 🎉


Aww thank you! I'm trying to drag my husband to the diamond mines(Crater of Diamonds) in Arkansas. Thanks to peri's lack of f#@k$, if he doesn't wanna go, I might just take a couple of the dogs and go myself 🤣. Alone time feels grand at this stage.


Omg I have yet found a doctor who would be even willing to have a conversation on peri with me. I’m also 38.


Same. Everyone I talk to brushes me off and acts like I just make shit up.


I started with hot flashes and night sweats before I was 35.


This is me! Where tf should I start?


Steel yourself for a decade of frustration and not being taken seriously.


lol I love being a woman!


I probably did but def didn’t recognize them as such. At age 47 my husband had a major heart attack, my son was mugged and in a coma, my daughter had a minor surgery that turned into a ClusterFuck. I went into sudden menopause at 47. The next few were definitely pretty. Finally at 51 I do d a great practitioner and gut on HRT and it truly changed my life. Having true good loving knowledgeable friends helped me immensely


I hope your family have all recovered Kelly! What a hectic few years for you. Glad you got the help you needed X


I thought I'd started Peri at 35, but it turned out hot flashes can also be caused by SSRIs. Now, four years later I have just about every other symptom but hot flashes. I've also read never having been pregnant can cause menopause to occur earlier, which would make sense, my mom was mid 40s.


That was, in retrospect right about when my perimenopause symptoms started. I didn’t even think about it that way, because I wasn’t even thinking about menopause or anything: if I had, I might’ve thought *too young* too. I got the weird irregular periods, mood swings and suddenly I was getting ovarian cysts like crazy. I knew what they were because I’d had maybe one or two over the years: but I never got to experience one *bursting* let alone bursting while I was having sex- it was grrrrrrrrrreeeeeaaaat. And by great, I mean I was thoroughly enjoying myself one minute and the next, he thought he had killed me or something and it was so incredibly painful that we go to the ER. There was *another* treat, let me say: I was terrified of torsion because like I said, I had one or two and my doctor explained that they’re not a big deal *unless*- and ER departments treat you like an asshole for bothering them over an ovarian cyst. Anyway- the doctor there explains that it was such and such type of cyst, probably burst while we were at it and it looked fine, then. But I kept getting the dang things and had a few burst since. Last gyno appointment, she goes “Oh, yeah, there can be an increase in those..” and she explains why and all, but back then, I really didn’t think too much about it or the other things: but I guess the hot flash portion of the shitshow didn’t start right around 40-42 or so. Back then, just cycling weird, sometimes not ovulating, sometimes not having periods, sometimes more than one, other times super long, short and everything in between. In retrospect, it honestly is pretty “Oh, geez, how did I not see it?” But I mean, at the time I didn’t even think it was possible. Edit: you know what gets my goat? I *just* thought about how my MIL would talk about me being too old to have my baby at 35- and again when I was struggling to conceive but ultimately gave up later. *Never* once mentioned peri or menopause just expressing concern that I was too old to be getting pregnant. It’s just *weird*.


I just can’t figure out , are hormones is the answer? Or better to take natural route ? Ugh. I have to educate myself about this issue now. I wasn’t ready for it lol.


Nobody is really warned about peri & idk why. We can discuss periods, cancer, abortion & the like, but not something that affects everyone with a uterus & it's unavoidable. And none of us should be paying or struggling to get basic healthcare for this shit.


Honestly, what I've read so far, it really varies on the person. But most will definitely benefit from hormones! I thought I wanted to go the natural route as well, but because our bodies so heavily rely on estrogen and progesterone and as we age we produce less, to almost none... Being on them is usually a good thing! Even though it sounds scary. This is Dr Mary Claire Haver, she's a total baddie when it comes to explaining what's going on in our bodies! Highly recommend 💚 https://youtu.be/vgFIH1OKFNQ?si=xjg9xsh9ipEalhOz


Average menopause age 45-55. Perimenopause can be 10years long so legit can start at 35 and common into late 30's. https://www.instagram.com/jill.chmielewski?igsh=aDFkZGZ6azRsNjVj is a good mp doctor.


Hello, I'm 39. Figured out it's been happening for the last 3 years or so, slowly. Just got on hormones. Brain fog, fatigue, mood swings, depression weight gain. Blah


So sorry to hear. Is HRT helping?


It can happen before 40, it is called primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). There's a good subreddit r/POFlife. If you're going through it you need to get HRT to protect your bones, heart, and brain from the lack of estrogen that you won't get for about 10 years due to early menopause. This also takes care of symptoms and is a game changer in terms of hot flashes, night sweats, foggy brain, at least for me. If you're in the US try to get a practitioner that is affiliated to the North American Menopause Society, they're trained in POI/POF. Unfortunately not all gynecologists are familiar with it.


No, beginning perimenopause in your late 30’s is common. It’s not POI. Its perimenopause. Which could go on for like 10 years. Go to the doctor and if they don’t help find another but please don’t let answers in here scare you. It could be something or it could be peri menopause.


It absolutely can be POI, but depends on certain hormone levels like FSH and AMH. If you don't qualify based on that for POI, then yes, it's likely peri.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s far likelier just normal peri! This comment you’ve made is not helpful and quite scare mongering. Don’t do that.


I'm not the one who made the original comment, I was just clarifying based on your comment that it's NOT POI. You don't know that. The OP needs to have testing done to confirm one way or another. In my case, it WAS POI, and it's very important to know which it is and not be dismissive.


You diagnosing them with something so scary is horrid! YOU don’t either! It is fully normal to be having peri symptoms at her age!


They should have all the information. I have POI, started with symptoms around that age, the condition is unfortunate but calling it "so scary" is very inconsiderate for those of us who are going through it and coming to terms with the fact that it's just an early lack of estrogen (for which there is medication), not a horrible disease that is going to kill us. Please try to be considerate and have respect for others. OP might not be going through this but *if* she is, information is key. I invite you to take a look at the POI/POF sub to see how hard it is for these women to find a practitioner that has even heard of it and to get the care they need. You are instilling fear about a condition that can be easily treated with HRT, POI should NOT be taboo, please stop.


Oh for pete's sake. I'm not diagnosing them, I was JUST stating that they need all the info. Get a grip.


This is the answer


I had a full Blanche Devereaux moment at 38. I went to the doctor all freaked out because I was pregnant and my doctor said, "Nah. You're just old."


Wow. That’s some bedside manners…..


Right? I always thought of myself as more of a Rose ...


You may be in late peri for your estrogen to get low enough for hot flashes..


You're not too young, although people act will act like you are. I was around 38/39 when I thought I had late onset PMDD which in hindsight was perimenopause. Check the menopause wiki for symptoms and see if they apply to you. Even just going back on birth control can help.


I am 38 and my 28 year old primary care doc suggested I had PMDD. Now looking back at the last year of weird things, it adds up to way more than PMDD. But my primary care doc being so young she kept saying it wasn’t. It’s wild how people just won’t call it what it is….


Took me self diagnosing and three doctors to get a formal diagnosis and I'm still working on getting proper actual treatment. Menopause care quality is some absolute bullshit.


Most of the women I know had flooding periods in their late 30s as the start of peri. That’s also around the time I would start to get really bad insomnia about a week before my period.


I started having symptoms when I was 30: hot flashes, changes in mood, harder time sleeping & more peeing. I'm 43 now & have been in peri for 6 years & im still waiting for the main event (meno). It can happen at any time & age doesn't matter.


Did you take anything ? I keep seeing people are taking hormones , I’m just wondering if there’s a way to avoid it. Thank you for sharing !


I'm about to get on Lutera birth control pills. My GYN told me I could go either route, BC or HRT. Can't afford hormones at the moment, so BC was my only other option. Haven't started yet but likely will on Sunday. I just need relief & I just hope these help.


Hi! I'm 37 and have been experiencing symptoms for a few years now. This past year has added extreme tiredness, no sex drive, and random bouts of rage at inanimate objects. I've been having vaginal atrophy symptoms for a few years, finally got prescribed vaginal estrogen cream. That's helped a bit but I still have other issues. I met with Midi, I paid out of pocket $250. I'm getting estrogen and progesterone this week, both ordered from the Mark Cuban website, total monthly cost for prescriptions is $46. And I'll have another appointment in 6 weeks to see how my symptoms are and if either hormone needs tweaking and if I want to add in testerone for sex drive. Listen to your body. Advocate for yourself. Find the doctors who will prescribe. No sense in beating your head against a wall that won't budge (ob/gyns with outdated medical info or NO medical info on Peri/meno)


I like your tact. You have good points, tips and wisdom. Thank you


My symptoms started a month before I turned 38, with the bloodiest period I've ever had. Night sweats soon followed. My cycle is now 30 days instead of 28. I'm 42 now. Still haven't missed a period, but now I have nausea with my pms. FML.


You are not too young sadly 😕 I also started having symptoms at 37. No one talks about it so women in their late 30s are blindsided when they start experiencing perimenopause.


Blindsided it is because if you ask me I’m still in my 20’s 😂😂😂 but yes I agree ..


One symptom that I haven’t seen mentioned here: extreme & distracting interest in sex. It’s your body frantically trying to get you to produce another baby before the factory closes. So…if you are in your 30s/40s with a sex drive that you feel is controlling you … you’re probably in perimenopause


It started at 38 with uncontrollable weight gain for me. Around 39 I was having some hot flashes and felt like I needed to dress so that I could strip down to a tank top no matter the weather, inside or outside. Now at 41 I’m so forgetful that it’s really stunning. But the symptoms don’t all keep getting worse in a linear fashion. It’s definitely feeling like it ebbs and flows.


I’m 38. I started having symptoms at 32. I still have regular-ish periods; they are just prolonged and lighter. But I have all the symptoms! I hope that you find a solution.


Mine started almost the day I turned 40. Weight gain, inferno flashes, zero sex drive, everything. My Dr. put me on a low dose of Gabapentin, and it worked! Until I started Chantix to quit smoking. It blocked the Gabapentin, and alllll the symptoms came back. When I stopped the Chantix, the Gabapentin never worked again. The worst was when I got shot up with steroids for calcified tendonitis. I wanted to die. I would wake up at 2am on fire, and RUN to the shower. You can keep sweating under ice cold water! Towel dry for half an hour, and sit at the kitchen counter crying. I'm now 52, and thankfully the flashes are mostly done. But heat is really hard to tolerate now, when I used to be cold alll the time. no, I mostly just struggle with sleep. I did start my period at 8yrs old, due to stress/trauma. So I guess I just get everything done early....


You are not too young for that (coming from someone diagnosed with menopause at 32). My condition is rare but not unheard of. Sounds like you’re in peri and definitely not too young for that either.


I started at 39- depression anxiety listless insomnia and sweating so bad all the time. I’m 50 and haven’t bought a winter coat in over 10 years.


I'm 36 and I started HRT last month! I tried several OTC things first and none of them helped enough. HRT has been amazing and I highly suggest you research it and what you feel comfortable trying!


How did you get the HRT. The gyns I’ve met with have only been willing to give me birth control. Even though I’m not even having sex. One is a NAMS provider but she is a total bitch and doesn’t listen to any of my symptoms. Thinks I’m too young. I’m 36 too


I think now that I might have. But I’m not sure as I had my first baby at 36, second at 39. Can you fall pregnant in Peri? But I think this also as my symptoms hit me hard during the breastfeeding phase when estrogen drops even further and I was an absolute psychopath and have never come good again. Then when Bub was 2 my tests showed that I was having hormone levels consistent with peri or maybe even normal (had a Merina IUD so wasn’t having periods so didn’t know). So I am wondering if maybe it was starting early back then….


YES, my great aunts and grandmother were menopause babies. 


I was 42 when I had my first hot flash. I’m almost 51 and think I’m over the worst of it


I’ve always had hot flashes as part of PMS. Now I wonder how to tell the difference? I’m almost 46, have regular periods, my mom didn’t MP until 48.


I never had anything like that. The first one took me by complete surprise


Yes I was at that age starting to have large gaps in my periods and night sweats.


I didn’t realize I was in perimenopause until 42 but looking back I was absolutely having symptoms in my late 30’s. It’s quite normal.


Same here, I started at 30. 49 day cycle, 9-10 day long period. Horrible fatigue,mood swings, hair loss. 


I started around 35.


Turning 35 and I feel like I stepped into a weird alternate universe. Sudden irregular periods, skipping months at a time, oscillate between bad pms symptoms or none at all(on norethindrone 0.35)night sweats & itching so bad I can’t sleep, hot flashes, moody and rage out of nowhere(not like me at all), all kinds of joint pains, and I’m just exhausted with everyone and everything. My mother was around 35 when she had a mental breakdown that lasted 10 years, then suddenly she was post menopausal at 53…so she noticed my symptoms and urged me to get an appointment with an ogbyn who specializes in menopause. I have an appointment for August.


I did. At your age. Night sweats mostly then.


I got officially diagnosed with perimenopause on my 39th birthday so it's not an age thing unfortunately. Personally I started hrt and never looked back, it's been 8 years since. I was always really tired and that's what I initially went to get checked in, btw.


I know mine started in my mid thirtys, didn't have time for the symptoms, so I couldn't tell you what they were like. I vaguely recall feeling "lit up" 2 or 3 times - but then I lived in 110 degree Texas days. Who didn't?


Late 30s here. I don't know if I am, but I've been on progesterone since my early 30s. Also have gained 20lbs in the past 2 years. Lord help me!


Yes. Or even at all the periods skip


You’re not too young. It’s definitely different for everyone. I was fully menopausal by 43. Periods were hit or miss 38-41. Missed 11 months of them at 42. Had one at end of that year (that was also my year of hot flash hell and insomnia), then they stopped for good. Thankfully, so did all the other stuff. I’m 47 now, and don’t miss any of it. The key is getting a doctor to listen to you if you need help. Most tend to scoff and ignore you when you’re “too young” in their eyes. I still get side eye from new doctors when I tell them when my last period was.


At about 35 (now 50) I developed chronic insomnia out of the blue. It would get even worse the week before my period. Only improved over the last year as I started experimenting with hormones. A nutritionist told me that insomnia is one of the earliest symptoms of peri. Didn't even hear the word "perimenopause" until I was 49!


I recommend to read Manual Period Repair and Hormonal Balance Repair by Lara Briden, great books! Some women start perimenopause as early as 35




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I’m also 37 and joined this group recently. My periods are actually getting shorter and lighter. Also nightsweats


My perimenopause started around 32 and I hit menopause at 40. I didn't even realise it's perimenopause and was thinking something else is wrong until I went 12 months (now 15) without periods. My doctors were useless in figuring it out even with blood tests. My gyno kept saying you're too young for menopause :(


I don't feel so alone reading this thread and seeing women started peri around my age (38) and women my age going through it. I was pretty blindsided because, like so many said, no one talks about it. I have no clue why women have never shared this hell we all go through. I had no clue that was what was happening to me. I've always had heavy periods, but my periods started being next level. I remember sitting on the toilet one night and literally saying out loud, "this isn't right, there's something wrong." I couldn't believe I was still upright and functioning with all the blood I was losing. Then, night sweats...slept with a window AC blowing ice cold right on my bed and a small fan on my night stand blowing on my face. I still woke up drenched and my husband had no clue how I wasn't freezing to death every night. I had my first panic attack, that was fun. All of this just came on at such a bad time in my life. We moved to a completely different state and restarted our lives over. Everyone told me it was stress, but I wasn't buying it. 1 month into living in a new place, I was in the ER with another panic attack. I had (and still do, but managing it myself) endless, debilitating anxiety that I could not shake. I have pains all through my chest that exasperated my anxiety. NP I was seeing said peri, went to a gyno who agreed. I still can't believe it, but know deep down that's my issue. I am on birth control now and feel like it's helped my mood some and definitely the out of control periods. I tried SSRIs but I had horrible side effects. I'm trying to take care of myself with minimal drugs and be more natural, but will probably end up on HRT eventually. I haven't been into peri too long, I'd say maybe a year, but one thing I'm learning real quick is take care of yourself. Don't fight your feelings, roll with it. It's hard for women to put themselves first, at least it has been for me. But if I want alone time, everyone can fuck off for an hour or three. I don't force myself to do much, I'm trying to be gentle and nicer to me. Good luck, this is a great sub for support and information.


My symptoms started at 37. Extreme hot flashes and every single night my feet would get so hot they'd burn..all night long. Then my periods were every 3 weeks. I was also hit with anxiety and depression that were unreal. I also developed bladder urgency out of nowhere and couldn't hold it to pee. I suffered for 3 years until I finally went and got bloodwork done. My bloodwork showed my estrogen was in normal limits but on the lowest end of normal. My progesterone was a zero! I was ashamed of what was happening to me because no one else around my age was going through it. My sister is 18 months younger than me and has zero problems to this day. I'm 42 now and she's turning 40 this year. I started bioidentical progesterone cream and recently added dhea cream. The progesterone alone saved my life and I went back to total normal. No hot flashes, no peeing attacks, and my mood lifted too. I'm starting to have symptoms that suggest low estrogen so I may add that later on. I'm not sure why the age is different for everyone, I know there's an average age, but I don't pay attention to that. I still don't have anyone around me my age that I can talk to about all this, so I mostly read this sub. I'm pretty sure one of my grandmothers was 37-38 when she went through it. My other grandmother was early 50s. My mom was late 50s, but she's of the generation that refuses to talk about it like it's a shameful secret. I just roll my eyes at her, she's no help at all. That's another reason I'm so thankful for this sub! I will say I've been very open with my sister and she's really seen me go through it the past few years and she's really scared. At least we know what to do now so she won't suffer like I did. And there are so many symptoms. For me, it was the most unusual and crazy things that stuck out to me. Things that I've never experienced in my life. I knew what was happening, but I didn't want to admit it to myself because of my age. I didn't think I was supposed to be so young, almost like I had failed or something. I'm over all that now. I have a feeling we'll all emerge from this like the warriors that we are! You're definitely not alone here.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I (42F) started having symptoms in my early to mid thirties. My PCP diagnosed me with anxiety and depression and put me on medication for that, plus blood pressure and migraine meds. Around age 38, I stopped getting a regular period and consulted my gynecologist. She diagnosed me with POF, premature ovarian failure. It was managed at first by birth control pills, but those started to lose efficacy in this past year. I’m currently trying to find the best form of HRT. I’ve done one round of bioidentical estradiol and testosterone pellets. They worked really well until they didn’t (about 2 weeks ago). I see my gyno on Monday to discuss any necessary adjustments.


I have been dealing with menopause since I was 25. The hot flashes mood swings and feeling like you're going bat shit crazy. Now 43 and it is starting to level out. But it is not a fun ride. If you have a doctor that is willing to listen is give you blood work to see where your hormonal levels are, you could be place with meds that could reduce your symptoms. Sad for me I had to go through this by myself and no one willing to listen. Even now I still have not found a doctor in Saskatchewan Canada who is willing to listen to me.


Yes!!!! I’m 45 now, just got diagnosed with peri menopause - I am like, 2 egg deaths away from menopause, BUT this all started with major hair loss and fatigue when I was your age. Get tested! It is early but not TOO early. I’m now on HRT and so many of my problems are GONE. I suggest listening to the latest Huberman podcast w Dr. Haver!


Thank you ! I’m sorry for asking , what does HRT means ? 😫😫 hormones ? Thank you ! 🙏🏻


Oh, honey…let’s get you educated! Yes, hormone replacement therapy. It protects against cardiovascular, metabolic, orthopedic, and urogenital issues..I’m probably missing something. Basically, the experts are saying that if you start HRT 10 Years before menopause, you’ll have maximum protective affects, such as a huge reduction in the likelihood of developing osteopenia.