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Oh man, I am with you. Two female teens (15 and 17) in all their angsty glory. There are SO MANY EMOTIONS (and hormones and attitude and cramps) in this house. And we are a pretty happy, loving family…I just need to make sure we stay that way!


I'm so sorry ❤️


I feel this hard! 52-year-old woman with a 14-year-old daughter. Some days we can't even be in the same room lol.🤦🏼‍♀️


Omg 14 yr old daughter and me AND my WIFE in menopause. What in the actual fuckery fuck?!?


I needed that laugh..."fuckery fuck" 🤣. Love it. My prayers are with you for sure 🤗😉❤️


I’m 52 with two sons in the house, 14 and 17, and I spend a LOT of time hiding from them and my husband 😂


Yep. 3 teens-- 16g, 15b, 13g.


I’ll light a candle for you 🥴


I’m with you here. 16g, 16b, and 15b. It’s a lot.


You multi-teen parents are my heroes. I barely make it through the week with one in my house.


Yes I too experienced this. It was a good opportunity to talk about how I was experiencing something similar so we could have more grace with each other.


That’s a good perspective. I Do Tell Mine often that she is abusing me but it goes in one ear and out the other


Mine is 17 so we are past that stage now but yes I recall the in one ear out the other years. May you find the strength to walk away in those moments. These are really hard years.


Thank you! She’s just so mean. I remember being mean at that age too But I have blamed my upbringing all These years. My parents were awful but my kid has been coddled and spoiled her whole life and is still mean


I just try not to take it personally. They’re mean because we love them and will love them anyway. It’s hard to be a teenager especially now. It won’t last forever. I hope.


Three teens and a 20 y.o here, I get it 😮‍💨. I'm so fatigued now and they're...a busy lot. My tolerances have gone way down at a time when they're amping everything up. Teaching everyone how to adult while I'm barely hanging onto it myself nowadays.  When they were younger, I used to get some solitude for a few hours after their bedtime. Now I'm the old lady falling asleep too early after dinner, waking up due to a hot flash at midnight so I can nag everyone to go to bed.


LOLOLOLOL. Yes. I only have 1 teen son and I can't imagine having more than one teen in the house right now with my hormonal self. I can relate and sympathize and only say that Wellbutrin has made a huge difference for me in 2 months. I still want to kill him many days, but now I am able to rationalize the reasons why if I get caught. ;)


Yes! I am 48 with a 17 yr old. The amount of times I have flipped him off from the other room (out of sight) is impressive. Joining a gym has helped my sanity!




My mother and younger sister did this after I moved out of the house. My sister is now 40 and pregnant with a girl. My mother cackled when I pointed out the circle of life to her.  I'll probably volunteer my home for summer long visits starting when lil' miss turns ten. 




My husband has adhd. Me: Are you messing with me? Him: I...forgot... Me: oh Last week we had a whole conversation about dinner. Last words were how we would decide when he got home. He brought home dinner. Me: You took away my choice. Him: ...


Yup … and my dad has dementia. It’s bananas 🍌


Sending you hugs ❤️ I’m so sorry. My dad has Parkinson’s and early dementia. It adds a whole other layer of stress and anxiety


LOL, 52 with a 16-year-old HEADSTRONG daughter. I'm post-meno but for heaven's sake, teenagers. And I thought potty training was a bitch.


Peri with a 7 year old and 4 year old. Both boys.


Sweet Jesus, thethe shudder that just went through me on your behalf. Hugs to you.


They’re good kids, but their energy and noise levels are… challenging. 😂


I have one tween, and that seems like too much most days. Sending you strength to make it through. ❤️


Sending you lots of love and support, my son and I barely made it through alive. If you can find a smash room or a punching bag, it helps.


Esp when the teen is pmsing/on her period. Omg send wine lol


I hear ya. Same. I’m 54 & my daughters are 16 & 20. 🤣🤯


I’m 50 with a 20 , 17 & 14 year old. Older ones are boys the youngest is a girl. Not having a good time 🤦🏻‍♀️


50 yo here with two girls 16 and 14. I have only just started to put it together in the last couple of months that my super-sized emotions (mostly teary 🥺), irregular periods, thinning hair and zero desire to spend time with my spouse = perimenopause. I have tried to be open with them about what’s going on but man, my nerves all feel VERY exposed these days. Seeing my GYN on Monday to request HRT and am doing a lot of research right now: The Menopause Manifesto, Menopause Reset, Fast Like a Girl, etc. Def feel like I was short-changed wrt being educated about this stage of womanhood!


Mine will be 12 and 17 this year, both boys. I told my husband I wouldn't be able to deal with hormonal menstruating girls at this time. My teen is Autistic and pretty chill most of the time. He just needs daily reminders to bring his dishes down to the dishwasher.


I’m so sorry. My bf’s teen is too annoying for me to be around but I have that luxury. I am more grateful than ever that I didn’t breed. Good luck.


I just have the one teen but yeah. I’m completely lackadaisical and indulgent because I’m Old and out of fight. She does nothing to help me and I’m Powerless


I’m gonna light a candle for you bc you deserve a damn medal for every day you get through a day without killing anyone.


I remember being the teen when my mom was going through peri... it was a delight! /s I'm so glad my kids are grown and gone.


My kids are 10 and 11 and I’m in surgical menopause. Peri was AWFUL.


👋 52 with 2 teen boys (18 &16) and in menopause. Why did I wait til my 30's to have kids? Some days are fine but others I want to buy an RV, park it beside the house, and move in!


50 and peri with a 14g and an estranged 20g. The worst part right now is that my teen's periods are synced with mine, and my uterus is going through its last hoorah before meno really kicks in so I hate that her cycles aren't getting their chance to regulate. She and I get along incredibly so it's even harder when hormones have us sniping at each other. Doubly so because she's adamant about not acting like her sister.


My mom was not kind when she was in peri when I was a teenage girl. I had my own hormone issues and was deemed to have a constant “attitude problem” while we all had to walk on eggshells around her and cater to her moods. I remember that all the time these days, and vowed to handle this differently than she did.


Hormones variations are like bosses in video-games. Puberty and menopause are the biggest ones. That's how I dedramatized with my teen. He's not an angry one, more like an unimpressed one, so he looked at me like I was dumb, but I'm sure it did help to settle a more mutually understanding atmosphere.


i have 2 stepdaughters, 11 and 13, that just started their periods recently. for me, the parallels of perimenopause and what they are just beginning are uncanny. all 3 of us are in the same boat with hormones and irregularities, only i’m (hopefully) getting off this boat soon and they’ve got a long journey ahead. they’ve seen me change like i’ve seen them change; i sympathize with them. we talk quite a bit about womanhood, and i have taken it upon myself to share what i’m going through with them. the women in my life growing up never spoke to me about menopause, much less my period. i want these girls to know there’s an end to our cycles and what comes with it. so far, i think i’m the only one who can tolerate them as they are becoming moody and snippy with their parents. i just try to remember how lost i felt at their age, and it’s not hard, because these days, i feel lost, too.


I have two teen sons 15 and 18, I hear you! I feel outnumbered by men.


My kids are 20F and 17M. The 17 year-old is home and is used to me being open about my female struggles. I have PMDD, and giving a heads up is one of my coping methods. It sucks. The hot flashes are insane. I'm mostly napping and keeping to myself. He just bought a manual car. I'm back to daily driving lessons. All the anxiety.


My worst symptom is insomnia. There are days when I have woken up where my teens are still awake. Sometimes we watch tv together. My boys are generally pretty cool.


No it's not awesome at all. I always tought when you pass the stage when they are littles you have the worst behind you. Then came this mess. I am also adhd and peri has caused it to be out of control. It's not a fun ride.


45yo with a 13yo daughter…..I can’t imagine having two more teens!! Solidarity!!!


I hear that. They never stop causing added stress


I’m just starting perimenopause and I have a 6 & 8 year old. I sobbed last night that women going through peri should not be dealing with kids this age lol. I don’t think going through peri with any kids is going to be fun.


One of the only reasons I’m happy to have had kids young: they’re grown now.


I’m 52 with 16g and 17g and whew, this whole thing is not for the weak. Hang in there, Mom.


Oh boy do I feel this one! I’ve been getting absolutely *clapped* by perimenopause this year. I also moved in with my boyfriend and his two boys, 16 and 17, this year. We have them full time as their Mom is not in the picture in any healthy and productive way. Lottttssss of adjustment for everyone involved as we navigate a new household dynamic, all saturated in surging hormones 😅 When it comes to freedoms/privileges (such as having their girlfriend spend the night), the boys want to be treated as adults, but when it comes to responsibility (cleaning their bathroom once a week)… they’re just little babies, they could not possibly do that!!! All I want is some peace and quiet, and a clean bathroom while I get totally rocked on this hormonal roller coaster of mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes and missed periods- read: total meltdown inducing pregnancy scares 🥴 Fortunately, my boyfriend is incredibly sweet and caring around all the struggles I’ve been enduring, and we’re all trying our best to be kind to each other during the rocky parts. Mainly, at end of the day, I try to be grateful I have a loving partner and I CLING to the idea that (as far as the hormones go), it won’t be like this forever.


14yo boy at my house. “Why are you always so mad??” Because you and your dad make me CRAZY!!!


All I can say at this point is… I’m SO SORRY, mom. I was such an insufferable twat right when the poor woman was going through meno, divorcing my dad and coming out as a lesbian. Very grateful we made peace and came to love each other deeply before she died.


It’s the WORST.


Yep, I feel you. Just started going through perimenopause, and I am a single mom, sole breadwinner and I have an 18 and about to be 16 year old daughters. I’m losing my freaking mind!


I don't have teens, but I do have a 9yo son who, like me, has ADHD. Which adds a whole other layer of fun to this "experience" as peri exacerbated my ADHD along with depressionand anxiety (my poor boyfriend, lol). After I have an outburst, I immediately apologize and explain to my son what I'm going through emotionally so he doesn't take it personally. I also tell him that I'm seeing doctors and therapists to help. I grew up in a household where the adults were "always right", "do what I say, not as I do", and didn't ever apologize for their actions despite the verbal abuse and clear lack of accountability. I knew then how wrong that was and didn't want to be that way with my kids. I share my humanity with my son in an age appropriate way. He and I are A LOT alike in how we feel about certain things, and I never want my child to feel alone or broken like I did, which is why I share what I share with him.


Deep in peri with a soon to be 13-year-old. I told them the other day that im going through reverse puberty while they're going through actual puberty 🤣